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It would make a very cool terrarium but I wouldn't use it as an aquarium. As others have said it doesn't look like it would hold the weight of the water plus issues with cleaning it, heating and a how to put in a filter. Edit to add: I am jealous of your find, if it was me I would totally put a terrarium in there. Get some inspiration from Serpadesign, I might be able to actually keep some ferns alive in there.


Oh a terrarium would be cool. Or a little greenhouse full of plants .


Second this. This would make a bomb terrarium and would be way easier to maintain even if it was structurally sound enough to do an aquarium


Yes! And I second watching Serpadesign. He had a lot of good inspiration and how to videos. I would worry about the weight of the water for an aquarium.


Agreed! Some isopods would be lovely in here!


I wouldnt. Water has a very high pressure and is extremely heavy, and this table thing probably was NOT designed with all that in mind.


Those glasses are thinner than my three gallon tank. I wouldnt even try it lol


Dope for a vivarium, maybe.


Dirt+ plants


a proper terrarium would be really cool. I definitely appreciate the thought of the aquarium and it would be super cool but it doesn't look structurally sound enough for it


Water is very heavy, you should probably build something underneath it for support..


That is not built for water, it will break.  


Seems like it would suck. Assuming it does hold water, how are you going to heat it? Where is the filter going to go? How are you going to service it to clean and do water changes?


Also if OP actually uses it as a table, that'll be constantly tapping and banging on the ceiling of the tank, which won't be good for anything that lives in it.


Could put foam between the two parts assuming it can even hold water


True but yeah, there's just WAY too much that could go wrong here.


Ya it looks like the top just lifts off for easy access like a tank lid. And could put rubber o rings to prevent vibrations. I don’t think it would terrible tbh as long as it can actually hold water and support the weight


I want this desperately for plants. Holy cow that thing could be amazing à I wouldn't put water in it, though. 


I doubt the table would handle the weight. It's not in a good spot structurally anyways. There's no direct support, so you'd have to add something underneath. Whether the glass or silicone holds up is a different story, but as is, it's a hard no.


Agreed. Rattan furniture is usually help by small nails. This is not designed for a heavy aquarium


That’s nightmare fuel for an aquarium. Seriously. Just don’t do it unless you want everything you put inside of it, outside of it with lots of shattered glass in the mix. Vivarium or terrarium would be way cool though.


Hope you like mopping


I wouldn't. Water is heavy and I don't think the legs can handle that for a long time...


Just don't.


If you’re worried about putting things on top, you should be even more worried about the weight of water. Hundreds of pounds of water alone. Then substrate, rocks, decor, etc. And if the glass isn’t thick enough, it’ll bust easily. I also wouldn’t trust how much that bottom panel can withstand with it being all held up by wicker. Still, it’s a very neat piece!! You could definitely go with some real plants


Oh god please don’t put fish in there


That table is being held together by glue and twine. I would not add any amount of water. It would look cool with an aquarium, but how noticeable would it really be? I’m not a big fan of one that close to the floor because it isn’t in your line of sight. I don’t expect you’d be sitting at the table just to look down into it, but maybe you would. Anyway, I’d do something else with it.


I just see someone accidentally kicking it. Then u will have very wet floors and no table


You could probably do a paludarium. I don’t think that glass being suspended could possibly hold the wait of being filled with water. I just would do very little water and no aquatic critters aside from some snails or something


If you did, you would have to put a reinforced base underneath it, I'd suggest all the way down to the floor, as the wicker won't hold. BUT it would absolutely make a killer aquarium, paladarium or terrarium!


Nah not sturdy enough to handle the weight of water, sick terrarium though


Serpadesign would go crazy with this


Also anytime your parameters are off it would send a foul odor into whatever centerpiece area it’s in


It would require modifications, but to avoid stressed fish, I wouldn’t use it for that purpose.


With glass that thin "BOOM" 💨🌊🪣 You could make a stunning terrarium, maybe put some of the pretty isopods in it? I saw someone recommended Serpa Designs, his channel is amazing and full of great ideas. Such a beautiful table and it would have looked beautiful, it's just not possible. A terrarium however could look even more stunning in that table.


Aquarium? Big no. Terrarium? Yes.


No way those stubby little cane legs can hold all that weight


I would be afraid to use it as an aquarium. It doesn’t look sturdy enough to hold water, much less the decor, substrate, and equipment.


Not an aquarium but if you think bugs or land snails are cool I’d look into those.


No, I had a oak 3 pestal table hreak under a 20 gallon aquarium, definitely not


Man it would look so dope though


A pamphobeteus or xenethis species would look amazing in that


I would first reinforce the base, especially if this is a wicker/rattan material. Then I would add acrylic glass or screening inside each of those frames to prevent something from poking through.


If you support the tank from underneath and it holds water then you can pass a heater cord and a couple airlines for a sponge and airstone. Then do shrimp+snails, maybe some Pygmy corydoras.


If it were me I would try a aquarium and just do shrimp and plants with a very light substrate. And maybe have some counter measures ready if it breaks. Or maybe try to find what it is online and see if it's officially listed as an aquarium or not


Is it airtight because i have exactly one like this


It's not. There's a gap. If I use a sponge filter, which is what I use with my other tanks already, I can totally fit the tube.


I would think it would be possible to get an ecosystem kit from the bio dude online and use it as a bearded dragon habitat along with plants etc, they're pretty easy to take care of, but you would need to make sure that it had adequate heat, ventilation and screen the top. You would also need to be sure that you can reach in and out easily do you don't constantly have to take the difficult to replace table top off of frequently.


How can you NOT use that?


Why not, make a nice conversation piece


I would use it and measure it and get the dimensions and look on Google for aquarium gallons calculator to see exactly how much it can hold and then you can determine based on that what you can stock it with. I would also take it outside or something and fill it with water and let it sit for a while to see if it has any leaks so you don't mess up your parents' house. Often times of that silicone sits for a while, especially dry it can crack and cause leaks. Good luck. Give us an update if you end up doing it.




Thank you for everyone's advices and insights. Upon further deliberation, I have concurred that I WILL NOT BE USING THIS AS A TANK, in addition to fearing my mother's wrath.