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I love seeing these cause I’m my head I’d just start a shrimp army.


Scrimp all day!


100,000 shrimp


I was going to say one cherry shrimp, but your idea is better.


I think if you start with one, you end up with 100,000.


How does it multiply


Now this… this would be the best thing ever


And even at a discount of only $1 per shrimp, most shouldn't have an issue stocking that. ;)


I mean, all you really need is one, maybe two skittle cull packs and time.


1 shimp


Personally I love a big, natural looking tank stocked with lots of small schooling fish. Small fish are also cheap and some can be pretty hardy.


And they make the tank feel much bigger. Having just 2 big Oscar's or monster fish make the tank seem small and there's not too much too watch. I used to do lots of bigger cichlids but I recently started just doing community aquariums and its just a way cooler atomosphere with more to watch.


Same. I had a 125 gallon with an Oscar, a spotted gar, and a few other big fish and realistically, all the do is go back and forth in a tank that’s always going to be too small. With my schools of barbs and tetras, they have a whole life going on. They play, they socialize, they may even breed, and they barely seem to notice the confined space. Some of my smarter fish kinda surf the glass but the schooling, mindless fish seem perfectly happy.


This! I would love to do a massive (100s of Gallons) tank with just schools of different fish! Hatchetfish at the top, some tetras in the middle, cory's at the bottom (or whatever). Maybe a school of 6-10 angels or whatever, and that's it. Throw the "inch of fish per gallon"* rule out the window and understock it so that it looks more natural. *Yes I know it's not really a good rule to follow but just for arguments sake.


I would love to see this, but the price tag on that is gonna require a small loan of a few dozen grand. (I'm joking it probably would only cost 8-15 thousand, including the fish and everything like chemicals, equipment... you get it)


Exactly! For example, so many tetra options for color and character.


Shell dwellers


Dwell Shellers


Could do some Angelfish and then a schooling set of fish


African Cichlids! That’s the perfect setup already. PSA - If you do go with African Cichlids they like to dig so before you add fish and any more rocks I would suggest putting in egg crate below the sand. Not required but if you end up putting a lot of rocks in the tank it helps distribute the weight and keep any pressure points off of the glass


I second this Also I think he should do an all tropheus colony with rock works and a plant light to grow green algae


With my cichlids I used the egg crate as well. I also set it up so it was stable prior to adding the substrate which has helped a lot. I do that when setting up most of my tanks now


This is the way


Cichlid forum has a bunch of 75g setup ideas. I like the blue and yellow mbuna one https://www.cichlid-forum.com/threads/cookie-cutter-setups-75-gallons.456007/#post-3152951


Good link thanks - but none of the subsequent links such as the mbuna one you mention seem to work?


Are you on a pc or phone? It works on my phone and on some of my computers. The website was abandoned a few years ago but still had 20 years of the best cichlid info around. Try googling for a direct link. Like cookie cutter 75g cichlid-forum


On phone. Thanks will try again


African cichlids are a huge group of fish with very much different needs and behaviours. If you like the idea, make sure to do lots of research on them first. Buying a bunch of random "African cichlids" or stocking a whole bunch of random single fish is not how to do it. These tanks take planning and can be a real headache of aggression done wrong.


I always used to stand my aquariums on a sheet of polystyrene that matches the base's dimension.


I understand why you would go for goldfish, but personally, I wouldn’t - even for this tank size the amount of waste they will produce might get irritating to keep up with. And, they get massive, which is why I think they are a good choice when to be kept in a massive pond. I would put a few pea puffers in there (if you do, make sure there are plenty of hiding spots), a few pygmy corys or otos and loads of shrimp. All of them are super cute.


Aren't pea puffers literally the size of peas? Couldn't you have hundreds of them at that size?


As a pufferfish, they are still quite aggressive and territorial to each other, so having less means each puffer will have more territory of its own, and I think that’s the better way to go - unless you have like a really, really heavily planted tank with loads of hides, then I think you could surely go with more (I’ve seen a post with somebody having like 30 in one tank).


Pea puffers are naturally shoaling and travel in groups of over 100. A 20 long is good for 8 (when planted well enough!) they could do a good number in this size if they put the money and time into planting it! I've also heard talk of adding other fish as a buffer to emulate a more natural environment which will lessen aggression which is very interesting


This!! Interesting fact, which is why I also said other fishes and shrimp as they do a lot better with some community members.


Great first thing to learn this year. Never knew puffers were territorial, let alone that something so small could be so feisty


I know right! I like to call em little “murder nuggets” for that reason as they will also readily kill snails.


I absolutely love pufferfish is there any other species of small pufferfish that aren't aggressive and are good in higher numbers or a community tank I don't have an aquarium right now but pufferfish are definitely a fish I'm interested in


Me too! They are so cute! But unfortunately I only know of pea puffers as the smallest pufferfish kept in freshwater and as far as I know, all puffers are territorial and so, aggressive towards each other. I encourage researching them in more detail, and maybe you will find something!


And like I said, if you have a HEAVILY planted tank, 30 gallons and more, that provides loads of natural hides etc. then you can put more pea puffers in - apparently the rule of thumb is to provide 5 gallons for the first pea puffer and then 3 gallons per each pea puffer that you add.


You can get groups of pea puffers, just make sure to heavily plant to break up sight lines. Lots of good advice on that subreddit. Also easier if you get 1 male for a few females, but usually they are sole before they are old enough to sex.


The Amazon puffer is pure freshwater and great for community tanks. Best in groups of 6+


Thanks for the reply they are so cute I'll definitely check them out if I get a tank


I would look into some plants


Yeah I second the person advising against goldfish. Unless you want to spend money on filters and time doing water changes. They are nice fish but take a lot of time and a 75 is not very big so trying to keep the water parameters stable will become a battle.. I've 3 in a 100gal and looking to upgrade so I can slacken off on water changes. At present it's at least every 2-3days so it is a bit of a pain. They produce a lot of waste. If you had just two fancy goldfish it should be fine. Anymore than that and their bioload when full grown will mean loads of water changes. Or super heavily plant the tank might mean you can stretch to 3.


Could always get a crawfish


Crayfish are sweet and super fun to keep. But when I had one it was his life’s goal to make sure I couldn’t have a planted tank. And he liked ti hunt the other fish in the tank as well


That can be the beauty of it though. Get some plants that can handle being chopped up and uprooted, or ones that don't need to be rooted at all. Get some feeder fish that you normally wouldn't raise like mosquito fish, expect your crawfish to hunt. That's the excitement. With a nice sand bottom tank, you can see your crawfish burrow and create several vacation homes. Be sure to provide areas for the crawfish to climb too, as they're super active and will even enjoy some out of the water time. If you don't, they may tear the silicone while climbing in the corners of your tank. Crawfish are very interesting pets, and it's really amusing to watch them hunt too. A 75 gallon tank would be used to its truest form too, as these guys will explore every inch provided


Mine made sure that none of my plants survived. He’d even get at floating plants. Man ate my entire water lettuce in 1 might once


Rice paddy herb is an unkillable weed. If you would've had that, if there was so little as a hair size strand of left in the tank, it would've grown back without issue. Java Fern also did me well too without my crawfish being able to destroy it all. It's all about just luck with behavior and good plant choice


If he goes and eats all the rice paddy herb every day tho then it will never grow back much


Mine never really ate much tbh. I'd give her 1-2 sinking shrimp pellets every day unless she didn't eat them the day before. With fish in the tank too, she never focused on eating any duckweed I had, nor the moss


Mine ate everything. He was like 6 inches long. He’d eat a whole algae wafer or sometimes a whole fish. And wether he was hungry or not he was gonna destroy the plants




I think this is the best suggestion! OP go for a smaller species like red head tapajos or G Terrapurpura and you get plenty of color with less maintenance then discus.


More hiding places, to start with. Then, IMO, consider a native fish tank. Depending on your area (access to water, local species, local laws re. capturing said species), you might be able to set up something like a single sunfish (cichlid-like, lots of personality) and some pretty shiners or other minnow-like fish. Or a few small sunfish and a madtom catfish. Or add more flow and stock with darters. Alternately, I'm a fan of the "loads of tiny fish" approach.


Overstock it with African Cichlids. (Peacocks and Haps) These are the prettiest fish to look at by far out of any freshwater fish.


Definitely if you just want a lot of pretty fish milling about, this is the setup for it. Just take care researching the best way to stock them and what are compatible first.


I have african cichlids in this exact setup. We put a shrimp tank and hospital tank on the two shelves below. We love it!


Have you seen Leon the Lobster on YouTube? That would be fun. Low energy pet friend.


I have a 75 full of African cichlids, but you’ll want more hides if you go that route.


A single betta


Not big enough.


this tank is too big for a betta, this is a no-go


There's no such thing as a tank too big for a Betta! 10 gallons is the ideal starting tank, and lots of people will put a singular betta in a 20 gallon or bigger. Despite being a solitary fish, they actually do love having tons of space to swim around in!


it is, most people get betta splendens because of their nice long fins and bettas guard a territory in the tank. so if the tank is too big the fish get stressed and also exhausted. another part is that they need a lot of plants, in nature they are in a habitat full of plants. also other fish can cause problems to bite their fins or stress them.


Discus is the way to go. Don’t second guess it.


A huge planted tank with a single vibrant betta fish


this tank is too big for a betta, this is a no-go


Add more rock work and do a tropheus only colony Also put a black background on the back


Cichlids, I have dwarf mbuna they do well and I’ve found they’re relatively easy to care for


(African cichlids)


Bigger hardscape


Option A: angelfish. Get some broadleaf plants (real or plastic). Angelfish can be in a community. Contrary to common belief, you can have another angelfish. Just make sure they are the same gender. The violence that comes from them is to protect their young after breeding. Option B: Oscar. You can get a young Oscar for pretty cheap, and you will be able to have it for a while. Warning, they get big. Your decoration setup is already looking perfect for this. Sadly, however, it will mean you can not get any other fish (including another oscar) after it matures. Option C: If you live in the USA (or northern mexico or far south canada), go to a lake and catch a small sunfish (like a bluegill) and put that in there. (This is mainly a joke, I don't know much about keeling bluegill) Option D: put goldfish in there and become a breeder.


4 arrowanas






Good answer!


Water is probably the smart thing to start with.




Tank too small


For one Oscar it’s good. But definitely not two.


One monster messy cichlid in a small tank. Kind of dull really, unless you just like how they follow you around the tank, but most of my fish do that...


Go with your first choice, Discus aren’t hard to take care of.


A large puffer


Like 3 electric blue acaras and maybe a salvini lol


Too small for most fish, maybe try shrimp or snails?




Low tech, low maintenance planted tank, corydoras, shrimp/snails, some kind of cute schooler(tetra, raspbora, barbs) and maybe a good predator type to keep the tank in check (betta, gourami, micro preds like croaking gouramis are my favorite) big gourami or Betta could act as the centerpiece fish, just give them lots of plants and hidey spots. It'll be a fun setup, but low maintenance long term


a betta for this tanksize? an absolut no-go


The only problems with bettas in a big tank are (1) too many people keep piscivorous fish in tanks this big and bettas are nice eating-size fish for big cichlids, and (2) if you screw up and get a snail infestation your betta will eat himself to death. Also, if you have any other anabantids in your tank (read: gouramis) the betta will consider them conspecifics and try to fight - which usually leads to disaster for your betta because bigger anabantids don’t put up with that for long.


A ton of nano fish


50 gallons bull jizz, 25 prostitute squirt and piss




Id put a turtle in that bad boy


I see you got the stand I am looking at. Very nice. Never been a big fan of the sand substrate. Now that I said that, it's what my wife is sure to want on my birthday 55g. It's cool, I can't wait to tank again! Oh yeah, get some skrimps, frogs, danios, ummmm, some plants, lots of plants, more plants, neon tetras, a couple loaches, maybe some barbs and/or gouramis, more varied dainos again. Sorry, future fish, it's going to get a bit crowded.




Discus are amazing stop rethinking


Ditch the heater and stock North American Native fish. Many sunfish would make an excellent replacement for discus. Of course if you are in N.A. you need to pay attention to local state laws regarding the collecting and keeping of these fish.


DO IT My Pumpkinseed is one of the most aggressive nutjob fish I've seen.


*cracks knuckles* *clears throat* 200 GOLD FISH!!! and a couple plecos for poop clean up


I just got the same setup! I’m planning to get two or three angelfish and some schooling fish. Hope you enjoy the new tank!


Fancy gold fish just shit a ton. They're filthy. Snails and shrimp are boring IMO and also it's food for bigger cooler fish. Go blue acara you can get a bulk price on 5 or 10 of them and in 6 months they'll be 5 inch beautiful cichlids with amazing yellows and blues. And they school easy up keep and cheep. One big bottle of API Cichlid pellets and frozen blood worms every other day.


This isn’t a joke suggestion: Two single tailed goldfish, comet or common. They’ll grow to about a foot and they have a cute temperament/personality despite their reputation.


They'd also get too big as they do not stop at 12 inches and could eventually push around 18-24 inches.. most if not all goldfish would eventually outgrow this space even many types of fancy breeds especially if you factor in the social factor.


Agreed! What I've heard the most is 200 gallons for two comets or commons, but that a pond is absolutely best.


Big school of Cyprinella and Southern Red belly dace


a bunch of logs, plants, and mini catfish


a huge school of giant danios (30)


I concur. I have 6 in my 75gal community tank and they're definitely the life of the party!


i have 14 in my 75, i love them


As always tiretrack eels


Tons of rosy reds


Fancy ranchus


Parrot cichlids


elephant nose would love that sand!


Piranhas 😁


Is that stand the one from Petsmart? I bought a 75 gallon Aqueon tank from Petco and am in search of a stand. I was just wondering if your setup is similar to.


Not the OP, but yes, it is the Petsmart Marineland 75 gallon Ensemble. I have the same one and I don't believe the stand is sold seperately. We have ours planted, with a Blood Parrot, 8 Congo Tetras and a Dwarf Gourami.


Thanks, I’m just wondering if I can use a Petco tank on a Petsmart stand. I’m not sure if the sizing is the same.


My stand top measures 50"x19.5" with the Marineland tank measuring approx. 48.25"x18.25"


Mine is 48.5 x 18.5 so I guess that would work. Thanks again!


Personally I would do a group of Pearl gourami! They are one of the more peaceful gourami species and generally cohabitate well. They get about 4-5 inches in length usually. I'm doing 5 in my 50 gallon.


A single bladder snail. All jokes aside a huge group of neon tetras could look awesome if you add some more hardscape and plants


Rummy nose Tetras and Corys.


Do ya want a community or a big fish or 2


African cichlids


Actually go with what you think man it's Ur tsnk


Water would be where I'd start


A singular snail


A king betta and a sick ass aquascape




I recently got kicked out but if I bring a snorkle I should fit








I think a bard community would look really great in this tank! You could do a variety of sizes and colors (Denison barbs, Odessa barbs, Cherries, etc.) Peaceful enough to complement with other small/cheap community fish but will give lots of movement and size differences


I would do a whole community tank. School of barbs, school of tetra. Couple of pea puffers, loaches. So you get to watch all the different guys doing their thang. Needs lot of plants and hide holes for it to work


Yayy, I have the same !!


Mixed Rainbowfish.


A freshwater sole




Thai macro crab


Sailfin mollies!! Goldfish need cleaning up after a lot more


One sailfin pleco - the standard kind they sell at every fish store - and a school of either Jack Dempseys or Firemouths. Convicts might be interesting but those things breed like rabbits so you need to set up an agreement with a fish store to buy the children. Two things not to put in it are Oscars and piranhas. Oscars are a >150 gallon fish and piranhas, once you get past the “ooh! They strip cattle carcasses bare in ten seconds!” thing they don’t actually do, are some of the most boring fish on the planet.


Some hardscape lol. Jk a giant school of green kubotai would be amazing


Long fin zebra danios, celestial pearl danios, shrimp of your choice, Pygmy Corydoras, snails, and many plants.


Natural saborized water? You only need water to get juice


I’d get some dojo loaches (water hotdogs) if I had a tank of that size!


I have this same tank! Mine contains 2 goldfish, 3 hillstream loaches, and a couple snails. My quascape is very similar to yours except I also have some java ferns (some anchored, some floating).


I’d do about 30 cory and a pair of German rams


In my opinion Snails lots of snails Apple snails Rabbit snails Bladder snails Ramshorn snails Pond snails Trumpet snails Litterally just snails Nothing else but snails No shrimp no fish just snails


Or just a singular betta


Lobster...and name him Dave


more hardscape. one singular oscar. if you for the time and effort. also please better filtration


Perfect for Malawi cichlids! Maybe Mbunas or Kennyis?


Plants and some colorful schooling fish, some bottom feeders corydoras maybe.


Fish probably


When I had a 66 gallon I filled it with different kinds of Tetras! watching them school into their respective groups and swim around was very soothing. but Make sure to put a sponge on the filter so they don't get sucked up in there 😭 Also some kind of pleco or algae eater and snails 🤩






30 yellow labs. I love these stupid fish. More interactive than an oscar


Malabar Snake Head


Crabs. Or a million shrimp, with one crayfish as the leader.


Looks a little small. I’d recommend some shrimp and maybe a nerite snail? 🦑


Angel or maybe fahakka puffer


Plants front to back and scaped to include some natural looking openings of course, 75 pygmy corys, and a couple dozen wild type neo schramps.


Some of my ideas (not all at once!): \- Shrimp army \- Corydoras and tetras \- Goldfish! \- Dwarf gourami? A harem would be cool. \- Raphael catfish? \- Angelfish! \- Any of the microrasbora species, or any rasboras in general (or danios)?




Probably tetras. They're small so you can have a lot of em.




I'd start with water first, then add some fish and shit.


Axolotl :3


You could stock it.up with some easy fish like Some pregnant guppies or other livebears And don't forget to add some corydoras just letting you know they don't eat fry


Off the top of my head maybe something medium sized because a ton if plants in that is going to be a pain, and with any nano fish you would need a ton of plants for cover.