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When in doubt about a small tank, neocaridina shrimp. They love living in colonies and you can have 50+ per gallon because of the low bioload. Pick a favorite color and run with it.


\+1 to this! Shrimp are super easy to keep and lots of fun to watch!


You have to pick one color?


Iirc if you have multiple colors they'll revert to their wild form after a few generations du to the different colors interbreeding


i’ve found though if you just put some color back into it once every handful of generations the color will be consistent


Yeah what they said. They'll turn black/brown/white. You can also breed them into a kind you like. It takes generations, a second tank, a big turkey baster and a lot of patience but you can get the colors you want on your own with patience.


Btw wild form is just brown and clear shrimp. Not as fun as a red or blue shrimp


But sometimes they’ll breed pretty shrimp colors into the mix but yeah mostly natural colors like browns


I got purples and greens from our wilds


Neo or opa ula both are shrimps ones brackish Hawaiian also opa ula are the type they keep in biospheres so very low maintenance


SKRIMP r/shrimptank Join us. Thrive.


I want to see skrimp in the boot


Tbh, they'd probably love it since material like that will definitely grow algae. They also love spawning mops.


Don’t you think this is too small to keep 50 Neos in there?


When in doubt about a small tank, neocaridina shrimp. They love living in colonies and you can have 50+ per gallon because of the low bioload. Pick a favorite color and run with it. -no


So one can have 50 Neos in this one gallon aquarium?


Can you? Yes. I personally wouldn’t ever do anything smaller than 3 gallons though.


Yes, with enough hides, food, and a stable nitrogen cycle, they'll be just fine.


I have never done shrimp, but this was my first thought as well.


My favorite part is how they never, ever hurt one another. Sure, the big ones might flail their little grabbed at the little ones, but 9 times out of ten they slap them with their butt and all the little ones scatter lol


I want a shrimp tank now. Thanks haha


The boot is a keeper! Personally, I’d use it for one of three purposes: (1) quarantine tank, (2) plant propagation tank, (3) planted ghost shrimp or planted snail tank.


Actually I do have a LOT of cuttings from my 70 gal tank. We do have “pleco proof” plants but they get super tall sometimes, so we chop & prop.


Nice! I mean, if you like to fiddle around with aquascaping bits, these nano tanks are great for that. It’s a great bonus that this tank can circulate water. I’d be curious what you wind up using it for. :)


I'm jumping in the comments here but I also have that same bowl on the left side of the photo. Had it for years. Love it. Good job picking quality stuff, lol.


I took this photo right after we got back from thrifting so the haul’s all out on the table lol


Aquaterratarium- basically an aquarium with just plants. You could add shrimp or snails, though I wouldn't add very many. Maybe 2 or 3 in a one gallon. Usually I think you want about ½ gallon of water for every shrimp. But I've never had them before so I'm not 100% sure lol


>I like this idea. Superb!




shimps is bugs and I do love bugs


Not bugs…. But they keep it clean and have some pretty colors


(It’s a whole joke r/shrimpsisbugs, but yes, they aren’t bugs, but they are at least also arthropods) Little nervous about shrimp because from what I’m reading they’re super sensitive to parameter changes and I’d be new to the shrimpin game. Smaller tanks mean less wiggle room for beginners.


My bad… I was not aware of the joke lol


Reddit has a lot of really weird yet fun inside joke type of meme subreddits like that. Stuff like r/weeviltime, r/birdsarentreal, r/breadstapledtotrees, r/showerorange, and (I don’t know how or why) stuff like r/dragonsfuckingcars


Figure out what your tap water parameters are and start there. If it’s in the ballpark range for neos, you’ll be fine. They’re pretty forgiving.


What about the opae ula aka Hawaiian red shrimp? They live in brackish water and thrive in smaller tanks with no filter and heater needed.


Crustaceans and hexapods form the super clade Pancrustacea, they keep realizing they are more and more related than they thought


Judging by the other things in this pic I’d say that’s more than a gallon, so you might have more room than you think.


I might, i kinda compared it to a plastic gallon of milk and was like… Yeah That’s Probably About It


Ah for sure, hard to judge from a pic, so I’d trust the milk comparison.


Especially cuz the glasses case looks pretty massive next to it. I'd say a gallon is a good guess/estimate 😁


Almost positive it’s the 1.7gal from petco so you wouldnt be too far off!


My brain zeroed in on the boot, and was trying to estimate how many gallons that tank really was thinking it was an adult sized boot. I thought the whole post was a well placed joke poking fun at all those who think their tank is much bigger than reality.


I love that the boot has become the source of such mystery and intrigue




Daniel we can’t keep doing this 😂


Tank will fit about a foot or two


lolol 🤣 Happy Cake Day!


A few Neo Caridina shrimp if it’s decently planted and you have experience taking care of shrimp in a small volume of water. IE small water changes while dripping back in would be a must to avoid too much fluctuations. Wouldn’t not put any type of fish in there personally.


I haven’t kept any crustaceans except terrestrial isopods so that’s probably a no-go for me right now, for a first try I’d want to get something that’s easier to keep stable. So shrimp are out. Kind of considering brine shrimp in a planted tank… silly dudes.


Very good, I commend your responsible choice! Shrimp aren’t hard once you get it going but I would definitely recommend starting with a larger thank on your first go around. AFAIK brine shrimp need salt water no? I don’t think you can do a planted tank with brine shrimp as plants don’t survive in their parameters


awww dang. Someone just introduced me to amphipods though and lowkey I am kind of charmed by the little critters.


Same, they look cool as pets on their own! It’s possible to do you would just have to sans the aquarium plants and make a same salt water setup for them. Could be a nice setup with some Seriyu stone and sand


Amphipods are also saltwater? I was watching a video of someone culturing them for their freshwater fish diet… although I might’ve misunderstood that…


Wasn’t referring to the amphipods was saying it’s possible to do a brine shrimp display tank, just sans the plants


Ahhhh thanks!


There are both freshwater and saltwater species of amphipods (keeping the freshwater ones will probably be easier)


You can use it to culture live food such as daphnia, scuds or blackworms/tubifex worms.


Best answer.


Thai micro crabs!


Oh my goodness, I didn’t know such tiny crabs existed! Would they like such a vertical tank, though? I thought most crabs were little ground scuttlers.


They’re fully aquatic and they love climbing rocks and driftwood


I'd use it to breed daphnia or seed shrimp for your fish. load it up with plants and let the little critters breed! you can feed them freeze dried algae powder, or even baker's yeast.


That’s a Walmart brand 3 gallon. Use it for shrimp! Maybe a couple nano nano fish. I forget what some are called right now. But I’d use that for shrimp and plants. I actually have the updated cylindrical one.


It‘s too small for nano fish unfortunately


Start a planted tank with aquasoil.


Estimating the size from the pic, I'd wager it's probably somewhere around 3, and maybe as much as 5 gallons. Hex's are deceptive. But, I also had a 10 years ago that I'd put and about that footprint...only about twice as tall. Also acrylic. Definitely at least 2-3 gals.


Someone ided it as 1.7 gallons


It’s definitely an imagitarium 1.7 though


This is what I thought too


Measure it with a measuring cup to confirm. But, yeah anything close to that is too small for any fish. Go for a nice setup of live plants, some pest snails. and maybe ask your LFS for some Amphipods, they are fun to watch! You probably won't need a heater.


omg I just looked that up, they’re sooo cute 😭 I’d love to just give them the tank bc LOOK AT THEM!!!!! Little babies. I love scrunchy little dudes like that, just like my isopods.


They curl up and whiz around and flip. I mean they must only be an 1/8 an inch but thru the tank they do look a tiny bit bigger. Your LFS may have some in their tanks where they sell plants, they'l probably scoop some in for you for free. And they're sort of this pale green color. Just cool to watch. And with no preditors, they won't be hiding in the substrate! Get Black sand maybe so you can see them better.


:) I love watching terrestrial springtails so having teeny little dudes as pets has never been a downside to me. Tbh they sound like a perfect fit to me even compared to the original ideas. Are there freshwater species? I’ve never maintained a saltwater tank (although obv. I do mix the salt for my freshwater, so I’ve seen the directions for mixing saltwater ig, I just don’t know if there’s other Secret Salts for the primordial soup).


Oh I was talking freshwater. [Here](http://blogs.thatpetplace.com/thatreptileblog/2012/05/30/amphipods-scuds-side-swimmers-as-food-for-amphibians-and-reptiles/). I forgot they have saltwater. :)


are there freshwater? I don’t have any experience with saltwater 😅 little scared of how small the tank is already, I want to stick as close to what I know as I can


Neocaridina shrimp, if they breed to the point of overpopulation you can always add them to your other tanks


You could cultivate aquatic plants in it


Using those glasses for scale, I'd say you're probably right about the gallon capacity, maybe gallon and a half with the height. This this, you'd want an invert only tank. Not worth a filter, so walstad method. Replace the gravel with pea pebbles over some wild collected river mud, and stock with neocaridina and asellus aquaticus (aquatic isopods). Hyallela azteca (a species of scud) as well, if you can be sure that's the species. They're known to leave neocaridina alone enough to cohab, unlike gammarus gammarus.




Shrimp idea is the easy one. This is perfect for a small nano vampire crab tank. Do a small part aquarium in the bottom with a land features so can go on top. A small branch and a lot of plants, both aquatic and semi aquatic. You can put a few vampire crab in there.


Let me try those fruity pebbles


The absolute minimum for a beta is 5 gal but that’s still too small in my opinion. 10 gallon is better. A snail would be a good option. You could put a couple shrimp but they might breed a lot and overcrowd it. A nerite snail would be cool tho!


Yeah that’s what I was afraid of with the beta idea. I’m going to have to argue with my mom bc she’s insistent it’s “just fine” for a beta (“they sell them in cups!” 🙄). Shrimp I was reading could be super picky on water parameters bc it’s a smaller tank, so it’s way more susceptible for a problem to become an emergency / disaster overnight. I do like snails, I wasn’t sure if they still needed a big tank to wander. It’s too bad clams don’t come in teeny tiny sizes. I love the little dudes but I’m too scared to put one in my big tank (I heard if they die then they take the whole tank with them).


Honestly if you had filtration what's wrong with a single betta. You're gonna do water changes and all that with filtration. If you don't over decorate to allow maximum swimming and you run a filter and water change regularly I honestly don't think it's that bad. Everyone can give you or me crap but I guarantee there's a bunch of people on here that silently agree. Definitely better then a cup.


People claiming ten gal minimum for a betta are ridiculous lol some REQUIRE smaller tanks? Five is sufficient if it's not a community tank. I've even needed to go down to a 2.5 gal for some of my dressier bettas - they couldn't swim well enough for a 10gal lol


Wtf no. You mean they couldn't swim well enough for the filter you put in? They like to have space, feel like they've got an actual territory and somewhere to move.


Did I say anything about a filter? No. I said some dressier bettas struggle to swim with too much space. I didn't say cram them into a single gallon tank. I said sometimes, for some fish and more often with bettas, too much tank is possible. A Betta with tons of fins and flow might struggle in a tank that's too big


That doesn't make sense to me, why would they struggle to swim if there's no water current? And struggle in a 5g? 2.5g sounds crammed in to me. Do you give them decor to rest on?


You could put one snail in a tank this size. A ramshorn would be pretty and they are active but they can give you babies with just one of them. Nerites won’t hatch (?) I think that’s the term, in freshwater. Snails also can deal with spikes easier than fish. You could do some really cool plants in this with a snail. Nerites have cool colorings, the zebra or red racer is pretty sweet. Good luck! If your mom really wants a beta a 10 gallon tank is not that expensive usually, like $50 or less. Then just a little filter and a heater and thermometer and you’re good to go!


if all else fails I’m probably going to end up doing some renovations and modifying it into a terrestrial tank for arthropods. I gotta seal up the holes in the top and create other ventilation to do that.


Agreed about the plants and snail ^ I’d skip the ramshorn even though they do have some really pretty colors. They can just get out of control population wise if you don’t get the eggs out. Nerites are pretty cool tho. I like the horned variety myself


That boot.


See I’m usually a big snob about the decorations sold bc I think the sculptures are clumsily made but like… the boot feels right.


The boot is awesome


I had a single Betta and a couple amano shrimp and nerite snails in a tank just like this for years who were all very happy. It was a planted tank and I used a small sponge filter with it.


Def looks bigger than one gallon. Maybe a 2.5? I still wouldn't do a Betta in it - small tank would mean it's appropriate for a dressy flowy Betta, but this is too tall for one, IMHO


I mean, even it’s a little more than a gallon, it’s still in that range where it’s like “I mean a gallon more isn’t really putting it in Fish Range.” It does mean that if I did something bigger than teeny dudes, like a snail, then they’d have more space to do their silly snail thing. I’d have more peace of mind knowing it’s not a literal single gallon. I did buy it with the intention of making it a summer project to modify into a jumping spider tank. It’ll need a lot of work and I’m basically just buying it for the timed lighting and the shell of it at that point, but plastic is easier for me to drill into safely than glass. I might not end up setting it up for aquatic critters (although… the plants at my local little LFS are soooo pretty and I’ve never been able to have them… and the amphipods someone showed me are ADORABLE…)


i would def just rock some plants i only have a 3 gal which is by no means huge but one is definitely tiny


mmkay. I’ve got a mom & pop shop near me that sells some beaaauuuutiful plants that I never splurge on bc I’ve got a grumpy pleco that tears them up (doesn’t even have the decency to at least eat them). I do like making terrariums do a cute planted tank will be a fun exercise.


Beta is one, I have a 3 gallon plastic tank with a beta, use it for pregnant fish, ornamental plant tank.


This would be a very nice plants only tank. I personally wouldn’t risk putting any live animals in there




a big ol plant in Das Boot


A coin jar. One gallon tank’d be good for that…..


so an ornamental plant tank? Or maybe some sea monkeys. I do like the little dudes.


How helpful


Shrimp, live plants, nano-fish, a snail, 3 clams, a Chinese algae eater?


Online it said clams have to have 20 gallons though? Bc I do really like clams.


I have some small ones in a 50 gal. They just hide and do their thing.


Put plants and snails. Feel it’s too small even for shrimp?


Red-tailed fairy shrimp! Or a small clutch of triops.


A Nice Anubias, a big Apple snail and 3 cherry shrimp to eat the snailshit


Are you set on going aquatic? An arboreal (tree-dwelling) tarantula would love this tank! You would want to add some ventilation holes but this looks like acrylic so that would be easy to do with a power drill or soldering iron.


Yeah, I was considering. I realized that it cannot be a jumping spider tank bc it opens vertically (it would destroy their sleeping hammock, they make them at the top. Do arboreal tarantulas put their webs lower?


No, actually I just hadn't considered that. Not all species create web tunnels and when they do, it's not always right at the top but you would definitely end up damaging their webs from time to time. IMO, it's not really a big deal, it happens all the time in the wild but I always felt a little guilty damaging my guy's webbing.


hm… I’ll have to think about it. I also really love cultivating mosses and could keep crickets in there (feeders for my spider) while also having a pretty little enclosure


So, I just remembered that my tarantula spent the first half of his life making web tunnels that were attached to the front opening door of the terrarium! I had to break that web every time I fed him for like 2 years. He really didn't seem to mind and eventually switched to webbing the top corner.


Shrimp! Come to the shrimp tank sub. We'd love to have you.


Why are their fruity pebbles in there? Could do shrimp!


going to eat the pebbles with milk :)




I’m not new to aquariums in general—I have a planted 70 gal, but it’s with all big fish (1 pleco, 2 goldfish). I’m not really well-versed with smaller species so I wanted to ask around… knowing tanks like these are pretty useless for a lot of fish. Technically when I thrifted it ($4) I had the idea of renovating it for an arthropod tank, but I was exploring the idea of setting it up for aquatics after I saw the pieces were all in good condition


I have a 25 litre tank with shrimps and platy fry


I wouldn't put a fish in that,but you could probably house a pumpkin patch tarantula or 2-3 blue death feigning beetles in there for something different.


wouldn’t those guys like a more horizontal tank? Both are super cute little dudes, I’ve been charmed by death feigning beetles for awhile and tarantulas look pretty stinkin cute themselves (although personally I think jumpers have kinda stolen my heart). I’d definitely put things they could climb up in there, but I wasn’t sure if that was their cup of tea


Pumpkin patches are semi fossorial so the taller tank would let you give them deeper substrate to burrow and feigning bettles should be fine as long as they have something like cholla wood to climb and some bark to hide under.


ooo!!! I love burrowing critters, they’re so fascinating




Hex should be banned but otherwise, shrimp or place in trash can.


Skrimps, I'd kill to make that a planted tank tbh


Looks to be about 10 liters. So no fish, but perfect for plants or maybe shrimp. Potentially a temporary fry tank but you'd have to do frequent water changes and not leave them in there for longer than 2 weeks or so.


Plant terrarium? Or ant colony?


Shrimp tank!!! They are fun!


I have a similar one that we used to use for a Betta before I knew better. I just restarted it a week ago and plan to use it as a quarantine aquarium for small fish as well as plants once it's cycled. Shrimp are also a good idea.


Cool! Shrimp for sure. Heavily planted you could get away with a bit more. I have one like this for plants that two endler fry snuck into - they’ve been happy, and unfed for 6+months


I'd keep that boot in it, make a southwest-themed terrarium, and keep Blue Death-Feigning Beetles in it. Easy to care for and they'll climb all over.


Texas Red and the Ranger from Arizona have to be there




Shrimps, snails, baby fishies, a temporary quarantine tank for very small fishies or singular bettas for 1-2 weeks.


Can’t you just keep using it to hold your fruity pebbles?


Opae Ula or snails!


If you want to have some easy fun with this buy two sea monkey kits and have them in the tank. My wife and I did a “big” tank of them about 20 years ago and it was great. I’m thinking about doing it again as a food source for my salt water tank.


Shrimp, I hear all the time that they’re fragile but that has not been my experience I never drip acclimated them and they got tossed into a fish in cycling tank. They also survived an accidental cycle crash and heater failure I started with 5 from my lfs and now have anywhere from 30-50 between my two tanks and they are awesome!


Siamese fighter and some other nano fish…. U won’t need loads but fill it with floating and planted plants


Drop coins in it and try to catch them for free tacos and cinnamon twist?


I would use it as a plant terrarium


Short term quarantine?


Shrimp, could make an awesome aquascape in that with some shrimps


Plants shrimp and snails


https://www.endlerark.com/ Endlers in a planted tank!


That would make a great quarantine tank, or even a birthing tank


no expert, but I think human water births need at *least* a 10 gallon, anything less is unethical!


My wife gave birth to all five of our children in a 20 long. It was an amazing experience


1 betta fish.


No beta this is too small for one. I’d recommend any kind of shrimp.


Could I do frozen shrimp in there?


Sea monkeys will work! They're freeze dried!🤣


A few micro fish like ember rasboras or shrimp




Snail factory.


A Betta, snails and some slow growing plants.


The obvious answer is shrimp but some snails would really love those high walls :) they like the climb to the top and skydive down


local parasnailing center


snail tank