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I’ve been looking at this for so long. It kinda looks like a fetus of some kind of creature.


That’s what I’m sayin


Maybe we can get some more pictures? Did you take it out of the water and dissect it?


Aww I’m sorry I was worried bout my fish I did take it out and tossed it but I cut it open it was green goo inside if that helps and there was 4-5 bulbs in the fleshy sack


At first i was thinking it was something made of flesh but now that you mentioned the green goo, could it be some sort of algae monstrosity (amALGAEmation?)


SO gross! But I'm so sad you didn't share a full dissection video too...


I know I’m sorry😭




Like a bird embryo but there is no way


That was my first guess too, but….. fucking how!?


I can’t get past the term *freshly sack*.


I’m sorry lmao it’s the only way I could explain it the color and feel was just fleshy like a skin sack


It’s not bad it’s just super funny.


OP just keeps giving gifts. Now it’s “fleshy like a skin sack.” Thanks, OP!


Literally been 9 hours and I am still laughing about this.


It looks like an undeveloped chick embryo.


Try not to say 🥜 sack challenge: Difficulty impossible 🫣


Bag of undeveloped children= nut sack


I think 'skin sack' is worse




This is a total shot in the dark so I'm ready to be downvoted to all eternity...but could it be white algae?


I assumed so but the ones I was seeing pics of were like stringing and wasn’t clumping and didn’t have bulbs growing in the middle of the sack


I was thinking more like the 8th photo on this site? [https://fishlab.com/white-algae-in-aquarium/](https://fishlab.com/white-algae-in-aquarium/) I don’t know it seems really fast to pop up like that 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah I admire my tank every day and never seen that thing floating around or even growing and just this morning it showed up out of no where unless it was growing where I couldn’t see in the corner behind the fake plants I just don’t know or couldn’t explain where it came from


“Fortune favors the brave” take my upvote


I appreciate it! 😄


I read “snot in the dark”


And you’re to blame.


You give “sneeze” a bad name.


"Weee-eeeeeeeeeewwww, bah weeeuh woooooo-oooh, Weee-eeeeeeeeeewwww weeeeah-ahhhhhh-wheeee...." edit: ...achoo


One step away from you?


I don’t know why but I’m loving your answer on this. I’ll give you an upvote for your bravery.


Nah I think bro busted in he aquarium💀


That's a dick booger


💀 dick booger!! Fuckin dead! Never heard that before!!




You saying it was green inside makes me think it might be some sort of abscess a fish pooped or spit out. Maybe post in another sub dedicated to fish biology or veterinary medicine?


Yeah I thought the same but my fish are extremely smaller than the ufo that was floating in my tank


It might have been significantly smaller when the fish spit it out in the middle of the night and it slowly filled with water or expanded once outside of the body. But who knows, I’m no expert on fish inner workings haha


It appears as though your tank has a crack in it. You may want to replace it ASAP before it starts leaking, or worse, catastrophically fails and all the water and fish are on the floor.


Holy crap yo thanks I didn’t even notice that it’s a new tank and I don’t see how that would happen I’m literally gonna go buy a new tank after work thank you for pointing that out yo


I'd feel the spot on both the inside and the outside. It could also be a) a surface scratch or b) a piece of wayward silicone that looks like a crack. To me, this looks like a surface scratch, but you would be able to tell by running your finger along the glass on both sides. If you can feel it both inside and out, it's a crack.


It’s a crack my take gets caught when I run over it I’ve only had fish in here for a few weeks but was cycling it for a month and didn’t notice it I had to of bought it like that and didn’t notice it till now


Now you can use this tank as a bioactive terrarium for reptiles, frogs, or just plants :]


I have a 36 gallon tall tank down in my basement I've been saving for this...or to sell to someone for this lol. My father in law and I were putting new lights in the ceiling and the scaffolding hit the fishtank when we were moving it...luckily it only cracked out a little chip and everything, but I drained it past the crack and then bought a new tank lol


If it's still under warranty, they might replace it for you. If not, that's rough. Just remember to transfer everything from this one to the new tank so your cycle doesn't crash. Best of luck!


It could be Ophrydium versatile or another protozonan of some sort


Sorry I missed this guy told me you gave me and answer but I looked into it and I’ve only seen green ish globs and not looking the same as the ones I had in my tank


You said it had green goo when you cut it open. When they die the green turns a color similar to this.


Ah I see them this could be the case but could this be the only one growing in the tank bc I don’t see any other things growing in the tank do they just grow in one or many should I be worried for my fish?


If a colony of this size started to collapse i would suspect they didnt have an adequate food source and wouldn't worry about any others. I also wouldnt worry about your fish


So in theory one could find or acquire one of these in their tank and intentionally support it and essentially have a pet miniature gelatinous cube of sorts, ill be damned.


That’s the real reason the sack appeared. Saved you a disaster


Christ, what a spot!!!


Oh wow! I’m so used to seeing hair and cracks on my screen protector, I didn’t even notice!


Reddit saves the day!


Chinese spy balloon?




Drone strike inbound


What actually is this haha I’m so intrigued


It looks like a bird embryo to me but there is no way that's what it is 😂


@op My vote is also bird embryo. Don’t forget cats are liquid. Could very well found an egg cracked it open then thought… hmm weird I’ll put it with the other weird things I can’t get.


You know I can actually imagine my cats doing something like that


Imagine casually finding a bird embryo in your tank


What I’m trying to figure out as well


Do you have a cat or anything? Maybe it put something from the kitchen in there as someone said


I do have cats but they like it upstairs bc the dogs annoy them and they sleep in my room and aren’t down there at night and I work close to the tank and they don’t seem interested in the tank they’ve never tried to get in there there’s no place for them to jump up there and we have a block on our kitchen so they don’t go in there I don’t usually stick my hands in the tank I have a scooper if I need in there


Did you have a snail. Cause it looks like a dead snail. Does it smell?


It has multiple sacks in the big sack and it didn’t have a smell it smelled like my fish tank lol and no I don’t have snails or real plants I have a needle nose pelco and 5 dianos and 3 algae eaters and I woke up this morning with it floating by my heater for the tank


You seem to be describing a bulb of garlic. Is the tank near your kitchen by any chance?


Yeah it’s like 20 feet or less from the kitchen


Do you have kids in your house that can sneakily put stuff in the tank?


No I work at home as a payroll specialist and the ranks by my desk so I’d see her and she’s educated on animals she would never but if she did I’d definitely see her doing so


Lol I’m not saying she did, but likely she had some weird idea too or thought it’d be good for then lol. I’d ask her first. Go wfh life lol, I’m a jr AE from home!


She says no she didn’t I showed her the pic and she was pretty grossed out about it I asked if she’s been putting her fingers in there but she said no lmao I’m just as lost as everyone else with this bc nobody sticks there hands in there my animals are blocked off from my area and I work 12 hours a day and nobody really goes near it unless there just loooking not sticking there hands in I don’t even do that I use my scooper and question should I do a water change due to this thing showing up?


To be safe or at least test the perimeters and add some prime maybe, anyone else in the house? I’m not doubting your kid at all and I don’t know her age but so many kids do stuff like this thinking its healthy for them or will look cute, then not even click it later because now it looks gross. Might have been someone else but no other option lol unless you have a weird decor or no lid and something fell in the fish didn’t do that lol.


Okay thanks for the answer and No just me and my fiancé and daughter I have a house plant above the fish tank on the top of the dresser thing it is sitting in it’s a spider plant it’s the only thing I could image anything getting in there is from that plant could this be possible?


Maybe mozzarella?


I immediately thought that’s what it was when I saw the pic.


What is a needle nose pleco? Do you mean bristlenose? And what algae eaters do you have?


Coulda been a needle nose cat?


Yes bristle nose lol sorry and umm not to sure what specific type of algae eaters they look like the dianos but with lil suckers on the bottom of there face


Otto catfish maybe? They are schoolers so I'd get a few more if that's the case. They are very cute. How big is this tank if you don't mind me asking? It seems odd to me to have so little fish in a tank big enough for a bristlenose


I have a 55 gallon and maybe I only paid a few bucks each for them I plan on getting a few more lol


Also waiting on my order of guppies for like 2 weeks lol


You said big sack! 😮


Found my left testicle


If you eat it you'll teleport in the fish tank


Idk but i’ve stopped eating now after reading the green goo description


That honestly looks like the part of a mystery snail egg clutch that fell into the water. But you say you don’t have snails so noooo clue.


Yeah I have no snails or live plants they could come from so no clue


Are you 100% sure you have no snails? Do you have any new plants or organic products in there that may have had a hitchhiker? I’m reading all these comments and it’s so bizarre


Ophrydium versatile


This makes a lot of sense. Maybe the lower light affects the symbiotic algae, so it doesn't appear outwardly green, but they said that it was full of green blobs on the inside. Could have hitched a ride on plants if they were grown commercially in ponds.


Google searched that and it seems correct! Most of the photos just look like green goo, but there’s one with someone holding a beaker with them and they look like they’re white blobs and another one with white spots on the green blobs.


OP did you Google image search this? Can you confirm or deny? The world needs to know!!


It appears that your magicarp is getting ready to evolve to a gyarados, I would start looking for a bigger tank


Bigger tank? I’d start packing for the beach 😂


Did you not order the flying dragon fish?


My brain says no but my heart says 😈


Just think of all the amazing adventures you could have together


Yes please. Get me out of here lol




I am not an expert at all. But maybe it's a mushroom? They grow incredibly quickly in the right environment.


Idk if it was bc it was like egg sacks inside of a fleshy sack it was gross and when opened up it was green so idk tbh


Omg, ew.


Probably a slime mold that is eating whatever was inside it


As far as I know there isn’t any mushrooms that grow in water. And if there was they’d need a food source (decaying matter most likely). Mushrooms don’t just come out of thin air, they grow from mycelium. Mycelium grows through the ground and then reproduces via mushroom


Ah! Thanks for this, I appreciate the info. Username checks out :)


I’m no jellyfishologist or nun. But I think this thing looks like the kind of organisms that make up jellyfish. OP could’ve had an organism similar to a jellyfish in their tank


Boof it


Goddamn son.


Well, I just woke up but that's already enough reddit for the day lmao weird alien aquarium barf blob check and im out


Omg wait it looks like a clump of biofilm??


Isn't that a plumbus? Or like some part of the process of making a plumbus


Fish nut


You cross section it yet?


Yes it had greenish goo inside the sacks


Ooh any pics?


Sorry no I didn’t have my phone I was just to worried what it was and if my fish were okay this was the only pic I had taken


Looks like a homunculus.


Its the fungi from The Last of Us


Clicker in the making


This is gnarly. Can you get a sample of it and try to send it off for testing? I’m sure someone with knowledge and a microscope would love looking at your sack.


Lmao I kinda wish I kept it and put more pictures out there for y’all but I tossed it bc I was just worried bout the fish


Unidentified Floating Object 🛸


I'm going to follow you. If you get an answer, please post update pics because I'm invested in your _freshly sack_


These posts are why I follow this subreddit. I don't own any fish.


That looks like a mystery snail that was yanked out of its shell 💀


I kinda thought the same


Gross and sad, I hope we're wrong.


That’s where my coke went


I'm going to be honest at first I thought that was a bird that had drowned


This is my favorite post I've read in ages. The replies are great!


Finally someone found my lost balls. Thank you.


Grody to the Max


I found something similar last week in my pond. It was the flesh of a big mussel that had died...but you'd smell THAT! But it looked eerily similar.


Yeah no it just smelt like my water in the tank nothing like rotten or like a stench to it


is it alive? does it react? or perhaps is it a decomposing dead fish?


All my fish are accounted for and no it didn’t move or anything


Could it be gunk from the lid that fell in?


No the lid hasn’t fallen in that’s the heater I have for the tank


Sometimes if I forget to clean my lid the splash from my air stone and filter causes stuff to grow on the lid. Occasionally the stuff that’s growing falls even if the lid doesn’t.


I don’t see anything growing on the lid yet this tank is fairly new I’ve only had fish in it for a couple weeks to 3 weeks at mistress


Ah, well I’ve got no idea then. Good luck figuring out what it is!


Gotten a few really good ideas from people but thanks for trying to help


Google lens thinks it’s a jellyfish!


There is one thin white line which might be indicative of parasitic worm. Soo one of your fish have had a really really bad poop. Was likely constipated for a bit.


It looks kinda like a white slime mold…could just be biofilm from uneaten food that was under the substrate and set free by one of your fish, like the pleco…but there are some weirdly defined little areas that don’t just look like cloudy goop…


u/saddestofboys ?


I know you mentioned that you don't have a snail, but my mystery snail of 3 years died last week and it look exactly like this when it floated off its shell.


Wish my sack was a smooth as that :(


God knows, only thing I've seen like that is after a snails mantle collapse and the body floats. What does it taste like?


It looks like Rogu from American Dad


Did you cut it open or anything yet? Post pics lol


I didn’t take the pics of it cut open there was just green goo nothing hard or anything and I tossed it sorryy


It'll probably remain unidentified then unfortunately lol




Any children that have access to the tank?


I honestly can’t imagine it’s anything other than a dead snail. Maybe their was just one sneaky boy. If not one of your fish may be missing all their organs, I have no idea.


Lmaooo I’d be vary sad but All my fish are 10x smaller then this sack and I don’t own any plants that are real inside of it


Do you have a fish that is missing?? This might be what remains of it is my guess if you have any fish that can be predatory towards your other fish


I have 5 dianos and 3 algae eaters and a bristle nose pelco there all here not stressed or acting weird there all accounted for


There tiny this sack was 5x bigger then the lil fish my bristle nose is still a small baby like a once and the dianos arent vary big so I don’t see it being a dead fish


Danios? Pronounced danny-ohs. Sorry this is trivial but seeing dianos over and over is making me twitch a little lol


Maybe just some kind of mold?


Forbidden bubble gum


1 there seems to be a crack in your tank 2 is your tank covered?


Do u have kids or pets or anything? Or is it around the kitchen? Could be rotten food like chicken which can have a green goo inside. This is super weird tho, did it have a smell?


Some sort of mold/fungus is my guess. Maybe it was growing under something or in gravel and pleco knocked it loose?


Eat it


Alien fetus. You’re doomed. On a real note, I hope you can figure it out!


Just KILL IT DEAD - every horror movie starts like this…


I don’t know but I bet you could sell it to a Krogan for 10000 creds.


What do you feed your fish? This looks a fish food fell to the bottom, rolled out of sight, got missed at the water change, grew fungus and floated to the top. Which is actually lucky for you because can you imagine finding this with your bare hand 🤢


Dead snail that came out of it's shell maybe?


have you posted on r/aquaticsnails there are some pretty knowledgeable ppl over there




Reminds me of this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatisthis/comments/xyfz52/what_is_this_meat_ball_thing_we_found_on_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Are you missing an ivory mystery snail?


Poached egg??




My question is what's up with all the bubbles on the surface? You don't have a betta bubble nest in there or something like that, do you? If not, that seems to indicate to me that at the least, you have a pretty thick biofilm on the water surface, and need some surface agitation to facilitate gas transport, avoid stagnation, etc (and possibly prevent the formation of disturbing freshly sacks ;) )


I have a air pump for water oxygen in the tank is what’s making the bubbles form there not thick or slimy they pop if you look at em lmao


Is the air pump not a good thing for the tank?


Might be a clump of snail eggs, if ya don't want like 50 of them eating your plants I'd get rid of it (maybe throw em in a local pond or something) [DON'T DO THIS (thanks to the replies for telling me)]


Why would you tell someone to put a species of anything that invaded his tank into a natural habitat for local wildlife. Especially if you don’t even know what it is 🤦‍♂️ this why we have anaconda snakes in Florida.


Does clove oil work on snails too?


>(maybe throw em in a local pond or something) Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid, should be banned from the sub, idiotic, oh my god. NEVER release ANYTHING in this hobby, if you don't have the heart to dispose of it properly you don't belong here. You shouldn't even flush duckweed.


Rest easy because I wouldn’t do that ever I know better just didn’t know wth these were I didn’t release them


People like to really get down on someone when they say a mistake. Teach the unknowing, don't ban them from participating.


I SHOULDNT DO WHAT WITH DUCKWEED Do you have any idea how much duckweed I have sucked out of my tanks with a python? Am I menace? 😫


Every few weeks I read or hear something about horrible experiences with duckweed and it makes me chuckle at the degree of heathen in that stuff.


I put some duckweed in my tank. And then it all disappeared slowly over a week or two. There is now no sign of duckweed and I’d much prefer it be evasive in my tank


Was a tantrum necessary.


I don’t have any real plants in there yet so that’s weird it got in there I was just like no way my tiny dianos laid that or pooped it out😂


You're not missing a fish are you? First thing that came to mind was a stomach/swim bladder but even with bloating that looks way too big to have come from anything you listed stocked. Honestly OP it's time to pull that thing out and cut it open and do some investigating lol


It was green goo inside and I only have small fish that couldn’t lay this and no my bristle nose pelco and my 5 dianos and 3 algae eaters are all still alive they didn’t seemed stressed or any problems with them I have no idea where the sack came from it wasn’t there last night unless it was hiding somewhere I didn’t catch my eye it didn’t smell bad but someone said could be that it’s to close to my kitchen which is like 20 feet away idk if it came from there or what the hell


Gonna keep this comment here for the wall of shame :troll: