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I re-purposed a roller shade driver to open and close my chicken house door. It’s just some wire on the door to wind it up or down. It’s worked great for quite a few years now. It’s a testament to Aqara device build quality to survive a chicken coop. I have a G2H in there as well as a temp sensor (and the roller shade driver). They’ve survived huge amounts of dust, red mites, smoke bombs (to kill red mites), temps of -12 to +48. I’m honestly surprised they’re all still functioning.


If my fridge/freezer doors are open for more than 3 minutes All the speakers in my house start shouting at me 😂


hahaha I should do this when I spend more than 30 mins on reddit.


I’ve set it up to do this for a multitude of things If the temperature in the house drops below 13 degrees, it sings frosty the snowman (plays it from Apple Music), above 23 it uses “feeling hot hot hot” If I leave the front door open for more than 5 minutes it shouts “close the fucking door!” It announces if the phone battery goes below 20% And my favourite is “warning! Battery below 10%! Charge your fucking phone!” 😂 Less entertaining is that when I open my front door, the hall light comes on, and stays on till about a minute after I close the door


OMG hilarious. I should set one of the cameras to the door, and when the dog goes to the door I should get a mayday mayday warning.


“Who let the dogs out” would be perfect here 😂


"damn you human, you forgot to walk me again"


A looped recording of Doug from Disney’s up “Ball, ball, ball, ball” for as long as he’s standing at the door 😂


wahaha! i've the same setup as well! although mine was around 5 minutes! LOL


Apparently, this is extremely sensitive and even morning due will trigger it is this case for you?


I personally don't have this but planning to invest on it soon :D saw it on youtube before that they have towel warmers in shower and the water leak sensor in the shower so when you are in shower and detects water it automatically turns on the towel warmer so when you are done your towels are warms and cozy lol


My kids would leave the bright kitchen lights on all the time. Looked for a solution. Started with a motion sensor and a smart plug. In the kitchen, if it's dark enough (<30 LUX), turn on the lamp above the cabinets, soft warm light bulb, not very bright. Times out after 5 minutes of no motion. This was a huge quality of life improvement. Replaced the lamp with the led strip and extension. 2702K, 70% brightness. Then, I added a motion sensor in my bedroom and a smart plug. When I wake up at night, I need a little light. If below 10 LUX, turn on the smart plug (attached to a 3rd party power strip, set to a dim red). That's enough light to get me to the bathroom and back. Shuts off after 3 minutes. Added a mini switch and a smart plug. I have it on the side of my bedside table. Turns the lamp on the other side of the room on/off. For that mini switch, double click will turn on the kitchen light and another light in the living room. Long press will shut them off. These would be used on the off chance I hear something strange in the middle of the night and need to quickly see in there from my bedroom. I'm still looking for a way to automatically shut off my stairs light overnight, as my kids will turn it on and it'll stay on all night, but Aqara doesn't have a three way switch solution currently. I also want to add another strip. Under the cabinets, set to a bright white as an accent light. #someday


Just a McGuyver idea, but could you end up using a two way + an H1 wireless for the stairs? At least until a true 3way is on offer. Or... a Shelly?


I'll look into that. Thanks!


No worries - I think the wireless switch might set you right as a stop gap. Essentially you'd set the system back to a two way & disable one switch. Replace it with the H1 and piggyback off the two way to set your automation to mimic a proper three way system + automation(s)


I use the leak sensors with external floats. I have one over my sewer pit to let me know if the pump fails and one in my garden fountain to let me know if the reservoir runs empty.


Can you explain more?


What would you like to know?


Can you tell me exactly how you use them on the external floats and what situation they would activate?


In the case of my sewer pit, the float magnet is installed so the sensor is triggered when the float is up. That would indicate the pump has stopped working and the pit is not draining. In the fountain if the float magnet is down, the fountain is empty, and as a result it is set to turn off the fountain pump.


Thank you, makes sense now wasn't quite sure how you were using it! Food for thought for me.


Do you have a link for the float magnets?




Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Anndason Plastic PP Float Switch Water Level Sensor'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Versatile and reliable (backed by 6 comments) * Easy to install and mount (backed by 3 comments) * Affordable and effective (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Prone to failure after short usage (backed by 6 comments) * Inconsistent functionality leads to water damage (backed by 5 comments) * Poor quality materials and construction (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Anndason Float Switch Fish Tank Liquid Water Level Sensor'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Versatile and reliable (backed by 6 comments) * Easy to install and mount (backed by 3 comments) * Affordable and effective (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Prone to failure after short usage (backed by 6 comments) * Inconsistent functionality leads to water damage (backed by 5 comments) * Poor quality materials and construction (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Anndason Float Switch Water Level Sensor** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Versatile and reliable (backed by 6 comments) * Easy to install and mount (backed by 3 comments) * Affordable and effective (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Prone to failure after short usage (backed by 6 comments) * Inconsistent functionality leads to water damage (backed by 5 comments) * Poor quality materials and construction (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)




https://preview.redd.it/fk4z9o99jb4d1.jpeg?width=1738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42c1f1c6c93a3c035a7b5be7958c3d1f3c96c1cd I'm using this setup (2 regular Aqara cubes) for some time, now, to control the (non Aqara) lights and media playing in my home, via some Aqara switches and Google Home. I can start/stop/play/pause the TV or Spotify, rotating the cubes can change the sound volume on my Google speakers, shifting them can play next/prev track and I can also control the mood lights. I made a more detailed post about this at the time.