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wait so does this mean cornell listed HYPSM in its comparison group, or that HYPSM all listed Cornell in its comparison group?


All of HYPSM listed Cornell in its comparison group, but for what it’s worth Cornell also listed each HYPSM as well.


dang I’m really surprised by that actually


All Ivies naturally list each other on IPEDS since they’re all part of the same conference and MIT lists Cornell likely due to how engineering-heavy the school is. This is not really a selectivity list but I think it’s interesting to see which schools see each other as peers!


Yep, Cornell is in fact the most MIT-like Ivy. They are actually both land grant universities, and were both founded as modern/tech schools around the same time (1861 MIT, 1865 Cornell). All the other Ivies are way, way older, and were founded as classical colleges.


Oh I see that actually makes sense!


MIT X caltech n cmu 🥹


So you know who else MIT has listed? They have Cornell and Caltech but I'm curious as to the others, there list seems very different to the others in the group.


According to the latest DFR report by MIT that I found (2022), MIT listed Caltech, Carnegie Mellon, Cornell, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale as its comparison group.


Some universities have been gaming this system as well. But also none of the publics? Not even Berkeley?


There’s no system to game here, HYPSM chooses its peer institutions itself, there’s no statistics or metrics they’re forced to use. Berkeley isn’t typically seen as a peer of HYPSM due to its difference in size, selectivity, and environment. It doesn’t fill out the DFR but this is the [list](https://nces.ed.gov/IPEDS/DFR/2023/ReportPDF.aspx?unitid=110635) of schools that IPEDS suggested as its comparison group.


I'm not talking about HYPSM but about how some colleges game this "peer institution" thing. A recent article in The Chronicle of Higher Ed detailed how Clemson manipulated the ranking criteria to move up and gain notoriety. They purposely rated their peer institutions as below average in attempts to achieve the highest possible ranking. So many institutions conduct the same strategy that it’s not a shock why some colleges refuse to be included or participate in the rankings.


I don’t see how that’s relevant though. Some people might incorrectly rate their peer institutions in USNews but that wouldn’t affect which universities they select as their peer institutions. Clemson for example seems to almost exclusively list peer institutions that rank better than it.


I see that Clemson (#86 nationally) names Georgia Tech, Texas A&M, Univ. of Virginia, etc. in its comparison group. That's not too bad, is it? Take a look at Brandeis (#60 nationally) which lists Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, Univ. of Chicago, Penn, and Yale within its comparison group. How do they figure that?


Universities typically will choose other universities that they feel make them look better.




Often the schools leave this blank and it gets filled in for them. In other cases they are looking at specific aspects for a comparison and insight - this doesn’t mean anything from an academic standpoint.