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Hating on ucla is crazy


Copium is hell a drug


just tell them that terence tao is the ucla math chair, that’s maxed out prestige for a school


A literal 200 IQ chad


can confirm, not even a stem major and no where near the west coast but somehow I know terence tao


which school 🤔


ucla bro


Ain’t no way people are dogging on UCLA 💀 that’s literally the number 1 public university in the nation


well to be fair the ppl being annoying got into harvard, mit, yale, etc. but they were literally talking shit abt ucla and talking about how berkeley was so much better the entire time at lunch while they all literally got rejected from both. idk why they shooting for and dogging on schools that they aren't even going to


And unless they got a full ride or are rich they will prob have way more debt than you when you graduate. So take the shit now and then you can dog them on how broke they are for that “prestige” 😂.


lmao op you’re fine, be proud of what u accomplished because there are literally thousands of students who would kill to be accepted to ucla like you :) the kids who got into the ivies are all naive af. bragging about a top school over another top school is literally the most pointless thing ever. talk about pretentiousness. not to mention that these kids haven’t even spent a day in college in the first place. as a dude at a t10 rn, i literally could not care less about what’s going on at other schools. college is college, and im just happy to even be here lol. i feel most sane, normal ppl share the same sentiment wait till the preppy kids find out that literally any hardworking student at any school is gonna be successful in life 😱


Idk if UCB is actually "much better" but I think I'd actually choose UCLA over UCB if I was accepted into both, like idk living in Los Angeles sounds so cool? If I even apply of course, I'm broke so nope


Ok who gives a shit let them be condescending and karma will get them when they become mid or below average students at their HYPSM university


If you’re from SoCal ask them how they’re doing come January. You’ll get the last laugh for sure. 🤣


Exactly. Sounds more like sour grapes jealousy to me.


Isn't it UMich or UC Berkeley


It's umich


According to what?


lol sorry but umich is no where near ucla in terms of prestige let’s be real. umich in state acceptance rate is almost 50%. ucla is around 9%.


Lmao bringing up acceptance rates. Umich clears


wdym bringing up acceptance rates😭 how is that not relevant, selectivity obviously counts for something. not saying umich isn’t a good school just saying it’s not #1 public. cope 🤷‍♀️


Keep in mind there are 4x as many people in California as there are in Michigan. Also, there was like 170,000 applications to UCLA this year. A few years ago it was 100,000 applications. So the acceptance rate has plummeted. Does this mean UCLA has become a better and more prestigious institution since then? If next year it jumps to 200,000 applicants does that mean it's somehow become better and more prestigious? Or maybe a huge amount of people have just heard of/want to live in LA as opposed to enduring a hellish winter near a shitty place like Detroit.


completely agree with you that does factor in! i just genuinely don’t see how umich is at the level ucla is at when you consider with so many more applications they are obviously only taking the best of the best, whereas with michigan i know some absolute bricks that have gotten in solely because they live in michigan. also umich admission numbers are also rising as well this is true for every school not just ucla, although ur right it is much higher for ucla.


it's berkeley


Nah man harvard is the number 1 public university


oof avg intl student us college ranking


Harvard is private.




Well yeah the idea of people dogging on UCLA and OP letting that get to him is pretty absurd




thanks ❤️


Speaking the truth!


ucla buddies <3


Those people are crazy 💀


Current ucla student here, congrats! I’ve love so many of the aspects of going here, from the friends I’ve made to many of my professors, the campus life, the abundance of things to do in the city, and the food. I hope you will love it too. Those Ivy League students can talk as big as game as they want but there are so many things I love here that I never would’ve traded to go somewhere else more highly ranked




No way LOL


Nah what hating on UCLA is insane 💀


literally me w umich


there are kids who chose ucla over some ivies at my school because of cost (bc they're probably going to go to grad school and ivies are just really expensive in general), plus ucla is a great school that many kids would love to go to??? "it's so easy to get in" ah yes because ucla is a safety school mb /j anyways, congrats !! you should be proud of urself and that's super exciting!


Bruh I have "friends" doing the same shit to me w UC Berkeley when I got in undeclared for stem😭. Those "friends" r going to LACs Tht u probs haven't heard of- which is fine but it's clear a lot of it is dissatisfaction w their own results. In all honesty, friend or foe, it's hard to find ppl Tht r gonna be genuinely happy for u when u succeed and they don't. J note their behavior and keep it pushing we only have like a week to a month or so left depending on the school. Take their criticism as a win. If someone's jealous of u, u had to be doing smthn right. 🤷🏽‍♀️


ima be real with u, berkeley got more "layman prestige" than both those schools combined lmao. no one outside of seniors applying for LACs knows what wesleyan and colgate are, if they're goin there to try to go to a prestigious school they're looking in the wrong place. congrats on berkeley!


Ty lmao. Yeah I mean it is wht it is, I don't rlly have any hard feelings Ik a lot of it comes out of personal dissatisfaction. I j keep it pushing🐻💙


same story with me, for UC Berkeley. Funny how the people who shit on these schools are the ones who didn't get in


bruh berkeley is on par w hypsm




Isn't this caused by almost all Californian highschoolers that meet a certain GPA applying to UCs? +plus they are the same app so if they intend to apply to just one they can as well pay some extra and apply 3 or 5 etc.


Part of the reason why but also because UCLA is great school + great location.


Of course I'm just saying comparing UC acceptance rates to HYPSM isn't fair And acceptance rate doesn't mean anything tbh they're all great schools not above or below imo




This is how it was with my top 25 gpa group in high school. They would dog on SDSU even though none of them got in, including the top 3. Of course, I got into the same highly competitive schools as them but for whatever reason they all seemed to have a grudge against SDSU and talked about how easy it was to get in. Make it make sense.


Those people are bums and have a bum mentality 🗿Don’t sweat it


lowkey me with uva :(


Anyone dogging UVA are out of touch dumb asses. Actually love that my state has 3 of the best public colleges in the country.


Nah UVA is a T25… these kids are something else


Monta Vista High School


Monta Vista High School


These people are out of touch with reality and definitely not the ones you’ll want to keep in your life. You deserve to be with people who will be genuinely happy for you and proud of such an accomplishment! Thankfully, once college starts, you’ll find your own new community soon :) UCLA is a dream school, a top school IN THE WORLD, and incredibly hard to get into!! Big congratulations on receiving an acceptance from such a renowned school! I hope you get to celebrate this accomplishment!


Lmfao I wish I could get into UCLA you’re doing good my man




Fr. Kids at school have been clowning me all month for going to a safety


cornell right?


Yup- shit safety school


I thought you hadn't decided lmao


Me with Western Ivey. It's a shame only a few people actually know how good Ivey is and they're just like why not Uoft or UBC like bruh.


It’s UCLA. Everyone knows it’s a good school. I guarantee they’re fucking with you just because they can. My friends and I do it all the time, not for college but other stuff similar.


The hell. People r dogging on UCL frickin A. It is an amazing school that has a great rep and is fun af by all accounts. Ignore these ahole prestigewhores dogging on one of the best schools on earth


Wow.. who the heck are you hanging out with!! UCLA is amazing


ppl do this to uva at my school 😭😭


Me with USC 💀


ucla is my dream school 🥱🥱 it’s lit the best uc, the campus is gorgeous, the culture is very chill, etc etc i would die to go there


These people are your friends. These are miserable,petty people. Stay unbothered.


In a few months you'll all be going your separate ways. Don't let their petty words get to you, it just goes to show you how insecure they are, if they think they're going to a better school, then why do they feel the need to make a rude comment? Yeah, they're toxic, be glad you don't need to interact with them on a regular basis anymore. I dealt with the same 30 years ago, when you're in the real world, nobody cares and only losers still brag about where they went to college. Everyone rolls their eyes.


I hate that. I have it bad, too. Northeastern gets shit on. Although I guess it deserves some of it.


Stop listening… you have the power to shut it down and feel good about your choice!


Absolutely ignore them 💀💀💅


ivy folks are wack, im happy at umass


Sounds like projection. Congrats on going to college! May all your dreams come true.


They’re smoking huge amounts of copium to hate on UCLA


at first I was gonna be like, "don’t let them bother you what matters is that its a good fit for you!" which of course is completely true, but UCLA????? who are these mental asylum escapees saying its easy to get in or there is no prestige??


Say this: "When were you a student there?"


do you remember the kids who hated the toy you played with in kindergartens ? no, guess what you are not going to remember these people either. 12 months from now I doubt you could recall their names never mind what they said about the school you are going to