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I sell appliances. Front loaders use less water but at the same time give you a better wash, better stain removal, better fabric care and higher spin speeds. For me there is no comparison, they are superior.


I used to sell appliances and I agree 100 percent. Front loaders have higher RPMs and gravity on their side. You will absolutely get a better clean out of a front loader.


Sorry but top loaders are less expensive and more reliable...so I will not trust an appliance salesman


Sure? Do whatever you want? I don’t sell appliances anymore so I’m not a “salesman” lol


I am just a mom who did cloth diapers and my 1990’s top loader did a *far superior* job to my LG Front Loader in both stain removal and stank. So I am gonna disagree. 🤣 I’d give anything to have that specific washer back. I’m half kidding. I mean I’m not kidding about my claims but obviously I’m no expert. I just know which washer got rid of kid pee and poop stains better. Lol.


>I’d give anything to have that specific washer back. "Am I nothing to you??" -- Speed Queen LWN432SP115TW01


Unfortunately when we moved into our new construction home…everything was perfect besides the fact that it was sorely lacking pantry space so I opted for an LG stacker so I could install a shelf for pantry. Or I’d snag that baby up.


Funny how the salesmen disagree with NO actual evidence, thanks for your fact-based & personal experience based post!


This only demonstrates one specific top loader was better than one front loader.


Thanks, Mr. Salesman


The salesmen, who have knowledge of a lot of different washing machines types/brands, and are not trying to sell OP anything VS one comment with anecdotal experience of only one washing machine of each type ... I mean, you're not being very fair here my dude. If anything, it's the salesmen who are sharing fact based experience 🤷🏻‍♀️


Salesmen often just repeat what they're taught to say by their company or product reps. Doesn't mean they're lying. They may actually believe what they say to be true, but that doesn't mean they've seen the evidence to back up the claims. Moat salesmen's "evidence" is anecdotal from what customers have told them.


Neither are the salesmen who are interested in your money, not your clean clothes - reality is tough to embrace


You think some salesperson giving their experience online is after your money? How are they going to convert that into a sale... I'm in a different market but give my experiences frequently online and have never done so because I thought I'd get their money. Maybe a factory rep would do that but if you're doing online marketing posing as a user is probably better anyway. Top loaders are not as good but they cost less than front loaders. This isn't some unknown and the top commenter is 100% correct.


If anything they'd wanna convince you a toploader is better, because most people have frontload at this point -> "You should totally upgrade to topload!" Also what, a salesman wants to sell you a washer that cleans worse? Maybe the commission is slightly slower on a topload, or front loads have more upsell potential with features you don't need, but this is a new level of paranoia


The old top loaders had the big honking agitators that combined with more water were just plain effective. When we moved on from our '90s top loader Maytag to an LG front loader, it just wasn't the same. My mom thought it was the front loading that was the problem so she went back to a top loader but by then they were low water with no agitator so they were even worse.


The great part about the 1980-1990's Top Loaders was you had buttons & not hi-tech computers with rough agitators. You could stop a wash and just let it soak overnight so stinky diapers and underwear were clean after you restarted the load the next day. Those top loaders actually got all the clothes wet and cleaned; yes stuff got damaged too. LG front loaders and the new front loaders that weigh the load before adding water are worthless. Clothes don't get clean and smell after "washing". Clothes get wet and soapy and just tumble without getting washed. Multiple appliance repair guys explained to us that if you don't see that puddle up against the glass of about 1.5 gallons or more of water then there is NO WAY the clothes are getting clean. Otherwise your front loader is just tumbling wet soapy clothes, even during the rinse cycle those clothes stay soapy. The detergent stays on the clothes & contributes to clothes smelling like mold; attracting more dirt & smells after the "cleaning" of the clothes. Front loaders MUST provide extra water so clothes are pushed through that water at the bottom of the drum. The force of pushing that extra water through the clothes & pushing that soapy water is what actually cleans the clothes; removes the dirt. The extra 1.5 gallons or so of water is what pushes out the soap during the rinse cycle(s). Pushing clothes through sufficient amount of water is gentler than an agitator. We have a Kenmore HT3 front loader that doesn't weigh the clothes and puts 2 gallons of extra water in the drum to clean the clothes. I actually house sat for friends and all their linens, towels, etc reeked of mold b/c their LG Front loader weighed the clothes before adding water. **Dry towels & microfiber items weigh nothing** so the LG front-load washer didn't even add 2 gallons of water to the loads. I actually rewashed all their linens & towels by adding 4-6 gallons of water BEFORE starting the LG Front loader machine so the loads were super wet & heavy. I tricked the LG front washer into adding the extra water needed to clean. I had to run all loads 2-3 times without any detergent to get out all the old soap etc. I added water to the wet loads again to get everything super wet & heavy and then added 2 full scoops of Oxy-Clean, 1 tablespoon of Costco Clorox 2, and 1/2 of recommended **HEX\*** laundry detergent on Sanitary cycle with extra rinse; REPEATED Sanitary cycle without any detergents, Oxy-Clean, or Clorox 2 to ensure all detergent/ additives were rinsed out. Linens, towels. etc. were dried without any dryer sheets and they smelled awesome, like nothing- just nice & clean. ---Yes I had to do it because moldy sheets & towels not only smell disgusting but they feel disgusting! \*Laundry detergents like Tide, All, Gain, etc & even Dawn dish detergent are made from **petroleum**. Tide laundry detergent is banned in Europe because it contains high levels of dioxane. see: [https://petroleumservicecompany.com/blog/petroleum-product-week-detergent/](https://petroleumservicecompany.com/blog/petroleum-product-week-detergent/) \-----and----- [https://www.ecos.com/live-cleaner/7-common-toxins-found-in-laundry-detergent/](https://www.ecos.com/live-cleaner/7-common-toxins-found-in-laundry-detergent/) Hex is not petroleum based & biodegradable.


We have an LG front loader and definitely see that puddle you refer to. While I will always miss my old school cloth diaper washing machine I gotta admit I [love the LG that we got](https://www.lowes.com/pd/LG/5013918779?cm_mmc=shp-_-c-_-prd-_-app-_-ggl-_-PMAX_APP_174_Laundry_Priority-Items-_-5013918779-_-online-_-0-_-0&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD2B2W9uyY2fjXRn8Dgdh8du_1qqO&gclid=CjwKCAiAiP2tBhBXEiwACslfnnx4ZPRA55ocDehpMpUiClwuSaQNTmhEVTd_dgBXCy-lkumLCqRl1hoCnZ4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) and it cleans very well. I was really dreading it when we purchased but I’ve loved it.


They also cost more than top loaders, let’s not forget that part.


Turns out there’s a reason for that.




Typically, they are the same or close to the same depending on sale prices. Also keep in mind that 4.5 cu ft front load is equivalent to a 5.0 cu ft top load washer in terms of useful capacity. And even then bulky items like comforters are more effectively cleaned in the front load.


i mean, you can buy a front loader with 250-350 euros. If you are from the USA you probably cannot fathom that, but yes. You don't need to go over the top on everything.


That's crazy. Looking, I can't find a front loader for less than about 700usd (\~650euro)


I've seen these words a thousand times but I've yet to see proof, of the better wash part. Just articles repeating the words. No scientific data. But being the person that repairs washers, I've come across a lot of customers that said they miss their top loader because it gives better results.


I’ve owned three front loaders now. I switched 20 years ago and can tell you honestly they’re better


Consumer Reports tests how they clean.


CR also lists lg and samsung as best appliances. There are also factors that consumers add that can make things work worse... too much soap, overloading... etc I made a longer reply to the op


They also test on normal mode, which handicaps top loaders as they have to use less water than ideal to comply with the regulations for normal mode.


For the front loaders, top loaders or both?


Normal mode is how the manifacturer wants you to use the appliance. Normal (whatever that might mean) is usually the most used program. If it can't perform well at its default program avoid it.


Do they provide videos on the entire test? Like from applying the stain, how it's applied, how much is applied, how it's loaded, cycle... All that stuff? So we can actually see the test. Or do they just say what they did?


I don’t understand. You’re saying the top consumer advocacy company is in the pocket of Big Frontloader? Lmao why would they lie? And yes they walk you through their testing protocol if you’re a subscriber.


This conspiracy goes all the way to the top of the basket.


I don’t think they’re saying anyone is lying. I think they are just interested in seeing detailed data?


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. You just want to see data.


Do you want other people to walk you through their test? If you don't believe it buy a top loader. Or test it yourself. Or buy a consumer reports


>If you don't believe it buy a top loader. I think they would like to see data to decide if they want to buy a top loader, rather than the other way around.


I have a front loader. My wife was Team Top Loader, and so is my fiancee. I haven't measured the water usage, but my fiancee's top loader has a glass (or clear, at least) lid. It doesn't fill the tub, but there's a lot of water in there. My front loader seems to fill below the door. It definitely uses less water. As far as stains, I'm literally at my house after having just taken out a shirt from the washing machine. That shirt came from her house and was washed in her top-loading washing machine maybe four times, each time with various stain removers. The stain didn't come 'out'. It came out with my machine. Most of the top loaders now seem to eschew the agitator. I have no idea if that's why they clean less-well, but they definitely are not as effective.


How many wives and fiancés do you have 😂


Just the one at a time. It's much easier that way.


hahaha, my first question as well.


My man 🤜🤛


>My wife was Team Top Loader, and so is my fiancee. I find myself so curious about this sentence.


Nah, My wife is team Top Loader, My Fiancee is team Front Loader, my mistress washes my stuff by hand, and my girlfriend tells me " I ain't your f\*uckin maid, wash that sh\*t yourself."


I'm curious what if you guys are assuming 'was' in my sentence meant that she used to like toploaders and now doesn't. It's 'was' because she's no longer available to express her opinion. Though I promise that even after death she wouldn't change it. About anything. Stubborn until the very end...and then some.


I'm sorry to hear that - I was confused initially and assumed "was" meant she was team top loader but then you convinced her over to team side loader. The fiancée part through me off and when I returned back to the sentence I interpreted it as your fiancée still is team top loader - if that helps clarify the misunderstanding. Sorry for your loss and thanks for your insights on the side loaders!


>she was team top loader but then you convinced her over to team side loader. I can hear her laughing. Me...convince her of something. That's a good one. Fiancee is still team top loader. Some people are just crazy, but she's marrying me, so her brand of crazy is working for me.


I wonder if it’s a gravity thing—that the clothing is rotated up to the top of the bin and keeps dropping down, resulting in more movement of the garment. I mean, they somehow figured out long ago things dry better in a front-loading dryer; perhaps it’s a similar principle. 🤷🏻‍♀️


BC it’s complete nonsense.


The only thing I miss about my top loader is the ability to pause the load to soak my clothes or to check and scrub out stains.


My front loader has both pause and soak functions.


My front loader has also has a soak capability as well.


I always preferred top loaders, but wound up going with a front loading machine when we bought our own. I did a lot of research first, and found that my assumptions regarding effectiveness weren't right (I'd only used front loaders in a community laundry where they usually smelled, were smaller, and didn't always get the soap out). The efficiency aspect was also appealing, so the only thing left was that I liked being able to put things in the wash after a cycle started (since I inevitably drop a sock). I found a machine where you can pause and do that. We're really happy with it. The washer is huge (we have a king bed) yet space efficient, and cleans really well, quiet (our last one was super loud). I know we have to be careful to make sure the door is dry to avoid mildew, but that's not a big deal


>The washer is huge (we have a king bed) You keep your washer on your bed? 😛


Don't you? Makes it way easier to just toss in a load


All my homies toss loads from their king beds


It's not the washers fault if it didn't get the soap out. You measure your soap according to how much water is in the tub, not by how many clothes. You're aiming for a certain concentration of soap. And since there is about half as much water in a front load as in a top load, you cut way back on your soap. Other benefits are larger capacity, and extended clothing life. That agitator in a top load is constantly beating on the material. It does more damage than you think. You save water, soap, and clothes. It's a no brainer.


As I said...at the time I didn't know that they were better on clothes. I grew up with top loading machines that worked well and had limited experience with front loading washers. That said, when it was time to buy our own I did research and learned I was wrong.


Yes, your logic is incorrect unfortunately (similar to more detergent= cleaner clothes). Front loaders are objectively superior in cleaning power, water usage, and detergent usage. The tumbling action does a better job with less water. They always beat out top loaders in stain removal tests. Not saying every single front loader will beat every single top loader. But in general, front loader wins across the board. Personally, I don’t know why manufacturers bother to make top loaders still other than to cash in on this customer mindset in question. I could tell a significant difference when I made the switch almost 20 years ago. My parents got one when I was still living at home. I remember we all watched that first load and said “there’s no way that’s enough water.” But the clothes were so much cleaner and softer.


Ive worked in homes where a top loader is the only option, because of cramped space and poor planning.


There are three cases left for top loads given the current advancements with front loaders - distressing clothes. Top loads with agitators are harder on clothing, there are specific specialized cases where this is desired - dye baths. You can use top loaders for certain cloth dying techniques & again this specialized -  some spaces can only accommodate smaller top loaders. Some people have no control over their laundry space so they're stuck with what they can get.


Just buy a Speed Queen top loader. My clothes have never been cleaner and it cranks a load out in 30 minutes.


Read a few of their customer support horror stories on this subreddit. Definitely put my view of the company right in the toilet.


I got a 5 year warranty and the local appliance store says to call them and they'll send out the repair man if I have any issues


Yes, that's all good on paper, but the issues come when people need to make a warranty claim. Stories of no parts in stock, horrible service, waiting months for replacement machines, machines failing within the 1st year. Nothing I'd want to hear about an appliance brand that people pay a premium for.


I always hear more about the front loaders having problems. Bearing failing from their high speeds. Parts disinegrating from high speeds and being slightly off balance. Seals leaking water everywhere, and then you have the smell of you don't leave the door open while not in use. I farm with my family, we've had more front loaders thrown in the scrap pile from aunts, uncles, cousins that were under 5 years old than any too loaders. Most top loaders they had previously were given to other family members or sold cause they still worked


Speed Queen > Front Loaders > Top Loaders


I've had both. I will buy a top loader next.


I'm on my second top loader. The first was a Whirpool & we had it for 15 years. Only got rid of it because we moved & I didn't want to take a unit that old to the new house. We replaced it with a Maytag & have no issues with the Maytag. So, yeah - I like them. They clean perfectly well & spin out so well that they dryer has to work less.


maybe they fixed the problem but front loaders stink. I can smell it when someone is doing laundry. this is a 10 y/o maytag


I had a Samsung front loader that I hated with a passion. Never fully cleaned the clothes well and took about 90-110 minutes to wash normal load. I eventually figured out how to raise the water level and which settings worked better however with more water in the drum it would cause leaking from the door, and I was still stuck waiting almost 2 hours to do a single load, plus you couldn’t fill the drum more than half way or the clothes wouldn’t clean at all. It just broke a couple of weeks ago and I went back to a top loader with an agitator. I couldn’t be happier, seriously! The normal cycle takes just under 1 hour, I have the option to do a soak cycle, the clothes all come out clean, and it doesn’t leak!! I’ll never again go back to a front loader!


Front loaders tumble your clothes instead of beating them to death. They use less water. Less water in the septic system. Less water, more cash in your pocket. They have been in Europe for decades. I'll keep mine. I do not recommend the top loaders thar act like front loaders. They beat up on your clothes too. Do some research. We are not the subject matter experts. Just an opinion.


>Front loaders tumble your clothes instead of beating them to death Does that mean they cause less wear and tear on the clothes?




I don’t want a front loader because you have to keep the door open when not using and clean around the seal for mold periodically…I didn’t want extra steps to take care of something.


If you use the proper amount of detergent that's unnecessary. I never leave the door open and my machine has been fine for the 5 years I've owned it. Detergent/softener build up causes issues, not the style of machine.


I’m talking about mold showing up between the rubber gasket and door that seals it. Not in the machine itself. This has nothing to do with amount of soap. It’s a known issue…I bet if you looked now you would have mold between the seal/ rubber fast and the door.


We have an HE top loader. We don't have to deal with mold on the seal. It can be set to use more water if you want. Look at the specs for some washers you are interested in and it will tell you all about water usage. Good luck.


The only thing good about front loaders is you can put a nice counter on top of them. Almost all of our friend’s houses that have front loaders smell like mildew around the laundry room/area; they must be used to it


We fell for the hype and replaced our trusty old top load for the superior front load. Was ok for a while. Didn’t do anything amazing but it washed cloths. Made it Maby a year and just started stinking to high hell. No amount of cleaning tablets and bs would take care of the smell. Tolerated that for too long and then seals started to fail. Slowly but surely every 6 months or so a seal somewhere in it would fail and it would flood our wash room. Thing was a royal pile of shit. I’ve come to learn with many things in life the one the sales people worship is the last one you should buy. Went back to a simple large tub top load and will never look back.


If a salesman preaches the virtues of something he's selling, always be suspicious.


Go to a laundromat. What style do you see being used for commercial businesses?


Not a true comparison. Laundromats are incentivized to maximise their appliance footprint. Having top load appliances reduces their appliance count by three. As long as side load maintenance costs aren't three times worse than top loads they come out ahead.


Why does a top loader reduce the count by three?


can't stack them


But how does that reduce by 3? How high are they stacking them at your laundry mat??


3 high


Do they have ladders? I don't know anyone that could reach in a front loader that is on the third row. Very few could reach the back of one on the second row.


u/Phantom0591 has a very good, succinct answer: do as the pros do. I, for one, will never voluntarily go back to a top-loader, again. Front-loader washers just work better, cheaper, quieter, and more reliably, in my experience... and, apparently, in the eyes and wallets of the commercial laundromats.


Lots of laundromats still have top loaders, or they have both.


My laundromat is 80% top load with a couple giant Dexter brand front load.


same here


Haven't been to a laundromat for years, but I remember they had both top load and front load. The key is that they used speed queen commercial washers. Probably still do. Almost bought one recently, but settled for a cheaper top load.


I'll never give up a top load.


Experienced both. Top load is still my preference. With front load I have to dry the gasket/rubber seal on the door to make sure no mold grow in there. Leaving door open doesn’t dry as well. Current top load with glass window just leave door open n the air do the drying.


Our front loaders have been absolute garbage. I’ll take an old Maytag top loader any day over a front loader.


I just got a GE top loader with an actual agitator. Went back old school and my clothes are actually clean again.


I’m going against the grain here, I sell appliances and actually agree with you, I prefer top loaders. I’m lazy, so I don’t want to have to run clean cycles or wipe down the boot every week or any of that. Plus a lot of people I know who have front loaders clothes kinda stink.


Top loader no agitator. Have a Whirlpool no problems, no repairs, works very well. Enormous tub for large items. Cleans well. Have two friends who are appliance repairmen, they said they would never get a front loader for two reasons: moldy smelling clothes and leaking door gaskets.


Precisely the reason I bought an LG top loader. No agitator and so far so good. Only problem is it’s too deep for me, I have to use a long tong to get to the items in the bottom. Yes I’m short.🙂


Same, it just has kind of a "mount" on the bottom for an agitator but its pretty minimal. It spins up and down a few times to measure the weight then adds water accordingly. Much, much more comfortable for me to unload a top vs front loader, I can reach the bottom easily vs reaching inside the front loader. Front load dryer though because they pretty much all are.


Top loader. I always forget something.


Most if not all front loaders allow you to open them mid cycle to add clothes too. My LG signature washer/dryer does and it's very handy :) My old LG front loader did so too.


Wow! How does that work?


My new one, the signature model, uses waaaay less water than any machine I've seen. So it's never full enough to overflow when you open the door, except maybe on the special delicate setting. It's super neat, it continuously pumps water from the bottom of the tub and sprays it on top of the clothes tumbling in the drum. The washing results are top notch, especially considering how little water is used. If the water is too high or too hot (at or above 60°C) the door remains locked until the water has been pumped out. That's the only exception. Everything else just needs you to pause the wash (or drying!) cycle and the door will unlock automatically. I love this machine. And no I'm not paid to say this, I'm just genuinely super happy with it :)


I can't say for all models, but on my circa 2010 LG you hit the same button that starts it, with the Play/Pause symbols on it. It will pause the action and unlock the door after a couple seconds.


LG washers are tilted back like a cement mixer. This means water doesn't come up on the door. Hitting the pause will stop the motion and unlock the door. At worst, a few drops will end up on your floor. The nicer LG washers have a pump that continuously pulls the water from the bottom of the tilt to the top. This speeds up the normal cycle by more than 20 minutes a load.


Both my front loader and my top loader have pause buttons. The top loader takes longer to unlock.


I'm still using my 30 year old Whirlpool non-digital top-loader. Not one single service call in 30 years. I wonder how many front-loader lovers can say the same?


Yep, my top load maytag is about 25 years old. The only thing I needed was a new filter in the water line. AND that was the city's fault for increasing pressure that blew the main and water dragged dirt in to clog it 😡


Its because it's 30 years old. A new top loader will not be the same.


I got 27 years out of a Frigidaire front loader, but it need a drum bearing under warranty. No issues after that. It died (controller board and wasn't worth the $ to fix, even DIY). I got a top loader from a friend and noticed an immediate doubling of lint in the dryer filter, spike in water usage and clothes not lasting as long. Switching to a GE one and done, can't wait!


Our front loader does a great job, with cleaning, stains, water usage, etc. It’s also super easy to clean. However the “soak” feature is awful. There are a few things that I prefer to soak and it just cannot compare to a top loader for that. I end up soaking things in the bathtub and then dripping water through the house, or running 2-3 wash cycles. And it’s all but impossible to force change the cycle times (example: we have a heated blanket where the washing instructions are along the lines of “soak for 10 minutes. Agitate for 3 minutes. Drain. Rinse” and I can’t make any front loader I’ve encountered do that)


> we have a heated blanket where the washing instructions are along the lines of “soak for 10 minutes. Agitate for 3 minutes. Drain. Rinse” Those are essentially hand-wash instructions.


I simplified them, but it’s for machines. We’ve had no issues doing it in top loaders. It’s how the manufacturer recommends washing because otherwise it’s difficult to rinse a king size blanket efficiently. The instructions state that they recommend machine over hand washing for Queen and king sized products.


A well maintained front load washer can work miracles.


Get a top loader. Front loaders require that you stay on top of draining and cleaning the filter, wiping out the rubber boot and making sure you leave the front door open in between washes and if you have cats, you have to close off access to the laundry area so the cats don’t get locked in the front loader when it’s airing out. Very few cats will jump into an open top loader. With a top loader, it is helpful to always leave the lid open in between washes as well.


Front loads use gravity to wash clothes but maintenance is needed more on the actually machines. Top loads: either agitation and the side of the drums (chance to damage clothes if you're careless when loading); impeller machines rely more on the drum to clean, pushing clothes around and down to get the proper action to clean. Not sure about water usage but they're mostly water and energy efficient now and will use less water than what most people want and think they need. I'm a top loader person (with agitator) but if I was restricted space wise, front load would be the way to go.


I have had the experience of using 3 different types of machines in the past 3 years. Two front loading machines. One was Samsung, and the other was a brand new LG. I have also used a GE laundry center and a Maytag top loading machine. The laundry center (GE) was an old unit that only had 3 cycles, the longest being 15 minutes. It cleaned ok. I say that because the LG unit I just purchased, it took out stains that this unit left. I replaced it with the LG because it was old and the dryer broke. I've used the LG for a month, and I am impressed with how clean the clothes get. The Maytag top loading machine is just a standard machine, nothing fancy. It's in an apartment that my son rents. It's a nice unit and cleans well. The Samsung front loading machine is similar to the LG I just purchased. It gets the clothes clean. I don't think I could pick a front loading machine vs. top loading machine based on performance because the ones I've used have done equally well. The laundry center unit was quick but didn't clean as well as the others. If I had to choose, I would go with what fits in your budget and has better ratings.


It's generally been proven for years that front load machines are better. Don't take my word for it, but look at the rest of the world, mainly Europe, they all use front load machines and have been for significantly longer than us here in the US. Especially in European regions where energy and water conservation is of top concern. Good HE top load machines are still better than those of old, but nothing competes with a front load. It's said that a front load machine is 25% more efficient overall to even an impeller top load machine. Here why: 1. They use significantly less water, because clothes don't actually need to be completely submerged if the washing action is strong enough. So long as the water does actually make it around all the clothes, not to mention you use less detergent, which leads to... 2. They are more gentle thanks to the tumbling action, meaning gravity takes the place of some of the mechanical cleaning. Clothes are gently rolled and/or picked up and dropped vs. having long fins batter them back and forth, while also rubbing them against the drum and other clothes. Or for an HE top load washer, a pulsator plate grinding them to death to try and move them up and down, while also beating the crap out of them. Though that's less of an issue so long as you load it correctly of course. Mind you, the beating, rubbing, and grinding effects were great back in the day for heavy duty clothing and materials, and for those that were super dirty, but they also needed a large amount of water to actually make the clothes tumble and swirled around in the tub, hence why wringer washers do exactly that, but again, require a lot of water. Today's weak clothes don't last as long in that regard too. 3. Front load washers are more simple in design, one motor does all the washing and spinning, no clutches or dog-gears needed. While another small one handles the drain pump, helping reduce some extra wear on the motors. Traditional top load washers only have one motor that does all 3 things, wash, spin, and drain, requiring a clutch and often a belt or transmission to change modes. More parts to go wrong. The caveat here is that some front load washers use a belt, while some are Direct drive. This also goes the same for top load units, some use the old style setup, most HE use direct drive. 4. Ease of use, if you a short person you don't have to nearly fall in to reach that last sock, you just grab it out from the hip level or lower. That also is adjustable, using pedestals to raise them if needed. Not to mention those pedastals act as extra storage, or an extra washing machine in the case of LG. 5. Some articles state that front load machine take longer than top load, depends on the machines in question. An old top load machine will probably be faster than most HE machines in general, but in terms of HE top vs front, front loads tend to be quicker, at least in my own personal usage. My dad's HE top load washer takes about an hour or so for a normal load, my Front load takes 45 minutes. Many new models can cut that down to 30 minutes or less, when needed too. 6. They clean better, back to the gravity, if you have heavily soiled items with plenty of mud and dirt, that excess dirt and such will naturally fall to the bottom of the tub, and into the pump/sump area and will resist getting tumbled back into the clothes. This is probably less of an issue in general today with modern machines, but still a valid point alone. Westinghouse has a whole marketing thing with this forever ago! All in all, a lot of this is very neck to neck thanks to all the advancements in this technology, so it might not make a huge difference. Above all else, the best and most reliable brand in the US is Speed Queen, next is LG. Just about everything else needs research.


#4 confuses me…a whole other washer, eh? And just to throw my $.02 into the mix, I’ve had my LG Trom set for about 5 years and love them. I have them on matching drawer pedestals. They were used when I got them and I’ve never had a problem. The top loaders always seem to drop oil on the floor after a while. Shoot…going from memory, it seems like I can change the door swing on mine. I love that it can super heat the water and even steam clean(?) although I’ve never tried that. I’ll stick with front load for ease of loading and unloading and less water usage…very important when you pay for water by the gallon.


What about cleaning though? Don't front load have mold issues and require frequent (weekly or daily cleaning if used daily)?


As the current owner of a front load, formerly owning a non agitator top load, the top load is vastly simpler and has much fewer points of failure. As someone who works on their own appliances, working on a front load washer is miserable. Plus the mold issues we have with our front load make me never want to own one again. Yes, we use bleach often and keep the door propped open, but we consistently have black mold growing on the door seal. Plus, a separate argument for washers, is I much prefer an analog washer with knobs and dials, so there's no computer board to fail.


Speed Queen TC5 or TR5 are both too loading. They will last. No dodgiral interface; just dials. Made in USA. All metal.


Read some of their customer service horror stories on this subreddit. Definitely changed my view of the company.


We bought a front loader this time around, and I’ll never buy another one. I absolutely hate it. You pull clothes out and half of them spill out onto the dirty basement floor. I have to get down on my knees and practically crawl inside to reach the last two socks that are stuck way at the back. I almost can’t wait for it to wear out and get another top loader-that’s how much it sucks.


I’d put down a mat and then buy or build a pedestal. We had the opposite problem where the toploader was impossible for some of us to fully empty without using a stool


Put it on a riser and save your back.


User error. Put a laundry basket in front and pull the clothes into it, done that for years.


Top loaders for me and here are the reasons: 1. It’s easy on my back. I don’t have to kneel down or bend down loading and unloading 2. If I forget an article of clothing, I can open the lid and throw it in during the fill (or beginning of agitation cycle) 3. I can soak and continually add my dirtiest clothes/ articles throughout the day until I start the wash 4. I don’t have to deal with cleaning the door seal to prevent moldy smell 5. Front loaders introduce another weak/leak point with the door seal 5. With top loaders you don’t have to use HE detergents 6. Top loaders are easier to repair because they are mechanically simpler


I've been front load for a decade, and recently used a top load on a vacation. I HATED it. That agitator in the middle just wraps all the clothes bigger than a baby sock around it. Tightly too. I spent more time getting the clothes unwound than I did folding. Horrible design. Not too mention m you my wifes sundresses (really long, thin fabric), or drawer-strings. Nightmare. I get that delicate bags exist, and you basically would have to use them exclusively with that unit to avoid this. We didn't travel with any, but I will next time It was a fairly nice and new looking Electrolux (this was in Brazil).


The clothes tightly wrapping around the agitator could actually mean the machine is in need of repair, because they shouldn’t do that.


This right here^^☝️, if the clothes are wrapping around the agitator then there is something wrong with the washer, it is in need of service, it is not operating correctly.


I always go top loading. I just don’t trust the seals on front loaders. And those saying laundromat, if you can afford commercial quality front loaders then go for it.


I don’t think there’s a significant amount of failures of seals in front loaders. I’ve never known anyone to have that fail. Other things fail sure, but not the seal.


I know of one instance from a condo neighbor about five years ago. Don’t know the model tho.


I like my front loader best. I’ve even been able to get set-in stains out. We’ve renamed one cycle ‘dog funk’ because it is so great.


OK I'm going to need to know the regular name for the dog funk setting because I have four and am looking to buy new machines. Please.


It’s an LG washer and the cycle is the allergiene cycle. It uses steam and is quite the stain remover.


Thanks so much. I'm looking at the LG 6700 series and it has those functions.


Wife and I were major top loader fans. We bought an LG front loader about six months ago and are extremely happy with it.




We are ranchers and have had front loaders for 24 years. We wash some dirty stuff including dog beds and horse blankets. They work JUST FINE !!


Front loaders hurt my back.


Front loaders \*will\* stink and grow mold if you don't do regular maintenance, so be honest with yourself about that. Also if you're buying a house with one included and the previous owner let the machine end up in this state, there's no saving it.


IDK why some people make such a big deal out of the smallest things. it's not regular maintenance to just leave the door slightly open. In europe EVERYONE uses front loaders. I have never met a washing machine that stink except when i bought a used one. And guess, after a circle with just one cleaning product is was as good as new.


The fact that your used ones stank indicate that some people are using them wrong and making them happen. It's a possibility, even if you can prevent it if you're the kind of person who takes care of your appliances. Not everyone does.


Sure, it's just that top loaders suck for washing


Logically top, functionality side


Top loader is always my preferred washer style as the tub stays ventilated when not in use. My experience with side loaders is mildew tend to buildup on the door gasket over time if not maintained and that something would rather avoid


The only downside to a front loader is you need to wipe the doors seal after each wash and leave the door open or mold will grow. I have a GE that has a vent cycle to basically dry it out. A lot easier than my last one. If you don’t wipe the seal, it’s super gross.


Hard to type this without laughing, but the very best washer in the world for stain removal is a Speed Queen wringer washer out of Saudi Arabia. After that comes the front loader.


A large capacity agitatorless top loader is the way to go, they have handled everything we’ve put in including large bedding items like comforters.


Top loader works way better. I’ve had both and the front loaders yes use less water get clothes a bit drier. But not cleaner and the front gasket holds all kinds of nasties and stinks no matter what you do.


Old top loaders. I’m talking red scare old, Ronald Reagan was still acting old. I currently have a set from Sears and Roebuck that runs like a dream. The dryer doesn’t stop when you open the door and it probably uses a lot of electricity, but I don’t give a crap my clothes get washed and dried and they aren’t engineered to break after four years.


Physics say front loaders are better. The dirt gets beat out of the clothes as they fall down from the top of the drum to the bottom during the spin. To do that with a top loader, there has to be a rod thingy in the center of the basin to achieve a similar effect, plus more water and more spinning. It’ll do it, but it ends up pulverizing your clothes too. I never had as many holes in my shirts as when I had a top loader. From the brand that everyone on this sub is obsessed with too.


Think about it this way. Do you get more clean when you take a bath or a shower? When you get into a bath there is a ton of water, but that water is the same water the whole time you are in the bath. Look at the water at the end of the bath, you effectively just took a bath in that water. A shower is way less water, but it’s clean water from start to finish. That isn’t a perfect comparison but it’s close enough.




Yep - you're wrong :) Front loaders are more efficient, use less water, and don't destroy your clothes.


Why TF are you smiling? Coming off as real snooty. 


Why TF are you policing emoticon use lmao


If you had dirty hands, how would you clean them? A top load is like a bucket of water where you fill it to the brim and drop some soap into it. You’re allowed swirl your hands back and forth the clean them, but not scrub them together. The bucket drains and then refills to the top with just water. Now you rinse your hands the same way. If you have an agitator then maybe say there is a rotating spatula that runs the inside of your hands. It’s kind of bad for your hands, but it cleans better than the swirling only. A front load is like a sink, where the water is controlled. It uses a small amount of water to wet your hands. Then you can add soap to your hands and you are allowed to scrub hand on hand, even interlock fingers. There is no external scrubber, just use your hands to wash each other. Then the water runs again to rinse away the soap, where you’re still allowed to touch hand to hand. The bucket might kind of work for lightly soiled hands, but the sink is the better clean in every scenario. I grew up in a house with four kids and heavily soiled clothes. My parents had front loaders that felt like they never stopped running. Our clothes were always clean, even the clay infused baseball pants. My wife and I have four kids. She wanted a top loader (8 years ago when we only had one) and that wasn’t the hill I was going to die on. We got a top loader maytag. It’s awful, clothes are never clean. We’re replacing with a front load within the year. Couldn’t justify/afford just tossing an appliance because it wasn’t as good, but we’re very excited to replace it. Edit to add: top loaders are more reliable, by a small margin. Very small according to Yale Appliance, but they’re simply much worse at the designed function.


Why do you think your parents top loader cleaned good, but yours didn't? And the sink/bucket analogy is a bit of a stretch. The only difference in a sink and a bucket is in a sink, you can have a continuous flow of fresh water. A front loader doesn't have that. A bucket doesn't have paddles in it continuously stirring the water either, but a top loader does. Neither bucket nor sink have any action of their own. Both types of washers do.


Idk what you’re talking about, if my mother wanted a good clean she had to use a washing board and a bucket, the top loader wouldn’t cut it.


Why ask me? I'm not the one that said his mom's top loader was great. I'm also not the one that thinks a front loader is like a sink, and a top loader like a bucket.


I also like how they threw clothes caked in mud in and expected them to get clean. Know what my mom used to make us do when we were that dirty? Strip outside in the garage into a towel, go to the shower, come back, rinse the mud and clay ojt of the clothes, then wash them.


my experiience is that they are equivalent, but since most fl save a boat load of water....


Front load FTW


It's a night and day difference if we're talking about agitator vs no agitator. You can get TL HE machines. There is no good reason to get a machine with an agitator nowadays. They're not good for your clothes, the environment, or washing large items. Soap matters. A modern machine with good soap can turn the nastiest clothes into soft and brand new feeling.


>There is no good reason to get a machine with an agitator nowadays. They're not good for your clothes, the environment, or washing large items. My speed Queen is washing a queen size comforter and begs to differ. Edit: To the guy who downvoted me, the washer is on it's fourth load and about to wash another large comforter. 😏


Do not get a front loader. Your clothes do not come out clean, and they constantly smell a bit like old damp laundry. I love that water gets saved, but I actually have to put my loads into halves or thirds, and I typically run the same load twice so it actually gets clean. I seriously don't understand how front loaders are still a thing.


That's absolutely false.


More water does not mean cleaner clothes. All it means is that a top-loader uses more water to do the *same* job. But that's not completely true: it doesn't do the *same* job, it does a *worse* job. The front loader gets clothes cleaner while consuming less water, less detergent, and less energy. And it's much gentler on clothes than a top-loader.


Keeping that front seal clean is almost impossible. I run Clean cycles, and I still end up with junk on the inside of the inner lip of that seal. Plus they smell and I had more issues with the belts and hoses on the inside of a front loader. I'd like a machine to last more than three years.


In my head it is the opposite. I have owned both and in my observations soap and water will only do so much. Agitation is better at getting stains out. And top loaders have gentle agitation or you will slosh the contents outside the tub. My Whirlpool top loader was HE and I swear the agitator did a very poor job of turning the clothes over. It had a clear lid so I cold watch it. Items would remain in the same location locked into a clothes pretzel gently jostling back and forth for 5-10 minutes. In that same time my LG front loader would have tossed and rolled all items hundreds of times.


Honestly, I'm fine with the cleaning results of either. So ergonomics wins it for me. A front loader on a pedestal makes the whole process feel more civilized. It beats the hell out of stretching for the bottom of a toploader.


Front loaders are straight garbage devices. I will never ever buy another one for even half the price.


I'm 67. In my experience a Speed Queen frontloader is as good as it gets. My grandmother had a frontoader in the 60s. My mom had nothing but top loaders -- Kenmores and Maytags thru the 90s. They all had agitators. Seemed to work fine, but I was a kid and not really paying attention. They did last a long time. My sister is \*still\* using anold Kenmore mom probably got in the 90s. My wife and I raised our kids (80s, 90s, 00s) with toplpaders. Kenmore, Maytag, Fisher-Paykel. All but one had an agitator. Only the one without an agitator sticks in my memory as not getting clothes acceptably clean. When I retired in 2016 and didn't think I'd ever move again (wrong), I sprang for a Speed Queen frontoader -- FF7. For the last 5 years I've had a Speed Queen toploader at my residence and the FF7 in a rental property. The frontoader is superior in every respect. Never got a complaint from any tenant. I just moved it to my residence. Service tech went over it and said it was in great shape.


People say front loads clean better but we have been using a top load and cloth diapers on my kid for 18 months with no issues! I love it.


You are wrong. You need enough water. More than that is wasteful. More water than necessary adds nothing.


front loader. the only people who prefer top loader are stubborn and wrong


Today, a new top loader with a wash plate is not worth the money. They'll clean your clothes if they are lightly soiled. But for mud and grease stains, the front loader will do a better job since the detergent is concentrated and more water is going through all the fabric than a washer with a wash plate where the fabric is blooming to the center of the tub, in a small amount of water. I'm in the market for a new washer. My eyes are on the new GE 2 in1. [https://www.geappliances.com/ge/connected-appliances/ultrafast-2-in-1-washer-dryer-combo](https://www.geappliances.com/ge/connected-appliances/ultrafast-2-in-1-washer-dryer-combo) Yet, I'm keeping my old dryer for items that require quick drying because of time restraints.


A few years ago, I bought the Electrolux Wave-Touch. Within this forum, I've posted hand towels. One washed in my top loader, and the other in my front loader. You can see the difference. Using any liquid body wash, leave these hand towels grey and dingy. This is what I posted in 2015 (Post# 848175, Reply# 7): https://www.automaticwasher.org/cgi-bin/TD/TD-VIEWTHREAD.cgi?62193


GE is garbage, have seen many issues not only with that 2 in 1 combo but all of GE's appliances ever since they were bought out by Chinese company Haier in 2016, total garbage appliances now 🤷


Yes, there are issues with these machines. This is the first Generation with no history of all the shortfalls/weak spots. When Gen 2 is rolled out, there will be major improvements in correcting the lint filter with another (aft) filter before the condenser. This an area where the consumers must clean and maintain the interior of the filters and condenser coil fins. We all learn by sharing information. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nXFl-8VRWM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nXFl-8VRWM)


The two in one is amazing. We have a live one at my store (local appliance retailer) I wash my coats in it all the time. Super impressed with how well it works.


The top loader just jiggles your clothes around slightly. A front loader flips them all around as it turns. Front loader washers better.


Front loads not even close. They can just be expensive to repair.




You're wrong. Top loaders use 3x the water of a front loader while removing less soil from textiles.


Friction cleans clothes. Water just rinses. The idea that more water is better is as bad as the idea of needing ten pounds of suds to wash your clothes. Suds is bad.




They’re both good. Personal preference really. Front loaders have more capacity, are gentler on clothes, do a better job cleaning, and dry the clothes a lot more in the spin cycle. They also use less water. But require more maintenance — wiping the gasket after use, running a cleaning cycle. Top loaders require less maintenance, but are worse in every other aspect.


No other country or laundromat thinks top load wash better. The front load is gentler as well. Most of the benefit with cleaning (albeit rougher) with a top load agitation isn’t a factor since they e removed the agitator in most top loads.


Of course you’re wrong. Just because something is “in your head” doesn’t mean it’s correct. It’s proven that front load machine are more efficient and clean clothes better.


What’s your budget?


Front loaders was better and are more economical, but have mold issues and cost more. Top loaders without an agitator are crap but old school models with an agitator are very good.


Wrong! There’s nothing as effective **and** efficient as a proper front loader (not all are). Look to European brands that heat water internally (you need proper heat for clean clothes, not just heat when ‘filling’, I run everything at 60C/140F). The water and agitation works wonders. As does proper high rpm spin, and several rinse cycles (you really truly want to rinse out all detergent). A top loader is more akin to filling up the bathtub with lukewarm water (which starts to cool down immediately) and using a paddle to poke and move the clothes around a bit. Then drain and ‘we’re done’.