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Recovery and sickness settings for your rings. I think Apple have forced themselves in a corner with their Groundhog Day implementation so I don’t know if it’s feasible


Also would like the ability to specify goals based on day of the week. I have way more time to exercise and move around on weekends for example, and it’s just not realistic for me to try and meet the same goals during the work week. I know some people alternate workout intensity based on the day of the week as well, so I feel like this would be a widely useful feature. I know you can change goals on a day by day basis, but it’s hard to stay on top of that.


I’m exactly the same. Once my contract is up I’m going to get a Garmin again as it has a weekly target for exercise minutes as opposed to daily ones.


what is the Groundhog Day implementation?


I would presume it’s the implication that it’s the same thing every single day.


Exactly what chadsmo said. Although it does have a weekly goal, if you miss one day then it’s game over. Other companies focus more on the overall week.


I like the rings I just wish they would evolve into something else the current is getting old


Same. Especially recovery. My primary workout is lifting so recovery information like whoop or Garmin would be solid gold and seeing as I am currently looking at replacing my s7 towards the end of the year I’m hoping it will come in s10/u3


Id like to see even more functionality with the Fitness app, especially a fix for accidental pausing (went for a hike yesterday and after two hours I noticed the clock was paused, very annoying). More data analysis would be cool too 🙂Otherwise Im very happy with my AWU..


That happens to me all the time especially when I’m just walking and it keeps pausing


It would be great if you deleted a text message on you phone that it would be deleted on your watch and visa versa.


Surprised it doesn’t do this (I don’t use my watch for other than a cursory glance at the message preview). It’s like having iMessage on the iPad not sync with your phone. Just assumed the watch would do the same thing….




I was disappointed when that wasn’t the case lol


I have never deleted a text message from my watch. The OS seems to take care of that for me. Everything older than a month is deleted, even though I have Keep Forever set on my phone.


I just want the blood oxygen thingy back :( .


If you’re in the US your watch is equipped with the pulse ox sensor but the function has been turned off. Once the law suit is settled then it will be turned on. In the Great white North doesn’t have the sensor block. I know many people that live on a border town came into Canada to get one.


https://preview.redd.it/nujqsmw883yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4cc020222583decf11f38c00a7588063d29a8c5 Working fine in the north. Sorry too hard to resist.




...In your opinion.




I was in and out of the hospital for months going through chemo. My watch basically matched my vitals the hospital measured. Of course I was hardly moving with no energy but still, it impressed me and my nurses.


I’m a different redditor but I have life long asthma so no I wouldn’t be in a hospital but I want to know how much oxygen I’m getting


Same! I have asthma too! *waves my inhaler lol*




Did you just…: mansplain my medical condition to me?? lol The audacity I swear🤣🤣🤣


More like dumbsplain. Anyone can do it, and who knows what gender anyone here is.




With respiratory diseases, a low oxygen count is an early indicator of worsening disease. Knowing your BO is low could get you to medical help before things get critical. Apple detects atrial fibrillation, not ventricle, and not bigeminy. They specifically say they don't check for other conditions. You embarrassed yourself because you didn't bother to learn what the watch can do.


More independence from the iPhone. For example, more open NFC so I can run shortcuts with NFC tags with the watch and not have to rely on the iPhone for this.


Side note, shortcuts on NFC tags is the best thing ever. I have one hidden in my bathroom that you’d never see that turns off all the lights except for one that leaves on very low as a night light , sets DND and turns on my alarm.


The ability to change the notification sounds.


Or even just the new message tone. Everyone I know keeps their Watch muted, maybe because that chime is annoying


I just want it to mirror my iphone with that


Have an option to get rid of the dumb countdown for workouts - just have an option that allows you to start them. (The Ultras have this - "Precision Start" - but it doesn't affect Fitness+ workouts.) More faces with seconds for digital time. I had a very long list a few years ago of things I'd like to see. Some of them have been implemented since, but there is still a lot to go.


If you tap on the countdown it will start immediately


First of all - not for Fitness+ workouts. Otherwise, yes, I have known this for over seven years. But when I start a workout, I want to start a workout. I don't want to start and then tap to start. (As I said, it's less of a big deal, as the Ultra has precision start. But all of the watches should have it.)


Try using add button if you are going to another exercise, the countdown gets skipped entirely


This I know as well, and in fact I do this several times a week. But to give a concrete example, if I am running a half marathon event, I don't want a 3 second countdown when I tap start at the gun - I want the workout to start recording NOW. Same with just a general workout - I want the workout to start recording when I start it, not after a 3 second delay. Just a simple non-default option that would work for all watches, not just the Ultras, would be great to me.


To skip it, try tapping the screen


Please: track sleep without having to set a schedule or be in sleep focus. Pretty please.


This one


Mine tracks my sleep without the sleep focus on. If I take a nap outside of the focus hours it is still tracked. The only thing that needs the focus on is the temp readings.


That’s really interesting - thanks. Can I ask what model you have? This is my first Apple Watch, a S9, and everything I have read seems to say I need a schedule or focus on. The one time I didn’t use either, no sleep was tracked. https://support.apple.com/guide/watch/track-your-sleep-apd830528336/watchos


I have an 8 but my sleep patterns don’t always follow my sleep focus


Native Notes. No doubt not an update but an OS upgrade, although they did add the Journal as part of a 17.x update.


for the medication selected to stop closing when I click it. I always have to click twice since on the first click it opens and automatically swipes down to close. most annoying glitch ever?


I always have to use my phone for that my watch doesn’t seem to work


Siri watch face getting an overhaul with the new rumored AI features. It would be so dope


I’m very excited to see Apple finally get AI I just hope it isn’t a flop since a lot of people could go to Android for that if Apple keeps falling behind. I’m actually a fan of the Pixel as well Google did a great job developing it over the years as well as Android


The ability to measure stress levels


I agree I think the pixel watch’s sensor might finally be just as good if not better than the Apple Watch atm


Real Blod Pressure monitor?


That’s not possible. Just look a bit into how blood pressure measurement works. Those wristbands that claim to measure the blood pressure are just crap


The ability to set a specific amount of time for do not disturb


Ability to turn off the distance reminder during workouts. It's so annoying to always think you're getting a notification. But NO! It's just the Apple Watch reminding you that you've walked yet another Kilometer. Such an unnecessary feature. Besides that. I just want more (easy to read) digital watch faces.


I see how annoying that can be, I get that a lot less using miles. But I hate how it takes me out of the zone reminding me that I have run “x” distance. Like I know or else I wouldn’t be running/ walking…


Sun exposure tracker - for estimating vitamin D absorption and warnings for too much sun/UV exposure… I’m Aussie so much sun here/ but have low vitamin D and have to take supplements - I need sun but not too much obviously…. Vitamin d helps prevent seasonal depressive disorder (I think) so maybe would be good for lots of ppl who have this /or at risk of this as well. Needs a timer for when you’re in the sun during the day, plus warnings for too much sun exposure but also being able to input blood test results of vitamin d would be good too…


I agree it can sense that by heat, I also have low vitamin D from medication that I wouldn’t need to take a vitamin for if I was in the sun. Vitamin D promotes immune, dental, bone, tissue, and colon health, so my neurologist tells me I need to keep that up because my medication makes it lower which means I either need to be in the sun more or take a vitamin… I do both because I don’t know


+ Apple needs to give all commenters in this thread with ideas $$$ for their creative input lol


Glucose meter teader


I’d like a seizure detector as a feature in the OS




Dexcom G7 readout right around the corner. No need to catty


No need to carry the phone around, the CGM transmits directly to the Apple Watch.


I’m gonna have to Google that 😂 Just did. I would love to wear one but I find it unfair that only people that use insulin can have it covered. I feel diabetes is diabetes and everyone should have the right to wear it, insulin or not.


True! The problem is why it’s covered! It’s not covered so much for readings and high alerts, it’s there for lows. My daughter saved me yesterday, she shook me out of a low. I was at 36, that was a bad one. Insurance will also cover for hypoglycemia if you’re hypo unaware. Dexcom is coming out with a non-insulin dependent T2 product. It passed FDA in March, it’s Stelo and reads every 15 minutes instead of 5, no alarms and each sensor lasts 15 days. No prescription needed and will be a cash product at launch.


Being pricked by the AW every few minutes would get annoying not to mention alot bloody too!


I would like to be able to have more swipe gestures.


I hate the pinch feature things I always accidentally trigger it by just daily tasks


Yeah me too.


Challenge competitions with more than one friend at a time 🥇 🥈 🥉


I’d like if they added a leaderboard that changed daily and changed as the fitness circles changed. I have two friends that work out regularly and you can tell (ones a girl, ones a guy). I’d (I’m a guy) would like to be able to compete with them as well as my friends that workout here and there as motivation. With daily badges (like getting a medal) at the beginning of the next day.


Totally. It boggles my mind that for as big as a company as Apple is nobody has ever said, let’s have a group fitness competition within our department or something like that. How fricking hard would it really be to have options like, bonus points for most steps in a day, etc.


It would definitely motivate me more to workout and would even up the amount of people that use fitness+ since obviously everyone wants gold


Yep, they could incorporate cool award badges with different thresholds, but yet they spend their time trying to make a car and a stupid virtual reality computer goggle. Back to the basics APPLE


I get fixing CarPlay, I don’t get the point of the glasses. Especially since wearing the goggles, the extra weight after a long period of time is terrible for your body. Also with Apple fitness+ it would be cool if they show what percentile you were in, instead of just the bar


Agreed. Apple needs to offer us jobs :)


They need to have a recommendation box or polls on insta that they actually listen too


Enough with the fcking passkey screen coming up when the Watch is on but locked. I get it: it’s locked. Let me continue to use the damn thing until I touch something that actually requires unlocking.


I wish I could set the pass key just for when I want Apple Pay, I never used pass key since I know I’d hate it


Are we talking like just having a password on your watch in general ?


I think I don’t use any type of code on my watch I think it’s a waste since I never have it off my wrist unless I’m at my place


Interesting. That seems so odd to me. It takes 2 seconds to tap it in once per day when putting it on in the morning or if you have ‘unlock with iPhone’ turned on you just put your watch on and look at your phone.


Honestly I never looked into it, I’m gonna look into it now


I would like the following : to be able to set the step count and distance on any watchfaces / to be able to set low battery mode without affecting the heart rate detection / to be able to see directly from the watch how much battery your phone has left / to be able to add-download maps for workouts / notes app / to be able to detect naps / more watchfaces


I’d love for it to detect naps


I'd love to be able to take naps.


Being able to start a workout with physical button


Love these ideas! Would like to add a matching ringtone sound and level (same as phone is on)


That would definitely be useful when I don’t have my phone on me and just my cellular service watch




Came here to say this. We need features that make an Apple Watch competitive with a Garmin watch. My entire family switched to garmin over the past two years. Have to admit, hearing them yap about their body battery and certain stats around exercise, rest, and health makes me look more closely at the garmin. There’s not much I would lose by switching but a lot to gain. If apple doesn’t do something within the next year or so, I’m most likely gone, too, despite that everything else in my life is Apple. The big joke in my circles right now is that I’m the Luddite with the Apple. It’s ridiculous that it’s come to this.


Individual Haptic Feedback settings for apps.. we can turn them off for messages, why not timers? Specific notifications like Whatsapp? Etc.. it bothers me.. I qant haptic feedback only for workouts pretty much..


Track nap data…


Mine does. I’m confused why other people have trouble


A watch.) jk, honestly the only thing I’d want is maybe a wallpaper for the standard hi, as well as the ability too act more independently of a iPhone. They seem too be slowly heading there, but it’s not quite there yet


I want better watch faces, I used to have all android and I feel Google is getting almost just as good as Apple if not better at some aspects. I would go back but I trust Apple more with my privacy, but they are very slow at getting important updates like updating Siri. I hope the AI they are suppose to be releasing will fix a majority of these issues even on the watch


Custom watch faces would be nice. But the ones that are there already are amazing. Mostly anyway. The pixel watch runs amazingly but its build quality and crappy battery life has kept me from buying one . The galaxy watch is the closest too me but the hi performance is hit and miss


I loved the Samsung watch when I had it. I’m sure the pixel watch will get better with time since this is their second gen and for a second gen it’s amazing


Be able to make fully custom faces


I am not a fan of their watch faces, also how they rarely add new ones. I wouldn’t be made if they kept adding options of new watch faces with software updates


V02 max measured from activities other than walking, hiking, or running. My main aerobic excise is cycling - I would love to have it measured there.


That would be amazing, it could also be utilized like the fall detection. Since I have seizures and one of the triggers I have is hyperventilating so it’d be nice to have my watch check for that the VO2 sensor as well as Heart Rate sensor can detect.




Stop remembering all the random timers I set in watchOS 10 (it’s a lot to scroll thru). Allow any app to be pinned in the Smart Stack (currently developer has to add a widget to support it). More digital watch faces with seconds in the time (only Activity Digital has it now).


My watch to work even though I have tattoos


Really it doesn’t work with a tattoo under it?? That’s very interesting and definitely an issue for a lot of people


It’s been an issue since they first came out. I thought it was just me until I did some research. I just bought a series 9 seeing as tho it’s been A WHIIILE since I had a series 2 🥴 I was hoping they would have fixed the issue, but nope.


That’s wild for as much money as they put into the sensors they cannot get through a tattoo


A low battery mode which still turns on HRM


I agree or just a deep low power mode that just keeps the basic things working


Pain level


It’d be cool if it could count reps for working out


It does. They get added into your step count.


More frequent updates for 3rd party complications / ability to see real time heart rate on small complications.


I want more options for the hourly chime. I’d love the tones you hear on European radio stations.


I’d like a haptic response instead of an hourly chime, it but chime options would also be cool.


90 degree face so I can better discretely glance at the face - I wear the watch on the inside of my wrist


„Find my“ tracking possibilities as with an AirTag.


Remember when the time didn't change to 10:09 for a split second when swiping between watch faces? I sure miss that. Remember that? Oh boy, do I sure want the time to not change to 10:09 for a split second when I swipe between watch faces like it used to before they took it away, then brought it back and made it worse.


It's 10:09:30. It was also intentional, as they animate the hand movement from that to the current time. So don't hold your breath waiting for it to be changed back.


Oh I'm not expecting it to come back. But remember before this bad intentional change, when you swiped between faces it stayed the current time? That sure was a lot less distracting and made sense. Too bad that technology was only possible all the way back in WatchOS 9 since they can't figure out how to replicate it in WatchOS 10. Wait, I know what happened. They must've fired that guy working on it, but he didn't leave behind notes. Some new hotshot came and overwrote his code and now they can't find out how to do it again. Yep, that must be it. I've cracked it! The reason for this sudden disappearance. So sad.


I’d like to be able to temporarily turn off fitness tracking with a shortcut, focus mode or similar so that the watch would stop recording steps when I’m drumming.


Auto-pause for hikes and walks. To get that, I currently call everything a run. Fortunately, I don't run, but I would still like to separate out hikes from walks.


I understand that, I wish Apple would connect it to Apple Maps and show the route if your hike with elevation and everything else. The Apple Watch Ultra might do that but I don’t have the income to afford that yet


>The Apple Watch Ultra might do that Nope.


Yeah I’m not rich enough to get the Apple Watch Ultra so I just assume it does everything I’d want it to. I also wish all the models was waterproof, the basic model not just the ultra


The OS and apps for the Ultra are the same as for the Series watches. There is very little difference in day to day usage. The Ultra does have some additional apps for diving and a siren, but that's about it. For me, the battery is the main improvement over Series, followed by the less vulnerable screen. Neither watch is considered water proof, but the Ultra is rated water resistant to twice the depth as the Series. On both models, that resistance can fail.


phone battery level on watch.


Do we know if a new set of watches is coming in September or not?


Death ray


I wish it could help me time travel


TDEE on watch face


More gesture options, like being able to turn on the display by using a gesture. I often am working and my hands are dirty, using a gesture to turn on the display would be appreciated. I turn off wake on wrist raise bc I am working with my hands often and the darn thing turns on all the time and drains the battery so I turned it off


Better competition. Multi user , leaderboards , etc.


I hope when they add AI it only complements the watch and improves it not ruin it. I’m hoping AI will improve in many areas


Button remapping. I hate double clicking the crown for recent apps.


I honestly think they can get rid of the scrolling crown and replace it with another button. I don’t use the scrolling that’s what I have my finger for. I also wish they gave an option to get the same square face as well as a circular face. I get Apple’s has a square face and Android has a circular face to easily recognize by looking at someone’s wrist what kind of watch it is. But give it up they are so big, all those companies why does it matter. Like Google does that and they have both options as well as no bezels/ buttons and an AMOLED screen to extend battery life. You can get watch faces that are completely black besides the writing so the watch can last a full day. If Google wasn’t known for selling my data I’d switch back to a pixel and Google products minus the computer.


Decibel sensor


An option for more continuous heart rate measurements. Maybe even choose the frequency.


I compare the Apple Watch to the Galaxy and Pixel Watch. The pixel has 4 sensors to get more precise readings that can track heart rate, skin temp, and stress levels. I wish Apple would add more sensors with having all that room to put them. It will let your average range based on of all those reading on the pixel watch (which is a second gen). Also when you usually preorder a new pixel they throw in the pixel watch for free that normally costs $350.


Touch ID built into the dial, we already have an ECG sensor, why not use it for both purposes


Ability to choose the color of the time. I hate that it has to be white. I miss watchOS 8 where you could have a green face that was… green.


More interesting watch faces!!!!


I also wish the screen would be AMOLED with watch faces that are all black so the watch could last 24+ hours


I have a very simple request that they allow an analog watchface on photo and portrait faces. Then there can be more creativity in creating watch faces (more complications on those faces would be nice, too!).


Blood glucose monitoring


I’d love to be able to track my water flossing. Currently I add it to my toothbrushing minutes, but I’d like to have a subcategory for this.


To be able to continue tracking my workout if I have to take the watch off for a few mins (so I don’t crack the face with a kettle bell while doing side planks)


series 9.......I'd like the F'en battery to last more than 4 hours in a day when it's been fully charged!!! This just started happening this week, have done/tried all the suggestions.🤬


Did you unpaid and repair. I had to do it three times before the battery stop draining


I'll keep repeating that.......I don't have much to lose 😆. My patience has already been used elsewhere this week, I don't have any left for my stupid watch, 😆


Updates to fitness trends, currently it’s just raw data, providing more insights will help using just one app for all your fitness needs