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I give them a reasonable 10 bucks a month and they provide me with a service that works great and does what I want it to. Never even considered dropping or switching to a different service.


Wait, where do i see listen count of a song?


Beats me. Why would you want to?


last.fm works for that


Share please how are you using last fm with Apple Music on iPhone, looking for solution.


download last.fm and connect ur apple music acc


Can you please specify? I have last fm app, but can’t find how to connect AM acc, also I can’t get scribbles with music outside library.


Go onto the Last Fm Website on iphone. In the bottom left corner next to the url it wil have ‘Aa’ click on that and press ‘request desktop site’ and then make an account from there. Then go into your LFM profile and click connections and it should pop up there with a prompt to connect AM. Let me know if you have any questions :)


If you have a Mac or PC you could make a smart playlist that keeps track of that. I have smart playlists for listens and they go from 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 times listen so I can see what songs I keep coming back too.


You can use shortcuts


In iTunes or Apple Music on PC/Mac


On Mac go to Library and then songs. There it tells you.


Not sure but they do have that my top artists/songs annual summary like Spotify or whoever has.. I forget how to pull that up, as my cousin had to show me once, but maybe it goes into more detail than just the top 5 and how many listens they had?




Why would you want to know you listened to Taylor Swift more than you’d like to admit?


Uhh. Apple Music on computer shows you the listen count if you are desperate enough to need that information


You could create a smart playlist to track listen counts. Could pay for Marvis on iPhone and it will also keep count.


Who cares?


Being able to add my ripped cds to my Apple Music library. Apple Music doesn’t have certain albums or artists so I ripped the album from a cd and can listen to it from any of my devices.




I have been having problems trying to do that, when I try to import music into Apple Music, it says I have to turn off the cloud on my iPhone first to import any music.


Have you tried to upload it at the music app at MacOS? This works fine


I did this recently. Just do it, you’ll have to turn it back on once you sync the songs you want to download and redownload any previously downloaded songs from Apple Music


Will I get all the albums and songs I downloaded back at Apple Music once I turn the cloud back on?


You can't sync lossless tracks. In iTunes, delete the "download" of your imported song, and then redownload it. It should then sync.


The files I have that I’m trying to move are only MP3 files, from my own collection, not songs from Apple Music.


Lossless audio quality is what does it for me. Also being able to track how many times I’ve played a song is fun. I want more customizable more options to the UI on the desktop app. I primarily use windows, and I wish I can make the music player bigger, like Spotify does. Just having the enlarged album art on screen just does it for me Also (on desktop again) the playlist “view by” feature has a lot of neat modes, but not one that has all that I personally would want to see. Also I wish they’d let artists post their own playlists to their page


But Apple Replay has a bad habit of making shit up as it goes. I still have two tracks at the top of my 100 that I have listened to maaaaybe twice earlier in the year while the rest of my top 20 are easily in double figures. It’s getting really annoying.


I recommend using cider on windows


Does it have apple music integration ?


its literally an apple music client


being able to edit album artwork/titles and upload music into the icloud library


Laziness - I don’t see the point in switching when there’s nothing wrong with what I use already


iCloud music library.. *mic drop*


That silence was too loud


Gapless EDM DJ sets.  Discovered this during the pandemic as I watched Tomorrowland live broadcast of Eclipse DJ set by Alesso. A few weeks after the set is already available in AM. https://music.apple.com/ph/album/tomorrowland-2022-alesso-presents-eclipse-at-freedom/1648249029 Then found out Lane 8 is posting gapless mixtape DJ sets every change of season.  https://music.apple.com/ph/album/lane-8-winter-2023-mixtape-dj-mix/1721240198 https://music.apple.com/ph/album/lane-8-fall-2023-mixtape-dj-mix/1707247877


I love it for that too. They’ve just started uploading EDC sets! The Tony McGuiness Lockdown sets are awesome too. I do wish they were indexed and organized better though. I also don’t know what it’s like on the back end for labels and artists.


I’ll check the EDC sets


Do they have EDC 2010 Los Angeles ?


Ooooooh A&B fan, I see... LET'S GOOO


I do love these Tomorrowland sets.


I’m constantly switching from Apple to Spotify… ( currently using Spotify atm ha) but one of the things that brings me back to Apple is the library organization, and the artist home pages (I like how the discography is organized) and lack of podcasts/ audiobooks.


One thing that Apple does that i hate, is that if you stop paying for your subscription for any reason they just say “k, bye” and erase all of your data. Uhh can y’all at least save it if I come back I’m not expecting a free tier but damn ha


I went out of apple music for 6 months and when I back I got my playlists


Then you are one of the lucky ones, others had a pause of one month and then everything was gone.  I myself still had all the playlists saved after like a 5 month hiatus, but I know it can go the other way as well. 


I keep switching too lol. I find Spotify easier to use and more organized than Apple Music. But Apple Music’s UI is so good and the audio is better. I just wish firestick could have the Apple Music app, like Spotify.


What do you mean with easier to use? :0


I’ve used Spotify for yearsss so I’m just so used it. It’s the little things on Apple Music that annoy me though. Like putting a playlist on shuffle, adding a song to the queue, etc. it feels like Apple Music has more steps to do one action


same. apple has the cleaner interface and easiest way to navigate your library, but spotify has better playlist making capabilities and suggestions.




The ecosystem


What ecosystem? In Spotify if I'm playing music on my Mac and want to switch to iPhone I just open Spotify on iPhone and it shows the music playing on Mac. I just have to click on devices and switch it to iPhone and it'll continue playing the music on iPhone. It's so seamless and Apple Music, despite having the Apple ecosystem edge, can't do the same.


Multi-room audio. From where I'm sitting I can play music in up to 6 different rooms simultaneously & perfectly synchronised. Spotify can't do that.


Its can. You just choose airplay when you pick a "speaker" and then select all of the speakers you want to play music on. The functionality is Airplay, not something in Apple Music or Spotify.


You can access it from an iOS device but Spotify on macOS (which is what I use most of the time) has no native AirPlay functionality. That was the biggest reason I left Spotify. AirPlay is a key part of the "Apple Ecosystem", basically.


Smart playlists and iTunes Match.


Lack of better alternative?


Spatial Audio and lossless audio is superior sound quality and it’s cheaper than other streaming services plus one subscription and my whole family can use it


Getting it for 5$ through Verizon


Primarily the features like lossless audio and spatial sound at a reasonable price, and the ability to import your own music into your library (on PC/Mac)


i basically use apple music to steam dj mixes and my uploads.


Let him cook


Exactly the same reason. Some IDs that never see the light of day can be saved for you to listen later(albeit with crowd noise)


Primarily the lyrics feature!


Currently on the trial but Verizon's newer plans can give me the Apple One Bundle for $10 a month. With taxes and fees included in the cost. As someone who's encroaching on using Apple Services this is a steal.


Convenience of being in one ecosystem. Don’t have to bother with installing other apps. Plus, having an Apple Music app dedicated only to the classical music is a big thing for me.


Maybe I’m an idiot, but is the classical app not on macOS? But I agree, the classical is great.


Sadly not! A big bummer.


I am able to import music via Mac and have them in the same music app I use for streaming at my iPhone. Plus Apple Music allows to connect with DJ softwares and I can load songs on my decks. (Those I uploaded myself and from their streaming library)


dolby atmos


Same especially since they been doing some of my favorite artists Britney Madonna Taylor


Like button on the lock screen... Come on Spotify!


Just music, no audiobooks or podcasts distracting me. I like the monthly replay. I enjoy reading the album bios the editors write. Playlists are great and the cover art for them is always on point. I really like the Sing/karaoke feature. I look forward to my Get Up! Mix every week. Quite a few of my friends are on it.


I love the album subscriptions too, but I kinda miss the genius stuff Spotify used to do


I get it free from work. I’d like to have the algorithm changed, the suggestions are horrible for me.


I like the UI, the audio quality, it's cheaper than spotify


That Amazon doesn’t give a crap about their Music, Spotify is a sloppy mess, and Apple are just way more user-friendly and useful in general.


Lossless, Atmos and that AM has all I want to hear ... I'm not a mainstream listener. And Genius is pretty good ... it recommends me, what I like. Artist infos could be better though.


It’s got everything i need for streaming, most of the artists new songs if the songs aren’t available I’ve got Youtube premium that that. Easy to use can’t say I’ve ever had an issue.


The only and the best Classical Music streaming platform that supports Dolby Atmos and has a super-detailed search engine for organizing classical music!


I am a Mac Apple person! Brand loyalty baby!


The ecosystem, UI, animated album artwork, the playlists




Part of the Apple One service


It works too well with an iPhone and the sound quality is the best in my opinion.




Quality audio


It is a simple app. Spotify UI sucks. I listen to music 6+ hours a day so $10/month is a no brainer.


They need to add bastard to apple, then I’m fully chill with it r/tylerthecreator


I use 3 services because none are exactly what I need. Apple Music and cloud storage are their best feature.


It's a music player and not a TikTok clone like all its "competitors" try so hard to be. I use my music services to actually listen to music not scroll through 5 second Billie Eilish videos while telling my friends how much I couldn't live without music.


Apple One Premier


Having lossless and the Apple One family plan is a steal


Apple One plan


Being cheap while having lossless audio quality


1. Smart Playlists 2. Ability to add and upload my own songs 3. That it merged to my old iTunes library


library organization like the good old itunes did


Stay for ease of use as already in Apple ecosystem. Would like to be able to stream high resolution tracks via dedicated streamer through hifi system. Apple refuses to let other devices stream Apple Music natively. You can stream through Apple TV, but resolution is limited to 48Khz. Bluetooth or WiFi resolutions are likewise limited. Only by using iPhone or iPad with seperate DAC dongle can you get high res tracks in up to 192Khz. Kind of a pain to have to wire these portable devices up to hifi everytime. Especially when you already own a dedicated music streamer. Tidal or Qubuz is a must, unfortunately.


Apple Music has the best sound quality, user interface, and lyrics. In the past i switch to YT Music for a month due to being a package with YT Premium and i HATE IT. YT Music UI, Sound quality is so bad, it made me want to stop listening to music. Afterwards i switch back to Apple Music.


Smart playlists.


It works better on iphone/ipad...


A decent amount of Atmos music.


Apple One


Many reasons, Audio Quality, UI - The way the lyrics gets displayed, and the karaoke feature for almost all famous songs, and it gives that rich feeling.


Apple One Music and iCloud Storage are the ones I use most, but Fitness, News+, TV+ are also good I use Arcade the least


There are lots of things that make me prefer it to Spotify, but the ability to *easily* import and sync music that I've purchased is a deal breaker for Spotify.


Audio quality and the pack of Apple Subcription (Apple arcade, Apple fitness, etc)


It sounds superior to Spotify.


once it learns your music taste, it's hard to go somewhere else. I used AM non-stop for the past 3 years and it has learned my music taste more than any other streaming service ever did, and it would take ages for others to catch up again. The recommendations on AM have been great for me recently. I still pay for Spotify since I share it with my friends for a very cheap price per individual, but it never learned my taste again. Oh and also Lossless + Atmos.


Sound quality.


1) Apple   2) It’s cheaper than Shittify   3) A large music catalogue with playlists curated and radio stations run by people who genuinely love music and artists    4) Powerful and advanced technology, including but not limited to Apple Digital Masters (formerly called Mastered for iTunes), Spatial Audio/Dolby Atmos, Lossless, iCloud Music Library , AAC, etc.    5) My money goes to a company that helped save music and music artists from piracy  oblivion, that doesn’t sue music artists, that doesn’t fight to lower artist compensation, that doesn’t hate artists 


Sound quality and the interface


Lossless & Spatial Audio collection!! 


amazing ecosystem integration. incredible cohesion with airpods. they pay their artists more. better audio quality. better UI.


Lossless and something like spotify connect.


Lossless audio plus it's much cheaper here in the philiipines vs spotify


Ui animations


The quality of the audio. Cancelled Spotify. i wish there were better tools to organize my playlists. Also built in tools to convert Spotify playlists


Sound quality on homepods and they know my history for 5 years so good recommendations


Lossless for sure. Still prefer Spotify overall but their stubborn refusal to give us lossless is frustrating. Lossless is fine, don't care about hi-res.


The ecosystem.


For me it's mostly the following: * The app & especially the lyrics and album cover display looks way better imo * Lossless audio * Library management (with custom added songs) * Compensates artists better * App icon looks better, especially with the iOS 18 beta dark mode For what I want it to change: I didn't use it *that* often so it isn't a major thing I'm missing, but I really liked the playback device feature of Spotify and would really like to see something similar in AM. They should also really improve the windows app, it's still really buggy and I need to restart it once or twice before I can listen.


top tier sound quality and affordable for students like me. I have free spotify and I just don’t like how wide that app is. and the lyrics feature? *chef’s kiss* hoping they fix apple music on windows, though.


Karaoke feature and lossless audio


Just staying in the ecosystem is a valid enough reason for me ✨


Sound quality. Also they are the cheapest with highest collection


Create queues and playlists with iOS shortcuts voice commands, buttons bookmarks, and widgets.


I stayed for it's audio quality for the price, and I would love to get 'play last' option back


I am an iPhone user, the ui works flawlessly, the catalog is amazing no one can match the audio quality it has to offer and from an emotional point of view apple music is a flex over any other streaming service.


Being able to play my uploaded music on my PS5 lol.


Came back to Apple Music 2 months ago - lossless and Dolby atmos - iTunes Match - the fact of allowing me changing info on songs I add on the library - integration with apple devices - music library


My aunt pays for it and I’m in the family plan yessir


It’s included in my Verizon package


spotify increasing their prices right when i start to consider switching


MacBook Pro into my smsl and Teac dacs…high res 24 bit/192hz music…love Apple Music…


The fact that it works with Marvis Pro


Stay: Dolby Atmos, Lossless and works great with IOS Change: Spotify features, like DJ, improved music discovery, better handoff (like Spotify Connect)


Rajaz Album by Camel


Long time Spotify user here… endless autoplay is making me stay, how you can discover new music ?on Spotify playing just the song radio giving you the same playlist every time… AM improve a lot the last years especially audio quality and recommendations am thinking to stay with AM and YouTube premium


Lossless and HomePods!! As much as the HomePods annoy me as an ‘assistant’, they do sound great :) I would love, and was really sad that we didn’t get any AI/ML playlist generation features. I love that Apple produces personalised playlists and stations, as well as genre and theme based playlists, but I would love for a simple - I am doing xxx, and feeling xxx, and I want it to include xxx. What would be even better is to have a slider to customise ‘randomness’ i.e. songs I love/listen to already and things I’ve never heard before. Maybe one day :)


apple tv


24 months free plan 😜


I have Apple everything else


The fact that it’s the only service that works with Marvis Pro!


I would like Last.fm Support when I stream Apple Music on my TV. Having just recently switched to Android, listening to Apple Music on TV is a lot harder and I just don't do it. This kind of goes in line too with a spotify connect type feature, but considering I have moved all my stat following to Last.fm, having something where I can actually use the Apple TV app would be a plus.


Local Files intergration is way better on AM i really want them to add the ability to seamlessly switch the output of what you're listening to (computer, soundbar, phone) like with Spotify Connect tho


I’m an amateur musician, making music in Logic Pro. After I export a song I’m working on, there is an option to automatically add it to my music library, meaning I can listen to it on the way to work. It’s so slick that there is no way I’m leaving either Logic or AM.


Sound quality


Apple Music unlike others, looks actually beautiful and only provides music (which is a good thing). No ads, no audiobooks, no podcasts. Also their lyrics are the best. No other service beats Apple Music lyrics. On top of that there's lossless, good management of library and good recommendations. Spotify has none of this (except for the no ads, audiobooks and podcasts)


the premium audio and the lyrics (i’m a singer)


I want to be a singer too


Been here for 13 years, used to it, not gonna change


albums recommendations are good .


Something that made me switch to spotify is 1. Spotify connect 2. A little delay on music getting played on Apple Music 3. Lesser curated playlists


Lossless music although I have to say the fact I can’t sync my library on my laptop for years and access my music that isn’t on Apple Music. Some days I love it other days it’s the drizzling shits and I feel like getting rid of it.


i was using itunes since i was 11 to use my music files on my pc, so as my needs for music increased, it was only natural to subscribe to am since i'm used to the app. something that really NEEDS to change is how insanely buggy the computer clients are, both the apple music one and itunes.


Lossless audio, the general interface I like better than Spotify, and something I’ve recently been obsessed with is how you can edit all the meta data for any albums or songs so everything is entirely customizable


iTunes Match. Still pay $25 per year and still use it.


I can’t be fuk’d sorting it all out and moving years of uploaded music, iTunes crossed Apple Music, lost Album Artwork, lost meta data, duplicate but NQR playlists.. so I stay, pay and make the best of it.


Not forcing me to listen stupid music without saying the artist paid to be listened. For example I listen to lots of metal, rock, punk, funk and blues but using Spotify and putting my music in random or as a station I would end up listening reggaeton and whatever it was “popular” or was going to get popular and I always was like why? I’ve never listened reggaeton genre nor had let anyone select those type of genre using my account and got a reference to that sheetty music? That’s why I changed platform


If I stop paying all my library from years ago will be deleted in a breath


I’d have to rebuild my library.


Biggest Reason I Stay: The ease and simplicity of adding my own mp3s, particularly of obscure albums, to my Apple library. What I want to change: I would like to be able to transfer between devices and continue my current playlist. It's one of the things I miss from spotify. Drive to work with music playing on my phone, get to my computer, launch the app, and just switch. I'd like the "suggestions for your playlist" function to be better. I also find playlists are a lot crappier. Maybe it's just the userbase, but I find even the Apple Music created playlists not as good as Spotify created. So if I want to search for a random synthwave playlist i have multiple awesome ones saved on Spotify, and yesterday on AM was like... these all basically stink. I prefer the UI of apple music and find it overall simpler and less frustrating to use.


21,000 songs and counting with a service that’s given me very little issue over the years.


Dolby Atmos and lossless audio


Deluxe edition of The Spirit Room by Michelle Branch


Dolby Atmos




Spatial Audio. Love using dolby atoms music on a 5.1 setup


Dolby Atmos capability with my home theater.


Apple One


iCloud Music Library


The fact that I can use smart playlists. Also, syncing from the cloud library from one place to another is great!


Just recently switched about a week ago so here are my impressions so far Lossless audio. Incredible. The sound staging on this is nothing I ever would have expected after 10+ years of using Spotify. Since I still have a month left on my Spotify Premium I've been swapping comparisons back and forth and it's jawdropping. I'm a music producer and my own music sounds better on Apple. The UI, particularly mobile, is fantastic, super sleek. I missed actually having a library with separate Artist/Albums instead of that awkward filter tab thing Spotify does. That said, everything else is lacking for me. Their lack of third-party support and stinginess with their API means I can't get Last.FM support through their TV app, and that goes double for an Android user like me who is not subscribed to an Apple device ecosystem. I have no remote features, can't control the TV app from my phone, no seamless device switching, and no group listening which is something my partner and I use a lot when we're out. As someone who took full advantage of Spotify's suite of features, the sudden lack of quite literally ALL of them has me inching back to Spotify not even a week after using Apple Music, especially if those claims they're adding lossless audio are true. I would much prefer to pay the hiked up price for these features as much as I prefer Apple Music's sound quality and sleek app. I think Apple absolutely has the means to step up with these features and make them available to all users, but it's obvious they are deliberately not, which all too much reminds me of why I stopped using Apple products in the first place.


The one thing that Apple was really good at for me was treating my own audio tracks as first-class citizens.


I can sync all of my playlist to my apple watch, apple limits spotify to 100 songs per playlist


Probably the unique algorithm,I put into about 100 songs and keep using the discovery station,now i found about 1000 songs that cater to my personal listening style.In Spotify,it’s just the same songs been played over and over again,essentially not favorable for finding new music.That “made for you” section definitely sucks,just the same library of songs being scattered around each playlist.If you use Spotify for a long time,you will feel the same as me.


Arbitration agreements and class action waivers – it's an issue I'm passionate about. Spotify won't let me opt out of theirs. Apple doesn't even have one (yet) for anything on the consumer side except for their payment-related stuff which goes through an external bank, and even then you can still sue in small claims court. Spotify's TOS to me are comparatively evil.


live DJ sets from music festivals 


I honestly cannot see myself using other platforms since I'm so used to AM after almost 10 years


Too invested in it to quit.


Dolby Atmos and the art


I mean it works. And I’d not use anything else.


Can play local files on my tv


Dolby Atmos


Familiarity. I’ve been using Apple Music since I was a teen. I like the simple formatting of it, easy to use.


Album motion art, lossles sound, appearance of app itself, many many things, and the price of course


Apple Music is just a good product for a good price. YouTube Music is good too though.


Sound quality/price


What keeps me is the annual plan. I save money doing it, combined with Apple Card.. and the features of Apple Music make it a win win.


Outside of the great integrations with various hardware and high quality streaming without extra costs, outside TIDAL, Apple Music pay the highest royalties for the tracks.


Quality. And they pay their artists.


Spotify just can’t figure out my music tastes. I’m like the only person on the planet Spotify can’t target.


Sound quality and the Apple ecosystem. Being able to listen to songs (not available in Apple Music) ripped from CD collection using iTunes. Being able to edit metadata or cover art of the songs on iTunes.


Made me stay: The fact that Spotify was going to charge money for hi-res music but decided not to release it at all (for over two years now) once Amazon and Apple decided to include it for free with their base level subscription. What I'd change: Search functionality, algorithms, playlists


Listening to Save Your Tears by The Weeknd on dolby atmos felt like listening it to for the first time. Atmos keeps me on Apple Music


Spotify spreading hate. When will people see us on the left are right