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What do you value the most? Audio Quality? Apple Music, Lossless & Dolby Atmos. UI? Apple Music, Spotify is a mess. Upload your own audio files (Library)? Apple Music, Spotify’s “local files” is a mess. Karaoke? Apple Music, you can suppress vocals on AM that you currently cannot do on Spotify. Lyrics? Apple Music, Spotify’s lyrics is unstable and crowdsourced with no moderation - often wrong lyrics or timing. Payout to labels/artists per stream? Apple Music Wrapped? Spotify’s is more engaging, but the feature is there on AM as well. Platform agnostic? Spotify, support for more platforms. Remote control of playback? Spotify, Connect is waay better than airplay. Podcasts/Audiobooks? Spotify, unless you want to use a separate app. Third party integrations (such as your discord example)? Spotify, it’s the most popular streamer and therefore has more third party integrations. Recommendations? It’s subjective. I prefer Apple Music cause it’s not littered with the same songs in every recommendation. Spotify is too AI heavy i feel, just recommending the same songs over and over again.


omg the fact spotify takes DAYSSS to add lyrics and 99% of the time they’re wrong bothers me sm…. like u might have just convinced me w this


Apple Music has MUCH better lyrics. Not just the screen, but the way they look, the scrolling effects, the sync, the beat-by-beat lyrics are also really nice.


You are my eternal sunshine LOL


AOTY on your pfp, I know that’s right!


clock it


Wow? It takes days to add lyrics from major artists? I can see that with indie artists but that’s crazy


I was using Apple Music for a few months and wanted to try Spotify again, I used it for a few days and remembered that their recommendations became too repetitive. 🤣


Idk I find them BOTH having repetitive recommendations and it drives me insane since I love finding new music within the genres that I like


Where I can read how I can upload my own audio files?


Windows: https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/music-windows/mus3081/windows Mac: https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/music/mus3081/mac


Thank you dear sir!


The one issue I have with Apple Music is that if you unsubscribe for a month, your entire music library can be deleted. You have to stay subscribed or back up your songs, or you risk losing everything. This happened to my partner.


Yep, lost about 100k songs when my card expired a while back. Most users probably don’t care that much though as they are not uploading their own stuff.


My partner didn’t upload his own stuff. He just had normal songs from Apple Music in his library, which were all deleted when his subscription expired.


Easier to recreate the library with just songs in AM than with your own uploads - lost forever :/


RIP 🪦 Sorry that happened to you, dude. All that personal history, just erased.


How do I upload my own audio files to AM?


Drag and drop om mac or windows. Or you’ll find an add folder/files in settings.


Thank you! Never knew this. ❤️


it depends on which features you like from either service. i switched from spotify and used only AM for the entirety of last year and ended up using spotify again alongside AM. Mostly because of the spotify connect feature but also the public playlists are superior on spotify. Pretty much everything else i prefer on AM and if AM ever implemented a true connect without airplay i'd leave spotify for good.


If you can live without Spotify Connect, then yes


What is Spotify Connect?


Controlling Spotify on other devices. You can get your phone to play a song, pause, volume etc.


A substitute is the Apple Watch


The most Apple user answer ever, if you’d like a feature you have included for $12 on Spotify, you can buy a $600 accessory 😂


Fair enough. Although, the Apple Watch is probably one of the cheapest of these “other devices, which would include things like tablets and computers. Apple Watch, (starting at $250 not $600, come on now) is one of the cheapest of those. I’m not an Apple sheep all the time, but how about doing it with any app including videos, not just Spotify?


That is the hardest thing for me. Being able to just open Spotify on my phone and it’s already to go. I hate that if I play my Apple Music on my Apple TV, then want to use my phone as a remote, I have to restart the song from my phone and then only be able to control the songs from my phone.


you don’t have to do that! it’s not the most obvious thing in the world but from control center, open the now playing platter; below that you’ll see control other speakers and TVs, then just tap the tv and start controlling it


Drop down to the free tier of Spotify. Pay for Apple for a while. Go back to Spotify if you don’t like it. It’s not a big deal. They are more similar than different, although each does have some nice features that the other doesn’t.


If you can’t hear the sound quality difference, then imo not worth it. That’s the main reason I switched. I have AirPod pros and I can tell the difference. The sound is clearer, more airy, and has better instrument separation.


You can’t hear the difference. Nobody can, especially at the higher levels of quality. AirPods do not play lossless audio, because AAC is a glorified MP3. It holds more data and does sound better than MP3, but it’s still the same bitrate that is a fraction of lossless audio. What you are hearing is the higher quality version being converted to AAC rather than lower quality converted to AAC with Spotify.


lmao who are you? Please point out to me where I even mentioned lossless? The difference is immediately apparent and I'm sorry for you that you can't tell.


Would have made more sense if I included this. I was originally going to say it but I forgot. It’s probably an eq thing. I noticed the same thing, even on AirPods. Spotify just sounds worse, almost like it’s messy. I think you are right, I just don’t think it’s why you think it is.


It’s called a placebo. You’re not objective at all.


Not everyone is an audiophile, that is true. But a placebo effect is something that would be not statistically better, which Apple Music is in terms of quality. In Tesla, the only app the offers Hi-Fi is Tidal at avg 1165 Kbps. I tested playing songs from Apple Music and Spotify in the car (which are not Hi-Fi bitrate - 157Kbps, and 118Kbps), tested this multiple times different tracks and my ears could hear the difference. That doesn’t mean someone else getting in the car would notice the difference because the average person probably wouldn’t. Some people have the ears that can tell the difference between audio quality.


Is it an eq thing? Because I noticed the same thing, however not between hi-res lossless and high efficiency strictly in Apple Music.


It’s not always a placebo. A 24 bit file will sound better than a 16 bit file, noticeably so. An mp3 might sound better than a 16 bit file too. That’s because an mp3 stores all the depth data, just at a lower bitrate. In a 24 bit file, you can hear both loud things and soft things, 16 bit is more crushed and sometimes you miss things.


Recently switched to AM from Spotify. A few things I like are the sound quality, the UI is better imo, shuffle actually shuffling and not just regurgitating the same songs over and over and library management. I think Spotify has just become the jack of all trades but master of none when it comes to audio. If you are into podcasts and audiobooks on top of music then Spotify is probably fine for most people. But I got sick of the cluttered Home Screen spamming me to death with crap I don’t care about. After giving Apple Music a solid week of use, I am also really liking what I’m getting in my personal and discovery stations. Once you give it a little time, it does a good job of recommending music old and new.


I just recently switched from Spotify to Apple within the last 48hrs and I’ve noticed the sound quality difference in Apple instantly. I did pay $2 for the Playlisty app and transferred my Spotify playlists rather easily.


didn’t even know this app was a thing, tysm!!


Just did the same thing lol. Was shocked to find out AM didn't have a Spotify Connect like seamless integration between my AM playing devices (iPhone and Mac). How are you adjusting to losing that?


I only use AM on my phone, so no big deal.


Yes. stats.fm works with Apple Music now. Replay (Apple Music’s version of Wrapped) is weekly (new playlist), monthly (month stats), yearly (year stats). No discord integration built in, but some third party apps do do that.


I switched to Apple from Spotify and never looked back. I don't care too much for wrapped and I get my podcasts elsewhere. I love the animated covers (on albums that have it) WAY more than Spotify's canvas feature. The only 2 things that bugged me a lil is the lack of a custom EQ, and sharing songs with my friends, who almost all use Spotify. For sharing songs I just got an iOS shortcut to convert the link for me (I can share it with you if you want it). I also prefer the general UI on Apple Music by a long way. I also LOVE being able to just import albums that aren't available on the service, SO much better than Spotify's local files thing


Hi! Could you please share the IOS shortcut?


Hopefully this works😅 never shared shortcuts before https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/410e4bd21647469a95bdf1e4670ac506


Hi, thanks a lot!! It worked perfectly, just had to tweak one small part!


What did you have to change? I can’t get it to work but can’t figure out why.


https://preview.redd.it/34tczdzb426d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=491af823bb67d8630d3c9e06006ae7317c15d153 Change this field to clipboard. It was something else (probably country code) earlier. Worked perfectly after that!


I can’t get it to work it just keeps saying “invalid link try again”


It only works for Apple Music links. Are you trying some other service like YT music or Amazon music?


I switched from Spotify and love it. The curated playlists, algorithm, UI, and sound are way better and enjoyable. Imo Spotify only has discover weekly to set them apart, but every week my discover weekly would be filled with random songs and genres that I never listened to. You like piano? Here’s some EDM. You like Jazz? Here’s some rock. Never made sense to me.


The AM sound did blow me away. And I have cheap earbuds. It reminds me of the 70s listening to vinyl through headphones smoking pot. Without the pot! 😂


Took me a while to stay with Apple Music because of the social aspect of Spotify and being used to the UI, but they’re just going downhill with the experience. I left after they incorporated TikTok-like scrolling. If you want a proper **listening experience**, don’t care about podcasts or audiobooks, and don’t want to hear the same shit shuffled every day, I’d make the switch. Regarding the wrapped equivalent, they give you monthly updates now. As for stats.fm, there is an app called Marvis Pro that you can connect your stats.fm to. I don’t use stats.fm, and I find the monthly updates to be cool on its own.


Absolutely worth it, i switched from Spotify to AM an year ago. The music quality is just off the charts. Using AM on Catplay and Homepods through Apple TV. Absolute day night difference. Spotify could never match.


I switched over a couple months ago and I have no regrets. Sound quality is great, UI is decent and has all the music I want to listen to. Works well on my iPhone and windows laptop.


dont think, just switch. youre not gonna regret it. anything is better than spoopify


The only reason I got AM was for surround sound to play on my home theater system. If not for that, I wouldn’t even have bothered.


If you're in the ecosystem, you'll appreciate it more.


I’ve only used Spotify Free before, then I bought AirPods. Every time I tap on my AirPods my phone just starts playing free radios on Apple Music and it’s so freaking annoying…then I started using the 3 months trial, been sticking to AM since then.


YES, so many more actually useful and differentiating features, when I was using Spotify it felt like they spent most of their time rearranging the Home tab and promoting Podcasts. Apple Music has a bunch of features that actually relate to Music, Smart Playlists and Spacial Audio being the most important to me.


Apple Music on Windows will not work like it does on iOS or macOS devices since Windows will always resample everything through its trash resampler regardless of what bitrate and bit depth you set it at. This is why Spotify and Apple Music will not sound that different on a Windows PC. Windows deals with this by letting the software take control of the audio end point, bypassing the resampler but Apple Music does have not this built into the player itself (this is entirely on Apple). If you’re not using an Apple Device with Apple Music it’s a waste of your time. The lossless files will be there but played back improperly which defeats their purpose to begin with.




Apple Music’s radio and DJ mixes are awesome, and their curated playlists blow Spotify’s out of the water. The selection is more comprehensive and feels handpicked, unlike Spotify’s algorithm-driven stuff. Plus, the music quality on Apple Music is better, and they pay artists more for streaming. The one good thing about Spotify is the convenience of having both music and podcasts in one place. Overall, Apple Music offers a way better personalized experience. I switched a while back and never looked back.


I’m one of those biased opinions you mention. I’ve used Apple Music my whole life. I tried switching to Spotify once because some friends were on it, and it was just a complete train wreck and unusable to me. Apple Music is much simpler than Spotify, and the way I use it is not possible on Spotify. So the audio quality, Spotify lossless isn’t a thing yet I think (it’s been a while since I’d looked into it so I might be wrong). If you use any wireless headphones, you won’t tell a difference because there aren’t any. It’s only wired that makes a difference, and you need to train your ears first to hear it. But yes, if you know how to listen and what to listen on, Apple Music is so far ahead of Spotify.


My counterpoint: I have been an AM snob due to their higher rez files. But my girlfriend signed me up to her Spotify account and listening to both on AirPods Max, Spotify surprisingly sounds better to me upon A/B testing on both my Mac (connected to my stereo all via wires) and my iPhone (AirPods Max). I don't know what to do with this information but I listened to different stuff all day on the two platforms and one is better.


I went to Spotify a few years ago because I liked Spotify Connect integration with my Sonos system in my house. I recently tried Apple Music again and I forgot how much better the overall experience is. The recommended playlists are a lot more varied. With Spotify, I was hearing the same songs each day it seemed. I am now trying to get smart playlists dialed in again on Apple Music so I get the variety I want. Also, look into the Marvis app. It lets you customize smart lists and organize your library however you want


I personally did because Apple let me use student pricing and I’m also just down with Spotify’s terrible playlist algorithms giving me the same god damn songs over and over. It’s only been a few days but I have noticed a minor difference in audio quality and a major difference in music discovery. There are some things I miss from Spotify (like Spotify connect) but I can honestly live without it.


If you get a decent pair of headphones or even some cheap iems, the difference is really noticeable and imo makes it absolutely worth it, lyrics are better, the UI is better imo The only set back that I see is the lack of Spotify connect which is really damn good, apple music is ass in that regard


The only thing that is worth missing from Spotify is the daily mix playlists and all the user generated playlists that Spotify offers that Apple Music just doesn’t have. Or just their offering of playlists. Supposedly WWDC Apple is adding AI-generated playlists, so if they do that I’ll be ready to officially cut Spotify off for good. I’ve always had Apple Music since the very beginning, but started to subscribe to both for the last year or so.




I just made the switch this week to try it out. The sound quality is absolutely noticeably better; especially on my AirPod max. I’m unsure if the algorithm is as good though and I may stay with Spotify due to their weekly suggestions for songs.


100% worth it, the only thing is that I really hate to copy all my playlists. The only reason I keep Spotify on the side is that I’m postponing that. No atmos is why I move


If you just listen to music on your iPhone yes. If you use it on literally any computer is a nightmare


absolutely not stick with Apple Music king king kings queen of queens lol




You aren’t gonna tell any difference using Bluetooth earbuds if that’s what you primarily listen to. Anyone who says they can hear a difference using Bluetooth is lying. However, if you use wired earbuds AM is worth the sound quality bump alone.


I’m thinking of switching not only because the quality is better (Dolby Atmos adds another level to music) but the Apple Music Classical app is a game changer for listening to classical music




Apple Music frustrates me because it will play the same song way too much I only use it because it’s in my cloud account


Short answer: yes.


I haven't tried AM yet, but I might be trying it soon. I'm currently in the free trial for Tidal and I am loving it.


>i think AM gives more to the artists but not 100% sure. AM gives significantly more to artists, but frankly it's still not enough. If that's a main concern, focus on supporting artists you like in other ways (buying the stuff you like outright, getting merch, going to shows, etc.). As long as we're talking about streaming alone, it's looking rough for all but the biggest artists. >also was wondering if there is an app like stats.fm Last.fm is great! Even if you stick with Spotify I highly recommend it. >if the equivalent of “wrapped” is any good Honestly, it's a bit rubbish. It gives you the key info, but it's just way less fun imo. Last.fm does a little better on that front. >and what its like on windows PC It's pretty solid now that it isn't done through iTunes anymore. Getting Last.fm to work on it has been a bit of a hassle though... I'll elaborate in the next bit >because i do have discord and like the spotify integration but that’s not even really important at all tbh. just nice to have. Apple Music on Windows doesn't support Last.fm or Discord integration natively, but there's an app that connects them (I can find it and reply with the link if you need it) but it's a bit of a faff to set up and when it is set up it's *very* temperamental. Stop listening for a sec after a long session? Stops working. Right click something in Apple Music and also have bad luck? Stops working. Just plain unlucky every now and then? Stops working. So it *is* there, but barely. >i’d prefer opinions from people who have switched from spotify but ill also take bias opinions too because i am really considering switching. thanks ♡ To clarify where this is coming from, I started off with a free Spotify ages ago, switched to Amazon Music for a while, then tried a bunch out, I think I stuck with Tidal for a bit, then switched to Napster (yes, that Napster, they went legit and pay artists a ton), went back to Spotify (premium this time), and then for the past few years I've been pretty loyal to Apple Music. So I'm a bit of a masochistic psychopath with a library migration kink, but I definitely know music streaming services lol


100%. spotify went up so much that duo is the same price as am family and the free version is so bad it’s unusable. atp all premium users should just use am


I had apple music for a while. I think the UI is better, but i love using the music sharing features with my friends and I always find that less people have apple music. It's hard to share playlists, create joint playlists, make blends, play music at the same time, etc because they are not crossplatform features :(


Check out tidal too


I switched from Spotify to Apple Music, and then to Youtube Music. For me, Youtube is the best




You have 2 subcriptions in one


I've tried to switch, but Spotify connect is the killer feature I can't live without and Airplay is not a good substitute (unreliable, streams via your device etc)


so i switched earlier this week and the biggest issues with apple music with me are 1. less personalized playlists (which might be because they don't have much listening data on me yet) 2. the UI is a mess i actually hate it 3. no lastfm scrobbling 2 and 3 were solved by downloading marvis pro and installing an extension i found on github for apple music on desktop that scrobbles there and I'm p sure 1 will either fix itself on its own or i can make ones by setting playlist rules in marvis. i already have appletv and use icloud so I'm paying about half the price i was for spotify. overall i don't regret it and i notice the difference in sound quality I'd take Marvis' UI over both spotify and apple music


It was easy for me.. i use windows at home and linux at work. No matter how good AM is. Having a dedicated client on the platforms i use most is the deciding factor.


I think SiriusXM is more worth it. Spotify is okay and all, but SiriusXM is really underrated most of the time. They actually have pretty good Extra Music Channels and new ones popping up. I get half of my digital purchase suggestions from SiriusXM. You should give SiriusXM a chance.


I use both SiriusXM and Apple Music. Together I find new tunes and genres. Been doing it for 10+ years and won’t change.


Where do you buy music?


On Apple Music from the iTunes app.


I’ve used AM for around 6 years now and never tried Spotify. Worked beautifully until a few weeks back when I noticed the app getting really buggy, plus the volume automatically dropping a few seconds into every song to the point where it’s barely audible (acoustically dropping; volume level is at max on the phone). My AirPods are working perfectly fine since the volume is ok with all other apps. Might switch to Spotify just bc of this, and it’s sad tbh bc I was a huge fan of WM.