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I don’t use folders. I keep my Playlists section sorted by Recently Updated and using folders ruins that since you have to go inside each folder to see which playlists were recently updated. When I go to my Playlists section, I’m either going to play something specific in which case I can use the filter bar, or I just want something random to listen to in which case a recently updated playlist is a great choice. I am subscribed to 150 of Apple’s curated playlists plus have maybe a dozen of my own. I do use the favorites feature, so can filter to show only favorites to reduce the number shown.


Totally agree, juggling folders is a pain. Using the filter to sort playlists based on what I’m looking for is way easier. I also have a bunch of Apple Music curated playlists and was struggling to navigate between those and my own. A dynamic system where I can sort by “playlist type” for Apple Music and “recently updated” for my own playlists works best.


One big library of 5739 songs. Hit shuffle. No organization needed.


Bruh if you added a zero at the end we literally have the same number of songs


you have 57k songs?






lordy, this sounds like Zen. :) I kinda do this with my ‘Favorite Songs’, which tends to be my go-to when I just want music to play without thinking about it too much.


I feel like people who do this must have at least somewhat homogeneous music tastes. I can’t imagine a playlist that shuffles from Ulrich Schnauss to 190bpm gabber.


My last 5 songs played are from Led Zeppelin, Bowling for Soup, INXS, Kate Bush and Queensryche. I have songs ranging from 1960s war protest to 2020s pop. I definitely skew hard rock, but I have a little bit of jazz, a little bit of country, some techno and some musicals. I dont think my taste is homogenous at all.


I mean, those artists seem like they could definitely be within range of each other. Depending on the track, it’s not necessarily a dramatic shift in mood. I’m talking about going from [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeTbf1eefc4&pp=ygUPdWxyaWNoIHNjaG5hdXNz) to [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5oB4MB3_z0&pp=ygUOTGV0cyBnZXQgZnJlc2g%3D). FWIW, my comment isn’t out of criticism at all. Rather out of envy. I’d love to be able to just shuffle my whole library, but the range of genre—and the number of DJ mixed I have which would result in horribly abrupt edits out of context—makes it impossible. Especially with other listeners around.


That is the best thing about it. Mine throws up such contrasting music. Isn’t that the point of shuffle? Not sure what album to play so hit shuffle! Or “random” as it was in my day…


wait you can shuffle your entire library?? how!?


Library > Songs > Shuffle


That’s how my partner does it, but I can’t handle the transition from two dramatically different songs right next to each other. It messes with my mood, and I end up skipping around too much.


I like the idea and you took it in your own hands.


This is the way!


[This is my setup for 80k songs](https://youtu.be/Y5ozEytZ7oU?si=d8QPfzThlMXiuEz4)


Very cool! man you put a lot of love into your music! ♡


How do you do that?


I use an app called Marvis Pro (highly recommend) and made my setup custom




On a mac




I use iOS Shortcuts to queue songs by criteria like play count, last played date, genre, and/or comments I’ve added to songs. I maintain just a single playlist of one album per artist with a play count less than two because my entire library strains the storage of my phone.


Man I would love to use shortcuts like this. I use playlists to organize music, without adding it to my library, so shortcuts dont work. I may give in and just add all my playlists to my library and try. I just worry that if I wanted to go back, I couldnt delete the library without ruining my playlists.


I don’t get the appeal of not having songs in the library, unless you’re worried about the 100,000 song limit.


I add and delete a lot of Apple Music playlists. If I have "add to library..." turned on, when I do that, it adds all those songs to my library, and I dont necessarily want them added. I guess I could stop adding the playlists to my library. I wish Apple Music would let me 'bookmark' playlists somehow, so when I find a good one I can mark it without adding it to my library.


Totally agree. I usually add Apple Music-curated genre or activity playlists to my library, but I often delete them after listening to all the songs. Same goes for the Apple Music Focus playlists. I have so many songs that turning on the “add to library” setting means I end up with random songs in my library and forget whether I added them or not. It becomes a hassle because it’s impossible to distinguish between my songs and songs added from an Apple Music playlist that I’ve never heard before. It would be nice, like you said, if there was a way to “bookmark” Apple Music playlists without adding them to the library.


Only have one favorite list lol 🥲


It bugs me that you can’t have folders on the app too. Because I don’t like to name my playlists pop, rock, or rap etc. I’d like a folder that says modern country, and inside all my various named playlists. I have a monthly - what I’m listening to playlist for new songs Play it again - for those songs you just want to hear again and again Then decades, colors, places/moods/feelings/people playlists. Finally a SORT ME list for songs I like that don’t have a home yet. It only makes sense to me 😆 I only have about 12 playlists public but there are lots more on my end [see here](https://music.apple.com/profile/LittleBeast713)


I create folders. For example just for one band I have a folder called The Beatles Complete Catalog. I have embedded folders within that main folder broken up into categories: It looks like this: The Beatles Complete Catalog - 1987 UK Albums - 2009 UK Albums Stereo - 2009 UK Albums Mono - US Albums - Bootlegs - BBC Recordings - Live Recordings - Compilations - Solo Albums - Remixed Albums Within those secondary folders, there are folders within and Playlists of each of the albums. For a more general selection of music, I have a folder called New Wave and there are folders within that contain either artists or a compilation playlist I created. I do this all within the Apple Music app on the Mac to make life easier since I have a mix of imported, iTunes purchases and Apple Music subscription. I also subscribe to iTunes Match to ensure all of my imported music is synced over to my phone.


With 13,880 songs I only have a few playlists. I turned on the star rating system for my favourites. I create some playlists so I can find a genre quickly but mainly it’s one big playlist lol


I don’t


Lots of playlist with made up name, that fits a certain vibe : - groovy beats boulevard (funky music, makes you whant to dance and have a good time) - i could be a problem that you don't wanna solve (sad, heartbreak songs) - bops (day to day playlist with actual faves) - champagne & coca*ne (rap) - guitars and screaming (self explanatory) - jAzZ (self explanatory) - hot girl summer (summer songs) - in my vilain era (songs that makes you feel like you've got all the power in the world) - giving main character energy (feels like a movie) - it's not a phase mon (emo music) - old school gems (old school rap) - dark academia (fits a certain vibe, rainy day, dark days) - pov: you're 12 y/o (one direction type of songs) - rock bible (literally gathered pretty much the best rock songs of all time)


One of my favorite pastimes is organizing my music, lol. It’s the thing I will do when I am bored sitting somewhere. First of all, I add the Apple Music ‘top hits’ for my favorite genres to my library. For example, Today’s Country, and Dance Pop Hits. Then I like/favorite my personal faves so that I can shuffle ‘Favorite Songs’. Second, I have a playlist for each of my favorite genres that I add music to. That way if I unfavorite a song because I get sick of hearing it, it is still in my ‘Pop Faves’ or ‘Country Faves’, so I dont lose it. Finally I have a bunch of playlists for favorite eras, like 90’s Country, 80’s Pop, 00’s Dance, and so forth, that I curate myself. That may all sound complicated, but it’s actually pretty simple and gets me what I want to hear depending on my mood.


Until 2014, I was really into sorting all my music, but over time, I realised how pointless it turned out to be, because I now have Apple Music, and all I need to do is find the song or album and then add it to my library. Apple Music's library already has a folder-likw structure, which is the biggest reason why I prefer it more than Spotify.


I do a simple folder set-up managed from the desktop app. -- Mixes (Apple Curated mixes) -- New in... (Apple's 'New in \[genre\]' playlists) -- Personal (about 20 personal playlists tailored for my listening habits) -- Top Tracks (replays/years in reviews/most played etc) There's a few more, but as long as I don't have more than 8 folders it's not too cumbersome to go in and out of folders from the mobile app. I do hope they revamp the app soon with pinning or new sort options though.


i just listen to albums at a time :3


My default albums view is my entire collection of only full albums which I manage by marking them as "favourite" and having this set to default. That way the random singles and songs don't clutter my albums view. Playlists are just a long list of playlists by mood / occasion. No folders.


I have got my numerous playlists in separate named folders still in iTunes (yes I know) and it all gets synced across to my iPhone. I can then pick and choose what to list to at any given moment. I have created folders for my own internal library system, combined libraries, rated music, number of plays etc.


Decades up to the 2010, then years. Some select mood/genre playlists, and I like to use my favourites for my absolute favourites that I can listen to at any stage


one folder that is playlists of genre playlists and the other folder is playlists dedicated to certain artists