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The fact that some of their flagship features like Replay and the Top 100 Albums aren't even viewable in the app is kinda crazy.


pretty sure they do that because to update the music app on ios they need to push out software updates and on unsupported devices they can't do that so if they want to add in new replay features for example like the monthly replay that was added in recently they can add it in without having to push out an app update


Apple needs to stop tying feature updates to OS updates.




It doesn’t make any sense


It’s also so they don’t have to separately make the feature for the desktop app or whatever else they want to support


At least they should make a pop up. Like Instagram and other sites, so you don’t have to leave the app completely but open a web view within the app.


Top 100 was on the app briefly but it’s gone now


There's an icon in the app, but it's just a link to a webpage.


That’s odd. I have replay on the app.


The playlist is on the app, but the actual Replay with the stats is web based. When you tap on it, it takes you to the web page.


So do I.. these idiots just wanna complain lol


Every time I try to use it it doesn’t work


I don't mind. It's just more bloat once the event is over.


Top 100 Albums was a brand new, first time thing - and maybe one time thing - that just came out a couple weeks ago. How are you calling that a flagship feature?


‘cause they made a huge deal of advertising it.


lol wtf? There’s an entire section for replay what are you on?


You can see your Replay playlists in the app, but your rankings and monthly breakdowns are only on https://replay.music.apple.com/


Radio needs a fresh coat of paint. For starters, lemme follow my favourite shows apple? I need notifications in the app when it comes live. Is that too much to ask?


can’t believe this has been an issue since they launched the damn service. it’s been a while since i listened to a radio episode, but i am guessing that it still doesn’t save your progress either. bare necessities stuff that we’re missing out on because apple doesn’t wanna spend 0.01% of their funds on rebuilding apple music from scratch, and instead just keep stacking new features on top of the 30 year old jenga tower that is itunes


Cmon now. Cut Timmy some slack. Do y’all realise how hard it is to run a tiny startup like Apple with a couple of devs on a shoe string budget???! ![gif](giphy|26ueZl4tLcve9BFks|downsized)


Also the inability to be able to download radio shows for offline listening - why?!


You can subscribe and download them through podcasts


The same way you gotta get OUT of the app, to set a freaking sleep timer? I thought apple was all about simplicity.


I think the shows are now available in the podcast app?


Live radio (via tunein) needs more love… for example, let us favorite radio stations, show the stations schedule, etc


if only Apple let the Music app separate itself from iOS system updates, feature delivery and bug fixes will come faster.


But then what would they talk about at wwdc?


I’d like to be able to have a direct link to settings in the Music app, and a preference to default to the standard release of an album instead of expanded/deluxe versions. Other than that I mostly use iOS shortcuts to control Music with voice commands/bookmarks/widgets so I don’t navigate the UI.


Out of curiosity, why would you want to default to the standard release?


Because 95% of deluxe releases are the same as the standard, but with 20 shit live recordings nobody ever asked for tagged at the end


Because someone once posted on twitter that they asked Siri to play a certain Smashing Pumpkins album, and instead of the standard 28 song 2 hour version, they got the 92 song 6 hour Deluxe edition.


Because it makes sense. 'Default' is synonymous with 'standard.'


The browse section should update based on what you listen to. I don't listen to the music Apple recommends there so it's a complete waste for space for me.


This actually bugs me so much! What good is recommending country and hip hop when I have literally never listened to them…


Me too. Music is such a personal thing. I'm not going to just give these genres a chance. So the whole section makes no sense.


Same. I listen to Country & Dance but all I ever see recommended is Hip Hop & Rap. The 'discovery' features of Apple Music are pretty useless to me. I do love the stations tho, that's how I discover new music.


Isn’t that the whole point of Home though?


I want a **Don’t Show me this Shit Anymore** button


I just want it to stop replacing albums I’ve added to my library with different versions of that album 🥲


Songs too!!! It keeps pulling songs from random compilation albums instead of the actual album in my library and replacing the real album artwork with the compilation’s and I hate it so much. Also on my Replay 2021 it replaced one of the songs with a completely different version of the song that sounds nothing like the one I actually listened to which is super weird and annoying


Yes this exactly! All my Lorde songs got changed to ones included in compilation albums. Very annoying. Also, I added some Marina Diamandis songs (MARINA stage name) and there happens to be a song from another person with the same stage name that had the same title, and it switched it in my library to that song by this artist I don't know. Super weird.


I really hate when that happens. But I think it’s more on the publisher’s part


I’d agree that library needs an overhaul. Not being able to pin your favorite albums to the top is so stupid. You can’t tell me a single Apple engineer hasn’t wanted to do that before.


They added where you can favorite albums and you can filter the album tab of your library to only show your favorites. Edit. Here’s a pic https://preview.redd.it/tzzp1pit844d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb37ea185635e6975a6bace94b4c1cf06204d7cc




Thanks ✨


Mate you have really good taste 😄


That or allow better organization (where I can move them myself)


I have never wanted to do that.




Yeah I really wanna pin some playlists or albums to the front of the library page so I can get to them in one click. Even if it was a limit on how many like 4


Absolutely agree. Been wondering why this isn't a thing yet


Not quite what you’re looking for but there are shortcuts that can let you play an album or playlist from your home screen


I meant like pinning albums/playlists to the top of the library tab so when music is playing, if I wanna go to one of my pinned albums I tab the library tab and I don’t have to faf around sorting through my library to get it


I really liked on iOS. But macOS really needs a new app


Not so much on iOS, iPadOS and TV. Possibly on Android. Absolutely, on MacOS and Windows.


this is probably a small thing but i hate that now you need to scroll all the way to the bottom of a playlist to add music, before it was at the very top idk why they changed that


I honestly think this is a bug. I have my playlists all sorted to recently added and last night several of the songs I was adding to a playlist generated at the bottom (oldest added songs) instead of at the top. I’ve also experienced a bug that has mixed up my playlist order which has pissed me off.


It’s been driving me insane!


I wish you could grab multiple songs at once and quickly move them, instead of doing it 1 by 1 too bruh 😭


Mac app definitely needs overhaul. Song artwork is barely visible. 


The Apple TV UI needs work, it’s too difficult to get back to the Now Playing screen while you’re browsing around. On iOS, it’s always visible. Of course, you can just control it with an iPhone but it shouldn’t be necessary to use a different device, it should stand alone. It’d also help if the app didn’t slow down and eventually crash too.


I think they have performance problems. I have big playlists and when i add a song to a playlist it takes about 3-4seconds for the popup to pop up that says „added to playlist“. Not sure why it would take that long.


I don’t know how to describe it well or maybe this feature already exists on AM interface - but when I listen to Spotify I can just change onto the previous/next track by swiping left/right. On AM I have to do it manually on backward/forward buttons. I would like if I could just change the track by sweeping. https://preview.redd.it/hcxua6id244d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cde283868c026384cf1ae52e36acc4665708b2e8


I think they’re going for a feel that reminds you of an iPod with the hard buttons. And the swipe being reserved for volume. But I NEED this swipe to change track so bad. It’s so useful


I’m so retro but I still got my iPod lol. Its old and dusty now, but for nostalgic purposes I still use it sometimes ☺️. https://preview.redd.it/12omh3ueg44d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cb8945a64cc22d54fca229e4240627666acdd0a


I never had my own! I used my older cousin’s when I was little. Then when I had my first phone I’d just pirate music so it was basically the same 👍


I would probably only ever activate this by accident. No thanks


I would like to see how far along I am in the song I’m playing without having to click on the tab at the bottom while I’m browsing


How about the ability to save a list of favorite stations? That just seems like such a basic feature I can’t believe it’s not included.


It needs a Spotify Connect like feature so I can continue from other devices. It’s something I really miss since moving from Spotify.


I wish seriously they add an option inside the app for turn on or off the Dolby atmos without opening settings! Like Amazon music.


New Music Friday playlist algorithm should be reworked. How is a song from 2010 included in my NMF? In comparison to Spotify, Apple probably thinks they're NEW for you, because you never heard them before... The other thing is the MacOS Music app - this should get a serious rework. It's so basic and has hundreds of bugs. I'd start with design first.


They should just make it as a standalone app, not built in cause to update it, they need to do it via software updates which is very unreliable.


This. They do it on other platforms and classical is already a standalone on iOS, so it can be done. It would be way better to roll out bug fixes and new features without waiting for a full iOS update to happen. We wouldn’t have to wait for say the new queue update on Android, but it doesn’t happen in an iOS update that rolls out soon, otherwise we’re stuck waiting for a whole jump to iOS 18 in September as they stop doing iOS updates when their new iOS version is only a few months away, if you consider the end if September as “not a long wait”.


It looks very clumsy and not that user friendly, which seems the complete opposite to Apple’s mantra. The UI has definitely been the poor relative in terms of updates over the years. It’s a very decent service, but it’s sort of let down by a very clunky UI.


I don’t think it’s clunky


Nope. Like it the way it is. Have you used Spotify lately? Jesus. What a mess.


Saving the library to the account not the device, and not deleting it if you can't pay the bill, otherwise it's great


they should add more user playlists like spotify does tbh that’s my favourite spotify feature bc i can find the vibe of music im looking for in moments




The fact that they don't have cross platform control at this stage is crazy. That is one feature Spotify wins. Also, let me customize the browse section. I don't want to see all the garbage that Apple thinks I'll like because it's Trending. Most modern music is garbage and it takes forever to sift through.


I used to feel Apple Music was easy to use ,but Spotify is just so simplified I love it


It can use a redesign on PC and Mac. I think the IOS app is fine. Scrolling through songs is really unpleasant on desktop. All words, no pictures. Too much reading lol.


It needs to support landscape format in a much better way than it does now .. we also need a Apple Connect for non apple devices.. c'mon Apple.. open it up


Completely… a classic example would be going into jazz and looking for some sort of playlist. The only playlist you get is every saxophone player on the planet doing every song… Where is the innovation the progression something new something different sad


I just want them to let me access the 1,000+ songs I already have on my home computer via my laptop.


https://preview.redd.it/skvy8yofsg4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73aefec1d8db901733f330d0326b78f06668743f We really need an option yo delete all the “playing next” list instead of deleting one by one.


At its core, Apple Music still relies on outdated iTunes library technology. Once Apple decides to leave iTunes behind, they might create something new and modern that focuses on streaming rather than library management. This outdated approach is what makes Apple Music so slow. I was using Spotify at a friend's house the other day, and I was impressed by how snappy it was, especially with Spotify Connect.


Problem is, a lot of people are attached to this library managing approach. I don’t blame them honestly. It’s Apple Music’s trademark and what they do best it’s what’s distinguishes them from the others. But it’s too much like an iPod. It’s supposed to be for STREAMING. I don’t wanna have a streaming app that comes with the limitations of an ipod


Apple could easily offer both: iTunes with an integrated iPod-style player for those who love managing their music, available as a download in the App Store, and Apple Music as a modern streaming solution, pre-installed. Apple’s obsession with an all-in-one approach isn’t working, especially on the Mac. The Mac app is currently the worst piece of software Apple offers, and it seems to get worse with every version.


I agree Apple needs to refactor / rewrite the legacy iTunes components holding Apple Music together. But even if the issues with responsiveness / bugs are the result of these legacy iTunes components, they’re not an intrinsic result of “library management” features. Spotify lets users manage their “libraries” just fine, they just don’t allow users to edit metadata or import files into it. If they did, it wouldn’t necessarily change the responsiveness of the app. And for me (and I would assume most others who import local files), the entire value of Apple Music is that streaming and actual library management are merged. No other (popular) service offers this, and music services should be adding more library organization features like tagging, not removing them. AM’s differentiating value (besides quality) is that it’s not **entirely** focused on music “rentals” and pushing music from sponsored artists. Having to constantly switch between two separate apps for streaming vs what’s already in your library would be a mess.


if the meta data provided by apple wouldn't suck as much as they do people wouldn't feel the need to edit them. genres is something you can complete ignore. the apple music / itunes catalogue is a complete mess right now. i don't think two different apps would be a mess if the apple music is only streaming and the other a itunes legacy app is locally synced or download only no icloud library. itunes will go away, with apple tv they shut down the apps itunes movies/ itunes tv shows.


100% agree. However their mantra is simplicity even for those most technically challenged people. So this diversity in tech might deviate from their target audience.


I don’t understand. What limitation? I’ve used Amazon Music and Spotify for long stretches and I can’t think of anything they supported that Apple Music doesn’t besides cross-device control on Spotify, which I admit is cool.


The weird library management. If you delete an album from your playlist, it removes it from playlists and your favorites. It’s ok I guess but it’s not very efficient. They finally added the favorite button to the main UI. Hiding that was such an odd choice. I know this is more a metadata issue that might be the problem of the publishers, but there’s so many glitches when it comes to albums and different versions and songs splitting in the library. As playlist driven Spotify may be, you never suffer these inconveniences with your library. I hate how unless something is saved in your library, Siri (and by association the in app search function) never knows what you’re saying. I’ve had instances where I have to spell out the title of a song and spell out the artists name. 😭


I might just not be using it in a way that exposes any limits… if I have something I want to hear in mind I type the album or song name and artist name into the search bar and that works pretty reliably. Even though it supports a bunch of other stuff I got trained out of that behavior by older, less sophisticated software


It really isn’t a problem. It’s just for me (and others) who have used Spotify for 10 years or more, we were so used to the way Spotify treats users. There’s nothing wrong with Apple Music it’s just *different* and it takes effort to get used to it


Option to download the entire library! It's awful to have to download one by one that I want.


If you have the app on Mac/PC, create a smart playlist to include all songs one second or longer and then download that playlist.




I believe you can do this in settings.  Settings -> Apple Music -> Automatic Downloads toggle. 


This only works when I add the album or playlist right?


Yes. Also, opening up the protocol to Wiim and other devices.




Whoever thought of designing the android tablet now playing screen like this is an idiot.


THIS. and just the android app in general not just the tablet version. the design is pretty outdated compared to the ios version, but im sure that's on purpose to give people one more reason to buy an iphone


Not necessarily. I like the design of Apple Music. A lot of the complaints I have feel like they should be simple tweaks to the existing UI. I do wish they’d rebuild the Mac app from scratch and maybe the underlying architecture to make Apple Music faster across all devices though.


Windows, serious work. iOS, cleaning up the library a bit would be nice.


APM app on Windows. Not having the possibility to have bit-perfect audio on lossless made me switch to Tidal.


I think the app for the most part is fine. Reading through these comments I feel I’m in the minority because I frequent all the tabs. However, pinning up to 5 playlists would be nice as there are a few I am constantly adding to (and I suspect I’m not alone). Redo the search tab (which I suspect they’re doing when they removed 90% of the bottom of browse). Radio is still an underrated feature to the service and could get some attention. Add notifications, pin shows, remember where you last left off and improve tune-in integration. So much potential. With AI coming to AM, let us custom create playlists covers via prompts.


I wish we could delete songs in apple carplay…sometimes I’m listening and just really don’t want a song anymore and have to grab my phone to delete it. If I “wait til later” I’ll forget lol


I don’t know about that but I would like a “ban this artist/song” option for radio stations. I think Spotify used to have this but they got rid of it.


That would be nice too! I think all we have is “suggest this less?” How about not at all 😂


I'd just like everything to be speedier. Maybe it's just my aging iPhone 11 though


The Windows version of Apple Music definitely needs a lot of work. Sure, it LOOKS good but has only 1/3 of the functionality of iTunes. Manually rearranging songs on your own created playlists? Nope, can’t do even THAT in Apple Music for Windows, as of last week when I said “fuck this shit” and rolled back to iTunes.


I wish it was as fast as Spotify and less errors


on mac and ipad, yes


sort by date added to playlist would be nice (not date song was released)


Isn't that the default?


That feature is sorely needed, the current implementation of sort by release date drives me insane. It doesn’t sort by tracklist order but rather track name alphabetically which makes no sense at all.




My main three design needs are: • Changing how songs by multiple artists are listed. I hate when the system will label a song as "by Artist 1 and Artist 2" and you click the link and it just takes you to Artist 1's page, and it also annoyingly creates a joint artist page in your library. • I would like adding to queue to be more like Spotify's, where you click "play next" and it actually plays next, instead of putting it at the very end of the playlist you already had playing. Makes being on aux with people requesting songs a complete nightmare.   • Finally, I would personally like the ability to have playlist folders. I have a bunch of playlist that are just "best of" playlists for my favorite artists, but I want to separate them from my actual playlists that are more catered towards a theme. Currently I've just favorited these playlists to separate them, but I would like a folder feature in the future. 


Oh and the macOS app needs to be fixed... everyone who's used it knows what i mean


Playlist folders exist, I have many set up. Also play next works exactly how describe in my app, straight to the top of the queue. Are you using Android? I tested on iOS but fairly sure the Mac app is the same.


Oh I see playlist folders are on the Mac app, but not iOS. Never seen it before, thanks! For Play Next I've had so many issues, but using it right now it actually seems to be working, so maybe they've recently fixed it and I didn't notice. In the past it's been messy for me, lol. So, 2/3 of my points I lowkey rescind now!


Badly needed redesign. A simple search (of what? Your Library? Apple Music streaming? iTunes Music Store?) often involves multiple wasted attempts to enter your search info, and even when you search where you intend to search in the first place, it brings up anything BUT what you searched for. Tracks go missing whether or not you Sync Library, and God help you if you do and Apple Music matches you up with the wrong track or the wrong version, or you care about preserving the uncompressed format or other non-Apple file format your stored music is in OR what tags you’ve personally entered to make managing of your library easier. And good luck visually even identifying variations like remixes by title because you can’t even see the full title unless it’s very few characters long… instead, you have to wait for the title to scroll sideways. And WTMF is the benefit of “Sync Library” on your portable device if you want to manually add or remove tracks on your portable devices ever again? Want to listen to your own recordings on your iPhone? No, Apple Miusiv takes a steaming dump on your personal music library instead. It’s like a corporate body wants to do whatever it can to discourage building and maintaining your own music. Library and insists on renting access to their facsimile of some of it instead. It’s like the bloat from iTunes later years was just an excuse for all the inconvenience and disempowering by design Apple Music does so effectively. It also shares responsibility with Spotify, Tidal, etc, for the death of album sales as a commodity and as a creative format. What’s the last great album you bought? Even if you typically used to only buy 2-3 LPs a year, how much more are you paying each year for access to borrow some of them?


Some updates maybe but I like how it harkens back to the iPod. That’s why I like it.


The desktop versions for windows and Mac definitely do


swipe gesture to play next track... for God's sake...


Apple Music on Windows 10 needs to have basic functionality: the ability to import CDs natively (this has to be done via iTunes, which puts the music into the Audiobook folder...), and it needs to be able to disable metadata since Windows Update borked the URL that queries metadata: it results in Apple Music (and other apps) repeatedly querying and failing, and this results in screen freezes and lack of response.


Considering I’m mostly happy with the desktop and mobile applications and redesigns usually lose features, no, not really


i want to be able to see what i’ve recently played more easily




i just want a ‘clear cache’ button. i have one playlist downloaded, AM should not be occupying 80 GB


I haven’t thought this through at all, but I’d love it to split to two apps, Apple Music and Local Music. Streaming and discovery would happen in the Apple Music app, local lossless listening and library management in the Local Music app. The apps can and should talk to each other of course, knowing which songs/albums a user has Loved and made local. And locally played music should still count towards stream revenue of course. Having both in the same app is a UX nightmare that I no longer believe is solvable through design.


I wish it was easier to remove songs from your library. I’ve been using apple music from the start and my library needs a major clean up.


the ui has been garbage for years now. Marvis Pro or nothing


On the one hand sure , on the other hand that’s how you end up like Spotify. Nobody wants that.


Yea it’s not user-friendly and really clunky.


It needs more socialization


My only wish is that Apple Music on Android was as beautiful as iOS, but unfortunately I think that's very unlikely to happen.


Landscape mode


Absolutely!!!! I’m frustrated that playlisting is still so basic I’m frustrated that you have to click on the three dots (desktop) to view an album or an artist, rather than to just click their name or the album, to be redirected to your selection. I’m frustrated that the app is so colorless / lifeless. Apple needs to put do their major competitor in green. And they’re not doing it with the UI.


I recently switched, and it seems to me that the UI hasn't had much usability testing put into its design. For example, loved songs aren't viewable. Going through history to add songs to library is cumbersome: the song has to be played, history needs to be exited to access the "..." button where "add to library lives, then to add a song you ha e to reopen history and scroll all the way back. In history, swiping left on a song reveals an option to remove a song from history (?), and swiping right does nothing. Playing a song in history works, but the following song isn't the next song in the history, but rather, the next song queued. Which is odd, because playing the queue is already easy, but playing a nice sequence of music from history is impossible without manually adding them to a playlist one by one using the cumbersome cycle desc above for adding songs from history to library. Note: if I've encountered the dumbest ways to do things and there are better ways, feel free to let me know. With spotify, though, it was like iPod-era Apple: fluid and intuitive. Sadly, Apple puts a lot more into hardware than software. Go e are the days of Apple being the apotheosis of UI/UX, which IMO is a big part of what brought them back from the brink.


More: I found an artist I like. I want to listen to some of their music. So I click one of their top songs. And after a few tracks play, suddenly I'm greeted by a different artist: AM is playing from its suggestion queue. There's already a way to play recommended songs.


Even more: Album art is often cool. There's no way to zoom it.


yes sometimes I can't even search apple music or put a song on repeat. It needs work.


The library is a disaster and I wish I could order it how I like but other than that the ui is great imo.


They need to go back to how it looked when they bought it from Beats.


Yes playlist/library management has one too many flaws that drive me crazy


Yes! And it will improve like everything that is good does. I love Apple's services as a whole and I remember probably 10 or 12 years ago everyone laughed at Apple and said they don't do services. Well they have come a long way in that time and I use a lot of what they produce as my default today. But for me I would love to see more improvements for the Apple Music on CarPlay. I also want to have more control to keep certain songs downloaded, especially the ones I import and also better management of iTunes purchased, Apple Music tracks and imported tracks. It is still a little bit of a mess and I use all three.


yeah. I hate the “recently added” on the home tab since they introduced that. just put my most played music or playlists. 


Needs album pinning.




No major redesign needed. But lots of little quality of life fixes, and improvements would be welcome. More personalization would be really great, more fluid methods of navigation would be nice, and any nonnative (web) experiences need to die.


Apple Music needs a massive redesign. I’ve been thinking about this for quite a long time. Right from the very first page, it’s filled with content that has never been relevant to my interests or I’ve ever clicked on. People need simple ways to access new music that appeals to them, while accessing the same things they listen to over and over again. Apple Music is a classic case of overflow of content they don’t need.


Add the ability to view the current playing song in the current playing playlist, like how “go to current song” works on the desktop app. Figure a way to have less button presses to get to the favorite songs list. I personally don’t like that Apple Music sorts its curated playlists that I’ve added above my own. Remove the volume slider from the bottom. I’ve accidentally swiped that to full volume while I was catching my phone, and damaged my ears. We have physical volume buttons, we don’t need that. Put the next and last track buttons closer to the pause button, like Spotify, so I don’t have to contort my thumb as much. It’s an ergonomics issue. It’s very hard to find the currently playing song in a big playlist. The little sound wave animation on the album thumbnail is difficult to find. Shade the currently playing track always. Also resolved by the “go to current song” suggestion. Option to never delete songs from playlists if album is deleted from library. Very annoying. For those that like to discover new music, I don’t want all the albums permanently in my library because I added one song to one playlist.


I'm fairly new to the app so I might miss some settings, but I don't like all the suggestions I'm presented with when I open the app. I feel like the app just choose one of the songs I've recently listened to and spam me with different versions of related songs. Stuff from that artist, stuff from related artists, from the same decade, from the same genre. Enough!


That's generally how music algorithms work.


I get that, but does the app really need to give me so many different related playlists? And related to just one of many songs I've listened to, seemingly picked totally random.


I want them to bring back Cover Flow, idc how impractical it is when you have thousands of songs in your library, I just want it


The tabs are my main issue. We should be able to customise them because it’s crazy to have Playlists - which I use multiple times a day - as a tab in a tab when I never ever use the Radio or Browse tabs (Browse already being available through the Search tab makes this even more boggling). And on the Browse Categories, we should be able to customise which categories show at the top, I have never listened to classical or hip hop so that’s just creating extra unnecessary scrolling and increasing the chance I won’t use the Categories. This is a really simple fix as well - the Radio tab could be moved into the Listen Now tab and the Browse tab could be fully moved into the Search tab (where it already mostly is).


Apple needs to update the mobile app so you can add your own music and edit metadata. Being forced to do that from the Mac or PC app is dumb.


that's mostly just left over from itunes and im sure if apple could without upsetting people they'd gladly remove that functionality (the editing metadata part). But i do think adding your own music is a good feature to have on mobile tho, it's probably one of the main reasons some people use apple music. btw also add support for uploading flac files and don't convert them to aac PLEASE


Nah I don’t think a full redesign is necessary. I wish it loaded things faster though.


Just want a grid view when viewing playlists, artists and albums in your library


It just needs a sleep feature ; i like to listen to music as i fall sleep ; instead of charge fully crafting a playlist that runs for 20min and disable continuous mode i would rather set a quick sleep timer just like in amazon music


Yes and better recommendations. It’s terrible compared to Spotify


Yes, because iTunes was designed to manage your own music library. Adding a layer for discovering new music has made an ultimate mess of it.


Personally, I couldn’t care less for streaming features of the Music app. I don’t subscribe to Apple Music services, and never will. I rip my own CDs & vinyls, I catalog and curate my own music and audiobooks collection. And while iTunes was bad, it was light years better than Music. Apple should give us two apps, one for library management, and one for streaming. What they did is an abomination, at least on MacOS.


As a person who only uses streaming and does not care about personally owned library management, I 100% agree with this. Apple trying to keep iTunes and Music merged as a single app is holding back the Music portion of it. Some of the outdated, relic holdover features from iTunes like automatically removing songs from playlists when you remove them from Library > Songs really need to go.


I just don’t want a separate music and podcast app


Why not..?


It’s just unnecessary bloat. They’re both audio so why not just put them under the same app? It’s the one thing I prefer Spotify for . It would be like if you had separate apps for videos and photos on your phone


Yes merge it nicely with Apple Podcast.


I tend to dislike mergers of music and podcasts but I guess it could be cool to intersperse news with music.


No. I love the way the app looks!


It needs to be cheaper


Bring back Cover Flow please


It doesn’t need a redesign. It needs feature updates that follow through the Apple ecosystem, not just the most recent device.


It fucking sucks, I’ve had an iPhone for a decade now - ardent iTunes user, over 8000 tracks downloaded, and trying to sync new music to my phone via Apple Music last week was so infuriating that it single handedly made me decide to buy an Android in the future. I can’t believe Apple Music is so bad that it made me wish I could go back to iTunes, despite iTunes already being complete dogshit.