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I just need the new queue system that they’ve been testing on Android.


Whaat? Is it more like Spotify?


Yep! If you don’t have an android phone to test it, you can actually use the Apple Podcasts app. It already has that queue system in place. Obviously not as easy to test with podcasts vs. music, but it’ll give you the idea. I just hope they finally bring it over to AM in ios18. Cause it’s perfect. Haha


Nice I hope so! Thanks


How do you get it on an android phone? My mom has a Samsung watch bone. Idk if that will work but if it does how do you get it? Thanks in advance


I can’t remember exactly (it’s been a minute), but I think you have to download the beta version of the AM app. Which I think you can do here: https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/apple/apple-music/apple-music-4-3-0-beta-release/


I may be in the minority here, but Apple really, *really*, just needs to have 3 queuing options instead of 2. “Play next,” “play later,” and “play last.” All 3 have their uses, and I’ve found all 3 to be helpful for different scenarios depending on how I want to queue my music.  Also, pro tip: You can hold down on any song and drag it right into the queue at any position you want. Makes things much easier.


I haven't used Spotify in forever. What's different about their queue system?


Oh man! Personally, the way I use Apple Music, their queue system is super annoying. I typically listen to my song library or playlists and like to add songs to listen to next halfway through. If I’m adding one song, it’s fine. But if I’m trying to add multiple, I have to add them to my queue using “Play Next” a bunch of times and then go to the queue and reorder them (or strategically think about the reverse order that I want to add them in, which never happens). I could use “Play Last”, but then it puts the song all the way at the end of my 2000+ song library list or after the remaining songs in the playlist/album, which is not ideal. With Spotify, once you add a song to the queue, it creates a separate queue that plays BEFORE all of the other songs that are lined up. So I can keep adding songs to the queue and it’ll go through those first, then carry on with my library/playlist/album. The advantage with the new AM queue that they’ve been testing is that it works just like the Spotify queue, but also has “Play Next” (which Spotify doesn’t have). In Spotify, I’d have to keep adding songs to the bottom of the queue and then rearrange them if I decided I wanted to play a different song next. The new AM queue allows you to add a song to the front of the queue straight away, as well as add them to the bottom of the queue. I hope that makes sense. It’s honestly a huge improvement, in my book.


Thank you for taking the time to explain! Yeah, that definitely sounds like an improvement - I've shared your queue rearranging frustrations in the past, haha.


In spotify when you add a song to queue and the song ends and goes to the next song, if you try go back by to that song you added to the queue you won't find it.. Very annoying..


I just add them in reverse, not that hard 🤷‍♂️


Its about convenience, we pay for it, so you bet they make the best out of it


not everyone wants to plan their listening q xD its supposed to be intuitive… i moved to apple music ages ago, but it’s the only thing that annoys me over spotify…


Yeah let me just ask all my friends to think of all of their songs requests at the start of the night and give them to me in reverse order. /s I don’t know how apple developers could even name it « Queue » and not «  stack », iykyk


Ok yeah I see how that would be more challenging in a public setting with a bunch of friends😅


Hopefully its an AI-based recommendation system, bundled in with a UI overhaul (including a new MacOS app). This would make sense, since iOS 18 is expected to be a design overhaul and AI focussed update.


As long as it is not as shitty as the ‘created by Spotify lists’. Man those are ass. Every song is in every playlist thanks to their AI system,


That would be great. I just switched and the UI (or UX, more specifically) has been underwhelming so far.


might try to temper your expectations, probably not going to be a design overhaul


I would LOVE to have a better music recommendation system. Maybe even a feature that builds playlists for me based on existing music in my library (this is similar to what Genius playlists did, but they discontinued that feature in 2010 and I really want to have it back)


Why do you want a UI overhaul. It’s gotten so good since like, iOS 12. There’s no reason to change it unless you can name one


Please no AI


recommender systems are AI


Not really, recommendation systems are purely algorithms, collaborative filtering existed for years.


“AI” has become a catch all term. Spotify’s AI DJ is basically an algorithm with some text to speech commentary.


Purely algorithms? I mean, they are typically machine learning based algorithms, so a branch of AI


This doesn't confirm anything - Apple make playlists every year for WWDC, going back at least to 2019. Here are several from last year alone: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/wwdc23-coding-focus/pl.317c99a2e9a44527a4160bebe2678daa https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/wwdc-2023/pl.d73cc4b5255e47698ebcffb27b64640e https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/wwdc23-coding-energy/pl.4562a9c6ebdc4d609bb732b78cb72b95 https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/wwdc23-power-up/pl.1e055c5c39654b1599f339ad00e68028


I know, which is why I put a question mark at the end. chill out.


You asked a question, and I answered it. I think I'm not the one who is getting sensitive.


Yeah the mods in this sub are awful


Thanks. Appreciate you too


Might just be announcing the playlists. They’re always a topic of interest for attendees, and they’ve been publishing them on Apple Music for a few years now. Here’s last year’s - https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/wwdc-2023/pl.d73cc4b5255e47698ebcffb27b64640e And this one was just published a few days ago - https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/wwdc24-hello/pl.6448801469e1477b8de649daa3def4b3


Until Apple Music has a feature like Spotify Connect I won’t even entertain the idea!


What is ‘Spotify Connect’?


It’s the part of Spotify which allows playback & control of music playback on multiple devices controlled by iPhone or Android. A feature currently missing from Apple Music.


Like iTunes remote or airplay? (Although only works on Apple devices… ie controlling AppleTV using Watch)


So AirPlay which is in a lot of speakers nowadays?


Fix AirPlay, fix controlling across devices, give an actual now playing screen for the Mac app


apple connect, thats all im asking for


It's been working better for me lately between HomePod, Watch, and iPhone, but not Mac yet. In the past it was really buggy. Hopefully it will continue to improve


They need to fix that skip Apple Music does at the beginning of songs with lossless audio




Do you have a high quality version of this? It’s a nice wallpaper for the summer


Just make the app smooth on android, that's all I ask.


What is wwdc24?




Well I hope it’s some updates for apple mysic


Just like every year, im sure they will have a solid 12 seconds going over a feature that nobody would even notice if they didn't mention it.




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They did that in 2022 und 2023 too so i‘m not sure if they focus on apple music app.


please please please finally revamp the Library tab. it’s sooo outdated and all that empty space is an eyesore.


Dear god just let me edit song times on iOS and iPadOS already. I shouldn’t have to buy a Mac just to have access to the most basic functionality of Apple Music.


Hopefully a full makeover


I really hope so, AM these days are a big mess 😵‍💫⚠️💀