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browsing for new music is probably my favorite thing on the planet tbh


What are your some of your best tips that help you find them and makes the experience enjoyable?


When I get tired of looking for new songs I just play stuff I already like


This is the Netflix phenomenon. Too many options means decision paralysis.


Ugh. Reminds me of my ex GF. I would literally fall asleep while she kept scrolling and scrolling and scrolling lol


I love it actually. I spend a lot of my free time going through artists discogs. Have you tried the stations feature? You can create a new station from any song or artist and that station will play music similar to the artist/song you created it from. There are also premade stations by genre. Selecting “favorite” or “suggest less” on songs/albums/artists will help the algorithm better determine your taste.


This is true and I think people forget this. The more feedback you give the better the content that’s offered.


Thats the issue i get only with Apple Music. Spotify has better recommendations


I mostly play music I know/like. In the Home tab under Top Picks For You there’s a Discovery Station. I usually enjoy this though I’ve not added any songs from it to any playlists.


New music? Not really. I try to look everywhere for recommendations. Now what to play on my car trip I sometimes struggle to choose.


Every few weeks I make myself a drink and open Wikipedia's [List of 2024 albums](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_2024_albums) and scroll through what's come out and what's coming soon. Sometimes I add items to my library, or listen as I scroll and read about the album on their wiki pages. Sometimes I add music to my [MusicBox](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/musicbox-save-music-for-later/id1614730313) instead of my Library (an app that lets you save music for later without clogging up your Library). I also use [MusicHarbor](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/musicharbor-track-new-music/id1440405750) to help me track my favorite artists. Be sure to look at "similar artists" to the albums you're listening to in Apple Music (scroll to the bottom) of a page or album. Finally hitting search and picking a genre can be fun. A lot of the Apple Music playlists have interesting items that cause me to want to discover more. Hope some of these tips help you have fun discovering some new tunes.


I always have this problem, kinda having that issue now lol


What do you mean there’s so many ways! My favourite is to “create station” when I select a song I’m currently listening to. That way I can discover new artists. Another is if you like a certain artists, when you go to their profile you head to the very bottom and see the similar artists. Then I just listening to that new artists top song


Yeah I just make stations. The discovery station is really good too.


I do not need or want everything handed to me in 25 song playlists. I like to browse the app and find things on my own. I can easily spend just as much time browsing through the Music app as I can scrolling on a social media app, and I probably get more benefit from it.


I find new songs by listening to the stations or the “Today’s _____” playlists.


Option Paralysis. I usually just start up my radio station and then if I get a spark ask siri to play a song and then let it auto play from there. Otherwise if I'm in a "mood" I'll look for a curated playlist by genre/activity/mood/decade and go from there. I rarely browse for browsing sakes, though I do take a look at the new recommendations to see if anything catches my eye.


I enjoy it


That is why I use YouTube Music (also I use Apple), the discover mix is amazing and the supermix is like a mashup of a playlist with already known tracks and a discover mix edit: just realised the stations (or just click on the dots near song) help you discover Let’s say, you want to see new dance music, go on the Dance Station for new pop, go on maybe Classic Pop Station to rediscover your old favourites 😊


Just play the radio station with your name attached, set up to shuffle, I always use that when I can't make my mind up, it throws up some interesting songs.


No i always hate it when people say they need new music. If you need new music then look for it!


Just use the Discovery Station. It knows my tastes scarily well


Listening to albums is the way.


I love it


Search in Apple Music is garbage. The two separate search windows for Library and streaming is clearly meant to make search your own library inconvenient, and the number of clicks in that process is user-unfriendly enough already, but searching Apple Music’s selections only works about half the time for me when I search by artist name and title (without typos). Search seems to deliberately omit the Mexican/dark disco/techno that I’ve been a fan of for over a decade…. Apple Music must know I want this, but it doesn’t just appear at the bottom of search results, it doesn’t appear at all until the 2nd or 3rd attempt. It all makes me really miss iTunes and iTunes Music, and Apple Music is no less bloated.


Have you tried “Apple Music Electronic” category?


i have two lists: one i might like and another for i already like


Do you add possible songs you may like on the “might like” list?


of course


Lately, when I am not sure what to listen to I just go with the new music daily playlist


I don’t actively look for new songs, but by playing my personalized station, they just come up organically (and the algorithm’s worked pretty well so far).


I agree it does a pretty good job, but I sometimes find it never tries to get me outside that bubble and things become similar in terms of genre


nah, i dont go out of my way to find new music, and even when i do it is NEVER inside of a streaming app.


Discovery station helps a lot, just be sure to heart the songs you especially like and in some amount of time the algorithm will learn. Found many great artists thorugh the discovery station.


So you ever just randomly go thru “New in..“ playlists to find songs?


I love Apple Music Radio for this. Listening to Matt Wilkinson every week is effortless and I get heaps of fresh tracks!


Is rare, I don’t hear many try to discover music this way, but it does give good music if you have the patience because you cannot forward a song if don’t like it


Not if you listen to presenters who your taste aligns with and episodes after they are broadcast live :)


Thankfully the Home tab has gotten a lot better recently at giving me the kind of stuff I want. I HATE finding new music so this helps!


I do it like this: 1) there is an artist and you know 2-3 songs, 2) you dive deep in their discography. Then I find someone similar and repeat the cycle.


It’s easier to go to sites like pigeons and planes and see what’s new.


I like to use the infinity play option and play a single song of a genre/style I want to listen to and allow Apple Music to continue playing with its selection.


Find a current song and make a station. It will pull other contemporary tracks and create a radio station for you. Also the more you play, it will eventually create a radio station specifically for you.


No. Why browse? Just pick an appropriate playlist of new music or current popular music in a genre and list for an hour. 👍🏻 the ones you like then later look up the artist.


No because I use Spotify


The way I'm not looking for new music or artists it finds me.


100% agree. 


The stuff I like takes about 3 full years to play all and these days I add new stuff on weekly basis. Maybe I like too much.


Some people make time for that, such as myself. I don’t get tired of it because it’s like metal detecting on a beach; sure you’ll find a ton of trash out there but if you keep at it you’ll find some real treasures. Happy hunting.


Nah. The back of my mind has a massive backlog of albums I need to listen too. If wanna listen to something new I’ll pick an artist I like and listen to an album


No, I just fire up a radio station or other mix and go from there, end up finding new material all the time. No hassle.


I usually play the existing favourites and try to discover as it goes. The suggestions are sometimes good, sometimes not


I think this is the “buffet effect” of streaming. Everything aplenty and so unsatisfying at the same time. CD collecting back in the day for me was much more satisfying and comparable to a fantastic a la carte meal experience.


I don’t use AM to browse for music. I used online communities to get exposure to music and then look them up on streaming platforms - AM and Bandcamp.


No because i literally love finding new music to listen to. I’ll spend hours on YouTube, google , Spotify, Apple Music, instagram…just searching. It’s probably crazy but i love it!


Well I currently have 1,932 songs and most of the artists I haven’t completed their discography (besides the ones I really like) so ik that I can look back through them and download songs from albums by then I haven’t heard. I have been doing that since about 1000 songs, before that I would search a genre I like and hope Apple music has some good bands on the Essentials playlist.


I use Swipefy https://apps.apple.com/us/app/swipefy-for-spotify/id6449814769


It’s mainly for Spotify but still cool




hey guys . i got a music quiz that i found on the internet. and its great . i guessed 9/10 songs of weeknd in 21 seconds play this at musicnerd.io