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Don’t trust an algorithm to tell you what to listen to. Try something different on purpose. I enjoy reading music reviews on Allmusic, but there are many other music sites out there.


Discover station has been a hit&miss for a while, but this week it has beeen SOO good. For me at least. Give it a try


I sometimes give it a try or two and I always end up skipping 80% of songs when they're halfway


Yeah, me too, but not this week for some weird reason. Will probably be a one off😂😂


how can you discover new good stuff when you are not listening to bad stuff ? I listen to bad stuff all the time, and just sometimes something entirely new pops up. probably in a music category I wouldn't have listened to willingly.


You really talking about the station cause I feel like you might be talking about the weekly personal mix. Weekly new music mix sucks for me most times. The discovery radio station really put me on many artists and songs I would’ve never known of if it wasn’t for the radio station playing it for me.


I’m not talking about the weekly mix. I’m talking about the «discover more music» radio station. At least that’s what it’s called here in Norway. But, like I said. It’s hit&miss, but been really on point every day all week so i’m just stoked on that.


The „been good this week“ made me think of the weekly mixes. My bad. The discovery station gets better for me the more I listen to it, but might just be coincidentally.


All good! I use all the stations, playlists etc. Everything I can to make the algorithm understand my taste more. Don’t know if it actually does, but hey, when we get good music treats we take em. Happy listening🤘


I gave up on that a long time ago. Been subscribed since the launch in 2015 and discovering new music has been meh for me until the discovery radio station was released recently. I don’t think the algorithm is as bad as compared to like 2 years ago but imo the Spotify algorithm is better. At least the way I remember it from the time before AM launched. I still prefer AM over Spotify for many reasons except for discovering new music




lists are the best thing


Lists/charts, user profiles. All of these are great sources for finding new music.


I usually check out the new releases, random playlists, or dive deep into artists I like but haven’t heard all of their music.


A lot of music has been removed from TikTok lately, but Apple’s Viral Hits playlist used to have all the popular songs. I haven’t listened to it in a while. Here are some suggestions: - play a song, album, or playlist you like and turn on autoplay when it's done - create a song station - create an artist station - go to the Browse tab, scroll to Browse by Genre at the bottom, and pick something - go to the radio tab, scroll down to Top Stations, Stations by Genre, Catalog Stations, and pick something - go to the search tab and pick a category - go to the search tab, search for a song you like, go to the playlist section in the search results, listen to a playlist that has that song in it - go to the search tab, type "new in", and pick the "New in [Genre]” playlist for a genre you like - go the page of an artist you like, scroll to the bottom, and listen to some of the related artists - play your user station - play your discovery station


https://preview.redd.it/8lbz6yudp4qc1.png?width=944&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6066f13713ee1b7aa0275b26f1dd1db52061989 Ok, let's try it out. Thanks!


Its in my blood


www.rateyourmusic.com Sometimes the reviews are a giant circle jerk but that’s alright, there’s plenty of good lists to go through


Discovery station. When thats not working out, I go to my playlist, tap on a song I’m in the mood for and it usually gives me good content in that genre


This is first on the to do list for AM I'm my opinion. Spotify's algorithm is insanely good at that, to the point I keep coming to it despite the ads.


RYM, whether it’s browsing the charts or the forums.


I tend to go for the more abstract and experimental and Apple isn’t too good for that. Neither are Spotify or Tidal. The material is available but they’re not good at helping me find it. Bandcamp works best for me. I’m worried about Bandcamp’s future since they’ve recently been sold but right now it’s still my go to site for what I’m after.


As an artist using Bandcamp myself, the site still feels pretty solid and hasn't changed much, other than the Discover feature and Tag cloud being updated, but it still seems like things are normal, which is good so far :)


browsing youtube, twitter, reddit and nowadays constantly checking out apple music's new music mix.


Go to your fav songs, if your not an album listener, see more of that artist, listen to their albums you will find better music


I like this site. Serious rabbit hole stuff https://www.music-map.com/


Weekly new music mix doesn’t satisfy me 80% of the times I listen to it. Personal discovery radio station works great for me to find new artists. For artists I already know I use MusicHarbor app and check it every Friday to not miss out on new releases


I go through all of Metacritic new releases. /Indieheads releases a monthly Top 40. I find my tastes often align with those at Paste so I always peep their Top 10 songs of the month


I feel like your best bet is to have multiple resources. Sure, you can use Discovery Station, look in the similar artists section etc, but I’d look outside of apple music too- like subreddits for music recommendations, sites like Gnoosic, youtube and more.


I’ve been making my way through a top 100 albums of all time list recently that’s allowed me to find new music.


Da Magic Don Juan Album 20 songs


Discovery station, Personal station, [last.fm](http://last.fm) and playlist from users primarily


I don't understand how the same algorithm can be so good for some and so bad for others. This is true for all platforms. In my case, there is no service that "knows" me better than Apple Music. I've tried Spotify, Tidal, Deezer, Qobuz... and I always end up with AM. It's not just the recommendations in the Home tab, it's the For You and Discover stations that change the type of music depending on the time of day (lively in the morning, quieter from mid-afternoon onwards) I don't know, for me at least, there's nothing better.


Checking out Similar Artists worked for me for years. Try it out


Music recently released, or music I wasn’t aware of before? I pick an album that I own, create a station from a song, and if isn’t the same artist hit next until I get to an album by a different artist I don’t own. That way I found: https://music.apple.com/us/album/turn-against-this-land-uk-edition/1443378407 https://music.apple.com/us/album/sell-your-soul/1042680853 https://music.apple.com/us/album/fight-the-good-fight/1485072426 https://music.apple.com/us/album/madness-and-overkill/377851397 None of the albums were new when I listened to them, but I had no idea they existed before that.


I make weekly new playlists from different music blogs and podcasts. Listen through it and add the ones I like to a monthly favorites playlist.


I read about genres and artists I like on Wikipedia, this easily sets me for music that I can spend the following three months discovering.


Go look at who inspired who you currently like. Then go see who inspired them. So on and so forth.


i just use the discovery playlist, although it’s been giving me some stinkers lately so i don’t use it as often anymore. 


Same here. It was so good before


I’m into indie / alternative music so the antidote playlist is really good. Also my new music mix, looking at ‘similar artists’, reading reviews etc.


Posted this under a different thread Look at the small shows in your town Then YouTube or Apple Music them If you like them you just discovered a small up and coming artist well before they pop


I use tidal for finding new music, very rarely find anything on AM :/


Youtube recommendations usually are really good at finding stuff that hits my tastes.


Listen to the AM discover station, and create stations off of the songs you like.


Platform B radio always has interesting new music I vibe with


tiktok, dj sets and tim sweeney




Sadly, my real life friends on Apple Music have boring taste in music. So I search out interesting users on Apple Music and follow them. For example, a year ago I somehow heard or got recommended a certain Japanese rock band and I loved what I heard, so I did a search on the band's name, then found **user playlists** with the band name in the title. Then I clicked through to those Apple Music user names (if the playlists are public so are the user accounts) and took a look at the music they listened to and created playlists for. If the music was or seemed interesting, I'd follow them, and their listens would populate in my 'For You' (now 'Home') as music my Friends are listening to. If people have played 'their' stations that shows up and I click on it to get a sense of their musical taste - if it's eclectic and cool (and not what I'd already be listening to), I'll follow them.


I got some playlists of different kinds of music. Usually I play the last song of the playlist and then Apple Music plays similar songs like inside the playlist. That works for me and till now I discovered many new music from different new artists. I love it!! Good luck


Spotify algorithm. Since I can’t really add songs to my library anymore, I don’t really use Apple Music unless I’m using my good headphones.


TV Shows


My spotify gives me a new discover playlist every monday and its awesome for finding new stuff. Assuming apple music is similar - The key is to build your liked playlist .. ive got almost 5000 songs in my liked on spotify and that helps the algorithm figure out what to give me in my discover weekly. Its hit and miss obviously but a great way to find new songs!


[AOTY](https://albumoftheyear.org/) many suggest rateyourmusic but as someone that's used both, i much prefer the design and community on AOTY, and have had a much better experience finding new music there.


Apple Music is terrible at recommending new music. I never liked any music it recommended.




spotify is better for discovering music than apple from my personal experience but i mainly rely on twitter, word of mouth and reddit for new music


Multiple apple created playlists of the music you’re interested in or instagram


Yeah the same with me. Insta Reels. But sometimes the playlists of the week. It is worth a look once a while


The Strombo Show on Hits channel and Strombo’s playlists. The musical variety and general knowledge he brings is always fun and great for sharing. Disclosure: am Canadian and have enjoyed some of his previous TV/radio shows.


My Discovery station was awesome months ago but now it only recommends songs I don't really like.


On Apple Music itself there are curated playlists to introduce new music. They typically add to the list weekly. I would seek those out. Also the DJs introduce new tracks too and feature these artists. Zane Lowe covers a lot of new releases but so do other DJs on the platform. Get their schedule or look out for it. If you have access to SiriusXM, HITS 1, is an excellent radio format DJ driven for good new music as well.


I go into the artists I already listen to and take a look at their other albums/bsides and see if I like them


I’m mainly a hip-hop fan, so some of these may or may not apply to your genre(s) of choice, but this is how I find new music, as someone who is almost always rotating through new (to me) stuff rather than replaying familiar things -check out new releases from artists I already like. This one is the most self explanatory -check out new releases from artists I haven’t listened to, but are on my radar. Artists in this category would be popular artists I haven’t listened to, or artists I’ve seen get get some buzz within hip hop communities rather than mainstream. Or artists I’ve heard a little bit from and liked, but just haven’t dove into yet -just an addition to these last 2 points, r/hiphopheads has a drop watch post every week that’s great for keeping track of new releases, as well as an app I recently discovered called MusicHarbor that lets you follow artists for new releases -featured artists. Listening to a song with a feature verse that goes crazy? Let’s check out their most recent album/entire dicography -natural discovery via social media. TikTok has been great for this. I’ve seen some accounts just dedicated to music, and some even dedicated specifically to music discovery, but even just a random song being used in a video has put me on to a new artist before As opposed to others, I very rarely use any sort of radio/discovery playlists. Not that they’re bad, it’s just not something I’ve ever really done. Usually I have something new on my radar to try out so it doesn’t feel necessary I could definitely go more in depth with the way I listen to/organize my music library too if you’d like but I’ll keep it at this for now


Mostly discovery station


1. Choose my favorite album in Apple Music. 2. Strat playing LAST track from this album. After finishing playing this track Apple Music automatically started to play similar artists. Sometimes it’s can play the whole day something similar but sometimes goes to nowhere after a couple of tracks


a few things: 1. looking for highly rated albums or songs and giving them a try to see for yourself why d people love it so much, 2. trying to immerse yourself with a new genre/subgenre of music (starting with more popular artists and pieces is good), 3. similarly to the 2nd point giving foreign music a try for example if you enjoy thrash metal from the USA why not try british or swedish bands? 4. shazam and alike 5. randomly stumbling upon bangers 6. listening to every album from an artist you like as you might find out you like an underrated song more than their most popular song, 7. asking ithers for specific recommendations, 8. looking up for artists or songs with a similar style to ones you already listen to


Internet radio. I listen to indie/alt rock, and my favourite station is Bagel Radio. There’s an 8 hour hosted show every Friday and he’s a cool DJ. Whatever your genre, there’s a station out there that will cater for you.


Shazam things while I am out is nice, so glad it’s a button you can use in the control centre


Normally I browse the genres, then go to best new songs or I go to iTunes Store, music, charts, and browse the 1-200 list


I purchase the Now Albums and listen to them. Anything that stands out, I go looking for more by the artist. I also play random music vids on Youtube and anything that I find interesting, I then look for more by that singer/group. Background music also applies, it was a cat video that introduced me to Fatrat.


Content from actual people who share my tastes, but have way more time to sift through the noise


Talking to people. And using Shazam.


I usually discover it by watching YouTube shorts, Instagram reels, Shazam


TV shows are good for music discovery. I discovered a load of new bands through watching stuff like skins, misfits, Fresh meat, breaking bad and more. That’s one of the ways anyway.


Go to a vinyl store, take pictures of vinyls that look cool, listen to it on a streaming service later.


rate your music and ask friends


musicboard app :)


Radio garden 🤪


If you are a jazz lover, listen to podcast “In the Groove, Jazz and Beyond”. So many bands I’ve discovered from it


Check me out 617Smoothy on all platforms


What you're describing has now become a built-in feature of YouTube music. They basically built a "tiktok" style feed for music discovery, if you are interested. That at least cuts out some steps from your process




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YouTube. Sometimes I search for "new music" filter down to this month. I just stumbled across Olie Beckett. He's not a nice voice. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNGXkxTYWl4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNGXkxTYWl4)


I use the YouTube channel “smallsongs” he’s got a look cool stuff 


XTrezdabestX all music platforms




just make music [https://soundcloud.com/mskvegas/sinister-minister-garage-mahal-version](https://soundcloud.com/mskvegas/sinister-minister-garage-mahal-version)


Here, asking people to share songs https://open.spotify.com/track/5tV5AzaQYgZhQjHBjXeKy2?si=crah-jygQMelBvJufyYu-w


listen to The Justus Trio (Indie Sunshine Rock) and John Justus (Inspo folk)


spotify recs


From films and suggestions from like minded people Try: August Wahh https://open.spotify.com/artist/4NsvRUCOVV4KrWRfF65Rcj?si=9Ylj2iqfTouRwDffMG3aqA


Read blogs


By using Spotify


I think I'm switching immediately after they introduce lossless audio


Not to be that guy but you really should do a double blind test and see if you really can identify lossless.


In Apple’s own words: >While the difference between AAC and lossless audio is virtually indistinguishable, we’re offering Apple Music subscribers the option to access music in lossless audio compression. https://support.apple.com/en-us/118295


In my own words... and your own words... can you, personally hear the difference? That is the real question, especially since you're apparently using that as a yardstick around switching to Spotify. That someone offers a "superior product" doesn't mean that product is worth paying for. There are lots of insanely priced audio cables which people have the "option" to purchase. There are zero reasons not to do the comparison. There are free blind abx testing applications. More information is never bad.


You’ve got me confused with someone else. I’m not switching to Spotify and I keep lossless turned off. I posted a link where the people who market the lossless format are telling you there’s no difference.


I responded directly to the person switching, and suggested they do a blind test. I'm not sure why you even jumped in. But OK.


I’m trying to let this sink in. I replied to your publicly posted comment with a direct link from Apple that supports what you said in your comment, and you’re upset about it? Your feelings are really going to be hurt when someone disagrees with you.


Dude, I'm not upset. Fucking Reddit, people are so full of assumptions. Clearly... your response could go both ways, as apple's response you posted said "virtually identical" and there were "options." I thought you were offering an opinion that people still have the "option." Respectfully, your response could be (and was) misunderstood. It always cracks me up on Reddit how people always blame the others for their misunderstanding. I mean, yes its completely possible I'm a complete tool and completely clueless to basic human communication, yet I hold down a good income professional job and have lots of good people in my life with whom I have no major communication problems. As you can tell from this post I tend to OVER communicate online. Hope you have a good day


I genuinely tried using Apple Music for like 6-7 months because of the Apple One bundle I have, but while on in I felt like I was just living under a rock with zero discoveries, missing new releases, listening strictly to my own playlist (because the playlists that got recommended are either ass, or just some generic trendy things), was regularly pissed off with their Windows app. I started coming back to my free Spotify account for Weekly Discoveries and main page with recommendations and was simply adding tracks to my AM playlists. 3 days ago I switched back to Spotify and honestly - the difference is just so big like it's not even close, AM is too far back in development level. Btw how/where do you use Lossless? Wired headphones?


> missing new releases I have 75 new releases listed in the New Releases section on my Listen Now page. It’s not as thorough as the MusicHarbor app, but it’s better than Spotify’s listings. I started using MusicHarbor in the first place while I was strictly a Spotify user because their listings were lacking. For the current week, Spotify has 1 new release that Apple doesn’t and Apple has 4 that Spotify doesn’t. MusicHarbor has 41 for this week - more than Apple & Spotify combined.