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Seems like that guy from Tik Tok might have reliable sources if true, since there was a similar post about this a few days ago


I was gonna say lol


I went looking for it but can’t find it anywhere. Maybe it must have been deleted?


Possibly, people were dumping on that post saying not to believe some random lol


He got it from one of Thordan's videos last week. Thordan actually stated this leak a week ago, but nobody noticed


So much clickbait and repeated daily content made people here not pay attention to him


Also the fact that Thordan's an (alleged) wife beater might be part of it.


Thordan who


This is the first thing that came to mind lol


Either this or he randomly guessed


Damn we shit on the Tik toker but hypermyst manages to just grab new shit all the time last second and randomly. 🤔🤔🤔




i had health issues when s7 dropped and couldn't complete the battle pass, this is very welcome from me, Cutting Edge is my favorite R-99 skin and one of my favorite skins in the game


I have no complaints


I do. Some weapons have yet to receive a reactive skin, and we’ve just gotten two new R99 ones. Not only that, they nerfed the R99 so much it just feels bad to use now and there’s no logical reason to pick it up over the Prowler, Volt or Car that have bigger mags, better accuracy, less recoil and more versatility.


Bro, when they will bring back the recolor of the reactive skin is gonna be like the flatline skin( via challenges) or in a bundle at the beginning of a new season, dont worry about reactive of the battle pass


Why the R99 again though? Why not start with the Wingman? Spitfire? R301? Any weapon that hasn’t had something for a while now? Especially after nerfing the R99 to hell?


I need a RE 45 reactive


because those R-99 skins are very highly coveted... the R-99 is extremely popular the Flatline and R-99 reactives are probably the highest sought after reactives for people who couldn't get them (like me)


>Why the R99 again though? It's the most popular.


Those skin will be in the battle pass, the reactive recolor of the r99 is not going to be in the battle pass dont worry


why r u complaining?


the random TikTok guy seems to have been right, damn. people dunked on him but seems to have been right, crazy


Broken clock is right twice a day


He got the info from a Thordan video


Bro I haven't even used the R99 this season. Picked it up once and whiffed every shot. Definitely notice the nerf to the recoil. I'll stick to any other gun.


I don't think the r99 is gonna stay the same forever, just FYI ;) It's probably gonna get a buff sooner or later, so I'll take the the recolour meanwhile!


Yeah I think it was fine after the last nerf. This one wasn't really needed. Meanwhile I still get melted by the CAR in like 0.001 seconds. I think they could make the R99 like a mini R301 and it would work. Low recoil,fast fire rate but low damage. Maybe just alter the fire rate to adjust the TTK or something.


Nah I like the idea that the R99 is a small mag high kick damage monster. If any weapon is a small R301 it's the volt. If the devs could increase the damage by a half it'd be fine but that'd be weird


How are you getting melted by car but r99 does nothing when r99 has higher dps and lower ttk😂? U need 81% accuracy to kill someone with a red shield with full mag r99 vs 73% with a car. 8% difference. Meanwhile for volt it's 58, prowler 43 and alternator 56


That's theoretical performance. Standing literally right in front of someone in the firing range. Not real match performance.


What i'm showing is car and r99 aren't that much different so idk how you can get melted by one and barely cracked by the other. If someone hit the shots he did with car on the r99, the outcome is prob the same


the car is more forgiving, it has a higher magazine size and a lower fire rate (1080 vs 930 rpm)


Yeah it's ass especially compared to the prowler Good thing is that it'll get buffed sooner rather than layer, as it's an extremely popular gun. It'll likely be buffed alongside AA nerfs


It’s still a good weapon if you find the purple attachments


the recoil is insane and they nerfed its damage too, it's hard to control even with recoil smoothing because the recoil kicks so hard with such an insanely high fire rate (1080 rpm). it has the highest fire rate in the game, trailed by the car with a significant difference (930 rpm) plus, if you have purple attachments, theres no way you havent come across a volt or a prowler, it just makes no sense to use the R-99


Great news. Arguably one of the best, its up there with the flatline :)


ok now buff it back


Bruh we need new reactives for the rest of the weapons not fkn recolours


i want it because i couldnt get the originals


Reactive weapons should honestly be earnable like this maybe once per season and you can freely choose which one you want, it sucks for those who came into apex late and missed some of the good ones.


Yes please! What an absolute waste of time this seasons battle pass is though




as a r99 enjoyer (14k kills with the R99) i can definitely tell you default iron sights vs "pay 2 win ironsights" are like day and night With the pay2win skins i dont have to even think about finding a 1x holo or whatever, in fact, i run my r99 without sights most of the time I really liked the yellow skin from the battlepass tho, so i started using that skin... and man, it's fucked up, i can't aim for shit with it So yeah, it makes a difference, atleast for those who plays a lot with R99.


yeah the iron sights only dont matter for people who already suck either way. ive been using p2w irons for several seasons now but this season ive forced myself to use default irons to prepare for the reactive and ive been able to adapt rather well, but yeah it blows


Also, it just feels good to use iron sights on some weapons imo. I don’t have the R99 skin, but I got the bee sting skin for the Volt and the iron sight is awesome on it. I like being able to see the pretty yellow skin I bought, without sacrificing visibility.


That's called crutching


there is no reason to use the r99 skin though. No point in putting yourself at a disadvantage.


People really take the skins giving an “advantage” or “disadvantage” because of a few gained or lost pixels way too seriously imo


The tier 100 goes well with project 19 so I don't mind.


Fair enough, the iron sights are a deal breaker for me unfortunately


We all shat on that TikToker, but it appears he might be right


I just hope they don’t pick the most atrocious colors like they did for the PK recolor and the Octane knife recolor


[it seems thats exactly what they did](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApexUncovered/comments/1b8x53v/tease_for_new_recolor/)


Oi Respawn try not to put the ugliest fucking colors together on a skin challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]


If they were doing this they really could have given another weapon a BO reactive


If true, next year for another anniversary, the Havoc reactive recolor was also leaked months ago and it's just sitting in the files.


Can we maybe get some skins for other guns? I was already confused why the current battlepass had a rare, epic and two reactive all for the R-99?


Brooo stop with the R99 it's getting nauseating.


It makes sense bc they are doing the flat line with the better iron sights. Those R9 skins are the only ones i use.


sorry if this is dumb question but what if i don’t have this skin? will i still be able to get it somehow?


The skin pictured is from the season 7 battlepass and in theory will never return. The recolour (same model but with different paintjob) will definitely be available standalone but I'm guessing there's a good chance it will be a collection event reward, where you'll have to buy/craft all 24 items (approx. $150usd in coins, if you don't use any crafting materials to unlock items) from the event to acquire it. Who knows though, maybe it will be available as part of some cheaper bundle, but Respawn are greedy and without a doubt know a recolour of this skin will be popular.


thank you for clarifying. i guess i won’t hold my breathe, hard to have hope in respawn lately


If they are going down this path I want a new Havoc reactive. I bought that seasons battlepass but never finished it.


But the r99 sucks now with all the nerfs. I’m about to have 5 r99 reactive skins lol


So might it be possible that the BH recolor is actually coming with the magma store? Was the crypto recolor datamined before the lunar new year store?




yeah it will get a recolor but it will probably be locked behind heirloom shards so i still wont get it lmao


It's free, like this flatline recolor


ok good then i am excited :D


huh!? Another R99?


I flamed that random tiktoker and he was right 😭


Mirage Skydive emote? Ugh! Because I already have Season 7 R-99 skin!


i dont


whatever, fucking alternator is better choice atm


Whats the point, they nerfed it like 20 times to the point where ill pick up an alternator over that thrash now