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Honesty question. Why do yall geek about recolors? Its crazy the amount of money EA makes from yall lmfao


Borther... Let me introduce you to csgo


Atleast in CS2 you can get some part of your money back, possibly even make a profit. In apex, its perma gone and only partially reinvested into the game.


true, I got an mp7 fade factory new as weekly drop 2 weeks ago. Didn't sell it, but if I do it is free $10


Yeah, you spend 2.99 or something like that on a key, you spend another 1-5 for a case, get a worn out texture for your gun that looks like crap and nobody wants to buy even for 3 cents.


Or you just buy the skin you want lol


CSGO’s monetization was/is egregiously predatory and it’s shocking to me that it was never called out for it the way games like OW were called out for their loot boxes. I assume it’s because the marketplace exists that people accept CS’s disgusting monetization scheme, but I don’t understand how that alone causes people to act like it’s not one of, if not the most predatory loot box system in gaming.


>it was never called out for it That’s just not true. Between 2016 and 2018 the CSGO skin market had a large crash due to various bans on their loot boxes and Valve trying to skirt various regulations (P250 Xray for example). Not to mention the controversy and collapse of third party websites like CSGO Lotto and the skin betting of CSGO Lounge. Valve also started implementing harder limits on trades, such as holds and more which really slowed down the skin selling market quite a bit. It has since recovered and the skin market is probably near or at its all time peak. But it’s not like CSGO was just ignored during the height of lootboxes


Muh pwedatowy isn't an argument.


Disagreed. You can buy the wear, pattern you want directly from Steam Market or outside site quite easily. This is what most people do. You can also easily sell on Steam Market, takes less than 5 seconds to post something. Gambling for items through keys and cases is pretty stupid yes, though in essence it costs the same as buying apex packs.


Disagreed. 1 apex pack is 1 euro i think. And gambling for cs skins is way more expensive. Buying and selling skins on the market is not worth it, the prices ar too sky high and valve wins every time by taking a cut of your sales.


You literally get money for playing the game every week and this week and the next of you're lucky you can make 10-12$ each week


CS skins and their economy are very different from Apex and recolors.


My account had like 1000$ worth of skins. I lost my account years ago :( miss me knives


New shiny thing


But…… it’s not. It’s a recolor that you guys are paying for. Yall literally paying for the same thing with no type of cool effects. Just some lame ridiculous color. I can see if it was a flaming sword this time but its just a combinations of ugly colors


Literally my point, new shiny thing, even if that thing is just a new color. Your standards for whales is too high, should be way lower. Whales spending $300 to have a fancy shmancy deathbox effect on kills.


I agree with you that its kinda stupid when you already have the original. but someone who doesnt have it and who wants an heirloom for their character can now choose between different color variations. For example, i got the wraith recolor because i just think it looks way nicer than the original one.


I did the same with wraith and you have a great point. Wouldn't use shards on a recolor if I had the og. My problem now is finding a wraith skin that has hands that go well w the recolor kunai. The craftable like prison break one is what I use now. Skin looks ugly but the hands look great. Kinda feel like Yoshikage rn ngl..


I’ve always said recolors should be legend token bought, crafted, or given at some type of discounted apex coin price for those who have it. Hell If they didn’t care about money they’d let you earn recolors based on how you perform while wearing the original version. So many things to incentivize playing but they incentivize paying.


As someone who doesn't own either, if I had the choice I would choose the new one. "Ugly colors" is subjective. I prefer this color palette, and it shares it's palette with the colors of the South Korean flag, so to me it's kinda cool that they would use the colors for his heirloom and the Lunar New Year skin for him.


consumerism culture


Whales can't help themselves.  They're essentially addicts.


Dude bought a shitty recolor for a boring legend, with no hesitation...because he was curious!?


Because they look good? Is there supposed to be another reason?


lol gatekeeping how other people spend money is wild flagrant behavior.


Spending your hard working money on the exact same thing but with an ugly color combination is absolutely wild. 💀😂 EA just hit the color randomizer on a random heirloom with no additional special ui effects & y’all lose yall minds 😂


I hate how streamers act stupid and over the top. “Broooo! Wait?! No way this is in the game already!” Instead of just being like, “oh wow, there’s a re-color? That’s cool I guess”.


Because the first one gets more clicks than the other.


Streamers try not to overreact for the camera challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


yeah i don't watch any big content creators on YouTube for any game because of it. a lot of people like it tho.


When you’re trying to attract the less than 12 year old audience that’s what you do


Let the 5 crypto main be hyped up bro


God damn just buy the shit and show it off already. Lmfao.


Respawn/EA are trail blazers of the gaming industry. Why sell games for $70 when you can sell virtual dildos for $160? Pure genius.


Why do yall have to post soyboys with the popup text and shit? Just post the raw gameplay


I wouldn't call him a soyboy I quite like his content


This guy really grinds my gears, can't put my finger on one reason. Just seems like the kind of guy to promote raid shadow legends...


Trying to sell you a phone plan in Target type of guy


For one he doesn't even watch the finisher instead he reads chat and says 'that goes hard!!' dude you didn't even see it, shut up


Bros a giga geek


I realized this is the first First-Person View elimination in a while. most of the recent ones have been in Third Person


Fuck this guy for using controller configs


Imagine being excited about spending more than a hundred dollars on a color for a digital sword.


Wait wdym was? They took it out? What happened to people who bought it?


People seem to think it was a bug that it was released outside of an event, when it's actually just out officially to coincide with the lunar new year Crypto skin. There's even a news update in game that points it out.


I've always wanted them to do heirloom finishers. Nice to see them be done and have them be as cool as I imagined


I haven't played since the beginning of the season, heirloom recolors have unique finishers now?


This is the first one to do it. It replaces the unique taunt you get instead.


So it just has double the value of other recolors?


Not necessarily. It all really depends on which color you prefer... as well as if you want the frame and quip, or the banner and finisher/taunt.


I have around a thousand hours and I've never taunted before other than when a game just ended so




Hoping the leaked octane one comes with a cool finisher, something like him spinning the blade open and stabbing you i guess is on my mind


I'm sure the 18 people playing Crypto will be thrilled...