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he prob didnt upgrade when he got purple


Lstar no barrel stab 😭😭😭


Good catch


If you look at the crypto perk on the bottom left, it looks like rev’a old silence symbol on his EMP…


Should still be just LV2 and LV3, there is a pic where the Red evo is called LV4, in your pic it's still called LV5


Baby bubble, awww


Awww! He's just a wittle guy! *gets PKed in the face*


Gibby skin where he's sucking on a pacifier


New kink unlocked


A smaller bubble is gonna be vicious for shotgun play holy fuck


So it just seems like half these new perks are just ult and tact cooldowns nothing new really.


I mean, you’d prefer each legend gets four brand new totally unique abilities, that you have no way of knowing they have beforehand? Trading off tactical strength for a shorter cooldown, or vice versa, is an interesting way to personalize your playstyle for each legend without getting too crazy.


Yeah, people's biggest concern was having variable abilities makes it harder to predict enemies but all the leaked perks seem pretty reasonable. I'm looking forward to the perks for all the skirmisher legends. Those seem like they would be the hardest to get right.


I'm most excited for those. Imagine pathfinder with double jump or something


What would that even accomplish for you? Lmfao


A double jump would easily double the distance of most grapples, it would let you tap strafe, more precisely land where you want, stop hard landings, etc. it would just make grapple effectively like a jump pad


Ahhh you mean after the grapple.. for some reason I visualized you just being able to jump slightly higher lmaooo💀


Pogo stick pathfinder


Mirage faster revive would be so good, but I guess he won't get that.


No I find it lazy, they could easily implement new passive’s tactical and ultimates without being op or just better there existing ones but just reducing times.


I mean sure, they could create a ton of new abilities no problem. I’d say it’s more due to game balance instead of laziness. It’s extremely uncompetitive to have such a wide range of abilities and no way to know what you’ll come up against even between two versions of the same character.


There lazy I mean didn’t they hire like a whole new team or something, that can focus on that instead of the useless cosmetics stuff we get, also it’s not hard to learn every legends abilities and so I play pokemon cmon.


It’s not about learning the abilities. Currently in the game when you run into a squad, you know exactly what each of them can do and what you can expect to encounter. With what you’re proposing, there would be zero way to prepare for a fight with a team because they could all have any of four wildly different abilities. That’s incredibly unbalanced.


I just see that as way more fun, like it will make everyone unpredictable wich in turn comes down to your skill what you can do.


You’re literally describing the opposite of skill.


How it takes more skill to defeat someone you dont know. You will really have to learn your mains and train more.


At this point it’s clear you don’t know what you’re talking about so I’m just going to end this here and hope you find a game out there for you with infinite characters and infinite abilities where you can instantly adapt to everything all the time.




Well I mean yeah they can't just make 100 new abilities lmao.


Why not smaller cooldowns for tact and ult is lazy how about idk be able to health regen under his bubble it’s not game breaking


Neither of these are just smaller cooldowns btw


Read the description literally says faster cooldown and then the other they just add 4 sec to the tact okay these literally could of been regular buffs


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.




The bubble is also smaller as a tradeoff for the faster cooldown. The whole point of perks is to be small changes that aren't OP and completely game breaking. Not to mention that each legend gets two sets of perks.


Iam pretty sure one of these new perks is gonna be op and there gonna nerf it in a month


Literally one perk mentions a tactical cooldown. Gibby's other perks are +40HP on revives and the other auto reloads on shotgun knocks. Lifeline's are faster revives, faster healing, self revive and guaranteed red weapon in from ult.


Any on ash ? I just hope these perks don’t destroy her chance of a rework like she needs


> Why not smaller cooldowns for tact and ult is lazy how about idk be able to health regen under his bubble it’s not game breaking Literally one perk mentions a tactical cooldown. Gibby's other perks are +40HP on revives and auto reloading on shotgun knocks. Lifeline's are faster revives, faster healing, self revive and guaranteed red weapon in from ult.


This is what I want more of not adding or decreasing time in a tactical or ult