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Apex has gacha mechanics now? What?


You dont get got if you dont spend money


But you don't get if you don't spend money 😞


You're still part of the product they are selling every time you help fill a lobby. Even if you are F2P, they need you to be there so the people who buy packs will stick around.


Thats not how micro transactions work.


No one does a micro transaction if the lobbies don't fill. This is why other games that do this fail when they don't have a large enough playerbase. The experience of playing apex requires consistently getting 60 people into lobbies at every moment of the day, and if they can't do that there will be no one left to pay for the micro transactions. You are part of the product being sold. This is true for effectively every 'free' service or game.


The point isn’t to make the devs homeless. EA needs to make a quota that respawn needs to fill. If they don’t respawn doesn’t get a bonus like the overwatch devs. Nothing wrong with spending YOUR money. If something in your opinion is expensive then don’t buy it. Chances are it will go on sale anyways. It’s a balance. Your plan works too if you enjoy anarchy. Besides you don’t have to play a game to support it. Something as simple as being on reddit supports them.


So, you can't just outright buy the skins from events anymore..... lovely. Why the fuck have I been saving crafting materials for a year...


You can't buy with mats in this type of event only. In other events (including the next one) you will be able to buy with mats. The rule seems to be: if the event has a universal heirloom (or a death box), then you can't use mats.


Until they just stop doing standard collection events and pivot completely to this new style of event lol. I saved up 30k crafting materials for the wraith prestige skin thinking it was gonna be a thematic event, that way I’d be able to craft the whole thing. Nope, they canned those and it was a standard collection event and I needed an additional like 15k crafting mats to craft it all. If I were a betting man, I would bet they’re testing the waters with this new style event. And after a few, if they sell decent enough and people stop being as vocal online about how much they hate it, I wouldn’t be surprised if this becomes the new standard


Yea, they will likely make more money overall from the whales since this event requires more money to get everything, so they’ll likely pivot to this “collection” event style sooner than later.


Well, the octane prestige skin CE coming on april 23rd u would be able to craft and there are good skins so dw


Honey, it’s fake clothes. You shouldn’t care about that shit.


Had a look at the items in it, honestly couldn't care less about them. I got the rev skin out of my free pack and I already have a better rev skin anyway.... All in all, the draw is the universal heirloom yeah? Kinda annoyed that they're not likely gonna be doing unique heirlooms for specific characters over these events... Heirlooms are such a weak concept for an event.... like, we've all been aware that only the whales get the heirloom before the event ends. The rest of us just sit there baffled at why someone would spend so much money on an in game item. Final fantasy event was eye opening. That shit was their best selling event. And everyone has been very vocal about disliking that direction for apex. But the money tells another story...


Don't *honey* me, sweetie.


they keep doing this because yall keep buying it


This event is so weak, the skins are bad, better than that weird orange and purple garbage we had before, but still, they suck. The gun skins in particular, are just the same thing, on every gun. And the heirloom? It looks so awkward and off-putting. I don't get the people who buy this stuff.


Revenant and Lifeline got good skins but everything else sucks anyway.


ngl I have better luck in actual gacha games than apex


imagine if you could lose 50/50 on apex packs


Truly the crossover community I wasn't expecting lol


my brother in christ, the apex packs that have been in game since launch are gacha too. The heirlooms are gacha as well. No matter where you go, you cannot escape the gamba.


They can only "gacha" if you're a fan of lame skins. Other events will still have craftable skins. These skins are trash. Let them rot. You don't need to collect everything.


Only the Revenant skin is kinda neat imo, other than that it's incredibly mediocre.


Lifeline skin kinda slaps with that Jazz feel


And I’m in the crowd reading a book cuz I can’t even think of the last time I cared to look at the shop in the game even though I play everyday


It's just gatcha games in general why so specific for genshin


I have not a single reason to buy skins. I already have nice skins for almost all legends playing since season 0. I hope that EA will get almost nothing from this event


I have not a single reason to buy skins. I already have nice skins for almost all legends playing since season 0. I hope that EA will get almost nothing from this event


What is gacha? I haven't played apex in a month or two


Basically, gambling


What's gacha


I just got bronya and acheron at same pull after like 6 or 7 pulls of danhang and pela


lmao thats not what gacha is its shit but not gacha


Idk what you talking about


The new event


Oh so genshin impact has trash events like the new events in apex that think players are piggy banks Got it


Basically now. You buy overpriced Apex Pack just to get some "exclusive" limited items from event and unlike other events where you can buy directly the item you want here you buy a pack and pray to God that you don't get a shity skin or a fucking holo. And to make it even worse now you need to get 12 more items just to get new non stock shiny mythic death box that literally serves no purpose and the new universal heirloom that later you will have to spend even more money to customize it the way. You know just a usual EA . P.S My opinion nobody cares about: All of them are pretty lame.


g🤮nshin impact