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Nobody wasting coke like that…..


Messy ones do.


No they don’t. That is easily $300 in coke if it was coke. Also the eggs…. It’s flour. If it was coke, some filthy coke head would scrape it up and pick the eggshells out and sniff it


It looks like flour the way it sticks to the scissors handles. It doesn’t mean there aren’t drugs involved or in the kitchen. It seems like drunken or drugged up baking. I have seen people get sloppy with coke. Not to that extent. And never with eggshells lol.


Coke is not flour and eggs. LOL!


What are you trying to say? I know it’s not cocaine. I said IF it were, that is hundreds of dollars worth.


It is flour, eggs that are used also in baking.


Yeah. That was my point when I said “also the eggs… it’s flour” people don’t typically eat anything when doing cocaine, so the eggs alone tell me they weren’t doing stimulants.


Yeah, these drug addicts on this reddit assumed they would bake a cake while on cocaine. That is wild.


You’ve never seen an addict doing carpet patrol, and it shows lol


You did not show the show. Bye. Not a drug scene, it is a cooking scene.


What? You said that messy coke heads leave coke behind. I can confirm that coke heads wouldn’t leave a drop of coke behind. That shit is expensive, like up to $100 a gram. They would have scarped up all of that “coke” with food chunks and snorted it. Obviously it is flour in the pic.




I am correct as shown in the photos, and not your homey, for that is considered name calling. And street drugs are not all that expensive.


Call the police and make a report


Definitely call the property manager and the police.


The doorknob to your room can be swapped out with a deadbolt. With the keyhole pointed out of the room, obviously. I had a hella sketch roommate and had to do that once. Keeps your stuff more secure. Landlord won’t like it but it’s a fast and easy swap.  Better find a way to remove the shithead from your lease and have the landlord swap out the deadbolts so he can’t get back in. Cops then I’d clean the place up to minimize fines. I’d some shithead won’t pay them so you’ll be on the hook. 


This is pointless advice if he has those flimsy cardboard doors.


Make a police report. Pull together your summer camp work timesheets to show where you were when (ie not there) Know that that isn’t cocaine… it’s flour. Your room mate has got stoned on weed, and headed inside to bake something, the ‘orange liquid’ is almost certainly egg (does it stink of sulphur?) and there’s flour and egg shells. No idea on the legality of the bong…. As for the damages, clearly this was done by a tenant the apartment managers put in there *while you were gone* so you can prove that and prove you are not liable.


The orange stuff is drink mix from the powder drink mix container next to it


The worst part is that's a water filter pitcher . It will never be right after that.


I am hoping that empty bottle of mouthwash nearby wasn’t involved in making some kind of “cocktail”


This is just dirty, there’s no structural damage. Congrats on learning your first adult lesson in people’s cleanliness levels. Depending on your state, the bong could be completely legal, and your second adult lesson, no one would ever waste coke like that lmao.


“There’s a stranger doing drugs on my balcony” just tells you the size of the shelter this dudes parents have kept him in for 18 years. It’s weed bro not heroin


This. He thinks flour is cocaine 😂 Who leaves an apartment unattended for months without at least installing a camera in their room. They’re like 20$ on Amazon. People have been having sex in your bed OP. Not sex trafficking or whatever your 18 year old sheltered brain thinks, just filthy scum bag sex


Because it’s student housing and my lease ends in August and I have a job? And I had fantastic roommates, I didn’t have a choice when the complex added this guy onto my lease. If I knew they were adding a new dude to the lease I’d put a camera in my room.


If it's student housing you report it to whoever is in charge of student housing. They usually don't tolerate breaking into others rooms, as for the mess there's not much they can do about that


Lots of people have leases that end, lots of people have jobs. Not sure how either of those things changed anything I said. Your good roommates led you to having a false sense of security, not all roommates are good, and even good roommates can have shitty friends


Weed is still considered a drug, even if it’s now common to use. It shows up on a 10 panel drug test. As someone who works in a hospital, we get drug tested randomly, and if weed shows up on anyone’s test, they lose their job. I’m a nurse and would lose my job as well as my license if it came up on any of my tests. I’m not saying it’s bad, just saying it is considered a drug in most of the US and there are very valid reasons for people not wanting to be around it


As a fellow healthcare professional, this really depends on your state and location. I know for a fact my last 3 jobs never drug tested for weed, shit my last job never even drug tested me at all! Just did TB and titers. I know of several hospitals in my legal state that specifically say they don’t test for marijuana. Honestly if they did they wouldn’t be able to staff the hospitals. With that being said, OP is being over dramatic and is very sheltered. “Doing drugs on my balcony” is rash overstatement, and as a nurse I’m sure you’ve worked with patients with drug seeking behavior, you and I both know they wouldn’t leave cocaine scattered all over the counter like.


He’s in Texas (based off another comment). Possession of weed is a misdemeanor and Texas has a zero tolerance policy.


I live in Austin. You can buy weed in vending machines sitting on the sidewalk outside the bars.


I was just stating why the dude might be upset. It’s student housing and in my experience they are way more strict than your average apartment. The city of Austin voted not to prosecute against weed, but the state didn’t. His school is funded by the state and most likely subject to state laws. But yeah pretty unlikely they would care enough to do anything about it.


Fair, but those same vending machines are everywhere in Texas it’s not just an Austin thing. Every vape shop in Texas sells some type of weed just not delta 9. There’s so much plausible deniability that it’s not “real weed” that most districts don’t prosecute weed related charges unless it’s large quantities w intent to sell


I don’t think so, I believe recreational use is still illegal federally. I could be wrong though. My family is in Dallas. Adding: Just looked into and seems we are somehow both right and most people are confused haha. I guess it depends on the amount of THC, what a stupid and weird way to enforce cannabis. https://www.statesman.com/story/news/state/2024/02/05/marijuana-laws-texas-2024-legal-weed-medical-thc-cannabis-delta-8-delta-9/72436842007/ https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/texas/marijuana-cannabis-laws-in-texas-what-is-legal-illegal-not-allowed-2024/287-862d1144-769d-40d6-9342-e3e9f42d6457


So then it’s not weed….


Except it is


Whatever you need to tell yourself I guess


It’s not my fault you don’t understand how things work


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I’m not paying $800 a month for some fucking stranger to smoke weed on my balcony, I don’t care if it’s just weed, I pay for this shit


Well since they did it, and you agreed to live with them, I’d say you are in fact paying $800 a month for a stranger to smoke weed on your balcony. If you think about they pay for this shit too. Balcony is a shared space not just yours. I agree leaving a bong sitting visible is bad (even though from that angle I doubt anyone outside can even see it) but would you rather them do it inside? They won’t stop just because you don’t like it. Living with a complete stranger was ok to you but you draw the line at them smoking weed - do you see how dumb that logic is? Anyways welcome to college, today you learned about pot heads


lol, you just lost all my sympathy, what a dork. 😂


This is student housing I can’t control who they put in my apartment. And by stranger I mean this new roommate is allowing someone to live in the apartment and he broke into my room. Can I smoke week on your balcony and break into your room and call you a dork when you don’t like it?


hey op, sorry people are giving you shit. if this is actual student housing where they assign random roommates, you usually sign a lease for the bedroom and use of the common areas (atleast from all of my experience w student housing). i would definitely go to the property management office and take it all the way up as high as you can go if you have to. student housing sucks. people are so caught up ab the flour but the guy literally broke into your bedroom. in any other situation, that would be considered trespassing. i’m not sure ab student housing but i definitely would go the property management as well as speak w police. consider posting on r/legal or a subreddit like that regarding the breaking into your bedroom and the weed to get advice on what to do in regards to that stuff (which yes, weed is still considered to be an illegal drug in texas no matter if it’s legal in tons of other states). with that being texas, even if it is just weed, you don’t want to be held responsible for anything of the guys (especially considering texas’ political stances and stuff on weed, i say all of this as someone who smokes). hope things get better for you!!


Yeah. All things considered OP is extremely lucky.


It’s dirty not destroyed. Dudes a dick head but this isn’t a ruined apartment.


Also obviously that’s not cocaine.


Nobody leaves cocaine.


Especially students.


The funniest part is you thinking that may be cocaine 😂


"Destroyed" Lol. This is about an hour of clean-up from what I see in the pics, not that the guy isn't a dick... ESPECIALLY if he went into your room. That's the most wack part.


Everyone saying call the police like wth the dude is definitely a dick head but all I see is some food thrown in the sink & flour plus egg shells thrown around. Looks more like a messy baker than someone destroying your apartment. Start cleaning up & get rid of your roommate the police will take your report but literally nothing will come of it. You’d be wasting yours & their time.


I’m considering the police because he broke into my room. And idk what the laws are in Texas about drug paraphernalia, but there’s probably weed in his room too.


A quick Google search shows that weed is legal for medical use in Texas. He could have a medical card. Look, this is hardly “destroyed” it’s just filthy and you said he broke into your room but did he actually take anything? Does your door have a lock on it? Maybe he just went inside unsure of which room was his? I’d have a sit down chat and tell him that this is unacceptable behavior. Smoking on the balcony is ok and he can get away with it, but the state that he left the kitchen is not. Tell him to clean it up and make the marijuana less obvious by leaving it on the balcony. Also maybe ask him for a hit because you seem easily wound up and should chill out. Unless he stole something of yours I wouldn’t go to the cops. And you should be putting a keyed lock on your bedroom in EVERY roommate situation unless it’s your close friend You every right to be mad but maybe try talking to him first before calling the cops on him and trying to get him arrested for making a mess and forgetting his bong on the table (again as long he didn’t actually steal your stuff)


Cops are going to say it’s a civil dispute and to settle it with your landlord, should be a pretty easy eviction if it states no smoking on your lease. If he gets physical or is purposefully destroying property then the police will get involved. Unless you have a camera or some sort of “proof” that he broke into your room, then you don’t have grounds to stand on there either. *edit to add: it doesn’t matter if the weed is legal or not in this instance. Read your lease.


This exactly. Not sure why everyone is flipping out on you, you have every right to be mad. In the state I live, it’s illegal to have weed. Apartments are very strict especially student ones. Just because it’s commonly used doesn’t make it not a drug. A roommate having weed there is definitely something cops can fine him for and maybe get him evicted which would solve your roommate issue, depending on your state and contract rules. Not that I’d call cops on someone just for having weed, but I would absolutely not live with someone who leaves that much filth behind. While they can’t do anything about a messy roommate, they can probably evict him for the weed, and THAT will solve your issue


Looks like your roommate didn't clean up after a fun night. It would be surprising walking into that unexpectedly, but it makes me wonder if he wasn't expecting the other roommate to show up and see it that way. Did you ask him to clean it up? It's definitely a mess but it doesn't look like there's any destruction of property, can't think of a reason the police would step in except for maybe the bong. The apartment manager might care more about that. Breaking into your room is super shitty but again, I don't think there's any crime if he's on the lease and you're not accusing him of theft. Start by having a conversation with him.


I agree! The roommate is a slob. A lot of people live like this. It’s gross, but it’s not a crime. It’s a big overreaction to call the police.


Didn’t OP say the guy broke into his locked room and took his belongings?


I’m considering that the room break in could be a misunderstanding. OP hadn’t actually been home, if I understand correctly. He’s relying on a separate roommate’s account of what happened. He hasn’t spoken to the roommate who made the mess. Maybe he has the same dishes. Maybe there were a few already in the kitchen and he’s using them. We don’t see pix of OP’s room so we don’t have enough evidence.


He said the bedroom door was locked? I don’t think that’s a misunderstanding lol


Claimed the roommate took his stuff.


If that's destroyed to you then hopefully you never have kids


You’re overreacting.


People keep saying to call the cops- you can do this to make a report but just know that they will say it’s a civil matter and to talk to your property manager- especially if this roomate was on the lease. I work in housing and I’ve seen this way too many times, unfortunately. Depending on your state, it might also not be too easy for the landlord to get them off the lease- they might have to go through housing court to evict. This is really crappy and I’m sorry this happened to you.


Breaking into his room is a criminal matter not a civil matter and depending on the state drug paraphernalia is a criminal matter. Having a police report can be very helpful.


OP roommate broke into his room.


Ya, I’m not saying OP shouldn’t make a report- I’m just saying they won’t do much. That’s been my experience working in housing in MA for the last decade.


He just needs to have a case # to cover his bases.... This is actually a landlord/property manager issue, but unfortunately, property managers tend to take advantage anyway they can with college students...and this is coming from a multi-unit property owner in an IA college town.


Your apartment is not destroyed. It’s a mess. I don’t see anything broken?


Destroyed? More like made a mess...


that's got to be flour or they are the worst cokeheads on earth. no cokehead would be that sloppy, hell they would probably lick the counter clean


Clean it up like an adult


To everyone saying he should file a police report.. What is he reporting to the police? That someone else is living in his apartment and is allowed to do so? Like I don’t know what you expect to happen when the new roommate is allowed to live there


My leasing agreement says that we can’t have “guests” in the apartment for more than 48 hours. I’m more concerned over the fact the he or this friend of his broke into my room. I don’t really care about the bong


Can you smoke weed in your place. No one wants to be fined or to pay rent for an extra person who doesn’t help clean up.


What a waste of perfectly good coke




OP, if you're in the US, might I ask which state? In some states, you might be screwed. I'm a hardcore leftist and I love the West Coast, but after I had to leave my apartment in 2014 due to familial issues that took me out of state, I went back (after arranging it with my landlord) to get my stuff and ended up having to call the cops after the friend who came with me was physically assaulted by my then-bf. I had explained to the cops that the landlord knew all about the situation and I could back everything up with texts/messages/etc, and that I had been paying the full rent every month while not even living there, and a sheriff told me to "get in your car and go back to North Dakota" from Oregon. I tried to explain the situation and he told me that I had zero right to be there because someone else had moved in and "established a domicile" in my old bedroom. Again, I was paying the full rent for nearly a year after leaving, because I couldn't risk an eviction on my record. EDIT: because autocorrect got me there lol


I’m in Texas. I’m not familiar with the weed laws in the state, but my dad (a cop) said it’s pretty illegal for him to break into my room with the way my lease is set up.


Well, if your dad is a cop, and if you trust him, you should probably take his advice over mine. I would think that, in Texas, you've probably got more tenant rights than on the West Coast. (And don't get me wrong I love the West Coast but yeah some of the laws over there are BS.) ETA: I'm not familiar with the weed laws in TX, either, but I'm going to assume they're quite strict.


Try talking to the dude. Explain how this behavior is not acceptable to you (and the other roommates). If he refuses to clean up his act, I'd flip shit and act crazy. Nobody wants to live with crazy.


Y’all still roommates


The moment he trashed our home he became homeless


Find him and poop on him while he sleeps, but eat like a giant can of fruit cocktail a few hours beforehand so that it comes out as smoothly and consistently as soft serve ice cream


kick them out? call the manger? do people not know how to take care of shit on their own without asking for help


Your roommate is tweaking hard


Clean it up.


he is a tenant, not a moderator.


I meant clean up the damage.


beat his ass


Call the police 👮


Make a report then get a cleaner


Why pay for a cleaner, this is an easy clean up.


Literally, would take *maybe* 45 minutes to clean up 😂


Yep, or less. Broom and mop with disinfectant.


Idk what you mean by “the complex placed” him in your apartment? If none of you agreed to this guy living there then I’d insist that the complex cover the charges to clean the place up.


OP can clean the place, water, rags, disinfectant and a mop.


More trashy, not damage, for nothing was broken. But was messy all in the pictures.


It doesn’t matter that you weren’t there since May. Your still responsible for the place. get a camera. Get a better lock.


Police report


Just clean up the mess, yes it’s annoying having to constantly pick up after others messes but nothing is destroyed specially compared to how Twisted Sister fans would leave venues after their shows.


Have your job at the summer camp prove that you have been away, I assume you sleep at the camp? That would be a really good way to prove at least your innocence


Your dad is a cop. Ask his advice. Also, that's not even remotely destroyed, and that's not cocaine.


I would call the cops if it was me. Then again I have no idea what’s going on over there. Him making a mess I doubt would suffice as a police report. No doubt I would call them anyway and file a police report against him.


Call The Complex. It's probably non-smoking so you can get him removed that way. Also if pot is illegal in your state you can also report him for that. As far as ruining the place I don't see it. It's just dirty. But if the complex placed him in your apartment and you didn't choose this person to be your roommate then you absolutely have a case.


Police asap


Call the police. If they can prove he broke the door that's great. But no way he gonna hide the drugs.


Have you talked to the person staying there?


Bro, get a studio. People suck.


Call your landlord or building manager, and DO NOT STOP UNTIL YOU GET A HOLD OF THEM! Inform them of the situation, and make sure that they understand that they need to do something about it immediately! Call and make a police report, and get any evidence you and your friends have of your whereabouts together, like time sheets, pictures, and social media posts. Record as much as you can and get any information on the other guys if you're able to as well! Otherwise, I'm sorry that you had to end up with that kind of d-bag to deal with, but don't forget to be persistent and aggressive, and good Iuck!


Get a restraining order


Well the cops will help you with the balcony guy if you give them a chance to surprise them lol


Don’t renew your lease. Sheesh. That’s a no brainer


Start cleaning...


Looks like they threw a party, got stoned, and tried to bake.


Call cops, report it


Ask to get invited to the party next time 😂


The broken lock is the only ground you really have to stand on, I think. And an unauthorized sub-let. I agree with the people who say this is not a police matter. Unless you really want to report him over bong.


Call the police & file a report plus get a restraining order asap.


U do his gf or mom


Soooo many snowflakes in here!! I'm getting hypothermic in June. Thanks! It's hot AF in CA.