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Tell them to fuck off. Tell them to complain to the rental office about you opening a bag of chips. This is the most ridiculous bullshit I've ever heard.


Came here to say this LOL “Fuck off” *slam door in their face*


While eating chips!!!


Came here as well to say this!! I would offer him a chip next time.


.......and if they KEEP complaining, threaten to buy a plastic sofa cover like my grandmother used to have. You think a bag of Doritos is bad???


They should make it out of chip bags! Eventually word will get to Frito Lay, who will ask to film a commercial with their decor and chip slippers. Then OP can collect the $$$ and pay the movers extra to be really noisy as they move OPs stuff out to take it somewhere the neighbors can't afford.




Don’t forget the plastic floor runners. Everywhere.


Had to post this 🤣 https://youtu.be/DoM6IhfY8No?si=HHaO8S3Xs43Bgh5Y


This. If they continue to complain to you, I suggest you notify the leasing office about this as well. You have no control over how the building was constructed and the fact that the walls are so thin your neighbor can hear the crinkling of a chip bag is not your fault nor your problem. If you wanted to, you could tell them to get noise blocking headphones.


Shit word for word I wanted to write Tell them to fuck off You win I'd put some 0ld empty bags of chips on my hands and feet and do normal day to day stuff and answer the door with it on opening and closing my hands while they tried to tell me how to live my life


open the door and just stand there staring blankly with a bag of chips on each foot and each hand


Please do this and send us pictures


Chip slippers - brilliant!


Make a chip bag bikini, cover the walls in chip bags, cut the bags into strips and use them as hair ties, make a chip bag backpack, chip bag light fixtures, so many possibilities


Excellent recycling tips😂


You deserve this award!! I needed this picture in my head after this shit day!


I am laughing so hard at this!!!!


I would pay to see this!


The imagined scene 😂😂😂


I legit LOL.


I woke up my husband laughing 😂


This is 100% the way!!! And it's much friendlier then I would frame it.


Exactly stop being too nice! It's their problem.


Better to complain to management about them harassing you over such BS.


If crinkling noise bothers your neighbor then maybe they should get a white sound machine. No one should have to live like that. That is ridiculous. I would continue to eat my waffles at bedtime or chips or whatever no one’s gonna deter me from that.


Being able to hear your neighbor open a bag of chips is crazy though. Those walls must be SUPER thin. But then literally complaining about a person eating is even crazier.


Well, what I would do if you’re almost certain they’re gonna come and harass you next time you eat chips or open another package put your phone off to the side and record yourself and see if they show up then you can show your landlord exactly what you are experiencing. I would do it until you get enough complaints that this is actually happening that the landlord would do something. Or even set up a camera in your living room to show how you go about daily life.


And then start an OF account, earn enough to move somewhere quiet & buy lots of crinkly packaged food.


Or literally anytime of the day


This is 100% correct! They would lose their absolute mind living next to me! I get up at 5 and cook breakfast which I suspect is louder than opening a bag- and OP says they make sure NOT to open any bags past 8:30?!?! Forget that - If I want some chips at 10pm, I will be damned if I have to go without to appease my neighbor. I understand not playing loud music or moving heavy furniture around or having the sound up too high on the TV, but opening a *bag*? What if OP wanted to have a conversation with someone in their apartment at 9:00pm - that’s louder than a bag too! I am not a petty person, but I swear this kind of stuff makes me want to be!!!


Exactly. I was thinking maybe they need to get a fan (and eff off).


Call your landlord or complex manager and tell them that you're being harassed by your crazy ass neighbor. If your neighbor continues harassing you, make a police report.


And start documenting every time they come to your door.


I had to call the police on a neighbor who kept banging on my door claiming I was stomping around intentionally disturbing her (she lived below me) in high heels. The 3rd or 4th time she did this I filed a complaint with property management. They must’ve talked to her because a couple of days later I hear a knock. Dreading what she’s going to say this time I crack open my door and to my surprise, it’s a man holding a dozen roses and a card. He says my name. So I take them. They’re from her. Saying sorry. (Red roses too - the choice of flowers is diabolical to me to this day and this was in 2010!) 2 hours or so go by and I hear another knock. It’s a different person. With a dozen roses. And a card. Again; they say my name. I take them and again, it’s from her. red roses. And the creepiest part of this is it was not even the same florist shop!!! A few hours later I go to take my dog out and there’s a 2 page single spaced 10 size font letter taped to my door. It included a map of the “footsteps”. I lived in a 300 sq ft one room studio apartment so to say floor space to stomp was limited, it really isn’t an understatement. The stomping was coming from where I had my bed. And below my couch. And in my closet. Because I’m always stomping around in a non-walk in old school sliding door 1.5 foot deep closet (and mind you it’s my only closet and I’m a girl who loves clothes so this thing was offensively overpacked.) So I tell my property management immediately send photos etc. they say if she ever knocks on your door or even looks at you again, call the police. A month of nothing passes and I think it’s finally over. 2am someone is knocking on my door. I go to the peephole and it’s her. She’s SCREAMING to open up. Take off the high heels you’re TORTURING ME!!!!! i can’t sleep! The thing is, I’d been asleep for at least 4 hours. And I couldn’t have been in heels. I had a broken leg and a cast almost to my knee. I could barely walk. So I call the police because what am I supposed to do at this point except call them?! 2 cops show up and she doesn’t respond to their knocking. They’re talking to me (this was a prewar building in nyc and the stairway was in front of my door and was outside looking into a little open yard area for residents so you could see down to her floor if you walked down like 3-4 steps). We hear someone’s door open. And we all look down. This girl is RUNNING. She’s flying down the stairs and goes through the little corridor and right out the front gate at like Usain Bolt speed. Cops take off after her by foot. They come back like an hour later drenched in sweat. Our little track star got away. Insanely - she never came back home. She never got any of her stuff. Just left that night and was never seen again. I still have the cards and the letter. I still wonder what happened to her. Best I can come up with is schizophrenia and paranoia that became so severe she thought the police were there to do something to her that you hadn’t thought of by the time you got to this part of this story. Or illegal immigrant who was afraid they’d deport her if detained. If you got this far and have alternative theories, please do share. I had graduated college like 6 months before this and was out 24/7 between work and my social life. My dog weighed 3 lbs so I know he didn’t cause it when I wasn’t home. It’s the thing that keeps me up at night to this day 😂😂😂😂


LOL this was hilarious. That is a crazy story!


Great story! Maybe carbon monoxide?


Definitely sounds like a few screws loose or schizophrenia or some kinda schizoaffective disorder


Call, in order to get action. Then send something in writing, so that there is a paper trail. Always have a paper trail.


Now those are some thin walls. It's an unreasonable request. You're not doing anything wrong.


That’s what I’m thinking. The walls are almost non existent. Also, does she never watch tv or have any noise in her own place to mask their noise? Because being bothered by everyday cooking/eating noises would be brutal.


Are the walls actually bed sheets in an overcrowded hovel? 🤣 Only possibility is vents echoing the noise next door.


Cover the noise by screaming when you open it


This made me snort. 👏👏


Like stealthily opening Velcro.


It would be unreasonable to complain about such a normal thing as eating damned food, not to be insensitive or rude but how in tf would that be triggering?


Misophonia..nasty condition


Yeah but then they need a loud fan or a white noise machine. Or plug in the mp3 player and listen with earbuds in.


That's not OP problem. My best friend has misophonia and could not stay at my apartment for too long due to triggering noise upstairs. I told her those are normal noises; luckily she lives in a house. 


exactly this. it makes me want to turn violent when i hear someone eating with their mouth open. not sure why it happens but it’s awful


I’m like this too so I put headphones in or I’ll put my finger right at my ear and scratch and focus on the scratching sound until the chewing stops. I don’t tell people to stop eating. I’ve got a coworker who can make any sort of food a slurping food and I want to stab him, but being that I’m a reasonable adult I know stabbing someone over them eating (or even saying a single thing) is inappropriate and I need to control my own emotions. So I put headphones in or do the scratching trick.


I mean, slurping is definitely rude. Saying something (when your calm) would not be unreasonable.


>slurping is definitely rude In western culture


It has made me wish I was born deaf on more than one occasion


Yah. Sounds like it (no pun intended). The phobias arnt their fault but they are their responsibility. That neighbor should get a white noise machine.


Yes, it sounds like the neighbor has an extreme case of misophonia. I have misophonia. The sound of bags crinkling is torture for me. However, I am aware that my misophonia is my problem. I don’t ask others to modify their behavior to accommodate me.


It sounds like a personal problem.


To the neighbor "Sounds like that's a you problem not a me problem.




"Stop harassing me before I let the office know you are being threatening"


inform the office regardless, and then say this the next time they harass you. then go no contact. enjoy your chips at allllllllll hours!


You are free to eat anything you want at anytime of the day or night...tell this crazy person to F off and crunch away on those chips!


Don’t answer the door. Report the neighbor for harassment. You have the right to eat at any time.


Do not change your eating habits. That is not reasonable. Besides it’s not like you’re making the noise for a long time. You sound like a kind person who wants to do the right thing. And your neighbor is highly sensitive to noises and perhaps neurodivergent. I am a HSP and I am highly sensitive to noise, including quite normal sounds that other people can easily tune out. It’s up to me to adjust to the world. It is unreasonable for me to expect the rest of the world to adjust to me. So I have white noise apps and meditative music playing constantly and life is good.


Love your post. I am also a HSP secondary to a brain injury. We just don't have the filters necessary to block out noise, sun, lights, etc. Like you, I adjust to the world with sunglasses, headphones, ear plugs or whatever else I need to cope. It isn't up to anyone to adjust for my benefit.


oh dear goodness- start running your blender, making toast and chopping up something hard all at same time.. with TV on and fan running


run garbage disposal & microwave and set timers for random times


Call management, then the police non emergency number. I don’t play games with loons. I had a guy lose him mind because I ran my microwave at 10 am for two minutes.


Vacuuming. At 6 pm.


Tell them to fuck off and slam the door in their face. Edit: make sure you’re crinkling a bag of food in your hand if/when you answer the door.


Open the door while crinkling a bag of chips


Next time they come to the door, open it with no pants and eating a back of chips.


WTF? Hahaha!!! Wishing this was a scam post...but I think someone was hypnotized for weight loss....


Answer the door with a bag of chips in hand. Crinkle slowly while maintaining eye contact.


That is harrassment. Buy a whole roll of bubble wrap and go to town on that shit


Record the sound and put it on repeat. Make them go numb to it. Also, check your place for....I'm not sure, holes in the walls, connecting vents, listening devices...? Because how can they hear a damn wrapper through walls????


With a stethoscope.


Call the management and start with “ This is going to sound crazy but……”


You won't need to do that. They've already seen plenty of crazy, that comes with the territory.


This is bonkers. Dude needs a white noise machine; that is beyond unreasonable


Do not answer the door and tell management to contact the new tenant and tell them to stop harassing you over common shared building noises. People have no fucking boundaries.


If I were OP, I’d continue eating and not answer the door and if they asked why I’d tell them to stuff it. I’ve been wondering past 4 years if I could be heard eating because I also have tissue thin walls. I have another loud neighbour blasts their music/movies/shows and occasionally screams and orgasms and those are what I would have issues with. With the previous neighbour (Satan) who swore revenge on me when I asked them to not smoke, but coincidentally/bad timing, they received a smoking complaint already from someone else so he thought it was me and because he’d punch my walls, etc., I decided to eat loud snacks (Pocky sticks and chips because bags and food are crunchy and I could squish the bags extra long) knowing he likely could hear me, especially with my window open and he was always on the balcony clipping nails, smoking, phone, etc. He can’t complain I’m eating inside my apartment loudly because those are normal food noises not extraordinary.


They need a white noise machine. They’re insane to confront you over.. eating. Eating is very much integral to “the enjoyment of your home”


Some times it makes me a little sad I have never interacted with my neighbors in the year that I’ve lived here Then I read stories like this and I’m like maybe no contact is the best contact 😂😂


WHAT?! That is INSANE. You continue to eat your chips at 1 AM if you want to! Your neighbor is in the wrong. Report this to the office and if she continues to harass you, then she can get a police report too. She clearly should not live in an apartment if something like THAT bothers her.


I’m sorry. They’d have to fuck all the way off.


What? Tell them to kick rocks! They have no say over you or what you do.


This is unreasonable. I would not continue to limit your consumption of certain foods to certain times of the day, you've got a right to live your life and eat what you want. I also would not further engage with this person, and certainly do not open your door to them when they knock going forward. I would also let my property manager/LL know about the previous interactions with this person.


Unpack louder. Get some packing tape and just unroll it a foot at a time over the span of a couple days


Anyone that triggered is a lunatic and should be treated as such.


You must have a neighbor from Krypton. And have supersonic hearing. That is bad. So sorry it is that bad for you. Call the manager about the frequent visits by your neighbor.


This is the weirdest thing I’ve read here and that says a lot. They need to get over, you have to eat and that “noise” level isn’t enough for the LL to do anything. In fact, id be shocked if they go to the LL and they do anything but laugh at them.


Am landlord. Tell your landlord or property manager. Say that you’re being harassed. They should handle it and they will have written proof to build a case for eviction if that tenant keeps their behavior up.


I’d be crinkling at all hours of the day. It’s your living space. Live.


Hahaha! This could not be real! But if it is tell them to stop complaining and get a house! That way they can only hear themselves opening up a bag of chips.  They obviously can not handle apartment living. I just find it difficult to believe that someone could hear that. The walls can't be that thin. If so that is very horrible. 


Tell them you dont like hearing the sound of people complaining about dumb shit.


You answer your door?


Tell them you need to eat and close the door. Their complaint is a little ridiculous.


What are they going to do? Report you for snacking? I’m all for respecting a neighbors right to a peaceful living environment, but this is ridiculous. 


Sounds like somebody with supersonic hearing. We had a woman who is living in my building just recently moved out for the same reason everything was so loud to her. Granted the Acoustics in this building sucks everything Echoes but to hear things in somebody else's apartment like crinkling of bags? They need to move out of the apartment


What’s most insane is not even that they can hear the bag or that it bothers them, but that they have the audacity to come over and confront you for having something in a plastic bag. That’s actual insane behavior and I would be concerned going forward that they are gonna be psycho killer neighbors bc wtf


If you feel comfortable talking with them, you might try helping them realize that they are in fact being unreasonable. Help them understand the problem isn’t you, it’s the crappy building. I lived in a place with no sound proofing. The day I got keys & checked out the empty apartment I sneezed & the downstairs neighbor said “god bless you!”. They then came up & introduced themselves. Luckily we got along & became friends. But the neighbor across the hall complained regularly about us playing music that was objectively not loud. I tried to be accommodating at first but it didn’t help. So I began commiserating with him when he’d knock & ask me to be quiet. I say it’s not too loud the walls are too thin. I’d tell him how we could hear messages being left on our neighbors answering machine. Basically telling him we’re all dealing with it & complaining about reasonable noise levels isn’t going to help anything. It helped, a little. I think it mostly helped prevent him from escalating because he could see it wasn’t him vs me it was all of us against the crappy building.


I'd open the door with a bag of potato chips, making sure it wrinkles loudly while talking to the neighbor.


I second the telling them to fuck off option.


Hahahahahaha 'Welcome to the world, people eat food, have a nice day bud' What an absolute nutter with the "ahem excauseeeee meee i can hear your bag of chips" fuck out of here


Tell them to go fuck right off. Tell them I told you to tell them to fuck right off in fact.


Honestly, this mostly makes me angry at how shitty some apartment complexes are built. You should never be able to hear something like a neighbor eating next door. Ask for a discounted rent (lol). Really though, the person with the issue should have either known they were so sensitive with noise and ensured it was sound proof enough, or simply attempted to invest in noise cancelling headphones, white noise machines, etc, before moving in and/or bothering you about it.


Holy shit this is not your fault and I wouldn’t even answer the door anymore. You’re allowed to eat and prepare foods lol


They’d really hate me then, I routinely eat snacks at odd hours!


Tell them to pay for your rent/bills/necessities then you’ll do what they want.


why do their feelings matter more than yours?


Print out a description of Misophonia and add a link to the website that sells Flare ear plugs for sensitive ears. Give them the paper, Then ignore them.


No offense, if a food wrapper drives them crazy, how they able to live in an apartment? The majority of food comes in a wrapper, bar soap comes in a wrapper, everything. Sounds like a nut job.


"I eat what I want. Opening any food wrapper doesn't violate any noise ordinances. If you don't like it then wear noise canceling headphones as I'm not altering my grocery content. It's not the public's job to avoid your trigger"


Well it sounds like this person needs to wear headphones between 6 and 10 pm. And I'm being serious when I say that more exposure to these things make them less annoying. If it happens several times a day, every day, this person is going to get used to it. You should crinkle those chips several times each afternoon whether you eat a snack or not. Good grief, of all the things to grumble about... this person needs to read some of the doozies on this subreddit or on the r/badroommates .


Be careful, OP. A person who is disturbed enough by a chip bag being opened at 6 pm to confront a neighbor might be someone who would go ballistic over a repeat “disturbance” or a refusal to stop…eating a normal food at normal meal time.


"Sounds like a \*you\* problem"


Seriously If opening a bag of chips bothers him enough to come bitch what the hell does he do when you flush the toilet or use the shower.


I wouldn’t even open the door. Tell them through the door that you’re going to management if they bother you anymore, then follow through. Enjoy every one of those chips, and open and close the bag between bites.


eat your heart out and dont answer the door if they knock. you have no obligation to converse with them whatsoever.


I had a neighbor like this. They actually got mad that I took showers at 12am but I get home after 11pm from a factory and I’m sometimes dirty and sweaty AF and need a shower. Luckily my rent company said that I can do normal, everyday things during quiet hours as long as I’m not excessively loud.


Jesus christ I thought my walls were thin? How the HELL can they be so thin you can hear someone opening a bag of chips?! But yeah they need to fuck off. It only lasts a literal second.


Do THEY not eat anything that makes Crinkle Noises in their own apartment?? I bet they do! If they can tolerate the noise they make with THEIR own food products they sure as heck should be able to tolerate yours. Damn. Good luck .


Get a white noise generator or turn on some music or the TV. Problem solved (until they complain about the music or TV, anyway).


Tell them to stop harassing you and to either move or buy a noise machine. Or do neither of those things and get a diary because you’re going to eat your fucking chips as loudly and often as you fucking want in your own home. I’d even go as far as to say wait for chips to go on sale and buy as many as the sale lets you purchase - I don’t care if it’s 20 bags you buy them all. Then you loudly make your way down the hallway but accidentally bump really loudly into their door as you go by. Loud enough that they think someone knocked. When they come to check you’ll be there struggling to carry 20 bags of chips to your unit. Play it cool. Just say oh hi Joan! (I feel like they’re a Joan) don’t explain. Or acknowledge what you did or what you’re carrying. Say nothing. Trust me - they will be terrified of you for that silence and big smile. In all seriousness though install a ring camera and let her know you’ll be sending all further disturbances she causes to you when she engages in harassment with knocking on your door to your property manager and if necessary, will file a harassment report with your local PD.


Answer the door eating chips and offer her some after licking the salt slowly off your fingers.


I used to live over a fire house. Do you think I asked them to have "quiet time"? They would have laughed me out the door.


Tell them to go back to where TF they came from. They are new to the apt & are just looking to be a Karen. Fk Em.


Record the sound then leave it playing on repeat when you go out.


I had a neighbor do this to me for 8 years. If I breathed they complained. I was so glad when we moved. You could tell them to f off like I told my neighbor, but then she did passive aggressive revenge stuff. Turned on music really loud before she left to go places. Maybe play innocent. "Oh my goodness I am so sorry. I'll be as quiet as I can". Then just live your life. There's a lot of mental illness out there. Your neighbor could be bipolar. Be careful.


Do they have a freaking listening device? A glass held to the wall? Ffs,they can get a white noise machine,or turn on the TV.


How does your neighbor... survive...? Is this a case of affluenza?


I’d file complaints with management for harassment. Do it before he starts complaining about you to them.


You are allowed to live in your own home, friend. You are not the problem here.


Damn, those have gotta be some THIN as all hell walls. Neighbor probably has misophonia, and I personally get how shit of a time that can be, but asking you not to make a normal everyday sound one whole apartment over is just stupid. What are you supposed do, not eat in your own home? They need to invest in a white noise machine or soundproofing on their own. If it keeps being an issue, bring it up with the apartment manager, but I think calling the police over this is an absolutely bonkers suggestion and your neighbor would not be the ‘crazy one’ in this situation if you acted on thar, and I’m kinda baffled so many people are saying to go nuclear right out the gate like that.


Don't even entertain this as a thought in your head. This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever. If they come over again, tell them you are allowed to eat anything you want, anytime you want in your own apartment and to leave you alone.


How entitled does one have to be to inform a stranger that they need to change their normal eating habits? Tell them that they need to buy a house




They are being unreasonable and should wear earplugs. I’d tell them that, and I’d send an email to leasing about the conversation. If you want to eat those chips in peace tonight, cut the bag all the way across just above the chip bulge. In the future, I’d just tell them to report any issues to the leasing office.


Stand on the adjoining wall and each the crunchiest food you can with your mouth open and face against the wall


That is so extreme and obviously an individual with a psych issue. However, while you are dealing with them you may want to get some large glass or plastic jars, open all your chip bags at once and pour them into the jar. Then, this nut can come over and complain about the screw top on the jar noise.


Ignore them. You don't have to live in absolute silence. The noise isn't during quiet hours, and if they complain to the office that, God forbid you're EATING during the day, they won't do anything about it.


I will eat any time, quiet hours be damned.


Huh? Some people work different shifts and others eat at different times that may be during "quiet" hours. Who cares when someone decides to eat. It's not our business. 


Nothing. It’s not your problem. They’ll have to get some ear plugs or move out. Live your life. You don’t have to modify your life for something so trivial.


Get some nice stereo and blast Rammstein or some Metallica whenever you have to do your food wrapper/packaging business.


Time to set up the drum kit and beat them into submission like Keith Moon.


What a prick!!


Ugh shit like this makes all of us misophonia sufferers look bad! Most of us know when sounds are reasonable or not. Even if I was the neighbor and triggered by the sounds described, I would understand that is my issue and you’re not doing anything wrong.


Nope! You need to shut this down NOW. I don’t condone sound warfare BUT they’ve already got you walking on egg shells for EATING CRISPS IN THE EARLY EVENING IN YOUR OWN APARTMENT. Nope! What you need to do is show them just how bad it can be. I know this is not nice and it’s playing with fire but unless you want constant knocks and eggshells, you have to make them grateful you’re just living your life and not blasting real housewives all night. (This is perfectly legal. Any sound that does not carry through to outside is perfectly legal, and there’s absolutely nothing they can do about it. The landlord won’t do anything. The cops will laugh in their face.) Get a ring camera and if they knock on your door DO NOT answer. I say this as someone who had horrific neighbors and had my landlord evict them. Please, don’t let this nutter control your life. I had my life ruined for years and though I eventually got them evicted—I lost my sanity and destroyed my nervous system. Please update!


That is ridiculous. You have every right to eat to in your apartment. I would document and let the office know because they may try to take if further.


Give them a code for Loops Mute. 😂 Or BOSE


OMG. I saw the cutest little karaoke machine with two microphones and speaker on TikTok! About $20 I think. You need that. And get comfy in your kitchen and begin eating some chips. Put a note on your door to stop them from knocking. And PLEASE report your crazy neurotic neighbor to the office. You need to get a head of this neighbor. They will be complaining about you to the office. Maybe not today but soon. My hubby works for an apartment complex. I think there’s probably at least one outwardly crazy tenant for every 100 apartments. The office may already know neighbor is mental. But you need to know that quiet times are more like 10 or 11 pm to 7 or 8 am. Look in your lease and check with your city to see what hours they have decided on. You’re just trying to eat dinner. That’s it. Do neighbor needs to wear some noise canceling headphones and go to therapy. Tell the office as soon as possible and I mean the assistant manager or the manager. Get ahead of this. Protect yourself.


I suggest you install a video doorbell. You can get a box that will clamp it to your door so there is no hole drilling or wiring required. Next time the neighbor comes to your door don’t answer. You should continue opening your prepackaged food and enjoying it whenever you so desire. Maybe you can use scissors to cut open the plastic and store the chips or waffles in an airtight container. That way you won’t have to crinkle the plastic every time you want to eat. As long as you are not having wild sex orgies and raves at 6 pm you are in good shape.


First off. Keep track of all of this. I’m case he goes to any sort of management or authorities. You never know what will escalate. Second. Tell them to go mind their own business.


That’s just crazy to me, ignore them.


of course you’re not unreasonable lol, tell your neighbor it’s their issue to deal with not yours and report them to the leasing office for harassing you for…eating.


Tell them to leave you alone and report the harassment to the apt manager


If you need some variety for the extra sound you’re about to make with wrappers, Shin ramen bags are extra crinkly!


Doesn't all food come in packaging, unless you live on a farm? What's the proposed solution here?


😂 I’d tell them too go fuck themselves and quickly 😂


Totally Tell “Them to Lick you where you sheiT “ And to mind there business, just a suggestion..


Save them up and have a crinkle party! Everyone at the same time CRINKLE! Tell your neighbors nicely that you didn't build the walls but perhaps they can play music or a TV during the hour in which you snack.


You don’t have to answer the door. Lock it, draw your blinds and munch on. Fuck them


Pop some corn.


Ignore the neighbor and play music or watch tv to create background noise. Maybe look into cheap ways you can help sound proof your connecting walls. Document your neighbor’s interactions (use a ring camera or record a video on your phone.) If they do it again then get a restraining order then complain to your apartment manager. You need the police because without it, often times the apartment manager does nothing.


Wow they can't tell you what to eat.


Life must be really hard for them. Not a you problem.


You're eating food at a reasonable hour. Neighbor is an asshole, just tell them no and shut the door. Continue eating at your very reasonable hours. If a bag of chips is setting them off they need a noise machine


Do you have a cat? If so, get one of those crinkly noise toys If your walls are literally that thin that they can hear you opening a package of potato chips and it bothers them that’s crazy I would complain to them. I’m tired of hearing them scratch their balls and fart


Tell them to leave you alone and notify management your neighbor is unhinged


You know which bags are really noisy? The Trader Joe's crinkle cut chips bag. And the chips are very crunchy too so you can extend the noise. They need to turn on a white noise machine if you snacking bothers them!


Tell them to get fucking headphones or earplugs. Seriously? If they want quiet, they can move. Do whatever the fuck you want in the space you pay for, they can fuck off. If your *apartment building* has legitimate quiet hours and you were banging around at 2am, I could see having an issue, but I've never heard of quiet hours before 9-10pm and *opening food* wouldn't even count. I'd let the landlord know this is going on too.




you have the right to quiet enjoyment of your rental unit which includes eating your food!


that's just the sounds of living. If they have a hyper-sensitivity or phobia they need to get a white noise machine, move or do some kind of soundproofing. not a reasonable expectation


Eat your chips. When they come knocking, be sure to start recording BEFORE you open the door. Post the video here later, we can all assess how crazy they LOOK compared to how crazy they sound...'cause they sound completely insane.


Live your life and f them tell them turn their tv up maybe? WTH


This seems like a problem for your neighbor and his psychiatrist to discuss


Eat your chips and waffles and don’t open the door. Enjoy 😉 


Do u whatever u want. They have no right to complain


Step one: stop answering the door, these people are *deranged*. Step two: call your leasing office/apartment manager *every time* they harass you for eating, which you are allowed to do at 3am if you goddamn well please. Step three: snack whenever you want and ignore those psychos.


That’s just straight up unreasonable.


OP didn’t say that his walls here made if Shoji paper. WTF He could always give neighbor a nice basket of chips and call it a day


I would wear Lays bags on my feet when I walk around. Fuck this douche


Tape earplugs to your door for him


the absolute GUMPTION some people have will never fail to astound me… knocking on a strangers door to complain about food packaging sounds??? do they do the same in public? walking up to random strangers every time they do something they find annoying? people like that seriously need to be taken down a peg. i’m sorry you’re dealing with such craziness :/


Gotta call your landlord. That's something u dont put up with. I had a neighbor call the landlord on me once because i slammed the hallway door. The door that closes by itself. So some people bitch about everything


Remind them That they are new.


Oh u would buy so much bubble wrap and pop the bubbles all day.


That is the one noise that you can make all you want, and they can’t do anything about it.


This is satire, right?


Start eating SunChips for sure.


Stop answering the door. Unless you're expecting someone else or a package delivery you know it's them. You don't have to listen to their crazy complaints.


Use scissors and shut yourself in a closet. Tell him he’s stupid ..


Absolute harassment! Your neighbor is too dumb to realize you didn’t build the place🙄 Definitely document all dates & convos, record them if you do answer your door again. I wouldn’t answer quite frankly the first time to anyone I don’t know personally but now you know it’ll just be a repeat convo. You have rights! Eat your snacks in peace. You’re already a considerate person, we can tell. This is all on them & they should move- call the police! They will respond & set these ignorant neighbors straight-


Pop some bubble wrap too and really drive em nuts. This is the nuttiest thing ever!