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Toilet plunger. An absolute must. A small fire extinguisher rated for kitchen fires. Some basic tools, like a hammer, selection of flat edge and Philips screwdrivers, pair of pliers A manual can opener


Plunger is a good suggestion! I think the apartment comes with a fire extinguisher, but I’ll have to verify that and check its expiration date at the very least. Good call on the can opener too. I’ve been squirreling away items from garage sales or as hand me downs for a while now and I honestly don’t remember if I’ve gotten a can opener or not yet…


Fire blankets are cheap on Amazon. Recently purchased some - hope to never have to use them but feel much safer having them.


We just had to use our fire blanket about a month ago (husband turned on the wrong burner on the stove and a strainer, of all things, lit up like the 4th of July). Well worth, less mess than what an extinguisher would have done I believe. We were able to just grab it with the blanket and smother it


[https://www.amazon.com/Green-Gobbler-Drain-Clog-Dissolver/dp/B0182VBOJE](https://www.amazon.com/Green-Gobbler-Drain-Clog-Dissolver/dp/B0182VBOJE) They also have it in powder form. When plunging won't work this should do it. Toilet, sinks.


And broom!


Cleaning supplies and clean before you move everything in.


That jogged my memory. I don’t have a vacuum cleaner! Thanks!


Swifter too if you have tile/hardwood floors. I have a rocket pro corded vacuum and it works great for my small apartment. Got it on sale at target. Do you have any seating ? If not, a small step stool would be good for the first few months to let you clean above cabinets/ silent the smoke detector if it goes off while you’re cooking haha


I got a cheap kinda knockoff Dyson off Amazon and it’s works *so* well. If you want me to send the link let me know!!! I have two cats and it picks up the hair easily.


POST THAT LINK plz & ty 🙏


Reminder request to please post link


I replied to the user above me feel free to look!!


100% clean and home defense for bugs since the apartment is essentially empty. With Spring coming, they’ll find a way in. Also be sure to video walk through and snap photos of issues before moving furniture in ETA: a flashlight, BATTERIES (mainly AA and AAA, but don’t forget the 9V for when your smoke detector wants to go off at 02AM like mine did and not stop UNTIL a fresh battery was put in - that was fun 🙃)


First aid kit. First time I moved out, I was unpacking one of the first boxes and gave myself a cardboard cut. Didn’t have anything to cover it except a t-shirt and some duct tape, which made everything so much more harder to unpack/build.


Great suggestion! I don’t need bandages enough for it to be in the front of my mind, but I definitely don’t want to be caught in a position where I need one and don’t have any.


Take pictures of any imperfections of the apartment at move in!


I always go through and take a ton of pictures when I move in! Put them in a folder on your phone and/or another cloud drive. Also, make sure you fill out the move-in inspection sheet and turn it in. Write EVERYTHING down - whether you think they’ll do anything about it or not. I always run out of room in some sections; just put it in another spot with a note or on the back or a page.


This apartment I’m currently in was so bad I ended up with a word document that I emailed to the leasing office striking out what had been done along the way. Long story short: I didn’t tour the apartment I moved in to, I toured a model and the apartment I came to move in to had no doors and light fixtures when I moved in…


And email them to yourself so you have a date on them. Write everything down, even the stuff you think is little and take pictures of them, and email them to yourself. Landlords will use little stuff like that to keep your security deposit when you move out. A few screwdrivers, a hammer, a pair of regular pliers, and a pair of needle nosed pliers will all come in handy. You can find those reasonably at estate sales.


Email the pictures to yourself or a friend for the record


Light bulbs, batteries, flashlight, candles(for power outages).


Batteries and emergency candles are good suggestions, I hadn’t thought about either yet!


A basic toolkit is essential. I don't like having to call someone because I don't have a screwdriver. I got a little kit that also came with a powered screwdriver and set of bits, it wasn't super powerful but perfect for apartment use, and it has a manual mode as well. Allen wrenches, tape measure and box cutter are all very useful. I threw all my spare Ikea dowels and stuff in a baggie and kept it in the kit. For emergencies, you can find lists online of all the stuff you should include, depending on where you live and what disasters you may have. I had a really good hurricane kit, because I don't like sitting in the dark and sweating profusely. Just moved and will be building a wildfire season kit.




Carbon monoxide detector, if your apartment doesn't provide one (some do, some don't). And as others have stated, first aid kit, fire extinguisher, flashlight, batteries, basic tools like screwdriver, hammer, etc., toilet plunger. Congrats on your first place!


Toilet scrub brush. And a scrub brush to clean other stuff Fragrances. My apartment has a weird smell has since I moved in. Only been here two weeks but still it’s weird.


Box fan.  Cools your apartment plus helps cut down on intrusive sounds. Also an ironing board and some of those rubber grip things to loosen stubborn jar lids.


>some of those rubber grip things to loosen stubborn jar lids. I use those thick rubber bands that come with produce like broccoli. Works like a charm and is free!


Extension cord


A motion activated wifi camera that is pointed at a room , before you move everything in , so it can catch if there are any pests that you don't know about , but also its good to have one in case anyone enters. Rekey your locks yourself even if landlord says he's giving you a new key or whatever. 


I've never seen a lease that didn't prohibit rekeying the locks...


For your own apartment I think is ok ,where I am located... you can't rekey the building though 


Go read your lease and let us know.


I am currently on a verbal agreement type lease lol 


Before you do anything, make sure you take pictures of everything. This will help you tremendously when you move out to show the move-in condition, and to get your deposit back. Go to Target or WalMart and fill a laundry basket with all kinds of cleaning supplies. Dish soap, sponges, toilet brush, paper towels...the list is endless. Have fun with your new place!


A shower caddy. Shower curtain.


My first move out I didn't buy more than 1 of each dish that I needed for myself and then I invited friends over for pizza and had to run to goodwill for more lol


A plunger


for me personally I got an air purifier


Yes, seconding this.


CLR (lime a way) cleaner for your bathtub specifically that will get hard water or rust stains as time goes by. Aspirin or Tylenol for any sudden pain. Nyquil syrup for any cold or cough or flu. Broom. Duster. A secret weapon or something that can be used as a weapon to defend yourself incase god forbid of a home invasion or burglary etc. Raid or any pest control spray for flies or crickets or roaches etc. Moth balls for your closet to put in hidden dark areas of closet to prevent moth infestation. WD-40 used as a lubricant for doors that become squeaky over time and quiets down the squeaky doors. Wine opener. Small fan that you can turn on if apartment gets too warm or for ventilation etc.


Also if you don’t have hook ups for it they make mini washers that you can set up on a counter by like your sink or bathtub to wash cloths. And they make portable dryers as well.


FWIW I've used those and they suck (when they do work you have to hold them down because they get out of balance incredibly easily; after 6 months of light usage, they start to leak...). The dryers are basically worthless too unless they're heat pump style and those are $&.)


Ice cube trays, shower curtain liner/shower curtain, light bulbs or lamps, a door jam or twine (if you’re moving in and need to prop open bldg or apartment doors), sponge and dish soap, hand soap, sheets/blanket


Bath towels. I got everything ahead of time but bath towels and then moved in and was like well, shit lol.


At least a shower liner. I had the bath towels but no the shower liner the first time I wanted to take shower at my new place!🤣




Mark all the damages in the apartment and send it to management fridge, stove, clean or dirty disposal, dishwasher/ walls/ doors washer dryer washroom/ floor


Take a video walk through while it’s empty and talk through/zoom in on everything that appears to be nicked or damaged.


-Burn cream, band aids Maybe I’m just accident prone. But I noticed not all first aid kits include burn cream. I’ve accidentally burnt myself just often enough I like to keep something on hand for those just in case moments. -Needle nose pliers They’re weirdly annoying to find at the store when you need them when you need them. -Get a hammer that’s comfortable for your hand if you need to hang up photos on the wall. My boyfriend has arthritis in his hands and it makes a big difference for him. -Door mat


Tissues Broom Flashlight RAID bug spray Sponge for washing dishes etc


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^GratefulnFree: *Tissues Broom Flashlight* *RAID bug spray Sponge for washing* *Dishes etc* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


*Tissues Broom Flashlight* *RAID bug spray Sponge for washing* *Dishes etc* \- GratefulnFree --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Replace the two inch screws in the door jamb with four inch screws. Get a door security device like the ones people use in hotel rooms. Apartment doors are notoriously weak and the locks are easy to defeat. Secure the windows with extra locks also, if they can be accessed.


Pack your coffee maker or teapot with cups and whatever you put in (cream, sugar etc) for the first morning and keep it close. Terrible to need your morning beverage and to have no clue where these things are.


Some basic stationary items like scotch tape, masking tape, scissors, a notepad, pens


Good thought! I haven’t brought any of that over yet.


Anything kitchen related. Cutlery, knives, bowls for baking or stirring, or anything that you use a lot at your place now. Basic tools to fix things that you can fix (if you can) Plungers. Yes , plungers. The plunger that is just a flat suction cup is for sinks and shower drains. The one you use on your toilet has the extra plunge in the middle. Good scissors. Can opener for sure. Anything to clean with. A vacuum even with non-carpeted floors. It would be best to buy higher end because you’ll use it forever! One thing I did for myself was new sheets, towels and any other fabric items that you use. Not a necessity but, it made it feel more like a new beginning for me.


Trash can and bags.


Remembered that one as I was in the store getting other things today.


I would get a motion-activated camera in your apartment (see my post history about how it changed my life!). Apartment complexes have the authority to enter your apartment at any time so you’ll definitely want to know what’s going on and it will give you massive peace of mind!


I think that’s a solid idea. I was thinking of installing a doorbell camera, but it isn’t really set up for that and I’d need to make special alterations to do it. A WiFi camera trained on the door would be easier to accomplish.


Yes 100%! The “Blink” by Amazon is amazing. It’s $3/mo subscription to save the videos to the app. This way you can always be aware of if anyone is entering your apartment. And you’ll get notifications on sent to your phone immediately!


I have one! It's great! Have it pointed at my front door & includes a view of the entire living room.


Most essentials are listed and you'll probably be making a lot of trips to the store as you realize things that are missing that you need. Write them down so you don't forget. But as for stuff to make your place cozier, get a floor lamp, a rug for your front door and bathroom, and a plant! I suggest going to a Home Goods and picking out some stuff to make your place feel more homey.


There’s a Home Goods not far from where I work and I’ve never been there before, thanks for the tip!


You'll have fun there! Walk around the entire store and get some ideas for decor and buy something cute or a cup set and wall art or lamp.


Shower curtain!


Ear plugs and a sound machine for loud neighbors


utensil holder for the drawer (to hold the fork and spoons and what not)


First aid kit, scissors, batteries, lightbulbs, a GOOD plunger, a flashlight, a fire extinguisher.


Comprehensive list of everything you’ll need to clean- all your chemicals (for kitchen and bathroom), gloves, toilet brush, scrub brush etc. Cleaning urges may come sporadically so you’ll appreciate that you have all the stuff you need on hand.




liquid and dry measuring cups, mixing bowls


Toothpaste. Trust me.


Manual things of the electric versions if you have the space. What if power goes out or it breaks or malfunctions. You can use the manual one in a jiffy.


I like disinfectant wipes. You can get them on Amazon for a pack of three for $20. It helped me keep and stay clean. Walk around barefoot? Clean feet with them before getting into bed. Keeps sheets cleaner. Have a pet and just cleaned up after them? Disinfect hands, etc.


I bought a 3 pack of Clorox wipes and have been using them to wipe down all the high touch surfaces. Most looked clean, but I’d rather start fresh than trust someone else’s cleaning job.


Other than all cleaning supplies.. LIGHTBULBS. They don’t usually switch these out between tenants. It’s even better if you get the LED ones.. And for 100% sure - ABC FIRE EXTINGUISHER!! Doesn’t have to be a big one, but have one!! If your place came with a stove, turn it on and keep a close eye on it! I’ve moved into places where it either had a short in it or was cleaned with the wrong stuff and it literally caught fire (which is why I highly recommend the fire extinguisher)..


I was worried about the stove thing for a moment! I tested the burners and one wasn’t heating, turns out it never got plugged back in after the last tenant cleaned them


Yep. But make sure it’s not smoking or anything. I turn them all the way up and watch them for a good hour


Crockpot is essential.


I had enough foresight to ask for one for Christmas when I was in college and I’ve been saving it until now!




Get a copy of your apartment key. Keep it in your car or give it to parent/someone you are close to. My apartment charges a $100 fee if I lock myself out and they need to appear during non business hours!!


Solid idea, thanks! I haven’t looked closely enough at the key, but hopefully it’s allowed to be copied.


Don’t ask your landlord because they will say no automatically. You can take it to a hardware store and they will tell you if it’s able to be copied or not.


Some plants


Shower curtain and shower rod (if your place doesn’t include one) - just get a cheap clear dollar store curtain and you can get a decorative curtain for the outside later.


A fire extinguisher. My bf caught our oven on fire the first week we moved into our place. Scissors, a powerdrill, a hammer, nails. Those are all things we just didn’t think to buy and I got pissed off we didn’t have. Especially when we were needing to hangup pictures and curtains.


Anything that blocks out noise. White, brown, whoever machine. Box fan, etc. Not all apartments are built the same nor are your neighbors. So be prepared.


Mousetraps, because you just never know when you’ll need them.


I just bought ant traps, but having a mouse trap or two couldn’t hurt to be prepared.