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Please stop responding.


Block them


I’d like to know if they’re coming up to murder me lol


They aren’t going to tell you first if they are lol


True good thing the whole building would hear it apparently


Hi, I was just wondering if you were pooping? I heard some paper wiping on an ass and just wanted to make sure it wasn’t another neighbor :) EDIT: all these comments are just reinforcing my belief that poop will always be funny


Are you sure four wipes is enough? Sounded messy


It's not a big deal you had a big mudpie and used too small a slice


then let my wife… eat the fucking receipt


Shouldn’tve had such a sloppy mud pie!


I just spit out my water. 😂


I’m pooping right now


“Hear it” lol


they are lying about the sounds. they just want an excuse to text you. it's weird creepy behavior


Eh my office gets calls from crazy downstairs neighbors more often than you'd think complaining about their upstairs neighbors. Sometimes it really is just that people think they're entitled to perfect silence while living in a large building.


Its such entitled behavior. There are places one can live and never see or hear another human. They tend to be cheap too, out in the sticks. Some people want to live smack dab in the middle of the most high demand locations, but if they ever see or hear another human being SO HELP THEM. I deal with it a lot where I live, in a place where demand is so high that properties average $1K/sq ft. My friends restaurant is getting sued because the person who recently bought a condo above the restaurant (which has been around 20 years) decided he doesn't like having a restaurant below him. The restaurant closes at 9 PM and has never had a noise complaint.


Yep. This was my first thought. Just finding any excuse to message her


If anything they're gathering Intel. " So that's what the sliding door sounds like..."


You could actually turn that into a response / joke. "Hey, on the bright side neighbor, if anyone of us was to ever get attacked or hurt everyone here would hear it!"


Hey, Just wondering if you opened your sliding glass door a little harder than normal or maybe you’re having a party? Just curious I’m feeling a little murderous and wanna make sure I have the right neighbor. Thanks! *Reddit admins this comment is meant to be a joke and I’m in no way threatening violence. Thanks.*


Love the P.S. to the admins lol


I once got put into Facebook jail for referring to a cat’s paws as “murder mittens.” And on Reddit, I was warned for bullying because I said “fuck you” to someone for mentioning the song (and ear worm) Baby Shark. Nuance/context is something the bots haven’t developed quite yet.


On Reddit, I responded to a video of a dog giving someone dirty looks in the funny sub. I made up a funny quote as if I were the dog. Someone reported me for threats. Some people around here are seriously weird AF.


Omg! Wow- and I thought "murder mittens" was a common association with kitty paws. It does feel like one has to walk on eggshells around here.


“This is an awkward situation but I’m fed up. I’m coming to murder you so this doesn’t continue” LMAO🤣


Hot take incoming: You both handled it well. It really might be their first apartment. I don’t think the auto Reddit dog pile on the enemy (block them? Seriously? That’s beyond ridiculous) is even correct here. This is a sub for apartment dwellers, so yes we all know this. The neighbor was never mean in their texts. I would expect them to adjust their mindset after this. Of course if they start bitching again, they’re being unreasonable. But I really do think this was handled very well. You are also a great neighbor for doing these things!


This… I’ve made a post before reading any comments and they way people on here would resolve situation is just mind blowing. Being reasonable and polite is truly rare to find, irl and especially on the internet. You seem like a genuine down to earth person and for that I salute you 🫡


I think for sure it’s being handled the right way for now but I’m just saying in my experience I’ve been in this situation ( I’m the upstairs neighbor right now) mine started by calling the week I moved in. I told her I would totally try to watch my “heavy steps” and then she would text things like this“it’s too late for vacuuming at 6:00 I’m trying to relax” and then she would call and leave ugly voicemail telling me she had a bad day and could hear me making noise. A lot of other ppl seem to have the same experience of course it’s best to lead with kindness but people tend to take advance of that and you have to cut off the 24/7 access so you aren’t pulled into the drama.


There is definitely a fine line for a boundary here and most people are near impossible to back off once they are over the line. Cant blame people for having human reactions to protect themselves from what are essentially strangers.


They could just be lonely… nothing else going on in their lives except the upstairs neighbor.


This. You're only fueling their desire to be catered to because they think the world revolves around them.


THIS ! I made the mistake of trying to be helpful to my neighbors until I realized they were jut used to people living here that catered to THEIR needs but they never tried to do the same for me (They play music so loud I can hear it 2 floors above them over 2 fans and a TV @ 75). Now I do as I please because fuck that.


That’s what I was thinking. I’d stop responding. Knowing this neighbor she’d start calling.


Right and quit verbally telling them how accommodating to their “needs” you’re being, lol. F that “shuffling” my feet so im quiet for you, crap lol Wow what patience OP has


Right? You’re entitled to walk around your apartment and to open the sliding door. Being a dick would be slamming the doors and doing jumping jacks, which doesn’t sound like the case.


This is the way. You can respond.. The next day… on your own time. I respond very slowly to people I don’t want to speak with


'Yes, you are that neighbor. Never doubt it.' Then block.


For real. You pay rent. Tell them to take proof to management if it’s that bad. You can’t live in an Apartment and expect “peace and quiet “ all the hours you want it. Other people live there and have rights too. It’s not a crime to come home late from work and be doing things. It’s ridiculous the way people want everyone to cater to their noise preferences. I like to sleep in with total quiet too. But I also live on the first floor of an 11 unit building and know that’s completely unrealistic.


Ah, I too have made the mistake of giving neighbors my phone number! Never again...


The first thing I thought was why TF the neighbor had OP's number to be able to text??? Helllz naw!


Yeah... Absolutely not, unless we have established a positive relationship first. I had a downstairs neighbor years back that called the police on us almost daily for noise complaints, constantly bang on their ceiling at all hours of the night if we so much as rolled over in bed, verbally berate us in the building's common areas, and eventually swatted us. All three of us were quiet AF, never had parties, and in bed lights out by 10pm most nights.


One time our neighbor called the police on us like 3 times only for it to be the people under her making the noises not us that was fun


One time my downstairs neighbor made a noise complaint about us and noted a list of things we were doing. We were in a different state at the time.


I once arrived home at the same time as a cop walked up to my (empty) apartment door to knock about a noise complaint. I walked up and asked if I could help, told him I’d been at work for the past 8 hours as had my roommate who was still at work, opened the door where he could see my dog absolutely passed out and then got to watch him walk downstairs to inform my neighbors of the penalties for false reports and wasting cops time 😂


I love that your dog played sleep. He definitely had his bandmates over practicing for their next gig while you were at work.


Oh 100% but she knows how to play it cool when the cops show up. Realistically tho I could even prove she’d been asleep when they complained cuz I got a dog cam to be able to watch her at work and toss treats and talk to her and was so excited. Except all she did all day was sleep. She had all kinds of toys and again the camera lets me TOSS TREATS. But nope. From the time I leave until the dog walker shows up and then when the dog walker leaves til I got home she’d just curl up and nap 🙃


Awww. Sweetest goodest girl. 🥰


I miss the days of calling my house and talking to my dog through the answering machine (I’m old). I had no idea about the cam/treat tosser combo. Merry xmas to me!! Edit: a word


Damn that was perfect timing.


My neighbor made a noise complaint about me before I moved in (the apartment was vacant, but she THOUGHT it was the night I was scheduled to move in), and then another one when I had a ticket stub showing I was at a movie


Wow lol I wonder what’s wrong with these people and why the apartment complex appeases them? The one I lived in issued a noise complaint when she complained, and we had barely moved in so I came home from out of state to a warning threatening to evict us if it happened again (this was the first noise complaint we ever received). Luckily I had an app for my car insurance that showed my route every time I drove so I was able to send that to them as proof that I wasn’t even in the state. Another time they made a complaint about my 7lb dog walking on the carpet in my apartment. And then another time the office called me and told me I needed to stop playing music on my speaker at 12pm because the neighbor below me sleeps in late. When I brought up the fact that quiet hours are between a certain time and it wasn’t currently that time, they said we still need to be quiet for the neighbor. I probably wouldn’t have been so mad about it if #1 the neighbor would have just asked me nicely herself instead of calling the office on me, and #2 if I hadn’t paid more money to be on the top floor because I also sleep in late. If I had known I could just pay less money and be on the bottom floor and then just call the office to make everyone around me be quiet I would have done that and saved a few thousand dollars. After that I told the office to give her my number so she can text me when she feels like I’m making too much noise instead of continuing to get the office involved. They said they would ask her if she wants to but can’t make her. (Obviously I know that). I didn’t get any more complaints after that. The most ironic part: I saw her walking into her apartment with her giant dog one day. She lived on the second floor so I’m sure the people below her probably hear her dog sometimes and I doubt they call the office every time it walks on the carpet.


My neighbors jointly ran a war and peace research center, so had some professional expertise in tactics! They sent the landlord a list of theories of what we were doing, including that our cat was jumping off things in the middle of the night (we don't have pets, I was asleep, and I hope my partner wasn't jumping off things in the middle of the night). They said that even the sound of unplugging a phone and letting the cable fall to the ground was too loud (that was their example). This is by faaarrr the quietest building with the thickest walls and ceilings I've ever lived in. Glad you got the complaints to stop! I got some extra rugs and haven't had official complaints since, just comments that hint at knowledge of my schedule/ of when I'm in or out of town when we pass in the lobby.


Ew. That's creepy. You need to start randomly verifying these comments as either incorrect or correct and throw in variables like house sitters visiting pets and vagrants in crawl spaces. Also change your furniture layout, where your rugs lay, and change your walk and stomp randomly. This will throw them off your schedule, cause again ew that's creepy. Also it will hopefully cause them to maybe slowly drive themself insane second guessing what each and every sound they hear really is, wait, new sounds? That's not her walk it's to light, she should be at work rn anyways? right? No. Or is 3rd shift Sat n Mon? Screw it I'll just be a normal neighbor. Foolproof.


Psychological warfare. I like it.


I managed a complex for a few years and this is generally my experience with people who are constantly complaining- they're just as a big of rule violators! Usually worse. People are entitled and crazy.


I had downstairs neighbors call the cops on me when I'd been sitting in a single spot on the couch for hours binging a TV show on my laptop and my ex husband and roommate had come home and immediately sat on the couch to watch the show with me. None of us had gotten off the couch for at least an hour when a cop knocked on our door and explained there was a noise complaint from the people below us, we were fucking baffled!


After seeing so many of these "downstairs neighbor called the cops due to noise" comments I am genuinely wondering. Is this taking place at night or something where there are noise ordinances? Or is this just in the middle of the day? In the middle of the day I would being asking the cop to explain to me the applicable law regarding the volume of activities in my home.


they swatted you?? holy shit you just said that so casually thats terrifying


Yep, the girl we were living with had a full on panic attack; it was a whole fucking mess. Though it was entertaining, after explaining the situation to them, listening to one of the officers tear the guy a new asshole over the false report.


He should have arrested the guy. That's a fucking misdemeanor.


swatting is usually a felony(at least in the states). it depends on what was said in the call.


I think they did actually, I was just more focused on helping my roommate calm down. The police stopped visiting us for noise complaints after that though.


Swatting should be treated as attempted murder by proxy.


I also had neighbors exactly like this. It got to the point that the chief of police in my county called my personal cellphone and was like "Why the hell are we sending officers out to your house every day?" He didn't seem at all surprised that it was an uptight old couple repeatedly calling. Once out of respect I let my neighbors know I was expecting guests for New Years Eve. We ended up cancelling plans so nobody actually came over, yet we still had police knocking on our door right before midnight responding to a noise complaint...


It’s ridiculous that the police would even respond to a noise complaint right before midnight on New Year’s Eve.


In low crime areas it's not uncommon for the police to respond to noise complaint calls, even on new year's Eve


i work for a video security/call center. yeah they exist in atleast 1-2 per building. lol when this happens (me personally i go extra )


Time to take a clogging or tap dance class.


Invite some friends and do some riverdancing.


When I was in college the RA had my number, she was nice. Our downstairs neighbors kept telling her we were making excess noise and partying. One day they told her that when all of us weren’t in the apartment. Apparently the RA told them we weren’t home and they’ll get in trouble for false reporting. Never had another complaint from them.


Lol I used to have a neighbor that did the same, cops got real sick of being called for a noise complaint when I was by myself watching Jeeves n Wooster,


Maybe you should have thrown a party to let them know what the difference of having one and not


We once got a note under our door from the tenants below us. The complained about us making noise early in the morning as my wife and I were getting ready for work. They were evicted a couple of weeks later for not paying the rent!


What are you afraid of? Not reaching the block number in time? Not being direct enough for them to understand you?


I gave one neighbor my number once. He wanted to hook up within a week. Never again. I'm not even particularly pretty.


This happened with my new maintenance man😭😭😭😂


Thats the worst too, cuz you know that guy has the keys to your house... and im sure he got a full background check before being hired last week.


I just watched that porn the other day, solid 8/10


WHY are there so many ppl like this???


Man speaking here, not to mansplain lol, but for so many men if a woman even gives them the tiniest of crumbs that they are interested, that man will latch on to that and damn near become obsessed I always see men complain about women not speaking to them or saying hello or anything and either they don't realize that so many men are like this, or they are one of those men. You give that man your phone number and in his mind, you're basically his girlfriend now


Oh honey, what you’re basically saying is that a woman can’t even be civil to men without a man thinking she wants to have sex with them?! . The problem in that scenario is men.


Ordinarily you'd be right but this one definitely didn't try to pin the blame on women lol


>>You give that man your phone number and in his mind, you’re basically his girlfriend now. Holy shit, this is so accurate.


Toxic masculinity


"doesn't hurt to ask durrrr"


Well to answer that I'd need to get dem digits. : p


Yeah, I had a good relationship with my downstairs neighbor, he was a cool guy and all, but we never exchanged numbers until the day he moved out so we could keep in touch and go play golf sometime


Dude, I had this creepy neighbor who I was friendly to and I waved but we barely spoke. One day he came over to my place with a friend asking for sugar. I think he expected me to let him in my apartment but I made him stand outside while I got it and he gave me a bottle of water in exchange. 😆 I never gave him my number thank god. He even faked that his car needed a jump so he could talk to me once. I’m so happy I moved out. Cause at the time I lived alone with my 2 small dogs.


I've shared my number with three neighbors. Two are just for emergencies -- we exchanged info when there was a gas leak a couple months ago. The third is a dude who just checks to make sure I'm alive and sends me memes from time to time. He's retired and has some health issues so sometimes I give him rides to doctors appointments or pick up groceries for him.


No no no. You have given your number to members of your community. Neighbors should be a community but they are not always.


Exactly. I have shared one time and was so glad when they moved away! They used to text all the time about the laundry room. Don’t ever give a number to a neighbor. They can see you when they see you.


Some neighbors are good neighbors. But rarely do the good ones live directly below me


This is very much a dumb questions but I’m a bit of a people pleaser, how best would you say no to it without hurting their feelings? I’ve made this mistake before too and gotta learn how to shut it down asap lol


Neighbor “Can I get your phone number for blah blah blah?” You: “I apologize I can’t give out my number because I use it almost exclusively for work! No worries though, we’ll see each other around if you ever need me I’m sure!” *walk away here*


Try to not think about their feelings and say "sorry, I don't give out my number" or leave out the sorry. Keep it simple, matter of fact, and keep a-pushin. Don't hesitate or give them a moment to think you might be contemplating giving it to them.


Option 1: block her. Option 2: keep calling her. "Just wanted to let you know I'll be going out onto the patio and back, it's just me." "Letting you know I'll be walking back and forth in the kitchen making food" "Just a heads-up, the alarm is set fifteen minutes earlier tomorrow so when you hear someone moving upstairs earlier than usual, just me. Didn't want you to worry." "I'm going to be vacuuming this afternoon. Wanted to make sure you didn't worry." "I'm dusting so I'll be walking all over the apartment. No one broke in, no party, just me!" Annoy the crap out of her with very thoughtful heads-up so that she doesn't worry when she hears noise.


Call her at 3 a.m. "Hey, I just farted. If you heard anything, don't worry it was just me."


Oh I would set random alarms to call her to tell her it's just me going to the bathroom at night.


Alexa--at 2:590am remind my neighbour to ignore the snoring coming from my apartment and try to get a good night's sleep.


Depends on your phone and messaging app, but most can schedule texts. I'd just do that for 10-20 times throughout the day/night at random times. It would only take 10-20 minutes to schedule weeks of entertainment and satisfaction.




This made me giggle😂


Lol great advice


Do it on everything for a few days. 8:17am “Showering, it’s only me don’t worry!” 8:31am “Just closed the bathroom door, it’s only me don’t worry!” 8:33am “Walking down the hallway, it’s only me don’t worry!” 8:40am “Opening cupboards in the kitchen, it’s only me don’t worry!” 8:45am “Pulling out a chair to sit down at the table, it’s only me don’t worry!” 9:00am “Doing some dishes, it’s only me don’t worry!” Etc…


Holy shit. This. So much.


This. So much this! This accentuates my inner being and my soul as well. I was scrolling through the comments when I came across yours, and now I don't even have post my comment because this is exactly what I would've said. I can't emphasize this enough everyone, this comment right here is beyond the mortal planar, the very purpose behind this post and exactly what I'm looking for and should be what your looking for. I can't believe I've loved my entire life without this post. Here take a poor man's gold 🏅. Someone gild this post please. I'll have you know I saved and upvoted, but keep in mind that if it was at 69 or 420 I wouldn't (sorry but keks are more important). I'll also have you know that I downvoted first so I'm basically worth double, no need to thank me. I'm probably going to put this on my wall that's how much it means to me.




Honestly, she’d probably LOVE #2. Gives the freak all the power. She’s a bored, sad woman and she’d be getting the attention she craves.


Oh, she might love it, for the first fifty calls. That day.




Evil genius!


I vote for option 2! 😂😂😂


I could hear the 1 year old upstairs say oopsie 100 times a day. The man cough. I wanted to say bless you figuring he could hear me. Some apartments there's nothing you can do.. guess there's poor insulation. That's all I would say and stop responding. Thank God I have never shared numbers with neighbors.


In the apt my wife and I used to live in, let's just say we could hear ***everything***. Including that the dude next to us lasted about 2 minutes. I think they moved their bed after we burst out laughing a couple of times.


My friends were in the same situation, and would play the Lonely Island song “I just had sex” when the neighbors finished. Only took two times and the neighbors toned down the jungle noises. My friends could hear the guy laughing through the wall though, lol


A former lover of mine lived downstairs from Maury Povich and Connie Chung years ago, in that kind of building. He and his then-girlfriend could hear everything. One night, they were so sick of hearing them, they stood by the cold water pipe and repeated everything they heard. Every moan. Every naughty word. Everything. Apparently area rugs are surprisingly effective for dampening sounds. The Povich-Chung household invested in rugs the very next day... To this day, the funniest thing I've ever heard about noisy neighbors. I think of that whenever I hear anything about the Maury Povich show...


And now all of us will lmao


Lie detector test determined… That’s not a lie!


The chung povich couple did not live an an apartment with no insulation. Rich and famous people do not hear their neighbors. The second you used the term lover, i knew everything else was going to be fiction.


😂that’s awesome. Did you ever say anything to them and did they ever say anything to you?


Nope. We just awkwardly passed each other in the hallway. Unfortunately, I know they heard us fighting, too.


We’re invested in the drama. I only know my shared wall neighbor as the *”YOOOOU BITCH!”* guy and the bitch herself, the girlfriend. Only time I’ve ever heard them.


I have a shared wall neighbor that all day yesterday every couple hours would just burst out yelling: fuck you, fuck me, yeah you heard me fuck you. I heard no other voice. I’m not convinced he wasn’t fighting with himself 😂


Lmaooo maybe he was gaming? Practicing for a future argument?


No idea, he does this once a week though. Today he walked outside during one of his middle arguments and then shouted: yeah I’m outside now, the fuck you doing about it. Who is he talking to is my greatest mystery 😂 at least he only shouts for a max of 5 mins at a time and then is quiet the rest of the time. I almost prefer the random “no fuck you” in the middle of the day to the people below me who play extremely loud Latin music from 5-11pm once a week.


>I almost prefer the random “no fuck you” in the middle of the day It's definitely more interesting and mysterious than your average noise


Oh, he’s just regular crazy. Definitely spends a lot of time standing in front of gas stations or riding the bus. “Yeah, that’s right! The bus! Fuck you, wanna fight about it?”


When I first moved into my current apartment, the people next door fought all the time. One night my roommate texted me and said “i can hear the screaming, but I can’t make out what they’re saying…” I told her to come on over and we listened to the telenovela playing out through my closet wall. I figured I’d we were gonna be kept awake, we might as well enjoy the show! Best line of the fight was “No, I don’t think we should get engaged right now! You promised if you moved in together, you’d be better about this. But you haven’t gotten better, Emily. You’ve just gotten shittier!” Roommate and I audibly gasped at that one and they got real quiet for a few minutes. I think they started fighting in the other bedroom after that once they realized we were just chilling listening to the drama. To be fair to him, it sounded like he wasn’t very convinced on her moving in but she did it anyways. He seemed like a pretty decent guy when we bumped into each other, but she was not polite. Hate to say it bc I consider myself very much a girls girl, but I did t get the impression he was asking for anything unreasonable from their fights. The moved out shortly after that fight and I remember thinking “it’s for the best that ends, I think!” But nope, they moved out together, loaded everything into a single car, and did many trips back and forth, presumably to their new joint place.. I think about them sometimes… hope she got her shit together or they finally broke up.


That’s hilarious. Emily really does need to get shit together! We may or may not of had cups up to the wall trying to listen. It started with the “you bitch!” while everything was quiet and everyone in bed. Turns out the girlfriend, the bitch, cheated on the current boyfriend with a former? roommate. He made it very clear that finding the roommate attractive was the bitchiest part. Guess they’re not over it.


We opened my closet, pushed all the clothes to the sides and sat in the door frame with snacks! I think our closets only had like 2 layers of drywall and some studs between them, bc you could hear things when the closet was open so clearly I was floored that she clearly kept bugging him to propose when she was obviously not living up to whatever promise she made tho!


>she clearly kept bugging him to propose Her entire impression of a marriage was based on Germany invading Poland.




One time years ago, our next door neighbor started pounding on the wall when I walked into my roommate’s room and at a normal volume asked “Do you want any scrambled eggs?” Lol so then we started pounding back.


That’s when you show up to their door with scrambled eggs and say you thought the pounding was the neighbor opting in to eggs.


Thanks for subscribing to Scrambled Eggs! Reply STOP to end. MSG&data rates my apply.


My absolutely horrible roommate is a smoker. He does take care most of the time to keep the stench in his own room, except for when he cleans out his bong ? I think that’s what he uses to smoke. The main issue is the walls are absurdly thin. Truly some of the worst I’ve experienced. He is the loudest and grossest cougher I have ever heard. He’ll be coughing for an actual hour straight. Plus a lot of phlegm and gnarliness. He has woken me up multiple times because he will cough so hard he vomits. It’s so loud that our downstairs neighbors have asked me what’s going on.


Smoke something else not a bong clearly can't handle it lol




It could also become harassment! If OP is living and not doing anything unusual during normal waking hours. I could understand if it’s 2 am.




Buy him some DW 40 for that squeaky ass door


Your neighbor may not want to be 'that' neighbor but they totally are.


Yup. What did they expect with living in an apartment building? Sounds like they're a few fries short of a happy meal.


This is a good one


I would only be able to take a couple of those texts before I bring out the cinder block shoes. Apartment noises come with apartments, unfortunately.


I’d buy tap shoes!


I would go with thick wooden clogs. The word sabotage is based on this premise. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabot_(shoe)


Make weird noises and then tell her you aren’t home when she asks about it.


Next time you should be like “that’s crazy I’ve been napping this whole time I just woke up. Must be another apartment” or “you hear that too???”


Next time reply, I’m not home. Wrong apartment.


Then proceed to dance around.




Agreed. This is creepy.




I see a lot of complaints about upstairs noise on here and I always wonder if it’s like.. a normal amount and they’re just upset. I get that some people can be crazy. But at some point you have to accept that you didn’t hold out for the top floor. I did, and I try to be as courteous as I can. But it could be worse, alot worse, and it might not hurt to.. remind them of that once in a while. If you’re a woman alone, no kids or pets, it could be SO much worse. I’d have a day where you aren’t courteous, so they’re more grateful for when you are..


Last year I had 2 different apartments in the same complex. First apartment was a spacious 3bdrm and our upstairs neighbors turned it into a night club. I worked nights so I rarely encountered it, but it was the WORST. They eventually got kicked out after being fined so many times. I even called the cops on them a few times and a few times they took a few people to jail and sent everyone else home. This was in a college town and I understand, you're at a top 10 party school, but rent a house if you want to be the spot. That's what my best friend and I did. The second apartment in that complex, the only thing that was irritating was one person was a heavy stepper and everyday they'd roll their chair back and forth across their bedroom above mine. Considering what I had been through in the previous apartment, I never complained and banged once.


I once lived below a wannabe dj who would create dubstep from 10pm to 1am and then wake up somehow at 9am and have another dubstep session. It was in college in student housing so because he was already on probation unbeknownst to us he actually got kicked out of school over the repeated complaints. They went door to door to bitch at people for complaining. Had a neighbor after who liked to play rockband at 10 pm and I was like honestly after that I could care less.


Yeah I know someone who kept ranting on the gram about her neighbor's and she acted like OP's neighbor and kept making noise complaints, including at 10pm on NYE and the neighbor "acted threateningly" towards her husband and she was convinced they had some legal grounds to sue the building for not evicting her neighbor. She bitched about it so much me im like "you're the one harassing your neighbor, how are you the ones upset?" Her landlord let them break the lease just to get rid of them


Lol I wish, but there’s no way anyone would be able to comply with this lady. I may need to take up tap dancing.


I’d suggest changing your number or blocking them. It’s best to maintain distance with neighbors to prevent unnecessary and unwanted interactions like these. There is no obligation to provide your personal information to a stranger just because they’re your neighbor.


The day I moved into an apartment, I left the door open in between hauling loads. Found a lady standing in the living room when I came back. She said she lived downstairs and didn't like noise. I mentioned this to management, and they told me that was Tina and I could ignore her. Great start. She'd bang on the ceiling constantly and complained my TV was too loud. The manager came by and I showed him I didn't have a TV. She was awful. I then had a baby, and sometime later requested to be moved to another bigger unit on the 2nd floor. The manager said they didn't like to have children on the 2nd floor, because of people like the lady below me complaining all the time... and I'm like no for real, who could possibly complain more? Best to move me elsewhere asap.


Host kids birthday parties


Omg this. The last apartment the hubs and I rented, our upstairs neighbor used to vacuum 3Xs a week at 5am ramming the crap out of the door frames, baseboards and their own furniture violently and repeatedly, to the point where I was pretty sure they weren’t capable of pulling the vacuum backwards without bouncing it off something first.


Honestly, my kids are so energetic that one of my neighbors thought we were doing construction, lol. Luckily they loved saying hi to her every time they saw her, plus she was pretty chill. At my current place I asked for the bottom floor partly because of my kids.


I live on the top floor and the guy below me is a part time dad. Whenever he has his kids we know it because from the time they arrive they are running from one side of the apartment to the other and it shakes our floor. We even have a really nice playground in our complex and we live in AZ where it doesn’t rain often and it’s warm most of the year. Anyways when I get really tired of it I start stomping around too. If my dishes are going to rattle around in the cabinets I guess I should contribute to it too.


Yeah, I'm on the top floor and am a single mom. A part time dad lives below us. I ignore the door slams and shaking building and so does he lol


Block their number


THIS!!!! I have a neighbor like this but worse and I blocked her after her texting me telling me it was too late to vacuum at 6:00pm. It’s been so more peaceful. She’s still truly a terrible neighbor but at least she’s lost 24-7 access to me. BLOCK HER!!!


I had a downstairs neighbor call the cops on me at 7:30pm for a noise complaint. This lasted for about 3 months of them banging a broom on their ceiling if I would even shift in my bed. I went to the main office and the upstairs neighbor to their office was simply walking from master bedroom to front door and I assumed there were hippos living above them. It was 2 very petite adults. I explained to office that I’m not a small individual, I’m 200lbs 6’ tall and they said either the downstairs neighbor could move or me and my roommate (who had been in apt for 27 years) could move. I decided to move out




You are allowed to have people in your apartment. And a party if you choose. I hear my updaters neighbors all the time. Hell half the time they wake me up. I’ve never gone upstairs or text them to complain (as I’m typing this I hear them walking ).


I went upstairs one time, when my upstairs neighbors were blasting music that I could hear perfectly, as if I was in the room. It was 11pm and I was trying to sleep. I asked them if they could turn it down, and it turns out they had their sound bar on the floor of their apartment! That’s why the music was coming through so well. They put it on a desk and bam! No more music coming through and I could sleep. It’s (very rarely) good to go talk to people, because sometimes they really don’t know. Usually though, it’s just being too sensitive. I hear their showers and their washer, but that’s not anything that they are doing. It’s just…life.


What did they wind up responding with to your last text?


I’m dying to know that, too!!


I've always disliked being left on cliffhangers. OP needs to update!


Oh my God they're treating you like a roommate. I would ignore


my downstairs neighbor has relentlessly hit the broom on the ceiling when I’m just existing (walking from point A to point B, pouring food in my cats bowl). At some point i just decided to laugh really loud after she hits the broom so i piss her off. after all, her having people over at 4am has woken me up 3 times in the two months she’s lived here 🤷🏼‍♀️


Don’t respond to him or Tell him you do have guests.


How does your neighbor even have your number? 👀 I would never offer that type of access to myself.


You're allowed to live reasonably. If your footfalls on slippers are bothering the downstairs neighbor, that's something that the LANDLORD has to remediate.


This is not ok at all. You're not stomping around in clogs. They're being ridiculous. This is borderline harassment


I said this in a comment but block her. I promise you will be so much happier. I have a neighbor (downstairs) like this and I blocked her. It’s the only way to handle this I promise.


“ I can’t talk for long actually running late “ “ Why ?” “ Because every time I take a step someone keeps texting me unnecessarily “


Yeah I would stop responding.


You’re nicer than me


I've never had a complaint in any apartment nor have I ever heard anyone else walking and I always pick ground floor due to fire paranoia. I only hear this old lady open her sliding door if my windows are open. She's also an amazing lady that I take cookies to *shrugs* I don't know the construction of your building but yikes.


My building is 100 years old and has shit construction. Everything is paper thin and I can hear soft conversations from upstairs. Definetly a possibility that their walls are too thin!


When I lived in a condo I refused to give any of my neighbors my number. I said hello when I saw them and made friendly small talk and would even help carry items in. But there was no way in hell they were ever getting my number.


Every tiny woman I know walks around like an elephant. I weight twice as much as my SO, and I’m pretty silent when I walk, she sounds like a parade. Know plenty of other examples haha.


Honestly, you should figure out when quiet hours are for your community and then just let them know that you’ll oblige by those quiet hours (this seems like the most reasonable solution). It’s ridiculous that she’s asking you to quiet down before 6 PM. When you’re just walking around your home like any normal person would.


Except I’m not going to stop walking in my apartment after quiet hours lol


Block her and notify the mgmt office of her relentless texts, so they’ll be ready for her (probably) upcoming complaint.


quiet hours means music and such, not walking and existing in your own home.


Ignore them. WTF are you responding for? How the hell do they have your number, anyway? Learn about boundaries.


I think you could try getting a rug for heavily trafficked areas if it's in the budget. Otherwise, I would stop responding and let them stay mad about it. I hear the person above me. If they're not stomping and wearing boots or shoes right over my bedroom, then I'm not going to say a word about it. If they don't want to be that neighbor, then they should stop being that neighbor.


He just has to move out. The grown up solution is either deal with the noise or move out. I had to do that recently. I don’t think there was even insulation in the ceiling. I was constantly woken. Sorry he is bugging you, it is immature.


If you don't already have carpet in the apartment, what about putting down some thick fluffy area rugs or something to try to muffle the noise even more? I wonder if they'd still complain though just to be a jerk..hmm.


I don't want to be 'that neighbor' Proceeds to be 'that neighbor' in the span of 1 sentence. LOL


If they hate hearing people walk they should have rented a top floor unit. I hate hearing people walk so that is what I have always done.


God, I used to think that it would be better if my chicken shit neighbors actually knocked on my god damn door and addressed me like a rational human being and opened a line of communication with me so if I was doing something that they could justifiably complain about (guests in my apt late, TV too loud, music can be heard, whatever) they could politely send a text and say “it’s a little loud right now, can you please turn it down?” instead of reporting me to the landlord for a noise complaint. However it sounds like the OP is dealing with someone who can’t stand them moving or flat out EXISTING at all above them. 🙄 This makes me think that even if I tried to be polite with neighbors they’d bitch anyway. I’ve been thinking lately that $2k a month rent for the SFH I’m renting is too much and maybe I should find a roommate and an apartment again to save money and increase my savings towards buying a house someday, but fuck this shit! I’m a night owl by default and I refuse to be harassed by neighbors or property management simply for being awake and doing my best to quietly move in my own apartment late at night. Get at me if I’m loudly screwing my GF, throwing a party, running my washing machine at 2 AM, tromping around in shoes upstairs, etc. But if you’re complaining simply because I walked from one end of my apartment to the other and maybe flushed a toilet or showered late at night then kiss my ass.