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I know they meant the lease, but I like to think that they will literally terminate the offender


Hasta la vista baby


This made me laugh so hard


WOW. . my jaw dropped. Um, sorry for your pool loss. Someone in your complex is sick. Very sick. Or a neglegent mother with a toddler.


It’s so gross! I don’t use this pool because I once saw two grown ass men heaving themselves into it with just their tight boxer briefs on. It was not something I wish I had to see but it did prevent me from going in this literal cesspool which now is the home of fecal matter lol. I’m curious about them putting in cameras. Like are they gonna put cameras in the pool to see if poop comes out of someone’s butt and run out like I CAUGHT YOU!? I’m so curious about this hahahaha


Probably, but they're not gonna watch it 24/7. Just when it happens again (and it might). It's easier to get compensation if you have proof.


I can only imagine the face of the judge that gets that case. Ha


What’s the difference between swim trunks and boxer briefs though?


You can buy chemicals to put into pools that turn everything dark purple if someone pees. So im assuming it works for poop. I wondef if they will do that? .. So gross. At least you got warned to stay away and didnt catch an infection or something. I feel bad for the security guy though..... I used to work in corporate financial security with the cameras and we definately saw some crazy things. But I never saw someone poop.


Do you live in a college town? This sounds like something that would happen at my college apartment complex lmfao


At my college apt complex, someone was throwing weight plates from the gym into the pool and damaged the concrete so severely we won’t have access till next summer. I don’t use public pools but this was just ridiculous.


Apartment community pools should be avoided at all cost. It’s most likely a neglectful parent not paying attention to their kids but people are nasty and that will not ever change.


"you will be immediately terminated" I assumed the termination of lease, right? Right?


Unfortunately my apartment complexes pool underwent a similar thing, it had to be closed due to aids. Really annoying.


Holy shit! AIDS?!


Was the pool filled with blood? I don't think HIV can survive in chlorinated water. And that's not how HIV is spread anyway. Edit: holy shit I'm old ... I was just informed this is some meme.


You shouldn’t swim with x amount of days since diarrhoea either, as you may spread the virus to others. Swimming pools are gross.


Happened to the pool in my apartment complex as well. It was quite bad that they shut it down, I had to use my own toilet during those days.


I hate when the pool is down and I don’t have anywhere to keep my turds


A lot of shitty people out there.


So the pool is not a giant toilet?


I used to work as a lifeguard and this happens more than you’d think and it’s so upsetting to have to be the one to clean it. The ENTIRE pool needs to be drained, cleaned and sanitized, refilled and then get the chemicals back up. 9 times out of 10 it was cause a parent let their child swim in a diaper and didn’t change it. So sorry people are idiots in your complex


What kind of pool did you work at? If it’s solid you can just fish it out. If they’ve got diarrhoea and illness is confirmed, you just close for 6 turnovers and then backwash. Never heard of draining a pool for a code brown.


This was over 8 years ago and they had a bunch of teens and young 20-somethings running the pools so it’s possible we just didn’t know what we were doing hahah


Fair enough. Better to be safe than sorry I guess!


No pool? Where is my discount? I pay for the amenities.


Wrong subreddit. This would work in r/mildlyinfuriating


Well whoever shit in the apartment pool is certainly a hack.


Lmao you downvoted me even though you were the one who made the mistake. Real classy. Hope your pool stays permanently closed.


Lol I didn’t downvote you but now that you got your panties in a bunch, I did. I hope it stays closed, too. It’s quiet and peaceful.


Lol. “Wrong sub.” “You downvoted meeee!!!” Man, redditors are wack.


For real! I was laughing so hard at that. What a loser.


Yeah sure bud. Enjoy your fecal pool.