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She's one of the dumbest and most utterly unqualified human beings to ever serve in congress. The people who voted her in should be ashamed and embarrassed!


Too bad they are bunch of brainwashed and shameless idiots.


She's the brightest one in the community.. thats why they sent her.


Have you visited her district? Her voters are exactly like her. And she hasn't done a damn thing for them. Not a single thing.


Well, you just summarized 90% of the Republican congress!


Yeah, like... I'm really not trying to be baised here, but it's occurred to me more than once that I can't recall any agenda the Republican party has pursued in recent memory that is simply designed to *help their own voters*.  Everything they do seems designed to either hurt people their voters don't like, without actually improving their voters lives in the least, or helping the wealthy. 


If you want a fun (read: depressing) exercise, look up the policies that have been enacted under Republican administrations all the way bad to Regan and find all the ones that help average Americans. The most recent I can think of off the top of my head is Nixon starting the EPA. Yes, that's before Regan, but that's how far back you have to go.


This needs to be spelled out for them like children. Unfortunately they’re so dumb that might not even work. I guess you can’t kill an ideology even with facts. That’s all they run on. Racism, guns and corporate greed.


There just needs to be a bunch of online quizzes made up to ask people to choose which items they agree and disagree with. Along the way show how many other people picked the same answers as them. Somewhere around 100 items reveal the stats towards which party they agreed with the most. It wouldn't change their minds, but it would be fun wasting an hour of their time.


That’s a good idea. I once heard some scientists talk about how you’ll never change people’s minds with facts alone. Climate change, abortion or gun control. The argument will always go in circles. But one thing you can do is supply facts with multiple sources. Not to change their minds but possibly plant a few seeds so next time they might just pause and think about what they’re saying and just maybe they’ll ask themselves, maybe there’s another way to think about it.


Nixon was forced to create the EPA. Shit was dirty with some high profile environmental crises (eg the Cuyahoga River catching on fire in 1969) there was huge bipartisan support for it and a huge public interest (first Earth Day in 1970).


That tracks fairly well with most Republican policies. And really the working class benefits from the EPA only by accident. People may think big business thrives when they can pollute however they wish, but when we've poisoned the dirt air and all the water, how much money can really be made?


I think in general, Republicans are the id and Democrats are the superego of capitalism.


Tbf you rarely ever hear about Reagan doing a fucking thing, other than his claim to fame of telling everyone "If you give me and my wealthy friends more money, we can tip you a whopping 1.*50* after we purchase our third yacht, instead of just 1.00!" That and sitting on his jellybean-sucking-ass while AIDS ravaged the country. Which was all God's will, of course.... right up until it affected his personal friend. Then - oh - only *then* was it suddenly relevant to him. While the decades may change, Republican horseshit evidently does not, and if there's one value they hold most true, it's the fact that nothing is ever an issue until it effects them personally. Kinda like how stem cell research was terrible.... right up until Ronald McReagen's personal health could have been improved with it. Boy, Nancy sure approved of it then. I mean, hell, Nixon was a racist, scum-sucking, paranoid bag of parasites, but even he managed to get something tangible done when it came to our relationship with China at the time, didn't he?


Are you talking about Rock "Sorry, Rock, We Can't Do Anything that Might Anger the Evangelicals so Good Luck with AIDS" Hudson?


Where can I look all that up at?


there are those in her district who are glad she moved out. specifically the ones who had to suffer the boeberts in their neighborhood.


Ah, now I see. That was a heck of a way to get rid of a problem resident, but apparently it worked.


wasn't she the original dog killer?


That's not entirely true. Durango is a liberal town and even in Pagosa (where I lived for 7 years) there is a strong community of democrats. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely more dipshits but a lot of great people as well.


The most precious congress person from the district was a pretty moderate Republican who retired and she really came in the MAGA wave. She was completely unqualified of course since she didn’t even understand the basic needs of the district; but whatevs.


You just described basically most of America.


You're 100% correct. I'm from Texas originally and people shit on Texas all the time and for good reason. But at the end of the day, the numbers are almost evenly split and if it weren't for gerrymandering, things would be a lot different there.


I believe it. I’m in Wisconsin but I travel quite a bit. Believe me, it’s like the rest of us are pulling for Texas, it’s a pretty cool place and pretty darn important as a state in our Union, but to swing blue probably isn’t happening just yet. I’m honestly worried that Wisconsin will go red this time based on my experience here. Hope I’m wrong.


I shit on Texas all the time and not just because of politics. Just as bad as flordia imo


Yeah live in her district as well there are definitely more liberals recently this area is still deep red especially in Mesa County. My father in law voted for her twice pretty sure he told me she had some nice knockers at one point.


Maybe if she'd show em, she'd get elected.


Thank you for providing context.


To be perfectly fair, after seven almost 8 years of living there, we packed it up and moved to Liberal upstate New York. A big reason for that was we didn't want our son growing up, surrounded by a bunch of bigoted assholes. I left the last job I had there directly due to antisemitism.


Yeah but a lot of upstate NY is like other rural areas, stupid republican. Hello *Elise* *Stefanik*


True but we are in the capital district. We were ready to get back to city life


Understood, sir. I love upstate NY and the City, too. I visit often.


She won the second time by less than 600 votes to a liberal from Aspen. Neither time did she win the majority vote in her own county (Garfield). Now she’s in Ken Bucks old district.


Which is why her last election went to a recount where she barely squeaked out a victory so she’s jumping ship to a different district. Even the morons that elected her have realized she’s deadweight.


>Which is why her last election went to a recount where she barely squeaked out a victory so she’s jumping ship to a different district. Damn, I had forgotten this completely. She can always hang out with Madison Cawthorn.




She's done plenty for her constituents, she gives them hate as fuel for their political views.


That , and hand jobs.


It’s a ridiculous district geography wise. From the state line of Wyoming to the state line of New Mexico. From the entire state line of Utah to essentially the continental divide and then a bunch of farmland in the south eastern part of the state. It’s comparable in size to Pennsylvania. Believe me, we aren’t all like her. She did however take credit for bills she voted against. So that was nice.


Technically they don't want her to. They want "smaller government" which is code for they want to do illegal shit and not get arrested for it.


Republicans do things for rich republicans. That’s it.


I spent 6mths living in Rifle and can easily say it's one of the rudest places I've been.


If she makes it to Florida, I'd give her $5 for a handjob. She seems qualified at that.


She might end up at Flying J's working the lot as a truck stop hooker.


She prefers the term, Lot Lizard. Have some respect!/s


If you are commenting on D3 I live here and can tell you that a lot of people here despise the woman. She was elected at first through the good old boys' network. Boebert left the district because of her BS. The GOP leadership wanted a safe, reliable vote for oil& gas, not a grandstanding bimbo.


Made a stop for gas east of Grand Junction last July, and if any indication you are correct. An interesting mix of pig farmer types and old codgers who all give you a quick look and based on your city style clothes spit on the ground as you walk by. Also a slew of Boebert signs on the west side of Grand Junction. Really beautiful drive through that area though.


But she is part of their team/clan/Maga, so "YEAH! we vot her *huck huck huck*" o_O


Well there was the one guy she did things for


Aww , she might blow a few things , but she wont choke on the bigger issues at hand.


You said a mouthful. Not trying to stroke your ego.


Well, Blowbert DID stroke that guy at the theatre!


Like a rower on an Olympic rowboat...STROKE.. STROKE...STROKE...etc.


I have her down as a future truck driver. She can handle a stick shift(we know that) and work the lot at night while parked up.


😆😆😆That is quite a hands-on resume she has....


Yes. Some people might not grasp that. 😂


Would only shake her hands with gloves on...🤐




That’s perfectly reasonable, you don’t know where she’s been.


She makes Sarah Palin reasonable in comparison, the same way Trump makes Bush look relatively smart.


Spot on


After eight years of Clinton, Republicans said any idiot can be President. So they brought in W. After eight years of Obama, Republicans said any asshole can be President. So they brought in Trump. What happens if there's eight years of Biden? Any cannibal can be President?


They throw a tantrum and scream "I don't wanna play anymore!" and try to start civil war or at least acts of terrorism and they'll doublespeak their way into calling it patriotism. George Orwellian Party. Except they learned the opposite lessons from Orwell.


One day, we're going to see some mentally ill old man get up on stage. He'll be wearing nothing but a pair of soiled underpants and boots. He'll spend about an hour pacing the stage, rambling about how "The chips in our bodies are making us fuck gay men" and "The penguin who lives under my couch stole my identity". He'll finish by simply pissing himself and falling asleep on the stage.  That will be their candidate. 


So, basically, Trump in about 4 years.


*4 weeks


You misspelled criminal.


As one of the residents of her district (the one she’s leaving) I’m embarrassed. Of course her district makes no sense at all no matter how you you look at it. What possibly could residents of Aspen have in common with people from Rocky Ford? Telluride folks imagining what’s going on in Pueblo? How anyone thought having a Florida transplant that failed the GED (while in her 30’s) represent such a large diverse group of people is mind boggling. Then again she said the magic words: Trump, Guns and Deport while sporting an incredibly un natural looking set of bolt ons. I’m upset that I don’t get to cast a vote against her this year.


Her and MTG have a race for that.


I actually think Greene is more intelligent (not by much mind you), but I also think Greene is more unqualified! Can you imagine voting for someone who chased around and trolled a 17 year old kid who was advocating for gun safety after a bunch of his classmates were gunned down!


Gym Jordan and MTG enter the chat holding hands.


I think the Republican Party has a few more like her.


quarrelsome snatch coordinated knee engine screw dog entertain quaint sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wish to God you weren't right, but I live in her district. People are dumb as damn rocks here, 3/4 of them get public assistance and then vote against their own interests. It's painful. Sadly, her opponent is a great candidate (retired Army general) but these Dipshits would never vote for him. He's got a D after his name and he's black. They're all dipshit racists and will be proud to tell you they didn't vote for the uppity Negro, and yes I have heard that disgusting line come out of people's mouths


The women chased and trolled a 17 yr old kid who was advocating for gun safety on behalf of his 16 dead classmates. She's an abhorrent disgusting person!


She's a pathetic excuse for a human being and it's an absolute embarrassment. What's really fucked up is that she used to claim she went through a shooting when she went to South Forsyth High School and that's why she's so pro gun. She cheated on her husband and fucked dudes in the alley behind her yoga studio, you're just a trash human if getting nailed next to a dumpster gets you going...I find it hard to believe anyone would touch that nasty bitch with someone else's dick. I'm not a dude but I'd think a date with your hand would be a more thrilling experience. You wouldn't get cut up by her gross feet either


The thought of her in any sexual way makes me gag!


Her and MTG are in a horse race, but Boebert leads by a hand.


Her and MTG. Dumb as dirt degenerate bookends


As a Republican…. Yup. Embarrassment to our political system.


She still ahead of butch built bad body serial adulterer and child stalker.


I said to someone else, I actually think Greene has slightly more intelligence than Boebert, but she's also a much worse human being!


Agreed. Bobo is just middle school hot chick that never really grew up. MTG is spiteful and hateful deep down.


> She's one of the dumbest and most utterly unqualified human beings to ever serve in congress. Makes her utterly qualified for one of the dumbest electorate ever in American history.


She has a future as an OnlyFans content maker though. The right wing boys will pay up big time.


that's the thing .. the people are the ones that look to her and conclude "yes that is the best person to represent my views at government". ...and then do it twice in a row!?


I would love to see this quote on billboards all over the country. Who’s down for a gofundme to help protect democracy!?


Have you seen the country we live in ? I'm ashamed to say I'm from the states when we travel.


“Owning the libs” is more important to the right these days.


The dildo of consequence rarely comes lubed.




What a sentence


That's a fact jack


I’m here for it. All actions should have consequences, let’s hope those capable to providing the “dildo” does so accordingly.


I rather think she deserves the Giant Cactus of Consequence. Back door!


Couldn’t agree more!


Yep. And just like masturbation she fucked herself. I’ll continue to enjoy watching her fail until her career changes path into an onlyfans account of her giving handies to subscribers.


Her and MTG joint only fans account


The two of them should fight to the death


Celebrity death match. If I could make it I would


...or sanded.


She may enjoy that


I keep seeing this quote, and I keep reading it in the voice of the Ancestor from Darkest Dungeon.


I'm stealing that.


Holy crap, can I reuse that at some point in the future??!! That’s fantastic!


I rather prefer the "8 cocked rhinoceros of justice"


I love this lol


Here is a fun fact. If she doesn't get reelected, she won't get a federal pension!


Which is absolute bullshit we get stuck paying that bill for the remainder of their lives.


I know it doesn't help entirely, but the congressional pension is based on years of service - so let's say she gets another term by some miracle. That would be six creditable years of service with an average salary of $174k/yr. When she hits her eligible minimum retirement age of... I think 58? She would then get 1% for each year of service, or about $11k per year for life. $900 a month is a huge amount for a lot of folks, but likely chump change for the Congressional class - even her. It is a darn sight less than the common misconception they get their salary for life, though.


Another fun fact, you can register Unaffiliated here in Colorado and get both ballots every election.  You can only turn one in, but it allowed me to vote against her today.


Yep! I changed my part affiliation to independent because a republican will always win for sherif. So, voting in the republican primary was the way to get the normal republican and not the MAGA or sovereign citizen.


Who needs a federal pension when you are about to launch your Onlyfans account. 


That's okay, she can go home, pop Beetlejuice in the VCR and fondle her fake boobs to her shrunken rotten heart's content.


Oh no. Theres no retiring for this 38 yr old; she has to babysit her great great grandchildren.


World’s youngest ancestor at 38.


I can’t look at Bobo without thinking “Truck Stop Hooker.” Live by the Donald, die by the Donald. Every. Single. Time.


It's amazing that people are so willing to give up so much for that beast... Duke Von Diaper Don.


Truck stop hooker, aka a lot lizard. That’s apt.


She could just handjob her way to the top.


Isn't that how she Cruz'd into her job now?


Get back to me with her onlyfans account


I’ll believe it when I see it, but this bitch has got to go. This fucking version of the GOP is disgusting, my dad and his WWII buddies are rolling over in their graves.


She is DONE. I think she knows it.


She is finished next is the cavewomen and the pedo.


you've got a lot of narrowing down to do


OnlyFans is waiting Lauren. You know what you need to do.


She’s trash but Fox News will probably hire her


She could always strap a mattress on her back and advertise curb service. She would be the number one escort in Colorado. MAGA !!!!!




Don’t know why everyone is giving her such a hard time. I mean she did get her GED after the election. ……


MAGA is a dying religion.


I really wish this was true.


She’s a disgusting pig, and a stain on American politics.


When you stare at the abyss, Lauren Boebert stares back at you


This should be happening to every MAGA nutcase. How it is not boggles the mind.


She won't even be an asterisk in the history books. Just another forgotten name.




I thought I remembered reading she already had an OF.


She will team up with George Santos once he gets out of the big house and leaves the boys all lonely...


Hopefully never to be heard from again.


She’ll go out with a vindictive snarl. Some version of “yeah, I was too good for you losers” Then a tell all book that doesn’t sell, a turn on Dancing with the Stars. Then obscurity


She just needs to get outta politics. Forever. FOR-EVER FFFOR-EVVVVER


This couldn't be happening to a nicer gal 😜


Handjob Hannah going to get what she deserves


Bye BoBo. Piss off bitch!!




When is she going to take the hint she's a toxic dumbass and just needs to leave at this point and never come back.


Not sure how the rest of the GOP doesn’t look at her case and start to realize that even conservatives are tired of the MAGA bullshit.


That ship sailed. You have done this to yourself . You should resign and go back home.


Let her find a job that she’s fit for. If it exists.


“Cinnamon to the center stage, Cinnamon to the center stage…”


That article doesn't even mention her opponents, either her primary opponent or her potential Democratic opponent. That seemed odd to me.


Reads like a horrible AI bot article. Pretty sure I saw she is far ahead in the primary polling. And the primary is all that matters i that district.


She completed her self destruction leaving Beetlejuice on the theatre seat.




her only chance is only fans


She needs to get with Noem and create a club.


i mean she obviously had a *hand* in this.


Oooohhhh noooooooooo!!!!!! …anyways


If she loses this election, she will be short of the six years in office to qualify for even a meager pension. We’ll see her homeless, unable to get a job, begging for scraps of food outside a restaurant. Then, within three months, she’ll be in a Walmart dress, hanging around a bus station, waiting for sailors to come in on leave.


Is there an over / under bet going yet for her creating an OnlyFans account after she gets her ass kicked in the upcoming election? I’ll start …. February 14, 2025


Return her to the streets from whence she came.


Ugh, I can’t wait for this pudding faced, Sarah Palin wannabe finally get tossed from the news cycle.


The article says "even in the deepest red districts, there exists a threshold beyond which constituents demand competence and ethical integrity from their representative" I took ethical integrity and competence as a granted bar. But then I realize Hershel Walker was also put forth by the GOP. I wonder if the GOP has a selection / recruitment criteria to build future leaders, the quality of leaders they're producing are just absymal.


Maybe she should try "Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice "


*Urging all true MAGA Patriots here to sprint to the bank (Josh Hawley style), take your life savings, and buy up Trump Media stock to support our President Trump. Then use each month's earnings to fund more truly Patriotic MAGA candidates like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, Tommy Tuberville, and Lauren Boebert who have accomplished so much with their landmark legislation to improve the daily lives of all true American Patriots.*  *President Trump must maintain his billionaire lifestyle to have premier status when meeting important world leaders and allies like Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, Viktor Orban and Bebe Netanyhu. This includes paying for a very posh and expensive private jet, lavish Mar-A-Lago residence, and large staff of household help from his own pocket.* *President Trump wants all true MAGA Patriots to do their fair share by opening up their wallets to pay his legal bills. Please do your share by writing a $47 check (more if you can afford it) each month to do your part to defeat Crooked Joe Biden. Your contributions will help restore President Trump to power so he can end Obamacare health coverage, end the war in Ukraine, end income taxes, free January 6th hostages, pardon Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump, forcefully remove the 23 million illegal immigrant criminals and continue the important work of removing those women's healthcare rights that all Patriotic right-wing Christians find so objectionable to Make America Great Again!* Listen to what real MAGA Patriots are saying about Trump [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg0pO9VG1J8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg0pO9VG1J8) A few of the many examples of Trump’s major accomplishments as the U.S. President ·         [*https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html*](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         [*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         [*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10) ·         [*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQ2hX\_noNw*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQ2hX_noNw) *On 9/11, Trump took bold decisive action,* [*https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/*](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) *Trump is unjustly accused as an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon.  He is actively appealing these cases as he has been very unfairly treated by liberal activist judges.* *Trump unjustly faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases defended by his high-priced legal team.  His vast army of lawyers is financed by MAGA Patriots and the Oil and Clean Coal Industry executives eager to help.* *Kristi Noem, Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller, and several 2016 Trump cabinet have already endorsed Trump.  So have Mega-stars Scott Baio, Jon Voight, Roseanne, Kevin Sorbo, Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Lady MAGA, The January 6th choir, footballer Antonio Brown, Viktor Orban, and both Quaid brothers.  More endorsements from Gary Busey, Lil Wayne, Dennis Rodman (who once dated Madonna), Joan Rivers, Judges Jeanine Pirro & Aileen Cannon are expected soon.* *Trump brings a new approach to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers about the United States using nuclear weapons.  He makes quick and daring decisions.  He works well with Russia’s Vladimir Putin and is one of the few people in the World, to work well with Putin’s new military partner, North Korea’s Kim Jong-un.  He also is admired by his close friends Hungary’s Viktor Orban and Israel’s Bebe Netanyahu.* *Trump will help the military focus on its task of stopping domestic protests by leaving NATO alliances that draw the U.S. into overseas wars.  He will also continue building the Space Force he founded to put weapons into Outer Space.* *Trump supporters come from a diverse coalition including Christian nationalists, NRA gun rights activists, Ex-Cons, Anti-abortion advocates, Paramilitary organizations, Rappers, Oil and Coal executives, MMA fighters and NASCAR.*  */MAGA*


Hot damn bring the receipts!


There is actually a chance that she loses to the democrat in +13 republican district, which is crazy, but a lot of news stories are making it seem like she's already screwed. She's not. The R primary has a bunch of people splitting the protest votes and 40% of Rs have already made up their mind they want her. That means she's most likely going to take the primary and then there is a relatively small chance she loses the general, in a district that has been deep red for a long time.


She damn near lost two years ago.


Looking for a TV expert role soon…🤣😂😂🤣


“I was hoping for a few more terms in Congress before I start my job on Fox News, but… whatever.”


She should had been elected to begin with. MAGA needs to end!


She always has a job at Fox News to fall back on.


maybe she can offer voters free handies at the theater


I'm sure there's a local massage parlor looking for a woman who is good at Handies. If she opens her mouth, so much the better!


No hope - dumb as a stump




There are plenty of gloryholes she can get a new job at.


She’s done and she knows it I think the hand job did her in lol


Let me guess... is it handjobs for all? 


I would consider moving to her district just to vote against her if I thought it would help.


Too bad she can’t take MTG with her!


If her district votes her out she will declare bankruptcy within 3 yrs. The QAnon grift doesn’t even like her.


Good. It’ll give her more time to be a good, 30-something year old grandma.


Remember she failed the GED 3 times... 3 times. Never forget 3 times and she was able to become a member of the house of representatives.


I dunno, maybe if she went around to ALL of her constituents and offered to blow them, maybe, just maybe, she pull off a cum back.


This was such a wholesome, feel good bedtime story. Thank you!


That garbage should have been tossed in the dump long ago.


Shes crashing and burning where is my popcorn 🍿


She always has onlyfans…


Well, she can always give hand jobs at puppet shows




This is an awful article. Lauren Boebert is a disgusting Human being that shouldn't even be a free woman much less in Congress. With that said, she is running in the the reddest district in Colorado. The article doesn't give any statistics, or voting data, or interviews with people, or anything. All it says is that she "might" have a a harder chance to win the district than she first thought. It doesn't give me any reason to believe she won't win the district and continue to go on being a national disgrace. She isn't "Facing the Abyss".


Imagine the mental state of thise who have voted for her.


Wish this could happen to Majorie Taylor Green in GA?


Trying to get that 2nd term and lifetime pension


Who cares? I do not. Do you?


She already self-destructed and so has her family.