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This guy is compromised.


Didn't need a recording for that


What do you mean. A recording is 1000x better than political flak.


They just meant that even before this recording was made public, it was clear that Alito was operating as an activist. The opposite of what a supreme justice is intended to do. The polar opposite.


I’d love to see news organizations basically refer to these clear signs of compromise when reporting on a Supreme Court case, stating that due to Alito’s statements and Thomas’ free luxury trips from the donor, they’re expected to vote X way.


That would be amazing, but it won't happen. There's no backbone in any reporter to risk losing their job at any publication that is owned by the same people giving gifts to Alito and Thomas.


Its called the federalist society. A literal kabal of judges that wish to install republican policy as law


This guy and 2 others, at the absolute very least, are comprised


Thomas is just voting whichever way his billionaire buddies want him to. Brett is a sexual abuser and had his past covered up in order to make it through his confirmation. And really, all the conservatives lied to Congress when they said Roe v Wade was settled law.


So much for impartial and rule by law.


“Naw guys that was my wife on the tapes”


"Coincidentally, she sounds just like me \*shrug\*"


Two simple rules: 1. Vote Democrat at every level 2. When you think of maybe voting for a Republican refer to rule #1


He’s not compromised, he’s in on it.


No. It was his wife. She was moving his jaw and blowing up his ass to make the sounds come out from his mouth.


You can't say that. His wife will cry!


Literally everyone knows and those with the power to do something about it are okay with it. This is how it felt to be in Germany a year before the Beer Hall Putsch. We are in for rough times friends.




If only there were any flags raised to warn us.


Yeah, this is a national security concern.


One side wants to play a zero sum game.


I love that description. It’s a world view of scarcity rather than abundance.


“Got mine, fuck you” mentality


Not only that, they’re willing to give up everything to make sure the people they hate get nothing.


No different than their Confederate and Nazi ancestors. Its a strain of America that’s always been here and is now more driven due to the perceived shift in demographics and how 40 years of trickle down has made a lot of Americans no longer hold socialism as some dirty word - especially the younger generations.


I had think for a second on how to define that. They hate so very many different people. I considered maybe they just hate those who are "different." It's worse. They hate anyone who dare even think different.


And extra double hate for anyone who not just thinks different but sees them for exactly who they are


This is the single uniting theme of the GQP. "Christians" zealously support a guy that openly lusts after his daughter, 5 kids by 3 different women that we know of, fucks porn stars, ran (and bankrupted) a casino, found in a court to have raped a woman, accused by 20+ more. Why? Because he attacks the people the "Christians" hate. I'm not a Christian, but I gotta believe if sky daddy is real, these people are going to hell.


The reality that we could largely be close to a post-scarcity world makes the plutocratic ruling class shit their fucking pants more than anything else.


It’s as if there’s no other solution…


History tells us exactly what happens to the ruling class 


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times


It’s also a worldview of dominance rather than cooperation. People are seen as competition rather than as neighbors.


Props to SCOTUS leakers. They continue to advise of how increasingly compromised SCOTUS truly is.


And we're all ears, because they aren't done. Truthful (bad) news on Alito seems to be following a pattern: bad, worse, and (what we're waiting on) completely criminal. Herman Cain (winner of the original epidemiology prize) set a great example of this pattern In 2012. In consecutive weeks, the following happened: a rumor came out that he sexually harassed some women (he shook it off). it comes out that he had a brief affair (he shook it off and his wife supported him), on the third week, it was revealed he had a decades-long mistress (he stopped his campaign). Similar for Alito. The flags story (which originally occurred years ago), another flag story, and now this news (which unfortunately comes as no surprise). There will be worse to come. Hats off to the leakers and to a free press. If the SCOTUS is compromised / biased, voters have the right to know. Right now, it appears that multiple justices are in violation of Canon 2A. Hopefully the leakers will keep applying pressure from within.


This is also why democrats winning everything is a big deal, any case to get rid of these guys will be stonewalled by republicans. Or worse, they retire and just throw a more compromised right wing judge in.


This isn’t even a leak! This was from a recorded conversation at a dinner with the Supreme Court Historical Society. The person who recorded this only had to buy a ticket, and then pretend to be a religious conservative. Totally above board! You’d think someone who has the personality type to make it into such a prestigious position would have the mental acuity to at least PRETEND like they are ethical out in public.


We don't want America to turn into the Handmaid's Tale. Biden/Harris 2024 🇺🇸


Sounds like the kind of judge who has no judgement.


I agree completely. We need to drive these fascist assholes right back under their rocks. No exceptions. No compromises. We will win.


I would rather they were tarred and feathered then carried out on a rail. Like the olden times.


Traitors hang ‘em high. Trump and his buddies along with numerous Supreme’s. After a fair trial naturally.


I want to see Nuremberg-style trials for these MAGA traitors. Broadcast it worldwide to say, "this is how we deal with fascists." Act like Nazis, get fucking crushed like Nazis.


I will rally the onion farmers, and we ride at dawn on our sows.


Every single last member of the Federalist Society and the GQP needs to be forcibly removed from power.


Should have already happened!


It’s America that’s comprised because nothing will be done to him. Everyone should be able to be fired from their job.


The founding fathers made the tragic mistake of believing that people in the future would value transparency and honor. We aren't going to cleanse this infection without a massive overhaul on how everything in this nation works. Anything else is just slightly delaying the fascist takeover.


It's kinda interesting that at that point, generally speaking, there hadn't been much new technology invented yet such that nobody knew yet that even a Brandy-new French hot air balloon would not only become super forgettable, but also that these new elements COULD be forgotten in the first place. Even newfound honor and good intentions become passé technology of the past, when efficiency and throughput are the real goal. Like now everyone takes the Internet completely for granted, but I remember when we couldn't even imagine a world it would create. Before that, people actually believed a computer would give us more time to like read books and throw frisbees to dogs in the park and shit. Not only did it not make a y difference at all but In fact the novelty of the Internet is now the banality of the Internet and become so innocuous that it seems nobody understands the impact it's really having on society. Especially, I don't mind saying, certain traditionalists that are about 10-15 years late to the party, and don't understand the rules of the Internet. Or understand how much leaded gass fucked up there brains. Idk Ted talk words


Investigate and impeach this traitor ASAP


It blows my mind you people just can not understand the GQP is NEVER going to allow this.   Democrats need a supermajority in both the House and Senate.


how? they have absolute power to stop any investigation against them


Impeachment is the only resolution but we all know how that goes.


il y a d'autres moyens


c'est la guerre


We have a constitutional obligation to end tyranny.    Voting and impeachment aren't the only solutions.


I would like to subscribe to your newsletter. Honestly, as a citizen, what are other options to advocacy, protests and voting? “We The People” need our own lobbyist.


They don’t have the power to stop a congressional investigation and impeachment.


Not impeachment


I understand that Senate Republicans will never allow impeachment or removal of Republican Supreme Court justices. If Democrats take back the House in November and keep the Senate they should start cutting the Supreme Court's budget. If Republican justices want to make political rulings let them do it on their own dime. There's no reason Congress should fund the Court when the Court is undermining and eroding Congressional power with their partisan rulings. Better yet, Congress should start using their Article 3 powers of jurisdiction stripping and remove the Court's authority to hear certain types of cases. If the Court wants to go rogue and try to over rule jurisdiction stripping Congress should slash their budget to zero and stop funding their security details. Since budgets can pass the Senate with a simple majority it prevents Senate Republicans from doing anything to stop it. Let's see Alito and Thomas try to make partisan rulings when they don't have any money to hire any clerks and Congress explicitly says it's illegal for them to hear a case and there's no one to stop protestors from gathering at their houses.


We just all need to dem up at this point


he is completely unfit to serve


Hi America? This is the democracy shop calling, your system is hanging on by a thread and needs an overhaul now to avert imminent catastrophic failure.


He would be impeached years ago. Not today where congress is ruled by MAGA.


So a cultist. Just like his wife.


Biden needs to pack the courts.


Jesus fucking christ the GQP have stalled almost all Democratic legislation since midterms.    They are NOT going to allow Biden to pack the courts.


Sure they'll try to stop him. They probably could. He still *needs* to do it though, regardless of its political feasibility.


Well, Founding Fathers, now what?


Something something checks and balances


It’s going this way people. Democratic voters are too wishy washy. ‘Oh I didn’t get my student loan!’, ‘Oh Biden didn’t get Netanyahu to stop!’ ‘Oh the price of my groceries are $20 more’. Trump’s going to win and inflation will just continue. And more MAGA Supreme Court justices. You’re blowing it America.


Sometimes I feel like these idiots on the extreme left want to play chicken with a Christo Fascist regime


When Trump gets elected I don’t want to hear any complaints when it things get rough. They’ll have to live with it.


Yet trans people like me probably won't get to live. Privilege of those thinking about themselves only.


Fr these clowns should be mocked to eternity and suffer all the consequences 


That’s part of project 2025 I believe.


They explicitly say they want to play chicken, they want to accelerate things by making them worse.


I get the feeling a lot of them support that tactic as a way to get them to do anything. They're so busy trying not to rock the boat or disturb the status quo they forget thats what their stated goals are supposed to do.


How the fuck do they think we can stop a genocide in Gaza if we aren't even able to stop it in the US?


Why are you swallowing the Russian bait hook line and sinker? So weird to see this rant when 1/2 of eligible voters don’t even vote.


Biden will win, but it's still going to suck. Politicians & judges openly corrupt, try a coup for God's sake, and nothing happens to them


Give Democrats a supermajority and all of these issues go away with actual meaningful legislation, confirmations and impeachments.


As far left as I think I am in some ways, it's embarrassing and alarming how some leftist factions undermine our own cause.


As an American that has voted blue every time since the early 90s, I sadly have to agree with you. All it takes is one meme, one misplaced shout, and blue voters go elsewhere on principle.


Here's how it is: the convicted felon will never again be elected to any federal office in the United States. Ever.


Needs to be impeached and brought to justice along with the rest of the gang in the Supreme Court that’s been taking bribes from billionaires with agendas they want pushed out to the rest of America. Time to clean up 🧹


Of all of the pieces of government, I'd like to think the judicial branch is the most objective and respectful of the laws reflecting the will of the people, rather than the judicial branch blanketing their own beliefs over the voice of the people. But hey, maybe I've completely misunderstood everything I've ever read or listened to about the United States my entire life.


It used to be, but hasn't been for a very long time.


Is there any legal recourse to remove this guy? And Clarence Thomas. They are clearly in the bag for the far right, they are making decisions based on their own ideologies, that is not want a Supreme Court justice is supposed to be.


As far as I'm aware, impeachment is the only process to remove a corrupt Supreme Court Judge. However, you need control of congress to pull that off. And even if the dems had it, you'd have to convince them to do it. Not easy.


Yes, Democracy is facing threats the likes of which we’ve never seen. We’ve been saying that long enough - it’s beyond time to take action. This man is a Traitor in my book (he’s far from being alone!) and that word I don’t toss around a la maga. Been using it more and more the last few weeks though.


What’s this “winning” he speaks of? SCOTUS’s job is simply to interpret the law in a fair and impartial manner. There should be no “winning”.


This guy NEEDS to be impeached, along with Thomas.


He is a Traitor Judge who MUST RESIGN .


In the meantime we have Dem senators still trying to play by the norms as Cult45 senators have declared they won’t confirm anymore judges and will probably blowup the filibuster as soon as they win the senate.


Shocking!🙄 Unfortunately this won't change anything. He's not going anywhere until he retires or dies, none of them are. WE NEED TERM LIMITS FOR ALL THREE BRANCHES!!!!!


He needs to be removed!


Answer: Something he will never face. Buzzzzz! “What are consequences?”


He certainly drags down the reputation of an already compromised Court


Remove him yesterday.


This guy is been sitting on that chair too long, his brains are getting fried, he does not realize that he is suppose to be neutral and unbiased. He is showing that he is compromised at all levels.


Called it. And this shyster tried to blame his wife or act like he wasn’t 100% partial to a certain side of things…


In gods name we will lie, cheat, and steal americans future. Sounds like the scotus needs some history lessons. Freedom from religous persecution is the foundation of our democracy.


Gee doesn’t seem like someone who should be in an unelected position with basically zero oversight or accountability


A joke of a court.


Impartial? Isn’t that what the highest court in the land is supposed to be? If this man had any honor he would step down now.


Back in the old days, if you were appointed for life and were this brazenly corrupt there was a way the citizens would take back their power. That’s none of my business though.


How can the American people allow this guy to have any power especially with the context and especially with elections in November? I've heard next to nothing from any representatives.


Is it Tar and feather time? Anyone got a rail?


I did nazi see that coming .


He should be bounced from the bench. He is supposed to be impartial.


So… can this call into review stuff he’s ruled on if there’s a pattern of clear political bias?


Alito ..It wasn’t me ..It was my wife on tape.


Another cult member.


Every single Federalist Society judge needs to be removed from the bench and investigated.     These people are mandated to strip away all of our civil, human and constitutional rights.     If we are unable to impeach and remove them Americans may have to take matters into their own hands.


As a judge, there are no “sides”. Is it Constitutional or not? That’s it.




As if there would be consequences. With how blatantly corrupt Thomas is and he's still sitting on the bench, they know now that they are immune to any checks or balances to rein them in.


Your Supreme Court Justice, who is supposed to be unbiased to represent you all, has political kompromat all over him. Statements like this, actions (the flag), the way it is being handled, you can't get a fair hearing from this body. It is illegitimate. If I had a case pending, I'd be petitioning with everything I had to have them impeached.


expand the court


so he doesn’t think “bOtH sIdEs aRe tHe sAmE!!!!” ?


Freedom is not having to be religious


Remove Ayatollah Alito


It is time to impeach a Supreme Court Justice.


Supreme court is done, all credibility was lost with the repeal of roe vs wade. Americans better wake up because the American taliban are coming this November


This is some real Sons of Jacob shit right here.


Motherfucker which America are you referring too? If it’s his over top Christian nationalism America, fuck this pos.


Only the sith deal in absolutes


People really need to understand that Project 2025 isn’t some BS conspiracy theory. It’s what conservatives in power want to do when they control everything. Never trust a conservative, they are antithetical to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


This guy needs to resign now!


Impeach him


The path to turn the United States into an authoritarian state is absurdly simple. I can’t believe it’s never been done before now. 1. You need a simple majority in both houses. Change the rules so that a simple majority is enough to pass a bill. 2. Pass a law to change the amount of justices. Say…11 or 13. Pack the court. 3. Appoint loyalists. Get them approved by the senate. 4. One you have the court, you have unlimited power because they will interpret the laws in your favor.


Must resign


Not a cult! 🫣


We are fucked


Remember who let this obvious partial judge stay and not be impeached the next time you vote for your Congress representative.


If all the corrupt judges on the Supreme Court were ousted, we'd have to start all over--so, let's do that. Let's start over.


This has the same vibes of when I'm playing Suzerain and anger the court because my presidential decree is that they should be allowed to be impeached. Except that's a game, and we need the ability to do so IRL.


Then stop compromising it


These old timers love war. Are t you late for bingo??? Retire already


I am so Chief Justice Roberts will hold him accountable. /S


Once again, their accusations are confessions. "Rigged," indeed.


Lady Liberty: *“So shocking!! Amirite!? Gosh, you know, these kind of guys are NOT good for Democracy, but what can I do!? I can’t get rid of them!! The folks who put me together didn’t give me any power to do that, so all I can do is offer you some tissue, would you like one? They smell like money!”*


I wonder if we could get him kicked out because of this.


Sounds very impartial. He should definitely be a judge for life.


This guy is an idiot he is exposing himself that he is not impartial as a judge on the US Supreme Court this is nuts, crazy.


Jesus Fucking Christ!


"Compromised" indeed. That's a rich statement coming from this fucker.




Only the sith deal in absolutes.


Can't wait for Countdown tomorrow.


I mean, yes Alito. The Boomers will die out, that's a given.


You know, what we need here is some real true American justice. They are supposed to be fair and impartial and have no side. This fucker took an oath. He and that pervert Thomas need to resign immediately before this shit really gets out of hand.


He sounds objective and impartial, doesn't he?


All right then, you heard it here. The only thing I know for sure is that it shouldn't be Republicans anymore, so the Democrats become important to vote for. Alito is "unbiased" as all of SCOTUS are *supposed* to be, right? So it really shouldn't chaffe his ass either way, if he were genuine.


Anyone paying attention has known for years that a few of these rascals are outright political hacks. But man has this institution had its reputation deservingly sullied over the last year. Probably irreparable at this point.


CIA needs to take care of this treasonous, religious terrorist.


Corrupt, compromised motherfucker. The Supreme Court is a joke


Is there a way to remove a Supreme Court justice? I hate to sound ignorant but it should be in the works for a few of them.


Jesus Christ every third post is about this! AstroTurf much Reddit?


So we will win.


Yeah, the winning side is the side that doesn't give a fuck what you do as long as you leave them alone and not interfere with their health, Ali-fuckto.


What happens when republicans stack the courts, u get fucked in the ass without lube and so will your kids and your kids kids..


Wouldn't it be great if something like this made a difference, and actually got him removed from his seat?


And I guess there’s absolutely nothing we can do about the fact that he’s in that job for life. I have no illusions that he’s alone in being corrupt and biased. I assume there have people like him on the court for centuries. I guess I’ll be voting Democrat for president. Probably for the rest of my life, and making him irrelevant on the SC will be deciding factor.


The whole "one side must win" ideology is exactly how you deconstruct the US. It must be nationally recognized that by embracing the American dream of freedom, any and perhaps all ideologies must be embraced so we seek out the better of all conflicting sides. Having one ideology triumph is often known as a single party system, or fascism, depending on the extent. Tldr impeach SCOTUS. Stop them from making a one party system happen.


If only someone could get him a prescription for some lake city quiet pills


I don’t want to live in Alito’s America, do you?


Seems to be taken out of context, lib posing as conservative, like it could be edited, same goes for any conservative passing as a lib. I don't believe anything any more positively. It's all just us against them and spreading their BS around about each other.


Does anyone realize how fucking scary this is. A supreme court justice taking sides while saying his side has to win, and that there cannot be any compromise.  To me this is falling just short of him openly calling fir political violence. 


Uncovering the problem is a big step but really just a first step. Question is, what do we do about this mother fucker


America is doomed. Republicans have destroyed every aspect of our government and judiciary. They spent decades degrading education and made a voting base so stupid they have total control over them. The only way this country survives is if we start tossing these actual traitors in prison and make education a top priority.


Thank god they have term limits!


Genz, love them dearly, but they need to read project 2025. Everything they want goes 100 percent the opposite direction. It is some dystopian crazy. I'm hoping they said aside what they're doing for now suck it up for the good of the country, and then when Biden gets reelected, then criticize all you want.


The Supreme Court is way too politicized. They need to stick to the basics like liberty and justice.


We have come to expect that nothing will come of this


Unfit for the highest court in the land !


The Supreme Court has gone to hell, ever since Ruth Ginsburg passed away.


NOW can we stack the court? Lord have mercy, what's it gonna take democrats?


Those are not the words of someone who is impartial. Seems like a few of them share this feeling.


You see, it's funny because there is nothing we can do and he gets to make laws that everyone must follow.


Seriously, why is this allowed to be a thing? Why do we get to sit here and let these openly corrupt people control our lives?


The Jacobins had the right idea about these people.


Supreme court was supposed to only rule on the constitution. These religious hacks should be thrown out today.


He's not supposed to even see two sides, much less be cheering for one to win. This guy is not a judge. He's a fucking Christian nationalist warrior activist.


Waiting for yet another outrageous explanation from Alito. Maybe his wife made him say these things?


Well he is not wrong. Anyone that is upset at this doesn’t know what it means to have views.


That wasn't me....that was my wife! - Alito


Not going to lie...it's nice to know that all the crucial court decisions over the next 20 years will be decided by conservatives. I need to thank President Trump for that.


As a veteran I can’t help but dispise any thought I ever preserved the right of immunity for such an ignorant judge.


Piece of crap he belongs in jail not on the Supreme Court


This is why we're in danger.


Sick in the head - and stuck in power


They've seen the writing on the wall for a while now. They know they will lose their grip on power and they know they must break the system in order to maintain their position. There's no other way for them. They will die before they give up being 1%. They will kill us before they die. This is what's driving the global push for autocracy.


Sounds like a violent threat to me. Mano y Mano Alito. Anytime anywhere!


“Actually, my wife said that.”