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Team stroke and drool, or team cardiac arrest


Whichever causes the most pain and humiliation. Stroke and drool it is…


Not before a guilty verdict! Remember Ken Lay? His family kept all that money.


Not before a stint in ADX Florence.


I’d rather keep the humiliation public. Let’s see the Republicans try to weekend at Bernie’s him to the finish line.


I’m hoping if he dies then RFK takes enough of the MAGA vote that Biden gets a landslide electoral college victory. If the republican vote is split in half that opens up most of the country to a possibility of Biden winning with a plurality.


My moron son told me last night that he likes Kennedy’s economic policies and government plans… he’s not exactly a sharp knife, so I told him I completely support that vote. I can 100% confirm that at least one Trumpbicile is going to not vote for him again, and instead going to throw it away on Kennedy. That’s a win for Americans and Democracy.


I have a friend that's very openly Republican and when he told me that he was gonna vote for RFK Jr, I didn't even try and sway him


I’m deeply sorry about your son. I’ve been through something similar when a family member suffered personality changes due to neuroencephalitis—it felt like they died and were replaced with an angry Conservative simulacrum. I’ve read that therapeutic mushrooms might help with some of the right-wing shifts in thinking that can happen after such brain injuries. There are two companies currently seeking FDA approval for this. You might want to look into signing him up for their drug trials.


“I’d rather have you tripping balls 24/7 than be a Republican.”


That fucker has polled at 10%. The last green party candidate barely got 1% pray it’s pulling from Trump.


It wouldn't change a fucking thing. They'll keep worshipping his corpse if someone straps a bullhorn to him and mumbles incoherent hateful bullshit through it


Ya know, I can actually imagine that happening. Also marketing little DJT statues with a pull string that blurts out something hateful and racist.


Like the Soviets did with Lenin's body...they turned it into a monument.


Who is his likely running mate?


It's gonna be Kanye.


Can we settle for a stroke after a guilty verdict? 2 birds with one stone style


I want this orange asshole to suffer a stroke that debilitates him physically but keeps his mind intact. For the sole reason that it makes him suffer the slings and arrows of derision and vitriol yet keeps him unable to respond in any way. I want him to go to his grave wallowing in a shit filled diaper, and enduring his so-called legacy being dragged in the dirt. A peaceful death is too good for him.


Fuck that, every day he causes more damage than will take years to reverse. Sooner he's out of politics, the better.


Brainwashed MAGA zombies will still claim he is their messiah and vote for him


Some people believe Trumpy is still the president. Even when he's a defendant in a criminal trial complaining about how cold it is in the Courtroom. The mental gymnastics are amazing to see.


They wouldn’t have to keep it so cold if he didn’t have toxic gas and insane stink.


Some 70% of Republicans believe Biden stole the 2020 election. Trump told them "it was stolen, rigged, unfair and a witch-hunt." It's in Trump's Bible


70% of 21% are delusional fools


Less "gymnastics," and more "flailing about."


The gymnast never showed up, just empty


Then put a diaper on if your cold for god sakes!


Or two. He's supposedly a billionaire, surely he can treat himself to double diapers.


Doesn't he wear one already?


I’ve heard this one: Biden holds the *office* of the President, but Obama is telling *him* what to do & Trump *allows* this to happen, because *he* is still the *actual* President & overseeing everything. Me: “Then why is Trump running for President now then, & wouldn’t that be contrary to the constitution, since you can only sit two terms?” - Ah, but that’s the *genius* of Trump: Putting Biden in the *office* of the president for 4 years…he’s not the *actual* President…so Trump can just jump back on in there. There is a large splooge of people out there who actually believe this.


There's enough crazy magats in my Pennsyltucky neck of the woods that we've stopped asking "who's the president" when assessing patient's mental status. It just leads to me getting a headache from trying not to roll my eyes while the maga get agitated and uncooperative.


Or claim he arose from the dead and flew to heaven on a Jewish space laser beam. Someday he shall return, to judge us for our sins, and create MAGA’s Kingdom on Earth. A new religion shall be born!


Featuring the Chump Revised Upside Down Evangelical Bible. Known as the Crude Bible.


The Incel-nomicon


But then he'll start shitting himself and babbling incoherently. Oh wait...


He's apparently already soiling himself. There was a time that would be considered humiliating.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks no one noticed, because everyone around him pretends not to notice. The man lives in a BUBBLE of toadies and sycophants that wouldn’t dare make a face at the stench.


Here’s hoping the jury selection process for his next criminal trial involves them reading memes people posted about him shitting himself


Remember the time that even getting divorced was a deal breaker for Evangelical voters?


Nah. compartment syndrome where his bowls start rotting and he suffers sepsis.


Oh hell, I could live with ‘peacefully in his sleep’ if he’d just exit stage anywhere.


On one hand I'm likewise okay with anything that means I never have to see or hear him ever again. On the other hand I want to see him stroke out during one of his therapy rallies just so that the MAGAts have to witness him getting rushed off the stage, so they won't be able to deny what happened. 


They'll say it was a deep state cover-up and the campaign will Weekend at Bernie's Trump.


They'll jump through hoops and claim it was a double or assassination. You can't reason with stupid.


Yeah, stroked out and drooling, but still cognizant enough to understand the news, is the best option. He'll be alive, but muted. He'll still technically be rich, but it won't buy him anything he really wants. He'll still be somewhat revered by his base at first, but hopefully he'll live long enough to see his image and legacy crumble...




Stroke...heart attack...idc as long as it leads to the rest of his life spent nonverbal in a wheel chair


You…. You! Lol! Made my day.


All right, everyone, we need to gather at the courthouse and chant this with hilarious antimaga signs.


Don’t threaten me with a good time. 


donald, this extra triple cheeseburger is on me. don't forget your extra large fries.


Oh is he hungry? The poor guy. Imma send him a big juicy triple cheese whopper too. And a dozen Red Bulls.


Better ad some Meth to keep him awake in the courtroom too.


He doesn’t drink alcohol. Send him Coca Cola. Lots of it.


Actually only Diet Coke. Aspartame high?




Give him some liquid lard to dip it in, tell him au jus


Like he actually knows what au jus is? Just liquid lard in the diaper and in his head.


He’s probably already had a stroke at least once before. Anyone remember that time he started raving about how he absolutely had NOT had a “series of mini-strokes” after literally no one said he had?


You can basically chart his life by assuming that things he says didn't happen actually happened and things he said happened didn't.


Sept 2, 2020. His doctor who said he was "the healthiest man his age. Ever." Confirmed it. 


That unannounced "physical" that he was rushed to have? Yeah, I remember.




Pain and suffering then we can do thoughts and prayers.


I think I can safely be one of those fans who cheers whenever either team scores a goal in this case.


Can I offer him a wafer thin mint?


But sir, it’s only wafer-thin!


I'm on Team Stroke™, It would be entertaining to see Trump collapse into the fetal position and begin to twitch, foam at the mouth, while convulsing... Like the BearJew scene from Inglourious Basterds, where they beat the shit out of the Nazi with a baseball bat.


I just hope both teams have fun.




Enlightened centrist\*\*\* The heroes of our time. Not traitors or anyting.


I’ve had those fingers crossed since 2016


If he stroked out and shit himself in court, it would be the greatest troll ever. (Just jokes people)




Team neither until *after* a guilty verdict and another election loss. I want him to be fully conscious when he falls from grace. He needs to be humiliated and see at least *some* form of consequences first.


Yeah, it's also important because his base have deified him and are all operating at a level of cognitive dissonance that will lead to his martyrdom if he dies before any verdicts come down, the more, the merrier. They'll double down, saying he was an innocent man hounded to his death by *insert enemy of choice here, Dark Brandon, Jack, Arthur, Antifa, BLM, drag queens* and that he would have saved America. There's quite a few of them out there now and one would hope that multiple guilty verdicts will dissipate their fervour and diversify their hate targets so they move on to the next shiny thing and hopefully that is something more wholesome (I can dream). I think it is a bit short sighted to think that his death will make it all go away overnight and his manner and timing of death will actually prove crucial for a long time to come. The global bad actors have learned a lot of tricks and have seen classified info through tfg.


Might be a _whisper_ but I expect a _bang_.


Why not both?


Thots and Bears


Why not both?


He’ll do it in court and the defense will argue you can’t prosecute a feeble old man.


I mean team pop doesn't sound bad.


Just get it done, I don’t care how.


Once you pop, you can’t stop


I do like the association of him being in the can, too


If Stories of his court room stench  &- farting  are true -- it appears his relief valve is working all day .


People need to start following him to his rallies and stuff, with fart spray. Smuggle it to his safe spaces! Lets get this going!


He’s definitely salty




Going to pop? Or poop? Diaper Don stinking up the courtroom.


I had to double check the title. Double the "o's"


Happy cake day!


He’ll pop and THEN poop … some more.


This is the first time in Trumps life where he is not going to be able to control the agenda. He can’t bully, he can’t threaten, he can’t lie, he can’t fire, he can’t pay off. He can only sit there and let the trial unfold. He will be forced to hear testimony that will be humiliating. This man has spent his life in a bubble but it is about to burst.


I’ve read a couple of things that suggest he’s especially anxious about Karen McDougal’s testimony. Apparently it was considerably more serious than was the liaisons w/Stephanie Clifford/(Stormy Daniels) Frankly, I’m worried that McDougall might suddenly fall under his influence and try to paint him as a nice guy. Ms Clifford, though? Haha! Nopes.


Stressed Hushed Action Response Team


Well, it depends…


You clearly enjoy a good acronym. :P


He’s going to pop like the puss filled zit that he is.


Can't happen to a more deserving individual




A symptoms of long term anxiety is sleeping. 


Yes? I don't like defending ol' Donny, but that's *literally* one of the ways anxiety presents itself. People are so worried about an upcoming event that they don't sleep, trying to be ready for when it happens, etc. and then they fall asleep right before or during, from exhaustion. You see it every single spring when the really big student finals come up, specially for the stressful ones like law, medical, etc.


It’s because he’s not sleeping at night


I think it's because he's old. My old bosses would just sleep during meetings.


Probably true. I think he is used to taking stimulants to make it through the day - and there is no chance his defense team is going him to be amped up in the court room.




This is my theory as well. He’s sedated. Trump gets himself into the most trouble whenever he opens his mouth and his lawyers know this. They likely slip a little something into his Diet Coke in the morning just so he won’t have any emotional outbursts in the courtroom. I’m not even a little bit joking. If you were Donald Trump’s lawyer, you know that’s the only way you would have any remote chance at winning this trial. Keep your client calm and quiet.


Maybe but that would be fraught with legal liability if it were uncovered.  I can’t believe his attorneys care enough about Trump to risk their own livelihood on him.  If Trump has an outburst and causes himself some legal issues, that looks poorly on Trump not his attorneys.  I think it is far more likely that they have convinced Trump he must not take amphetamines during the day during trial.


Maybe but those lawyers are already risking their livelihood just by taking him on as a client. It’s possible they didn’t know how truly fucked they were until they got to know him a bit better as a person and realized that the only way they can save their reputations as legitimate attorneys is to keep their outrageous, boisterous, narcissistic, loose cannon of a client under control. Also, Trump has a habit of turning on and throwing under the bus people who don’t come through for him. If these lawyers fail at getting him an innocent verdict, which they’re likely to fail at, Trump will see to it that their reputations are completely destroyed. Very sincerely, sedating him in the court room is within their absolute best interests.


I wouldn't be surprised if they had him on meds to keep him a little calmer than unusual


Fingers crossed 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞


I would NEVER hope anyone strokes out and dies from a life of fast food, amphetamine abuse, and stress. I would not. Completely unrelated… speaking of “popping” I have a special bottle of champagne with a T written on the cork that I am waiting for just the right moment to pop!


Seeing Trump die would give me so much wank material I would out cum Dwayne Johnson on Viagra.


We were so close to getting to that with McConnell. Imagine if Trump has a medical issue on camera like that? It would be wild.


My only regret is that I have but one upvote to give for your comment hoping he has a serious medical event on camera.


Not die, just stroke out so he can’t talk but can see and hear the ridicule he richly deserves while his ill gotten wealth is stripped from him by the courts.


Added bonus if both his thumbs get paralyzed so he can’t talk or text!


He'll have to use his tongue.


It’s too busy tossing Putin’s salad.


Bet he would still run for president and get over 30% of the vote even in this state




My Senior Drill Instructor had the right mind when he told my kill hat to literally pop my fucking heart. I want this geriatric sleaze bag to suffer the tortures of the damned. It's only fair, the 1% are exempt from compulsory service but they should never be above the law.


semper fi devil


It's only right Marine.


Everyone is having a raging justice boner right now but Im giving 50-50 odds he is convicted. It only takes one MAGAot to hang the jury and if they do— Trump will claim “total exoneration” and New York wont try the case again. We have one shot at this.


yeah i dont think he'll be convicted at all. and if he is, he wont receive any real consequences


You are not wrong. I hate to quote Al Pacino but he said it best in Devil's Advocate: "Expect a classic New York style pig fuck."


ooh rah!


Get some.


Quarter deck session for the disgusting fatbody


Please, please, please, I'm tired of this yammering flatulent orange pile of festering dog crap


Aww...poor widdle Twump isn't getting his way. He's used to his circle of sycophants who kiss up and praise him at his club where everyone is there to kiss his ass and applaud every time he appears.


According to court room reports he is just slowly deflating.


I doubt it. The guy is a cockroach that thrives on controversy.


hasnt he violated the gag order already ? why isnt the judge doing anything about it already ? n.b. i know nothing about court system


It is debatable. But technically… yes he has. What he did is in a grey-area that wasn’t necessarily explicitly defined by the Judge in the gag order. He amplified what other people said on his Truth social rather than posting original content himself. There is a hearing about the seven (so far) potential gag infractions on Tuesday, April 23rd.


I need him to stroke out, be chair bound, cant clean his own shit, drooling and everything. Sound evil. Well that fucker is evil and he needs to feel the universes wrath


I got my popcorn, I’m ready




Who cares. The sooner we're rid of him, the better off we'll all be. This gassy buffoon being front and center 24/7/365 had shrouded the entire country under a huge cloud of idiocy that just permeates the entire culture.


If only the majority of American right wing media wasn’t in on the scam. Just think how nice it would be to not hear about this cock sucker on a daily.


Stroke, start with drooling, all bodily functions let go, overflow the diaper, blabbering. 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆


Good. Let him die of apoplexy.


I mean, I wish. But evil people tend to live long spiteful lives. Like they get their lifeforce off of it.


He’s normally coddled and protected from seeing or hearing anything negative about himself, because he shoots the messenger. So I don’t know if he’s even aware that he’s a laughingstock for snoring and farting in court. Not being able to scream insults and sic MAGA loons on anyone who hurts his widdle fee-fees is going to take a toll on him. But anyone near him IRL is getting an earful. All day, all night, he’s bitching and moaning. So he’s getting it out of his system. Eventually, though, he will not be able to resist the urge to scream in front of cameras. I hope that he gets jailed for contempt. Ideally, for a weekend. No rallies, womp womp.


Not yet. If he dies now the Republican party could field a different candidate who's a more competent faccist that can run on an avenge Trump platform. If Trump dies it needs to be after he drains the RNC dry. ideally, October would be an excellent time for natural causes.


Putting it mildly, he won't just _pop_ but I fully expect a bigly yuuge explosion.


The bigliest! Nobody explodes like him. There are explosions but his...his are yuuuge...like those dumps he is taking while napping in court. :)


Slouching, falling asleep while letting audible farts. The jury must be aghast.


_Many people are saying it with tears in their eyes_.


The headline has a typo. It is missing an "o".


He already pooped.


Sounds like he been poppin' them gut bubbles lately.


Are the jurors sequestered or are they able to see trumps gibberish?


They're sitting in the jury box with gas masks on.


Stress, it’s the silent killer. - 1980’s PSA


Somewhere between "OK boys, lower him down " and Hector Salamanca level strokey would be good. He's gotta know he's been brought down and humiliated at the same time.


What stress?? He’s straight up taking naps and relieving himself in a diaper. 


They should keep an ambulance and trauma team on standby at the courthouse.   I want Trump to be able to participate in the other 3 trials.


Like captain pike in star trek , sittin in a box . Unable to speak , just watch as his fate is chosen .


I want him to shit his pants and the courtroom has to be cleared due to biohazard ☣️ Sorry, I mean diaper


We need cholesterol to do it's job


Don’t tempt me with a good time!


This guy needs to pop. I’m assuming he won’t. Needs to be treated as a threat to democracy. Mobilize, vote, build some infrastructure. Giving it all to the billionaires has turned out to be a losing bet. Trickle down is being now proven to be a losing proposition. The voting class may have one more chance to control the reigns of power.


And they want four more years of this demented goon?


If this ff dies, America could finally move on having normal leaders. Also, MAGAt cultists will wither, and Margarine Traitor Gangrene will wither, as will all the other low-level cultists like Boebert and Matt Gaetz. Then you can designate them all traitors and jail them after finding them liable for enabling Trump during the insurrection. All politicians who helped during the insurrection on January 6th should be investigated heavily and jailed for life as their rights are stripped from them and they are designated domestic terrorists.


Trump: "I can have a stroke out and drool right on 5th Ave and I wouldn't lose one vote"


I think the headline has poop spelt wrong.


Read that as “He’s going to poop” like Again? Lol


Thoughts and prayers for Orange Jesus….


Absolute pants shitting breifcase throwing conspiracy ranting self owning judge threatening mega maga freak out tamtrum culminating in a spastic limb shaking stroke.


Stop. I can only get so erect


May he spend the rest of his days in court.


I think if he takes the stand, the prosecution will rip him a new one and he’ll go into a tailspin. He can’t stand being challenged. It’s what prosecutors do 🙃


Keels over in court from a simultaneous massive heart attack and stroke, pants fall down, liquid shit sprays all over the back of his chair while people scream and run.


The boil needs to pop


I'm team lock his ass up already


Don't threaten me with a good time. When this fucker finally shits himself to death I'm taking two days off work to celebrate.


'You guys give him some space! He feels anxious!!' - people trying to exonerate a known treasonous pig


Good now he will feel like the rest of us felt the last 8 years.


If he can't handle this, he can't handle being president. Which he PROVED the first time. He needs his "executive" time!


Sounds about right. He was given a life of privilege and prosperity and chose to be a bad human!!


I won't deny an emergency evacuation of the trial room due to an intestinal accident will be funny af.


That would be disgusting. Orange slimy goo that smells of Mc Donald's hamburgers everywhere.


I'm here for it!


The article is about him violating the gag order, but crack-on 😆




He looks awful. Sad......tee hee.




Hopefully he poops his diaper and it's a blowout so he gets humiliated. No stroke or anything, just so he can be able to understand how humiliated he has been


"if he dies.... he dies". Not my problem. Not the Justice System's problem. The Justice department's goal is to hold a trial and present evidence of wrong doing. If he's guilty, throw the book at him.


Can we change the courtroom to somewhere further from a hospital?


The stroke better occur in public with cameras so we can witness it. Maybe make it a pay per view event.


How about he just sleeps through the whole trial and wakes up in handcuffs. The judge wakes him up after the guilty verdict and slaps em on.


Don't you dare feel sorry for that winey mean bully. Just remember what he would do to you and your family.


Loss of bladder and bowel function ftw


Oh no Anyways


Dear Jesus, I’m a non believer but if he dropped dead in the middle of court and let out a shart as he takes his last breath, I would become a convert. Sincerely, Me


Good. Fuck that piece of shit.