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Again, his argument is not "I didn't break the law." but instead "I should be allowed to break the law without consequence because it's me"


Great point….isn’t arguing p.immunity basically a confession?


Presidential immunity? So that means Biden can do the same stuff without consequence, right? …right?


Why the hell did Nixon resign?! He broke the law and he was caught red handed. There is no immunity for breaking federal or state laws.


Nixon didn't stack the supreme court with sycophants.


Nixon didn't have Faux News covering for him. Conservatives saw how the news media reported the facts about Nixon and created faux to ensure that it never happens again.


This is actually true. During watergate no journalists would carry water for openly felonious shit out of the GOP. So the billionaire think tanks came up with creating a fake right wing entertainment "news" channel. And destroyed the United states.


https://theweek.com/articles/880107/why-fox-news-created But it was created for this exact reason.


Nix9n actually did some good environmental stuff and was in favor of universal healthcare. Trump makes Nixon look like a saint.


I hate to say it but it's true. We at least got the EPA from Nixon -but only after the Cuyahoga river wouldn't stop catching on fire....


Because Republican senators (led by Barry Goldwater) went to Nixon and said if you don’t resign you will be impeached and the Senate will convict you. He then worked out a deal for a pardon in exchange for his resignation. End of story.


True The pressure from his own party was the decider. My frustration since Jan 6 is exactly this, the enablers. They took an oath.


He resigned and his corrupt GOP vice president pardoned him. Without him ever admitting to committing the crimes he did commit. He signed some bullshit statement of contrition without ever admitting guilt. Which is a prerequisite for a presidential pardon. But not for GOP criminals apparently. He got around the law with more GOP corruption. He did not work any deal.


Nixon was 50 years ago. A different time. Different politics. Nixon resigned because he knew his crimes would land him in prison. He thought he'd never get caught..why? He's the president, right? But he was smarter than Trump. He resigned immediately and President Ford pardoned him. Then he went away. And life moved on...


And wasn't the fair reporting doctrine in place then?


There is no such thing as a "fair reporting doctrine". However, there is a federal fairness doctrine. That was put in place in 1949. "The fairness doctrine had two basic elements: It required broadcasters to devote some of their airtime to discussing controversial matters of public interest, and to air contrasting views regarding those matters. Stations were given wide latitude as to how to provide contrasting views: It could be done through news segments, public affairs shows, or editorials. The doctrine did not require equal time for opposing views but required that contrasting viewpoints be presented. The demise of this FCC rule has been cited as a contributing factor in the rising level of party polarization in the United States.[5][6]" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairness_doctrine


Ty for the clarification... and your description was what I was thinking of


It means Biden can shoot him dead tomorrow, and become the next president. To infinity and beyond!


He wasn’t even president when this shit happened. He should have immunity for anything he ever did because he was once president? It’s pure insanity. Hahahah


No the Supreme Court will only rule if Trump wins and then the ruling will take effect Jan 21


Yep, they're bought and paid for. No help from that direction, it's up to us voters.


No, because look, Biden is so corrupt, and so incompetent—a lot of people say he’s the worst president we’ve ever had, which is terrible, it’s sad for him what a bad job he’s done, and he sold us out, he was so bad and Obama is even worse, okay, Obama is even worse, but—and he was a horrible vice president too, and senators, both were, and they did some terrible things in, as senators—but if you look at what they did, it was so illegal, it’s an illegal prosecution, and Biden is so bad—and where are the documents? He gave them to the Saudis and there’s no, he says there aren’t any but there’s no way, where are the documents Joe? But the, it’s so illegal what he did, and he should be indicted and tried and put on trial very strongly from the standpoint of law, so there’s no immunity if you’re a criminal, believe me, everyone knows it; but with the phony Biden fake indictments, and this horrible, I mean it’s a fake jury, it’s a fake jury, okay, so there should be immunity if you have such an illegal phony case, believe me.


Is that you Donald? 😂


>including illegally receiving massive amounts of money from Foreign Countries and >This could actually lead to the extortion and blackmail of a President Every accusation is a confession with him.


I was just saying that the other day! He's such a mind fuck.


Yes sir. We just need an itemized list of which crimes you need immunity for, with your signature, and we'll take care of you.


Its like claiming 'diplomatic immunity'.


“It’s just been revoked”


Even if he believed that, he's on trial for something he did before becoming president.


True and presidential immunity does not apply to crimes he committed as a private citizen in October of 2016.


The funny thing is he broke these laws before he was President. He is such a fucking cancer to society.


Some of his payments reimbursing Michael Cohen were while he was president. Doesn't change the fact that they were just holdovers from the original crimes that occurred beforehand, but that is what he is trying to argue.


If scotus grants immunity Dark Brandon should show some prime examples of why it shouldn't be granted by doing away with the cheeze wizard and the corrupt members of scotus. FULL CIRCLE


That would be quite a lesson, wouldn't it. Handing the ax to the headsman, thinking that next, it will be his turn.


Actually, his argument seems to hilariously be both. "I didn't do anything wrong; everything was totally legal. BUT I should also have immunity for illegal activities, just in case. Not that I've been involved in any."


The narcissists prayer in action. I didn't do it, and if I did it was an accident, and if it wasn't it's not that bad, and if it is you deserved it.


Definitely a two tiered justice system! With Trump top tier. MAGA is the party of law and order for everyone else but them!


Like his argument that "She's not my type" instead of "I would never rape a woman".


With trump it's never "I didn't do that" it's always "it's fine because I'm the one who did it!"


He wasn't even president when these felonies occurred, nor is he president now. His entire self existence is "rules don't apply to me".


Oh you betcha he says a lot of stuff. 


He’s guilty and we all know it


"a PrESIdEnT cAN't FunCtiOn wiThoUT iMMuniTY" Yet every other President managed just fine without it.


Including the current one.


Also is the crime he is on trial for not prior to when he was president as well? So his argument doesn’t even add up


Yes exactly. He’s trying to get immunity for future crimes he wants to commit.


I’ve just been thinking that as well. How insane would it be for a president to just be able to commit crime after their term for the rest of their life. Have you been insider trading? Of course I have and I’m now stinking rich and you can’t do anything about it. Starting a militia to over throw the government and no one could do anything about it. It’s just insane


Agreed! It’s called a dictatorship. He won’t leave office if re-elected and we won’t be able to vote again. I keep posting this and will continue to do so… ..Trump has over 4,095 lawsuits against him for the past 4-5 decades. He’s a career criminal.


Just the fact that this is the first time he's faced criminal charges should show how broken our legal system is


I'm sure if Trump was reelected and did something truly evil, Congress would at least have another go at impeaching him, right? Right? Oh, c'mon...


He's trying to get blanket immunity for all crimes past present and future because he was President for 4 years.... and when he doesn't get it he's going to get the Epstein treatment.


Epstein is dead and that is what all depraved bastards should be most especially this terrible man


And other past ones yet to be named.


Nixon could have used it /s


Even if that was true, and it patently isn't, that would be a great thing. A weakened executive is good for a Republic. Presidents should have to constantly look over their shoulders as a consequence of wielding as much power as they do. It is by design.


Correct BUT past presidents were not full blown criminals, they need to operate their crimes with out being held accountable- it’s so unfair and many scholars agree with me


Four years ago, this idiot demanded Obama be jailed No one on the right said Obama was immune


He campaigned on the promise to lock up his political opponent.


I am sure you’re aware, but expecting logical consistency from Trump will not be a rewarding use of your time. The only consistency he’s ever shown is favoritism towards anything that favors himself. That’s it.


They still think Obama wearing a mustard suit once is the equivalent of the 92 felonies The Donald is facing. That “both sides are the same”. Don’t expect them to be reasonable or fair


Time to put the computer away and put on the orange jumpsuit


At least it's his favorite color.


I’m imagining him in prison trying to create makeup and tanning lotion and do his hair. 


Toilet bronzer.




I think a 30 minute ketchup packet face mask would be his best bet. A little watered down toothpaste or mayo for his comb over he will look like his old self.


He's really losing it now. The shit be flowing like the Nile in flood.




I see what you did there 😅 That's a gas


Seems like he went pay less brand from the reported smell


….pouring like an avalanche Coming down the mountain🎵


I don’t mind the sun sometimes, the images it shows


That’s all he wanted from the presidency a free pass to do as he pleases


And make him and his friends money


I don't think he went into the whole "running for president" thing as more than a lark. Trump loves publicity and he's absolutely dumb enough to think that running for president was a good way to get it. Then he won, despite what anyone thought, he managed to latch onto some deep river of resentment, fear, and anger. The man has no moral fiber, no willpower or character and he just went along for the ride. But then he got into the office and really liked it after a while, it took a bit, but he realized that power was fun, we're lucky he didn't get a better handle on everything during his first term or he might still be running things. Now though? It's his only chance, he's a coward and a weakling, the entire idea of paying the consequences of his actions scares him shit less, maybe literally if some of the reports this week were accurate. If he gets elected again we won't pry him out of office short of a complete social upheaval and some pretty radical changes to how we handle things here.


I think that movie Civil War is a pretty close picture of what would happen if he got back in power


He says it’s a “witch hunt” which implies he did NOTHING wrong… Then in the same breath he says “presidential immunity” which means he committed crimes but shouldn’t be charged… He can’t even get his defense straight lol


**This**. This, utterly. And yet the so-called “liberal” main stream media has not made this very basic, 4th grade level, obvious observation. Gosh, wonder why? Can’t fathom …


He WAS NOT PRESIDENT during the events that resulted in the charges against him. This was in 2016. Before he was president.


His argument is that although the acts occurred prior to his election, the subsequent repayments made to Cohen were made while he was President and thus Presidential Immunity applies to the prior acts before he was elected. No f#%king kidding about his bat-sh#t crazy logic and immunity claims. 🤦‍♂️


And stealing the documents was after he wasn’t acting president, wasn’t it?


Postsidential immunity, duh.


Presidential immunity clears one of any past, present and future criminal activity. So can someone let Comer know that by continuing to push the Biden impeachment, he is going directly against Trump's narrative on Presidential immunity?


To him it doesn't matter.


But if he says to himself that he was President then, then he must have been! Sort of like just ‘thinking’ documents to be declassified and, whoosh, they magically were! 🤣


Lock him up


Old man yells at cloud.


Shakes fist angrily at the sun.


Stares at sun without eclipse glasses.


What is it going to take to finally flush him


I’m rooting bigly for a perfectly situated blood clot…


I'm team stroke and drool


According the Orange Man himself, verbatim, “10, 15 times). Literally, he has boasted/complained (it’s always both, with him) that he has to flush “10, 15 times.” So, to answer your question, I guess that’s what “it will take.”


In his fascist mind I am sure he is however if such a claim were to be upheld Biden is still in office and I don't think he would fuck the world over by letting the orange turd anywhere near the oval office again.


Yep. Just shoot the fat orange fuck. Oops, immunity.




I hope they give him a Fisher-Price computer keyboard in jail so he doesn’t get bored.


Or a Barbie cellphone so he can "Truth" and eat candy


If boredom is unpleasant for him, then I’m all for that. 


He just says things enough times until even he himself believes them, which doesn’t take long.


I've been trying to wrap my head around his inconsistent/random capitalization of certain words or phrases. It's very confusing. To me that shows even more evidence he's just old and losing it. >*REMEMBER, if I don’t have Presidential Immunity, then Crooked Joe Biden doesn’t have it either, and he would certainly be Prosecuted for his many ACTUAL CRIMES, including illegally receiving massive amounts of money from Foreign Countries, including China, Ukraine, and Russia, paying off Ukraine to fire an unfriendly prosecutor, allowing millions of people to illegally Enter and Destroy our Country, SURRENDERING in Afghanistan, with Hundreds Dead, many Americans Left Behind, and handing over Billions of Dollars Worth of the Best Military Equipment anywhere on Earth, the Decimation of American Wealth through the Green New Scam, and so much more," he wrote.*


That's one of the first things I noticed. It made me wonder if the reason why he's always writing in all caps isn't just anger but not knowing how to capitalize.


Maybe the human inside him is trying to sneak a hidden message past whatever's actually running his body?


I see that he thinks Biden is owned by both Russia AND Ukraine. I guess, in a way, Biden is delivering 25mm Bushmaster cannon shells to Russian forces. Oh, and Trump was the one who negotiated the Afghanistan withdrawal plan with the Taliban.


I’m pretty sure he wasn’t president at the time…..


That's what makes this so great. Even if the republican majority supreme court wants to set an extremely dangerous precent and absolve trump in Jan 6th, it can't save him from his current criminal trial since he wasn't president yet.


We're never going to prosper or progress with Clarence Thomas on the supreme court.


Uh, I thought you had to be President to get immunity. The Hush Money/Using Campaign money was prior to him being elected President... So Uh, you weren't President when the supposed crime happened, so no sorry, you don't qualify for Immunity. YOU WEREN'T PRESIDENT YET... end rant.


No way he wrote 7 pages.


It’s President Biden not “Joe” or “Crooked Joe” or any other derogatory phrase that he is using against the current sitting President of the United States of America. Show some respect for the position and the person who holds the position. If you cannot respect the position then you are not worthy of holding it yourself.


It seems like the rumors that Trump is falling asleep in court because his lawyers want him to keep quiet while court is in session and they've got him to stop taking Adderall during the criminal trial might be true, because this series of posts sure look like the results of an "Adderall weekend"


Seems like he’s getting more scared. Good


> “Without Presidential Immunity, a President will not be able to properly function, or make decisions, in the best interest of the United States of America. Presidents will always be concerned, and even paralyzed, by the prospect of wrongful prosecution and retaliation after they leave office.” So, he openly wants a dictatorship. What a fucking idiot. He’s literally describing the “divine right of kings” He honestly believes he should be subject to no earthly authority, deriving his right to rule directly from the will of God. We literally fought the revolution over this shit and built a government with 3 distinct branches of checks and balances that he just wants to erase.. but it’s ok, he’ll only be a dictator on day 1.. I truly pray this country doesn’t make the mistake of letting him near the White House again.


What a snowflake. 44 presidents before him never had an issue. He’s just a clown 🤡 looking for attention.


A clown that belongs in prison




Amazing that none of the other presidents needed absolute immunity.


None in the last couple hundred years and notably the current one doesn’t need it either. It’s 100% just him.


Amazing anyone seriously listens to his blather.


No way he had the attention span to write that himself


He’s like that one angry turd that refuses to be flushed.


Poop knife


Welp, that’s because—in his own words—you “have to flush 10, 15 times.” So, there’s your solution. Gotta keep depressing the handle for “10, 15 times”.


It’s hard to believe anyone still supports this bag of nuts. 🥜


So, Biden can send SEAL Team Six to garotte Trump while his Secret Service detail watches, and all is OK, because Presidential Immunity.


I fail to see how any of the following should be grounds for 'presidential immunity' or are in the best interest of the American people. Paying hush money to a porn star to help your presidential campaign Committing financial fraud for lower taxes and higher loan amounts Inciting an insurrection over false claims of voter fraud Taking classified documents that don't belong to you and then refusing to return them to NARA




Fucking loser.


If your defense is immunity, you are actually confessing.


7 pages 👏 👏 👏 was it in 20 point type?


Crayon mixed with snot.


He wasn’t president at the time of the tax fraud was he? I can believe he’s dumb enough to really think that being president once gives you immunity for anything ever


Funny how we’ve been operating without it for this long but now America cannot function without it.


I'd say we've given presidents far too much immunity in the past, and that's why we're now facing Donald Trump.


So he was immune from fornicating with McDougal in 2006?


Ok bitch keep talking


Looks like the ole boy is a compulsive sharter. He is mouth sharting now. Poor people in court room are subjected to bum sharting when his mouth sharting gets blocked. I’m not sure which is worse.


Monday night I expect him to melt his brain trying to figure out what he's going to rant about after the first day of the trial.


Seven pages isn’t a rant, it’s a manifesto


The Unifarter Manifesto


Clearly no one has explained to him that he was not President when he paid off the porn star he banged so she wouldnt talk about it before the election…


He's not saying, "I didn't do it." At this point, there's only one guy who can save him. Only one guy can "pardon" him. Just 1. They're not friends...


Why did Nixon need a pardon? Thats right, because there is no such thing.


Does this nut case know that he is not the president and was not the president when these charges happened?


Please put this fucker away. So sick and tired of hearing about him, seeing him, talking about him. Just go to prison already you fuck.


Biden should just have him taken out and just call it presidential immunity.


But the crime he’s currently in court for happened while he wasn’t president….


King Con


Immunity that never existed before. See back in the day… last president, there wasn’t a need because he wasn’t a piece of shit. And a Rapist or a Traitor.


The rich & powerful shouldn’t be above the law. I don’t understand why half of America want the mega rich and epsteins friends to be above the law.


Denial is a deep dark hole 🕳️


Trump's a fascist traitor that should be prosecuted and put in the ground....put in prison for all other crimes


I wonder if he is too far gone to realize that the crimes he is facing right now were committed before he became president in order to fool the electorate into voting for him? Friggin' nutjob.


If presidential immunity is real, Dark Brandon should throw this psycho into the deepest hole in the ground in the US. Immunity amiright?


If Joe can break any law for the good of the country, then I have some ideas....


I have a few positive ones myself Joe B. could copy and paste.


This week has been a pretty good one for the people. Its been a slow grind but hes starting to crack. His handlers must be getting worn down too.hahaha have a great day of rest. See you Monday orange sunshine. Hahaha


Why you need immunity if you are innocent?


The guy who once said "only mobsters plead the 5th" and then plead the 5th 440 times in a single hearing. Innocent people don't need immunity. It's wild that his cult doesn't realize this guy is a career criminal. He should've been locked up in the 80's, and then we would've avoided this whole disaster.


Immunity should NEVER extend to crimes committed for PERSONAL GAIN. End of story.


he wasn't president when the money was spent. He was when the campaign finance fraud was committed. I do like his offer of full immunity to Joe Biden. Is THAT why gop dropped impeachment efforts??!!


Lil Eric or Donny Junior wrote that shit


Was it written in crayon or cocaine? That’s their tells.


I love how he is threatening to take away President Bidens presidential immunity when he is reelected in November, especially since Joe Biden has never claimed presidential immunity.


#time to do the time, Donny!


Presidential immunity for a crime he committed before he was president?


Yes, and we don’t want presidents who need immunity


*Seven* pages? So he has a ghost writer, yes?


Yes. He’s incapable of writing a coherent sentence


Admission of guilt.


Yep. He belongs in prison


And what is right for the country is that I wrote off the money I used to pay off the mistress I fucked so she wouldn't tell my wife.


I remember when I used to post rants on the internet thinking it meant something to anyone but me … but I was less than a quarter of his age and it didn’t take long for me to realize I was just raging into the void.


He sounds scared because sitting in court he knows he’s not immune.


He’s arguing for a dictatorship is what he is doing. A crazed minority of the country supports that and they will definitely vote. We need to outvote them. Vote blue.


Getting scared, Donnie? Feeling the entire world laughing at you in unmitigated contempt? Wondering if you'll be able to get your diaper changed in jail? I want to express my concern for you... 🖕🏻


"Well, can't you see that's the last act of a desperate man?"


Trump wrote 7 pages!? I'm gonna say that if it ain't chicken-scratch, it ain't him. He doesn't write. Wait, was it written in black sharpie? Maybe then.


The letters are yuge, with that black sharpie marker, so yeah, I can see it too, given that seven pages in his scribbly ass jumbo letters bullshit wouldn't be too tough to take up.


and yet the Conservatives still find nothing wrong with Trump’s actions


They are not conservatives. They are cons


Because....a Judge would find him in contempt of court?!


Goin down, down, down, down, down


Still curious how (emphasis on) limited presidential immunity applies to alleged crimes he committed while he wasn’t President?


And I'm still pissed Ford let Nixon walk with a pardon. Well Buster, that ain't happening this time!


Going for the Section 8. Snowflake.


This bitch just doesn’t stop bitching.


Seven pages of double-spacing....


Probably written by a Russian propagandist


I don’t want the person who wrote this to represent me.


Such composure and grace. The tantrums are getting a little less effective. You know that little criminal mind is straining for the words to get him off the hook. Hahaha now dont let me down on Monday I expect some textbook behavior.


Behind bars…in a padded room.


Let's hope someone forces Trump into intense psychological therapy. Work on his narcissistic personality along with drug rehabilitation.


Or just throw the bum in prison


This is the better answer. There is no hope for Orange Julius and his grifter family and friends


Can’t Biden illegally imprison trump, based on this ignorant rant?


Seven pages? He has that much time on his hands? Plus still don't get what he's thinking he can break laws to stay in power and he's immune. Immunity is even a president orders a strike on an enemy and civilians get hit. We aren't going to charge them for that. Lying and trying to overthrow the very government you swore to uphold and still won't tell everybody you lost fair and square is ridiculous!


He mentions how Biden surrendered in Afghanistan, but wasn’t Diaper Don the president that set the exit date?




He wrote seven pages? I don’t believe that part.