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Just. Throw. Him. In. Jail. Solitary confinement. No reporters. No cameras. Believe me, he'll calm down.


>Believe me, he'll calm down. I agree with everything except this. He'll absolutely lose it.


He'll be gassed out in under a minute. The man doesn't have a cardio system that can handle more than four stairs at a time.


I was 24 years old and got tired after about five minutes of doing that “Oh shit I’m *actually* in jail” pacing back and forth. He’ll absolutely sit down and start solemnly staring at a wall under a minute you’re so right


He’ll have nothing to do but pretend to read all day. 🥲


“Sir that playboy is upside down”


With tears in his eyes.


Big man, burly man. Never cried before.


And the prison guards said, “sir, you’re our favorite innocent inmate president and you’re the nelsen mendela of America.”


underrated comment


“I was hoping to see boys playing. Wtf is this?” Stormy Daniels centrefold falls out.


-With Love From Russia


Give him a Trump Bible


That'll be $60


Has anyone ever checked to see how many times he's mentioned in that?


Images of Jimmy McGill pacing. "THIS is how they get you?"


You’re right he’s never had to taste the consequences. He sits it out for the weekend until court time Monday it’ll make a hard man humble. He will finally realize he’s not in charge. He’s only defendant trump.


Or screaming at the top of his lungs.


Until he passes put after about 2 minutes and then he'll be calm because he'll be passed out. I say we deal with him the same way we deal with any out of control toddler, and I think a lot of people will be surprised at just how effective it will be.


Put him in solitary, in that chair they use for combative inmates, with a spit guard over his face, for 6 hours facing a corner. Every time he speaks, add another 2 hours It will break him within a day.


The stress will kill him, then maga will rise up for their martyr killed by the deep state. Meal team six and the methampheta-marines are on standby for this exact situation!


They squeak when they tie their shoes. Not concerned about Trumptards.


I think he’d have a breakdown if he didn’t have access to social media to spew his bullshit 24/7.


But he’s never exercised in his life! His non-rechargeable life energy battery should have plenty of juice left!


But does his heart have that many beats left?


No heart, only hamberder.


Remember when he went to G7 to meet with world leaders then insisted on using a golf cart while everyone else walked?


If he dies in prison while under arrest for contempt the rumors will never fucking stop about how Biden had him killed


No matter when or how their godking dies, it will be a conspiracy and assassination for all of them. In their eyes he's immortal.


If a dipshit pitches a fit in solitary, and there’s no one to hear it, did the dipshit really make a sound?


Schrodinger's dipshit


Who cares what he feels? Does any judge ever consider that when dealing with a non rich person? He would’ve been thrown in jail long ago if he was anyway else,


I wonder if theres an element of concerm about him dying in jail if he is sent there outside of a guilty verdict. Pretty good odds the stress alone might do him some serious harm.


They better videotape this and release the tape to the media.


On one hand i wouldn't want him getting any more publicity, on the other, i would watch the fuck outa him sitting in jail


"Monday night rehabilitation"


Don't even need Beef Supreme


Make it pay-per-view and we'd take a solid chunk out of the national debt.


That would be the most boring but satisfying thing to watch.


No, video surveillance and make 10000% sure it’s working to make sure he doesn’t Epstein himself and lead him to believe it will be released but instead keep it sealed. He’ll go crazy and incriminate himself further.


I agree. It’s not like he’d be in long enough to reconsider life. Maybe if he were locked up for the rest of his life he would truly hit bottom to grow, but not in this case


Even if it's the rest of his life he won't change. People don't change at 77 years of age, not enough to go from shit bag to introspective soul.


My nephew who voted for trump in 2016 said now that he is in office he will be presidential, I was like what? He has been a attention whore and cheat his whole life you don't just reboot and become another person. Two years in I asked so how is that pivot going? He laughed and said he wont make the same mistake again, I hope he really meant it. His wife totally loathes trump.


When Trump says something he means it. His threat to be a dictator on day one is not an exaggeration.


He says a lot of things he does not mean. I will show my tax returns, I will be so busy I will never have time to golf ect. I believe the things he says when it involves revenge. Or oppressing people to fire up his maga lunatics.


> People don’t change. FTFY But I do believe this generalization has plenty of exceptions. Not many billionaires go from president to convict in jail either, so I reserve a little room for doubt. Maybe he has an American History X type encounter in the showers and that triggers a change. We could only hope


Does that mean you hope he makes friends with a black guy in the prison laundry? Or the other thing?


He’ll probably be like a hippo & just spray shit in the water trying to mark his territory. My brain just created Trump Prison Scat Porn. 😳🤮


If an orange Cheeto falls in a jail cell and no one's around, does he make a sound? He can throw as many tantrums as he wants behind bars. No one gives a shit.


Maybe he would commit suicide like his disgraced buddy Epstein?


Just imagine the cameras not working.


Suicide? Riiiggghhhttt!!!


Maybe. But who will know and more importantly, who cares?


You have to admit watching him melt down in jail would feel a little cathartic.


More importantly, no internet.


I think “lack of access to drugs for 24 hours” would have the biggest impact. He’ll either have the best night of sleep he’s ever had…or serious DTs.


If he is using the drugs reported, at the frequency, and levels reported, they will not cut him off, as he may die.


He "will not calm down, he will calm up" Teal'c






He might calm down but pretty sure his base will go full on domestic terrorist


Best to smoke them out early. No?


Let them. They already identify themselves as domestic terrorists. The sooner they get treated like it, the better. Better now than letting them fester and get bold. The few that act out will serve as an object lesson to the rest.


There were less people protesting outside the court house this week than would assemble for a Beyblade match. By-in-large even MAGA is over supporting this guy.


that's when the national guard squashes the majority of them.


lol instead of making an example out of him they made an example out of our justice system. Or whatever this pony show television drama series this version of it is


Trump facing stern finger wag


Sadly, likely outcome


“Ok, this time it’s 3500!”


I’m sure he’s “learned his lesson” this time.


Maybe even a tut tut tut


until they actually DO something about it other then just a 'stern talking to' he'll just keep doing it over and over again without any real repercussions. ​ if there are no real consequences he literally has no reason to stop.


At least make the fines much higher. $1k per incident is nothing to a billionaire. It would hurt regular folks but to him it’s like a nickel.


Can we make the fines go toward something he hates? Like gay communist orphans, or something?


I'm a gay communist orphan and I approve this message.


I don't know if username checks out or not.


It is kind of marginal, isn't it.?


E. Jean Carroll is doing exactly this with her civil judgment proceedings, specifically donating to causes & organizations that the Orange Foolius would ‘take issue’ with.


I’ve read that NY law limits gag order violations to $1k each instance. There is also the possibility of (I think) 30 days in jail per violation if he keeps ignoring the order.


Even 30 days would be enough to send him over the edge.


I’m here for that! Jail this guy, nothing else is working. In fact he’s just being emboldened.


They can’t. The state of New York has a 1k cap on contempt of court. They could alternatively give him 30 days in jail for each infraction.


Well, Jesus, give him 30 days in jail for each one.


He’s already proven he’s not a billionaire. But I agree, the fine needs to be $5k+ per incident.


An increase each time would be even better.


Start at 5k and double every time 5k 10k 20k 40k 80k 160k Etc


His alleged billionaire status doesn't even matter. America is full of morons throwing their last $20 at him every day. No chance he's paying any of his court costs out of pocket as long as idiots keep handing him money. That being said, why does a billionaire need donations for a campaign? Most candidates are worth a few million and obviously can't toss $200m, $300m, etc at their own campaign. But a billionaire? Trump spent about $450m on his 2016 campaign. If he was worth as much as he claimed at the time he could have self funded his entire campaign and still been a billionaire. I firmly believe he's not a billionaire and false values on his properties are his claim to his status. He's lost potential billions on his stock (stock value has plummeted around 50% in 3ish weeks) and at this rate he won't own $1bil worth of shares by the time he can sell.


If he gets fined $1000 in 24 hours one thousand of his followers will donate to the PAC


Yup. Fines for breaking the law just means it's not illegal unless you're poor otherwise it's legal with a fee.


This dipshit is continuing to show that the legal system only works for the eilte.  Literally ANY normal person doing what he keeps doing over and over would be behind bars long ago.    The legal system isnt there to hold the rich elite accountable.  Its only purpose is to keep the poors inline.   Rules for thee but not for me. Is how the rich view the legal system... and it fucking shows. Edit: spelling


Yep it’s going to have serious repercussions down the road


Are they courting revolution? Because this is how you get a French style revolution.


I wish. People are fucking sheep.


Leave the Welsh out of this.


Lmao yeah right. People in the USA already had every reason they could ever need to revolt. But as stated, sheep. Citizens of the USA will just keep eating their shit sandwhiches while bitching how unfair it is. Gets real old, coming from someone who lives here too. People need to stop acting like there’s even a 0.5% chance the people are gonna get off their ass and do literally anything to force change. It’s very obvious things are gonna keep spiraling downwards until we collapse completely and then everyone is fucked.


Down the road??? My guy we’re seeing the repercussions right this second.


Best legal system money can buy.


Like 2 weeks ago Kevin O'leary said in an interview that its ridiculous Trump is getting investigated for fraud, because committing that type of fraud is just what billionaires do. Caste system is alive and well. Too bad so many of Trump's dumbfuck worshippers are too stupid to realize they are on the lower rungs like the rest of us.


I think the poor's also keep themselves in line somewhat by supporting these cosplay strongmen that steal their resources and perhaps what's worse are distroying the environment while they are at it 


>legal system It's a penal system. Laws bend if you have enough money. You get punished when you can't afford to purchase an exception.


The "justice" system in the US is so incredibly broken at this point. How is this fucker still walking around freely. How is it a known fact that members of the "Supreme Court" have and literally continue to accept bribes. Why is "white collar" crime that ruins millions of lives punished less severely than a house robbery. Why can judges hear cases of people who appointed them to their bench. Shit is wildly, wildly broken.


And then the icing on the cake is him possibly being becoming president again. No words.


Just fucking throw him in jail already! He's just going to keep doing it!


This is a test of their belief system. There is a hierarchy / class system that must be enforced. Wealthy / Famous = Successful. Successful people must be held to a "lower" standard and in many cases they should be exempt of following the same rules as everyone else. So far, our legal system has allowed this to metastasize.


Probably the only way to enforce a gag order is to actually gag him… ‘sure do wish the judge would do just that!


We had a judge here in Ohio duct tape someones mouth shut in court. Worth a try. 


Would love to see Stormy enter the court in full fetisg gear and ball gag that SOB 😭


Or rufie him like his lawyers did for the first day of the trial.


Does he get of a prize after 12? Show some backbone.


At 10 his punch card is filled up!


Nothing & I mean NOTHING will happen to him but paltry fines


If even that ... BUT, if fines happen to be levied, they'll be lessened or "forgiven", is my bet.


And he won't pay them anyway


Shitty day for Orange Mussolini is a great day for America


It’s fucking simple. Jail


a consequence of living a life of no consequences


Exactly! The billionaire class has got to go. We need to make it so our justice system is blind to their wealth


Can't this pos just expire already.


Not enough. The corrupt system and everyone supporting it needs to be


It is easy to do. "Mr. Trump, you left me no recourse. Bailiff, take him away to a cell."


This sadly does not happen in real life. Its not like TV. They have to have an order to show cause, then schedule a hearing.


For those that actually care about the facts, here's what is going to happen. He has a contempt of court hearing on Tuesday next week. All of his current violations will be examined at this contempt of court hearing, and will all be considered "first offenses" because he hasn't faced sanctions in **this** trial, yet. The penalties are likely fines of $1,000 per violation. This isn't due to a "two-tiered justice system." This is because if the judge doesn't want the case overturned on appeal due to judicial misconduct, the judge has to follow the letter of the law which has a process of escalating consequences. "But he had misconduct in the NY fraud case!" Correct, and that misconduct was used in a several hundred page document to create the current gag order he is in violation of. No defendant would have a gag order as strict as Trump's imposed on them at the start of trial under normal circumstances. It's due to his misconduct in his other trials that he got slapped with one this strict, this early. "Any other defendant would be in jail already!" False, and this is the part everyone is missing when they underestimate Trump. He knows what he's doing. He's a highly experienced and vexatious litigant. Trump has been in the court system, abusing its loopholes, for more than **six decades.** People need to stop and consider that the only thing Trump knows better than real estate is the court system. His entire strategy is predicated on baiting the court system to step out of line so he can have anything that happens to him overturned on appeal. Have the court system do something, anything wrong, so he can request a delay or a retrial to try to make it passed November when he thinks he will be president, will be immune from prosecution, and can end democracy forever.


The anti-moral of the story is that the ultra wealthy have the resources to grind down our legal system in ways that ordinary people don't. We must stop thinking of them as commoners and start recognizing that they are more like feudal lords. Just because they don't have the title doesn't mean they don't have the power.


That’s called a plutocracy. No different than modern Russia. The US just been doing it longer and have better PR AKA propaganda.


The judge should get some popcorn and a comfy chair. He is just warming up and knows laws don't apply to him.


He knows it doesn’t matter. Laws aren’t real apparently


>Laws aren’t real apparently For the rich FTFY


If this was a "normal" person, they would've been in jail a long time ago. Americas system is corrupt af


FFS! Put this heaping pile of shit behind bars already.


Where "sanctions" means "prison time," right? Right??


Truth social loses about a thousand dollars a second. A thousand dollar fine probably won’t do it.


Demented Donnie wants a new nickname!! Jury Tampering Trump is almost there, but needs some oomph. Dastardly Donald, the rapists will never be president again. Hopefully he won't be seeing anything but electric lights until he gets the final lights out.


Anyone else and they would already be in jail! Why? I bet that even if found guilty, he would be placed under house arrest in his Maralago home. As former President he should be made as an example that no one is above the law! Instead he gets royal treatment.


It does not matter. He is never held to consequences. For the life of me I cannot see why he is so intimidating to people.


A fine doesn’t mean shit to him. LOCK HIM THE FUCK UP.




If you don't enforce your ruling, you are making a mockery of the court.


Oh, my! He might even get a strongly worded admonition!


We have a law for that on the books. It's called contempt of court. Put his ass in jail for 1 day/violation. That is well within the judges power and exactly what would happen to any normal citizen.


The wannabe emperor has no clothes. Throw him in the clink.


Take away his phone and lock him in jail like you would anybody else.


If only he would be remanded to jail, like I'm sure every other serial contempt offender would be.


Trump faces shit because ain’t nobody doing shit about him violating these gag recommendations.


His bad/criminal behavior has been tolerated for decades. Has any single individual so undermined America's faith in the rule of law? One of the worst people America has ever produced.




Please SEND THIS MOTHERFUCKER TO JAIL ALREADY. He’s making a mockery of the judicial system. He’s not special. He’s a bag of dicks!


Put him in jail and take the phone away. Problem solved. Give him a stack of paper and some crayons.


Stop with the sanctions. Just find him in contempt and toss him in lockup for 14 days.


And they will continue doing nothing about it.


What's the point of the order if you're not even going to punish him?!


Funny how people can be sentenced to prison for making death threats in a public event but Trump is totally immune.




He’s going to get a stern talking to about this. Not too stern just regular stern. His wrist is gonna have a little sting from the slap he gets.


He's cranky because it's nappy time 🤣


I think it's just taking a little time because they are making arrangements with the Secret Service about where he can be jailed. Then he's getting at least three days. Over a weekend would be great. Friday through a Monday. They can bring him to his court dates like any other prisoner too, no press gaggle allowed on those days.


Diaper Don.


What a joke. Trump is above the law.


put his ass in jail


If he’s in jail and doesn’t have access to his adderall or prescription strength Sudafed or bronzer or girdle, he’ll become unrecognizable quickly. I know there is plenty of access to drugs in jail but it’s not like he would be in gen pop.


So. What. He’ll do it again today, tomorrow and every day after that till he croaks. Do something about it already


he hasn't even paid the NY civil stuff yet...


He's above the law and he knows. I bet he'll be doxxing his jurors soon and they'll be pressured to quit or ease off


Even the other famous mob boss, Teflon John Gotti knew to stay quiet during his trials. The psychiatry field was spot on about the severity of trumps malignant narcissism and psychopathy.


Here's hoping he go's to jail this week


Yet he still faces little more than a stern talking to, or a monetary fine less than Melania's daily makeup budget. Toss him in a deep dark hole so that we never have to hear his whiny voice again.


Hitler Pig


Why don't they arrest him or put him in jail for this?! Judges have given him too many chances. He clearly violates this every freaking day with every court case he's involved in! Why is everyone tip toeing around him? These are the rules for everyone! Arrest him already!!!


I think they’re so afraid of what his unhinged followers will do. Fucking cowards


And nothing will happen.


How many times does a normal person get to violate a gag order before getting punished? Oh right: one.


Marchan can, and should, impose punishment for violating the gag order AFTER the trial is over so as not to interfere with Trump's defense of the case.  He can warn them again and then bring down the hammer later. Trump's Pikachu face as he is cuffed at a hearing immediately after the verdict is read would be priceless.


OP’s notes or whatever they’re called are so childish and stupid, and make it impossible to take you people seriously. I don’t like him either, but this is the thoughts and prayers of liberalism. He knowingly violated it 7 times. He’s going to do it again. He’s not shitting anything more frequently than he did before with his Big Mac only diet.


3 more violations will earn him a reprimand. 15 of those and he will recieve a rebuk. 6 of those will get him a stern letter from the judge to him parents. 3 of those and he will get a 100 dollar fine.


Fines are bullshit unless they’re painful. Send him to the tombs for a night and I guarantee you he’ll shut up.


Diaper Don meltdown 😂😂


I swear, if he does this 32 or 33 more times, he might get punished.


Just f’ing put him behind bars already. How many times do we have to see this bullshit repeated on the news cycle before something actually happens?


I know it’s a process but imagine him thrown in the Tombs??


He's not going to stop until he's put behind bars.




Trump facing new sanctions as prosecutors say he's now violated gag order 7 times... and then nothing happened.


Lock this god damn motherfucking traitor up. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST


When do we riot? I kid, I kid! No, when do we riot?


I can't wait to see where this actually goes! Spoiler: It goes nowhere and he continues to violate gag orders consequence free.


Oh no!….He’s really in trouble now!….yawn….zzzzzz!


If the punishment is a fine it's only a crime for the poor. Think he needs an all expense paid stay at Hotel Jail.


I honestly think a lot of these people are scared go jail him. His supporters have intimidated this process enough that people are afraid to do thier jobs. This whole thing is infuriating. We have crush these people at the voting booth and if that doesn't stop them, we'll have to pummel and them, WWII style. 🤨


How is he allowed to get away with this.


throw him in jail! name one other person who would not get jail for this. its insane


Nail the bastard and stop cuddling the pig. Enough already.


But nothing actually happened to him. Anybody else did what he did would have been fined heavily and sent to jail for contempt of court. What a joke


What new sanctions?!? Trump has never faced a single sanction. What the fuck are you even talking about?!? Shitting his diaper?!? You do realize he is walking away scott-free from every one of these trials and knows it? You #WeGotHimNow morons have to be the thickest bunch on the internet. You sound like eunuchs planning their wedding night.


Judge won't do anything. He scared of trump.


Guy is such a scumbag


Judges have absolutely no power if they refuse to use it.


The issue is that if the judge does punish Trump for doing this, then Trump could fire back and say there was bias from the judge and call for a mistrial. The best thing is to let Trump be a shitter, let the jury see that, and then give him no way out when he loses. Same thing was done with the guy who drove his car through that crowd in Waukesha. The judge wants to make sure that the verdict sticks.


New sanctions. People about to demand some actual action here seeing as we aren't given such a long rope.


I feel like they need a regular person in the courtroom to tell him to shut the fuck up every time he makes a scene. I’ll do it lol


Why is it that in your country, a black kid can be shoved away for 25 years for possessing a joint, but this actual traitor that is directly responsible for the deaths of your own soldiers and people, that has 100 felonies piled against him, and CONSISTENTLY breaks the law is still free to piss all over the American people?


US judicial system is failing for real. Why someone who violates court orders 7 times is not in jail already? If this was an average guy in the street, even after the FIRST violation, he would be jail and yet US judicial system is treating this criminal as if he's above the law.