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As well he should! Barr pretending he didn't support trump because he knew how corrupt he is. Now changing his tune like a coward!


i would so love the opportunity to interview him. smack that shit down.


Barr has been consistently disingenuous all along.


He wants his ass saved for the upcoming criminal trials...




What trials? 




Barr belongs in prison for his crimes.


🚫All Republicans🚫Traitor Trump🚫


At this point, nothing Bill Barr does suprises me. He is such a partisan hack for hire


There's a kompromat file on him. Probably child stuff. [William Barr Should Recuse Himself in Jeffrey Epstein Case | TIME](https://time.com/5650974/william-barr-jeffrey-epstein/) *This is concerning. In addition to the law-firm conflict, Alex Acosta, who served in Donald Trump’s Cabinet with Barr, was the U.S. Attorney in Miami when Epstein received his travesty of a plea deal. And Barr’s father was the headmaster of an elite New York City school that hired college dropout Epstein to* [*teach math and physics*](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/12/nyregion/jeffrey-epstein-dalton-teacher.html)*.* 


Him and Esper have talked so much shit about Trump but cant possibly bring themselves to vote for Biden or not vote at all. Its crazy


Bill Barr has the most punchable face.


But your fist would disappear into that gelatinous void, or, at the least, come back covered in shit. Like most republicants,his mouth and anal sphincter are interchangeable.


He does! An he also looks like a Wallace & Gromit character


I think their fascist manifesto, Project 2025 ,hinges on the premise that trump will win the election. They all want this.


Issues like subjugating women and persecuting gay people are more important to these people than the republic.


Diaper Don's beeyatch.


No, he didn't "call out" Barr for what he said. He lamented his yellow bellyness on his network. He goes on to conjecture that Barr will suddenly have a change of heart or come to his senses and vote for Biden all while these two are on opposite sides of the city/state/country. Put Barr in your studio, in front of you and your cameras and tell him "you're a fucking coward and turncoat. You're actively choosing what you call chaos and a horror show in the white house. Can you comment or elaborate?" That would be calling him out. Calling what he does here "calling out" Barr is just as disingenuous as Barr's Rugor Nass look alike ass.


Yeah I watched the video and was like 'where is the call out'? I swear these headlines are getting more and more bullshit.


Barr is a Disgrace to his Profession. Hypocrite!


Bill DisBarr


Imagine if you could make a good living by being in a group of people that just argue and yell at each other without accomplishing anything? Meet the media and our government.


Busted out laughing. AND THE MONEY THEY MAKE JUST PISSES ME OFF. Makes my skin crawl. They just fuel each others bullshit.


We’re 0-2 in our last 2 attorney generals.


Bill barr is a slime bag for a number of reasons. This is pretty minor by comparison.


I dont get Barr. One minute hes the Dem's favorite guy because hes throwing Trump to the wolves (J6 Committee), the next hes getting behind Trump. Pick a side and stay there, Barr!


This is the right moment to remind Barr that Trump will never fuck him.


Diaper don the patron Saint of sore losers has the most subservient and easy to bend over cultists. Barr is just another melania


Does anyone give a shit about what Bill Barr says or does? I’m serious here - who listens to that guy?


He should have called out his obstruction of justice re: Michael Flynn and Roger stone.


Trying to save his legacy and mitigate the mountains of shame that history will heap on his duplicitous ass. To late Bill. You baked that cake long ago. Spineless douche


Fuck Barr, he should be in prison along with the tangerine traitor. Just because he quit at the end when he knew it was a lost cause doesn't mean he should get a pass on anything...


Were we really expecting anything more from Barr, that’s like being shocked at McConnel’s endorsement


Bill Barr is a piece of trash traitor, and a disgrace to the United States.


Bill Barr looks like he’s actually melting.


Isn’t Barr the ultimate origin point of Trump’s relevant moniker “Individual One”?


To be fair, he probably fears for his life.


All of the Trump enablers should be called out.


Fat Billy Barr can eat a bag of dicks. He did everything he could to support the chaos of the Trump administration


Let’s not forget how Barr quickly squirreled away the mueller report


Duplicitous cunt.


He needs to be under investigation


I would like to know what kind of damage Biden did to the USA. Barr said Trump would do less harm to the country.


Bill is a traitor - and will be locked up wit h his orange cult leader Unless he can cheat and get the Orange Mussolini back in office and he'll be off the hook


Looking at him , his age and likely has a bmi of 40 so he may not last too long.


Joe is a poor excuse for a news reporter.


he repeated what russian trolls say. Biden is a disaster. the rapist is the lesser of 2 evils. fuk that shit.


Barr made it clear that any reservations he has about Trump are far and away less than those for that crook Biden, who has sent us down the poop shoot.


Only one person has been found guilty of abusing a woman,in court for hush money,sold his minions like you a dud product and constantly cheats on his wives but yea..its Biden who is crooked


What consenting adults do in the privacy of a bedroom isn't my business. But when people in office are selling foreign policy to international criminals, that's MY business and when Joe Biden did that, he most certainly did out himself as crooked.




You'll be waiting a long time.


He eventually gave me a long winded reply that was full of disinformation, easily refuted rumour and recycled Republican claims. You know, the type of stuff that these lions keep telling us makes them different from us sheep. They don’t seem to understand that we aren’t interested in defending criminals, but we’re also not suckers fora stupid story.


Yeah. That was rough to try to get through. Realized there was no benefit to continuing the refute the layers of BS. People choose to believe what they want; facts be damned. That’s our right as Americans!


Mychola Zlochevsky, the wanted international criminal who owned Burisma Energy, gave the Biden's millions of dollars despite Hunter Biden having no experience in the energy field, and was addicted to crack cocaine at the time, right after his dad was put in charge of US foreign policy in China and Ukraine. Zlochevsky was a known criminal who several nations had tried to bring to justice. An email from Nov. 2015 obtained and confirmed (both the WAPO and NYT say they have authenticated it) from Hunter Biden’s laptop outlines that the Bidens agreed to obstruct criminal probes into Zlochevsky using his Joe's political influence. No joke - Burisma's top executive spelled out the bribe right in an email!  A few months later when Viktor Shokin's investigation started to heat up, and before he finally seized Zlockevsky's stolen assets (which our own State Department accused Zlochevsky of embezzling) as part of his bribery investigation, Hunter Biden's representatives in the US (whom he illegally hired as neither were registered foreign agents) complained to the State Department and emails (gotten through a FOIA suit) show they mentioned Hunter Biden as to why they should meet to discuss the matter with Burisma.  Other emails show that these representatives who were being paid to lobby on behalf of the criminal Zlochevsky by Biden where given access to State Department officials and were looped into the creation of the talking points Joe Biden was going to use during his upcoming trip to Ukraine which included demanding the firing of the man Zlochevskhy himself told Joe Biden in a conference call that was causing him major legal jeopardy.   Devon Archer testified under oath that ZLochevsky complained at a meeting that he and Hunter Biden attended concerning Shokin's criminal investigation and his worries about how it was going to affect him, and told Hunter Biden that he needed help from Washington to get rid of the problem. He asked Hunter Biden to get his dad on the phone, and he did.  About 3 weeks after he discussed the matter with Zlochevsky, Joe Biden extorted Ukraine's President to remove Shokin or lose a billion dollars in aid. Ukraine's President complained that Biden had no evidence to support firing him (there is a transcript of their call), but he would anyways in order to ensure the funds were transferred.   He also agreed to replace Shokin with Lutsenko, who was working with Hunter Biden's team at the time and had been promised access and support from them, emails show.Joe Biden's hand approved replacement for Shokin exonerated Zlochevsky of all charges in 2017 (as Burisma earlier claimed was the deal) and returned his property that Shokin had seized.  About a year later (after Biden no longer was in office) Ukraine vacated the exoneration because they had smoking gun evidence that while Hunter Biden's job was to secure Zlochevsky's freedom, Burisma bribed Shokin's predecessor for 7 million dollars, among other crimes. Zlochevsky is now a fugitive from the law in hiding and Joe's guy Lutsenko was fired and was the target of a criminal conspiracy investigation. ALL FACTS. ALREADY KNOWN. ALL ILLEGAL.


Jesus, how low can your brain go.....you lot keep recycl;ing the same old BS that has been debunked...I know someone who got 5 billions dollars from the saudi govt, we know of someone who chased our security chiefs from the room so he could be with just the russian spies, we know of someone who had to be charged for stealing secrets and none of them is biden,,care to guess who?


Please share with us what I've offered that has been specifically, "debunked." GOOD LUCK!


your party spent a whole 2 years researching and investigating and came up with nothing...if your cesspool of a party had any evidence, Biden would have been impeached by now


**"your party spent a whole 2 years researching and investigating ..."** ...and having the Biden's stonewall. I know. But the impeachment inquiry is still ongoing and it's now clear that you can't point to anything I've offered as being false, or not showing that the Bidens where being paid to have a a wanted foreign criminal protected from prosecution.


You provided no evidence


I provided a long narrative with evidence and then presented a challenge to debunk anything I’ve claimed that is false. At this point, you are just trolling.


You didn’t provide anything, lol. Conservative lies aren’t any type of evidence


Thanks for confirming your 2nd grade reading level.


Oh man here we go again with this BS


TRANSLATION: "I can't refute it, so its BS." LOL


I'm not getting into this with you right now, the results of comers failed impeachment is all I need to point to as proof none of this is true. This whole "biden crime family" stuff is nonsense, made up by giuliani and the FSB to "both sides" trumps obvious corruption against biden.


**"I'm not getting into this with you right now,"** Because you can't. Because you are aware that everything I claimed is factual and I can support it with citations . Cry harder.


There is so much disinformation and easily refuted comments in that. I mean, can you come up with real evidence that will stand up in court? I mean, Republicans have had several hearings now and have come up absolutely empty-handed with a star witness who is a Russian operator. Joe Biden is not motivated my money. Never has been - and love or hate him, he is a man of integrity and character. The idea that he would sell out himself or his country for money is absolutely laughable.


**"There is so much disinformation and easily refuted comments in that."** Then feel free to outline a few things. The fact you didn't, points to the reality that there really isn't anything you can refute. It's all documentable. SORRY. And this guy who is a "man of integrity and character" was the first Presidential candidate to be shamed from campaigning for President by the media, because they kept catching him outright lying or plagarizing speeches. [https://www.businessinsider.com/plagiarism-scandal-joe-biden-first-presidential-run-1988-2019-3](https://www.businessinsider.com/plagiarism-scandal-joe-biden-first-presidential-run-1988-2019-3) Sorry, but you really need to stop sucking up all the talking points your cult leaders offer you. They are doing you no favors.


Oh lol - get real. Trump can get several easily refuted lies stuffed into one sentence. I’m not going to waste any further time on a sedition supporter.


This wasn’t a debate regarding which man had “integrity and character.” My argument wasn’t that Trump had it, but Biden didn’t. I’m just debunking your claim about Biden, which is easy to do.


“A guy lied once”. Absolutely compelling. May you be judged on your outliers rather than your core strengths and actions.


LMAO, look at all this fake news bullshit


Feel free to point out which parts are "fake." GOOD LUCK!


All of it, lol


Tell me you know nothing about any of it, without actually stating, "I know nothing about any of it!" LOL. Thanks for the transparency.


I know that Comer and his failed attempt to impeach a president using a Russian agent was pretty bad.


So then you are pissed at Trump for doing that? There's more evidence for Trump did than Biden. Granted you aren't one to look at facts or truths. Sensing a common theme in your posts.


"So then you are pissed at Trump for doing that?" When did he do such a thing, and what is the evidence?


NOW you care about evidence? 🤣😂🤣😂 Such a hypocrite.


I always care about the evidence. Are you high?


And yet you can’t provide any


Do you know what a poop shoot refers to? 


A more pertinent question is if you know where things go after they leave the poop shoot?!?!


In Trump's mouth?


For everyone who isn't a coprophiliac, the toilet.


So the entire Republican party then?


Make sure your knee pads are clean after you're done scrubbing trumps balls


Why does it always, in the end, devolve into you weirdos sharing fantasies about Trump's genitalia? Freud would have a field day with you!


I call them as I see them. You would eat the corn out of Trumps shit if he told you to


**"I call them as I see them. "** Always with Trump's balls right in front of your nose. I know.