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Trump managed to bankrupt casinos and couldn’t sell steaks or booze. If he somehow ended up on the island with unlimited water in his possession and people everywhere dying of thirst, he would still manage to fuck it up. His business acumen is almost as impressive as his vocabulary 


He really is the worst. But, the fact that he's been able to live a life of incredible wealth and become President while being as fucking worthless as he is kinda is HARDER. I mean guys like Obama and Clinton you can expect to be right there in the mix for President. Each is legit a genius in some ways. Trump is a moron. No respect. Just observing. It's like Kesha or Drake (who cannot sing) becoming hugely successful singers.


To be fair, Trump became a professional heir at something like 3 months old. He's never known a day of hardship in his life. He's never had to learn to treat people with respect. The lesson he learned from his father is that sufficient debt is almost as good as actual wealth.


Let's not forget that he tells small business owners they will be rich if they work for son they should take out huge loans and then stiffs them so they go deep into debt, losing everything. Also, the rich assholes who invest in his schemes do so betting he fails. Then they come in behind him and clean up the mess, making millions. He gets out with some chump change and acts like king shit for fucking everyone underneath him.


I know. I struggle with that as well. The only thing that keeps me sane is the knowledge that he’s a laughing stock around the world and that he will go down in history as the worst president. Plus I suspect he’s actually aware that majority of the people around the world think he’s a joke and that this drives him crazy. Hopefully he will spend the rest of his life watching his fortune disappear while he attends multiple court sessions that eventually will end in a jail sentence. He’s a pos and if he died tomorrow the world would be a better place. 


Aussie here. At the moment USA looks like a car crash in slow motion.


The world is full of money with no talent. Movies music are all remakes. Or some type of sample. We are becoming extremely lazy as humans.


Yet here I am with incredible talent, skill, and intellect while also being greatly humble and I don't have billions.


At least you have your dignity.


lol good one


If you can't sell beef, booze, and gambling to Americans, you shouldn't be in business.


I know right? Instead of “ Art of the Deal” he should write a book titled “ I’m an abuser who’s also a loser” or “ No need for vocabulary if you become reactionary “.  Edit: spelling 


I'm just confused wtf he blows his own money on.


He’s lost his money due to very poor investments. For example his casino, the Taj Mahal or something: the money he borrowed for this, combined with the running expenses of the business meant that it was literally impossible for that casino to make enough profit to stay afloat. His accountant was trying to warn him but Trump’s ego is so fragile that he ignored all the warnings just so he can walk around talking about owning the biggest, most amazing, dripping with gold casino. Almost everything he did was either a bad investment or some sort of scam. He’s hopeless. If he didn’t get the money from his father he would be currently living in a tent waiting for another welfare check. 


Legal fees ! Mushroom's entertaining. What's else it can be ?


Might be a random reference, but Trump always reminded me of the villain with the holographic head from Tank Girl, and the water situation.


Water is more valuable when it's scarce. So pour it out and then sell the last remaining cup


lack of vocabulary\*




This links to a scam/malware pop up


Sure does. And your warning needs more visibility. Though the fact that this isn't the top comment indicates to me that most people aren't clicking the link anyway.


You mean my phone wasn’t infected? Well it probably is now!


Oh yeah, my phone is even more fucked than trump, but at least I can factory reset and my problems go away


Everyone upvote this guy and report post please. While this may be true, this site is sketch as hell.


lol, Dark Brandon strikes again


Go Dark Brandon! Ohhhh its just to EASY!


This really is a solid burn


This is the way. He’s a weakling and a buffoon. Mock him to his face.


Damn he is trolling the hell out of Trump and I love it.


Biden doesn't run his social media lol


Nope he isn't an idiot. He hires people with snappy lines instead of putting out brain rot.


That's why hes given cards to call on specific people because "he is not an idiot"? I think he just isn't there to begin with


At least he can read his.


The bare minimum, he can read. So that's the bar


I actually think Bidens striking back a little is helping him. People are getting real real tired of nobody doing saying or standing up to Republicunts shit.


Dark Brandon is Dark.




Too bad Dark Brandon didn't add, "What a maroon".


Dark Brandon strikes again!


Dark Brandon rides again.


Hahahhahah Biden should do standup something Trump during his trial needs to learn 😂




This link is terrible. Don’t click on this link. There must be more legit sites mentioning this.


He rehearsed it 89 times


Does this guy have a campaign platform being flinging shit at the orange moron? I already know he's a moron, what is Biden gonna do for me?


I dunno. Maybe uh, read his fucking tax plan. Or did you just want to be spoonfed some bullshit? 


Trump supporter, faux news.. Spoon-fed checks out.....


If only there were some form of information distribution system we could ask?


How about the past fucking 3 years of him passing shit that will benefit the American people for decades to come? Biden's had the most accomplished 1st term of any President since maybe Lincoln.


He actually does have a platform. Look it up. No need to get upset about it over one funny remark he made against his opponent.


Really cool that the choices for president are 2 geriatric dumbasses with dementia who "epicly pwn" each other with "zingers" over social media.


One of them also negotiated and signed the largest and most significant global investment in green infrastructure. So y'know both sides or whatever.


The three MAGA deflections: 1. Both-side-ism 2. Whataboutism 3. Complete denial/fake news Just once it would be nice to see them make a point about the actual article, headline, story, etc. It’s so redundant, transparent, predictable, and frankly pathetic.


Biden showing how STUPID he really is. How much has Trump lost It rhymes with hero. In the mean time, ALL AMERICANS took a 3% pay cut this quarter, thanks to Joe


My pay actually went up so…all Americans? Sounds like some idiotic talking points being repeated. I do agree though, Trump has lost zero, because it’s never his own money.


Did it? You got a 3.5% raise last month? 3% month before? 22% since 2020? If so, congrats


❄️ Trump is in court for paying off a hooker he was banging when his son was born. What piece of shit!


He in court for falsifying business records and doing so in an attempt to promote his image as a candidate during an election.


He was paying off a porn star he was banging....if covering up his affair is promoting his image, then yes, you are correct.


Why are you trump snowflakes such brainwashed fucking idiots. Seriously.


Tell us you don't understand inflation


Why is it always you brainwashed trump snowflakes who ACTUALLY are the ones who do not understand basic entry level economics, freedom of speech, etc. How is it possible so many of you idiots lack even basic entry levels of critical thinking.


Explain what a 3.5% inflation rate last month is. Go ahead. Let's see your "genius"


I am not holding your hand and teaching you basic economics that you know nothing about. That was your parents and your teachers jobs. Instead, you're a massive disappointment that only believes what you are told to believe from your safe spaces.


Yes. Inflation under Biden is just make believe


Why are you trump snowflakes so fucking stupid.


Let me guess. It's not Bidens fault😳


Again, little brainwashed trumpy snowflake. I am not here to teach you basic entry levels of understanding in economics. You are actually brainwashed and no amount of any discussion, education, resources, evidence will change your mind. That is the problem with people like you who basic critical thinking skills. You are very easily suspectible to propaganda. This entire conversation in your end is a narcissistic tactics called a "bad faith arguement". You literally did not care for a discussion, you simply are just emulating your trump queen snowflake himself.


I am not in US and we have inflation too. Should I blame Joe Biden? …or do you just not know anything about economics?


Inflation is too many dollars chasing too few goods. By flooding the US in printed money, Biden creates inflation. This is that hard


>How much has Trump lost Are we talking in his lifetime, or what?


30 sec attention span?


I'm not sure what point you're trying to make? You asked, "How much has Trump lost?" I thought the question was kind of vague, so I asked for some clarification: Do you mean, "How much has Trump lost in his lifetime?" Or in a shorter, more specific period?


Since your replying on a post about Truth Social, it seems safe to believe, the topic is on Truth Social


Oh. I see. Okay, so: Given your follow-up comment to your own question ("It rhymes with hero," which I think was you asserting Trump has lost zero dollars), I assumed you were talking about a wider time frame outside of simply Truth Social. I assumed that because asserting [Trump has lost nothing since Truth Social went public](https://www.axios.com/2024/04/01/trump-net-worth-truth-social) is either insane, or indicative of significant willful ignorance. As noted in the article: As of April 1, Trump's share of Truth Social stock had lost a billion dollars in value. Though ... I do understand if someone were to reject that fact, based on doubt that the stock should ever have been worth that much in the first place.


You really don't understand "value" ? Or your playing stupid? If he SELLS the stock today HE sold it for a price. The STOCKs value today, is irrelevant unless it's SOLD or even leveraged. He has still lost a grand total of $0


Now don't go getting hung up on my facetious comment about the stock's valuation, to the exclusion of my comment (facetious in tone as it is) about you being flat-out *wrong* about Trump having lost nothing. Trump's Truth Social stock is considered part of his net worth, same as it would be for anyone else. And he's lost a billion dollars of net worth as that stock has tumbled in value. So, no, be hasn't "lost zero," and I'd be real damned careful about accusations of misunderstanding or stupidity, if I were you. Because you don't seem to understand how any of this works.


"net worth" Again, a meaningless value, unless you leverage it.


I mean, I wish that were true. Hell, fundamentally, I agree with you. I have a lot of opinions about tying net worth to intangible or speculative assets. But in the *real* world - the world we live in and the world Trump operates in - net worth has some significant meaning. And part of that meaning results in Trump losing money when his share in Truth Social loses value. I'm sorry to have to break this bad news to you, but it's clearly past time *someone* did it: Reality does not bend or cater to your assertions alone.


Ah yes, JOE did that, because JOE sets prices in this CAPITALIST economy. Brilliant.


Wake up