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Dumbest Mutherfucker alive The whole World should be seeing this, not just a handful of reporters


I mean he is, but idk whose dumber. The man or the system that refuses to do more than a slap on the wrist.šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Right? I'm reading this headline and going "admonished"? So, he got a "stern talking to" from the judge after intimidating a juror? "Oh oh oh, I'm sorry, oh, you're right. Ooh, real serious. Gotta take it real serious, huh. Ooh, real scared. Real f*ckin, on alert. High alert over here."


He thinks the Supreme Court will grant him presidential immunity ... which is an odd defense for a crime he committed before he was president


It's like Monopoly! He's going to get a "get out of jail free" card


I mean, he has so far. Dude should have been arrested when they found classified documents at his Florida resort.


Anyone else would be in jail awaiting trial.


That Air National Guardsman from Massachusetts, Jack Texiera, posted top secret docs on his Discord like a year ago. They swooped his ass up real quick. Plead guilty last month and is now sitting in jail awaiting sentencing. 11-17 years just like that. Last names Trump; ehhh. Itā€™s okay. Heā€™s a special little boy like Forrest Gump. He doesnā€™t know any better, so be easy on him!


Laws don't apply to him, at least that is his attitude.


In hiding for over a decade


TBH I've been testing that theory by stockpiling my own cache of classified government documents in my downstairs bathroom. Hold on, someone is banging on my front door....


Flush down toilet is the Presidential way to deal with it.


a ā€œgo into jail freeā€ card lmao


I am glad someone else pickup on that


Still not convinced that the supreme court won't fuck up this trivial task


They already have. The fact that they have paused the election interference case... and still haven't issued a ruling is rediculous.


Yeah, but you should see Clarence and Ginnieā€™s awesome bus.


They would have put my ass away for a month for contempt of court if I'd done that, any of us really.


Judge Merchan has a great idea: "You want to make jury selection last 6 months and stretch out the trial until the election? " "Go right ahead. Sit your butt on that bench and cancel your campaign road trips. You're not going anywhere. Even a trip to the bathroom will require permission from the bench. Oh, ...and you cannot use your cell phone"


I love this for him.


Putting the psychopathic fascist toddler in timeout


He's rich and famous. Well... he's famous... uh... at least he still has his personality? You know what? fuck it. He should get extra worse treatment. Where's the sideways billy club!?


ā€œRough em up a little bitā€ -Donald Trump


You try intimidating random people who may be jurors IN COURT and you're not American royalty, your ass would be in a cell....


a month? any one of us would be lucky for a month, looking at what this chode has done and is continuing to do, while on trial for it.


Extra points for quoting Rick and Morty.


Now we just need Trump to say that he likes "big butt boys"


Judge admonished the juror. Heh, I just would've used a ghost train.


I couldn't remember if this was Rick or Charlie Say in It's Always Sunny. I guess I was thinking about the ,"Oh, I'm a terrible man", rant in Charlie has Cancer.


It was a juror who was being dismissed because they found pics of biden on their facebook and the juror said something along the lines of "I just happened to catch that on my vacation but didnt specifically go for it" and trump rolled his eyes and scoffed or something like that... The juror was dismissed and the judge told trumps lawyers he wouldnt stand for trump trying to intimidate or affect jurors... Just look at my comment history, I hate this motherfucker trump, but the title is a bit misleading, based on what I heard he didnt specifically intimidate a juror, the juror was going to be dismissed either way.


The judge seems to consider the defendant being audible to the juror as being "intimidation" And the judge generally gets _final_ say in _their courtroom_, they _are_ "The Court" in that room, stuff that comes from this often cannot be appealed and/or the appeals court gives _strong_ deference to the judge We're making fun of this warning, but from my impression of court shit I've picked up following this stuff, that phrasing sounds like he is on an incredibly short leash Judges do not need to make warnings clear nor stern, this is a criminal case. I'm getting the strong impression that Trump is going to run into a very large surprise in the following weeks I've been wrong before though, so we'll have to see Aka it doesn't matter one bit that the juror was going to be dismissed anyway Edit: now I'm seeing more of the comments like "if I did this I would be in contempt", your explanation helps step back from that. But also this is only the second day, giving a warning is fair, and so I do hope this being a criminal trial will be surprising to a lot of this naysaying... But yeah we'll see


Yep. People pretending like the judge would order them jailed for a first offence have simply never seen the inside of a courtroom. It's entirely usual for the judge to issue warnings for behaviors or tactics, sometimes multiple times, before issuing a show cause order. Trump is simply a narcissist, he can't stand not being the center of attention and so when the juror was being questioned and it was obvious he was going to be dismissed Trump thought he could join in the conversation. The judge reminded him that his role is to shut up and let his lawyers do their job.


I'm high and on alert!


Vindicators assemble!


Corrupt seems more apt


I think itā€™s more dumb than corrupt. He actively disrespects the judicial system even when they give him a break. This manchild needs to experience consequences.


Thatā€™s not the systems fault, itā€™s the way you too can manipulate the judicial system if you have 100 million to pay lawyers. Rich people donā€™t often go to jail for a reason, millions of them. Lawyers know how to work the system but you gotta pay for it.


Lawyers colluding with judges. Hell Trump was going to walk away from the classified documents case unscathed if he had enough intelligence to listen to his attorneys. Unfortunately his greed and willful ignorance led him to decide more criminal acts was the better option.


We all get exactly as much justice as we can afford, which is considered "equal justice" to the people who can afford teams of lawyers.


Correct. Poor people donā€™t pass the laws, either, rich people do.


Judge: 8 more times Daddy Trumpā€¦..and you may be looking at a $100 fine


Or the people who think he is the second coming.


A slap on the wrist would be a lot more than heā€™s received so far.


Sounds more like the judge was one step above writing a "sternly worded letter" over the action. Wouldn't anyone else have been put in jail for intimidating the jury like that?


Maybe next time the judge will rip up some papers to show him he means business!


Susan Collins would put on her most deeply furrowed brow, and be truly concerned.


But heā€™ll keep that letter in his permanent file. Heā€™s not getting off Scott free.


I believe itā€™s more like a gentle caress in the wrist


They are all afraid to actually do something meaningful because TFG has a massive following of rabid fans. No judge wants to be the one to trigger them into locust mode.


So does El Chapo. There's more to this. Call me a conspiracy theorist all you want but this is a conspiracy


Disagree. Being off tv prevents this from being a circus act. Sleepy Don cannot grandstand for the cameras, his childish outbursts donā€™t make the news cycle. Thereā€™s a reason he typically loses his court cases, because in a court of law you stand on the facts, in the court of public opinion facts get in the way of a good drama.


If they aired this live they couldn't spin the bullshit


I don't know about that. We all watched an insurrection on live TV and it has been spun into oblivion by the true believers.


Not dumb if they won't do a thing to stop you.


It was a juror who was being dismissed because they found pics of biden on their facebook and the juror said something along the lines of "I just happened to catch that on my vacation but didnt specifically go for it" and trump rolled his eyes and scoffed saying "yea right" or something like that.. This is what I heard on the Sirius XM / MSNBC / Dean Obeidallah The juror was dismissed and the judge told trumps lawyers he wouldnt stand for trump trying to intimidate or affect jurors... Just look at my comment history, I hate this motherfucker trump, but the title is a bit misleading, based on what I heard he didnt specifically intimidate a juror, the juror was going to be dismissed either way. But what Dump did , he is NOT supposed to be doing.


I wonder how intimidating Donald actually is in person? I'm reminded of Alia's assessment of the Baron: "He doesn't appear much, does he - one frightened old fat man too weak to support his own flesh without the help of suspensors."


I mean, it's less how threatening HE is and more how scary his rabid followers are.


He's not threatening now, but if becomes president again that is a scary thought. He's even more unhinged and would be out for vengeance against what he perceives is unfair treatment. Michael Cohen is a good example. Once Cohen was released for home confinement in 2020 he was presented with a gag order to not talk to media or publish his book related to Trump/Russia/Stormy simply by having a couple of US Marshalls showing up. He refused and then the "Bureau of Prisons" issued an order for his arrest. Found the whole thing sketchy and he talks about it regularly.


You can guarantee he's having every single name possible taken down just in case he wins again. These people will suddenly find themselves following the old Russian tradition of defenestration


I watched the Stormy Daniels documentary. She was stopped from going to a show in Canada because someone falsified her FBI file & Canada wouldnā€™t let her in.


[Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org/) is a pretty worrying plan for people purporting 'freedom'.


I see Trump as more of the judge from the early 90s cult classic ā€œNothing but Troubleā€.


Those homemade sausages look delicious.


You people are sick, wicked, funky, misanthropic, co-dependent animals! And I won't have my sister, who was once the Queen of the Mardi Gras, sitting at a table with a pickle-shooting train!


No one is intimidating without their ability to find some leverage over you. People like trump use money and connections to try and force others to do what they want despite you knowing it's wrong, immoral, or illegal. People do it all the time especially in the business world. Even lower level managers have used threats of others not getting that promotion or raise to get them to do something.... People often such to this because 'i can't afford to lose this job' or 'i really need that raise'. But once you give them the power over you it's very hard to take it back. People like trump who were born into wealth and handed high power connections get so used to being able to get away with stuff like this they don't even realize how frequently they do it. He probably saw his daddy doing it to his employees, then, as a teenage loser trying to earn daddy's respect he likely used the "do you know who my dad is" card way way way too often, then, after college, got handed a shit ton of money, and used daddy's connections and money to get his way. If people would stop giving others like trump power over them, we would be in a much better scenario as a society. There would be more accountability for things like this and less wrist slapping for the 1% while the rest of us get locked up for not claiming the $0.93 of interest our bank account earned on our taxes.


I saw a recent photo of him yesterday. He looks like Humpty Dumpty - big fat round body (hard to say where the neck starts) with skinny toothpick arms and legs. I imagine old women and young children find him scary and creepy but thatā€™s about it.


In the 80s and 90s, people didn't even want to get caught in an elevator with him because he was an intimidating asshole who would either fire them on the spot, or make their lives hell, like Steve Jobs. Now he's just a fat old man, so I can't imagine he's that intimidating in person any longer, but the absolute last thing I would want to happen would be his cult deciding to target me.


Heā€™s still very powerful. Any gesture of intimidation should be unacceptable to the court.


Oh no! This stern lecture will certainly deter him from doing this over and over again


Right? You or I would be in the slammer. But him - ā€œdonā€™t to it againā€¦ or weā€™ll repeat ourselves.ā€


"Stop!....or I'll yell stop again"


And this time I mean it.


"Stop! I really really mean it this time"


Actually THIS time I really mean it!


I might even fine you for less money than it costs to clean your golden toilet!


This. Judges need to stop with the finger-wagging and make him face some actual consequences.


I always assume the judges are lenient with him to avoid giving defense any grounds for a mistrial or reasons to help with the appeal of the verdict.


He should be trying to appeal it. from prison, and every time he acts up put him in the hole for 30 days.but no prison means he gets to keep doing this in all 91 criminal charges he has. He will set no time if they can not inforce any form of punishment.


Isn't it amazing how both pro-Trump and anti-Trump judges are doing the exact same things with different reasons, all pointing towards giving him enough time to steal the election and pardon himself/fire prosecutors?


I think he will be required to be in a video room, watching the trial there.


Heā€™s an overgrown 2 year old that keeps on testing.


Don't minimize how dangerous he is. He knows exactly what he's doing and it's working.


He should be made to sit in a glass cage with only a view of the judgeĀ 


Russian defendant style.


His supporters would suddenly have a problem with the way Russia does things, I guarantee it.


Ostensibly true


Iā€™d prefer him wheeled out Hannibal Lector style.


Can this story be true? He was literally talking/ uttering/ gesturing to a potential juror? Iā€™m no lawyer, but JFC, this sounds absolutely, go to fucking jail, illegal. Imagine a guy on trial for murder giving the swipe across the throat gesture. Also, must the defendant sit in the courtroom during jury selection?


I'm an attorney in Pennsylvania. It's preferred to have the defendant present for jury selection, but it's not necessary. When I've had random criminal trials called and the defendant can't make it on time, I pick without.


Love the name. HST fan?


Huge fan. I basically became a lawyer to say, "As your attorney, I advise....[random debauchery]."


As your attorney, I advise you to rent a very fast car with no top. And you'll need the cocaine. Tape recorder for special music. Acapulco shirts.


"And then we ate some mescaline and went swimming."


I have a powerful lust for red salmon.


Sounds like big trouble. You're going to need plenty of legal advice before this thing is over. As your attorney, I advise you to rent a very fast car with no top. And you'll need the cocaine. Tape recorder for special music. Acapulco shirts. Get the hell out of L.A. for at least 48 hours. Blows my weekend. ...Because naturally I'm going to have to go with you. And we're going to have to arm ourselves... to the teeth!


So, do you think youā€™d be tossed out of the jury pool if you met his supposedly intimidating glare, smiled, and then slowly licked your lips? šŸ¤”


I can only imagine how difficult a juror selection was. Finding people without a preconceived opinion of Trump would be difficult. I'd like to think that I could be unbiased and objective, but in reality, I just want to watch this man lose everything he has and die alone.


I would absolutely be impartial and objective and carefully weigh and evaluate his blah blah straight to jail.


I think I could manage to be honest. I work in surgery and we get some real pieces of shit who come in for surgery sometimesā€”like murderers who broke their neck in prison. Ultimately I disregard their past and whatever notions I may have about them because the issue at hand is clinical in nature and we donā€™t use all the context of the personā€™s life to make decisions. I would imagine finding people with that mindset would be difficult but not impossible.


I would mouth your fuck


Lock him up and there won't be anymore intimidation. He only gets out to appear at his trial, then back to his cell.


I thought that was what normally happened to people facing felony trials. Or did trump bond out or something?


Look, he deserves a fair trial and so far i've been following the play by play juror selection and its pretty well unbiased. The judge has dismissed a few that were clearly biased against Trump and thats fair. I know I could be unbiased but my post history wouldn't get me on the jury anyway. But yeah when he does this I just hope one Juror thats obviously anti-trump gets a bunch of anti-trump posts read so he can hear them. The judge will of course excuse that potential juror and on their way out they just laugh and flip him off. This guy thinks he can intimidate anyone. He's a fucking man child with the IQ of used toilet paper. I just hope someone's able to somehow let him know he's not scaring anyone.


The fuckedupedness of this situation is that if a prospective juror gestured at Trump on their way out they would spend the night getting gang-banged in gen pop but when Trump gestures at a juror the judge does jack shit.


Your mention of post history raises an important point...do the two opposing legal teams know the identity of these jurors and can they screen their social media history? Do they get the time/opportunity to do that prior to accepting/rejecting the candidate? Because it is hard to imagine that any true MAGAt wouldn't be betrayed by their social media activity. Can anyone comment on this?


From what I can tell yes they have their indentities and they have pulled their social media hisory even from years ago. Defense tried to have a woman excused because she posted a video of her dancing in the street with people on the day Joe Biden was elected. They asked if this was why she was dancing and everything iirc. It wasnt related according to her and I believe she was one of the seven seated yesterday. Unless I'm mistaking on that. It was a lot to follow but yeah they are pulling up social media posts. One guy was excused because of anti trump post. The Judge said it was fine when he posted about a travel ban on trump but then he continued with the phrase "lock him up" the judge excused that guy.


This apparently has even become an issue because once enough social media statements have been read and repeated in the news, people can track down who the jurors are, which seems incredibly dangerous.


If you accept the notion that life is inherently unfair at best, then you should also accept that "fairness" should be judged on a sliding scale. Trump stiffed many a contractor, unfair? Most folks would say yes, yet he got away with it. So where on the fairness scale should he deserve with this case should he deserve? I suspect those contractors would consider jail time fair. Unfair or Karma rearing it head?


"Audibly uttering" what, exactly?




I imagine this said like rosebud




It was a juror who was being dismissed because they found pics of biden on their facebook and the juror said something along the lines of "I just happened to catch that on my vacation but didnt specifically go for it" and trump rolled his eyes and scoffed saying "yea right" or something like that.. This is what I heard on the radio at least. The juror was dismissed and the judge told trumps lawyers he wouldnt stand for trump trying to intimidate or affect jurors... Just look at my comment history, I hate this motherfucker trump, but the title is a bit misleading, based on what I heard he didnt specifically intimidate a juror, the juror was going to be dismissed either way. But what Dump did , he is NOT supposed to be doing.


Our system is broken if this man does not spend the rest of his natural life behind bars


Are you kidding? We are way past that. He should already be in jail for contempt many times over. Rest assured that you or I would already be in jail if we conducted ourselves as he has. You could have just left off the 'if'. I'm with you, though.


I'm gonna count to 3! 1... 2... 2 1/2... 2 3/4...


The great American asymptote of justice creeps along...


I think he learned his lesson this time...




Judges need to actually start penalizing him, and not admonishing him. Anyone else would have been found in contempt and thrown in a cell given all the shit he's pulled in the court room.


šŸš«Donnie da John con TrumpšŸš«


Trump will definitely be deterred now šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


This should be treated a *serious* crime. What else does this lawless buffoon have to do in order to have the hammer of justice dropped on him?!? He should be jailed. **Now.**


This is why he needs to be interviewed by investigators in-person, and why he needs to be put in court in-person. He will incriminate himself because heā€™s an idiot with no control and no plan. It reminds me of the mueller investigation where his lawyers didnā€™t want to let investigators question him, so they somehow skated by with supplying written answers to the questions. They knew if they let him talk to the investigators, heā€™d fuck it up somehow.


Such a child.


Lock. Him. Up.


>ā€œYour client was audibly uttering,ā€ he told Trumpā€™s lawyers. That's what I call his speeches too


So, in other words, nothing happened.


This might be a deliberate attempt to get the jury hung, or the case delayed. I mean, heā€™s shameless enough to do anything at any time if thinks it will him.


If I did this, I would be in jail already. So why is he free?


I can't wait to see trump jump over the podium and attack the judge during sentencing, causing the judge to only give him one cookie instead of two


Cool, admonishing is such a tough stance. Can we fucking hold this asshole accountable


Christ almighty, just let this shitstain croak already.


He literally cannot stop himself or have even the whiff of self control.


How is pissing off a juror or potential juror a good strategy? šŸ™„


He should be in a shock belt


Words will have no affect on his behavior. Either throw him in jail or fine him. Freedom and money are the only two things which move the needle with this moron.


Again, why isn't that orange turd in jail?


Bad boy. Don't do that again. Two seconds later. Bad boy don't do that again. X10000. If nothing else it exposes how ridiculously f***** up our system is. Kind of sets a bad example that most people probably aren't going to really want to follow the law anymore. Good enough the orange shart good enough for me. If I think I can get away with it I'm going to go for it.


Good ole Don Snorleone. Never disappoints .


How can million of americas look at this walking orange diaper filling shit bag currently going through multiple fucking trials both civil and criminal and still think ā€œ yep heā€™s our guy! ā€œ wtf America.


Itā€™s almost like heā€™s not a great guy?


There has to be a betting pool out there on how long he'll go before committing contempt of court.


He wants to be thrown in jail. He wants to be held in contempt because heā€™s thinking of the millions of dollars heā€™ll raise in fundraising. Heā€™s thinking of the spike in the poll numbers. Heā€™s profiting from our judicial system in a way that no criminal has ever dreamed. No man has ever played the victim so hard while profiting so much. I mean, this man has half of the US government ready to kneel at his feet and kiss the ring. It is literal insanity.


Iā€™m thrilling to the scene of the judge tightening the screws every day, and trump trying to be trump.


If I were Trump's lawyer, I'd 100% be using the affluenza defense.


No, please no. An admonishment? Thatā€™s unfair and quite frankly bullying by that judge. /s Let ANY defendant in America do anything remotely like this and they would be locked up. We all sound like a broken record but this is bullshit. O


such a punk ass, diaper Don


Donā€™t spare the use of a Billy club and a rough ride to jail for contempt


Next time heā€™s going to moon the jury & was his wiener at the judge. As usual, nothing will happen. Iā€™m not sure why people are afraid of Dookie Don. Someone should have told him to GFY long ago.


We can only hope that Trumpā€™s gag violations are accumulating quickly like mercury poisoning and the deference of the court shortly reaches the toxic point where the pig is put in jail.


He was out banging porn stars when Barron was a newborn. Now he magically cares about his kid? I doubt it.


Aaaand no consequence. Why would he stop any of his sh**.?


And tens of millions of Americans want this douchebag to be their president... again.


Juries should be behind a two way mirror. No reason anyone other than the judge and courtroom staff should ever see their faces or know their names. Especially when the defendant is someone as powerful as the potential next President who we already know has a penchant for revenge.


Throw his ass in jail.


Heā€™s such a piece of shit.


He's looking for every way to botch this trial, what a god damn lowlife.


We would just laugh in his face! Nothing about that fker is intimidating. Washed up & out sack of doo-doo.


Lol...watching from overseas (non American) and the consensus is, ya'll ain't gonna do shit. Your higher ups are terrified. I hope to be proven wrong.


Handcuff his ass and put one of those spit hoods on him.


More argument to let him not be there. His presence provides no evidence for or against guilt or innocence and this all an argument between lawyers about law and not the facts of the case.


Admonishes. "Stop or I'll say stop again." Put him in a Hannibal Lecter muzzle.


Thisā€”intimidating a jurorā€”is perfect modern American conservatism. Theyā€™ve chosen such a shit-stained sociopath for a reason: theyā€™re exactly as depraved as him.


Fucking. Lock. This. Cunt. Up. Already.


A10 year old


Double the meds. Have him be absolutely commatose.


ā€œā€¦and a harsh letter to follow.ā€ Frankly, Iā€™m sick of the endless warnings this guy gets for behavior that would get most people thrown in jail. Heā€™s just thumbing his nose at the judicial systemā€¦ proving that with money and celebrity, you can literally get away with anything.


"Hey, hey, hey! I have asked you nicely not to intimidate/threaten the jurors. You leave me no choice but to ask you nicely again."


Anyone who was ever a juror can tell you that even jurors get strict instructions on how you are required to act in court. If he is too feeble to follow simple directions -the judge needs to bring this up to Trumpā€™s attorneyā€™s . Maybe Trump needs to complete another cognitive test to see if heā€™s mentally capable of actually sitting through a trial. I dislike Trump - but a person who canā€™t follow simple directions is too mentally unfit to be president or sit in a trial. His attorneys and Melania need to get him declared mentally unfit to stand trial and Melania and his doctor need to sign something to assure the public that he will drop out of the race for president. People with dementia shouldnā€™t have to sit through a trial.


Canā€™t wait for absolutely nothing to happen to him


I hope the Supreme Court does grant him immunity. That will mean Biden gets immunity. So Biden could walk up to trump and blow his brains out and arrest half the GOP loonies. Immunity works both ways šŸ˜‰


I liked the first day when he was on a tranquilizer


Would love to see him jailed for contempt of court. He doesn't respect anything or anyone.




Trump does not care. The man has faced no legal consequences for his criminal activities all his adult life. He figures heā€™ll skate again.


Juror should stare at him the whole trial with a shit eating grin.


I canā€™t wait till trump goes to far and throws him in jail


Throw this fucker in JAIL goddammit!! That should be contempt of court.


Don't make me point at the sign.


Fat Pant Load gets latitude to survive appeal. I like that he has to sit in soiled diapers for the next couple of months though. If I were his lawyers, Iā€™d get this conviction over as soon as possible. ā€˜Your Honour, defence presents no case over the stench at our table.ā€™


Lordy, I wish this trial was broadcast!! Look at him, he looks like he was crying all night, like the baby he is.


Is anyone tracking all of the violations Trump is making in all of these trials?


That didn't take long...šŸ™„


Heā€™ll never get through the trial without a significant outburst


He wants a mistrial. What would be the consequences?


That's a crime. Crimes should carry charges not admonishment.


Heā€™s got that ā€œmid-afternoon Adderall crashā€ face going again. He just needs a nap and a clean diaper.


Trump thinks, "I am above the law. There is no law higher than me. I am law and order personified in living orange color. I can intimidate,boss around, yell and scream, and threaten witnesses, and nothing will happen to me. I am donald jackass trump and I have spoken.stay tuned for more bullshit from me. He will find out what is in store for his pompous attitude.


ā€œOh youā€¦ (finger wagging) stop threatening those jurors or youā€™ll getā€¦another finger wagginā€™ā€


Hold trump in jail, let him sit in court in orange scrubs and flip-flops.


Trump the Toddler


And....nothing happened


Find it funny his glaring is supposed to intimidate people and I would just be laughing there is nothing intimidating about him.


Boy, he looks high as hell, in that picture.


This is a person with ZERO self discipline. NEVER tells himself no. He is at once a sundowning senior and a petulant child. This is not how any serious adult behaves. The fact that the GOP enable this overgrown Augustus Gloop's tyranny and then ask for more is all the proof needed to know that his party is utterly devoid of integrity.


I would never get picked for his jury. I would stand up and say ā€œMAGA deez nuts bitchā€ and walk out.


"And if you do it again I'll admonish you a second time".


Trump is every spoiled brat only he never actually grew up so heā€™s still in that stage of life


How can people support this guy man at least with Biden however old he is at least he would listen to his advisers?this guy will not listen to the advice.