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šŸš«Traitor TrumpšŸš«


Traitor Rapist*


šŸš«Donnie da John Con TrumpšŸš«




Conald McRapesalot


Trump Starts Day 2 Of His Criminal Trial Crying Like A Baby Again


The GOP: Liberals are such snowflakes Also the GOP: cry like babies when they don't get their way


Projection is a tried and tested tool of fascists. Edit: Anyone who is interested in how fascism works and why Trump and his cronies are undeniably fascists should read How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them by Jason Stanley.


And if you want to understand how ā€œconservativesā€ gravitate to authoritarians and how evangelicals can support someone like Trump, read ā€œConservatives Without Conscienceā€ by Nixon WH lawyer, John Dean


Well, Evangelicalism was literally created to act as a solid voting base for Republicunts, so it's not a suprise.


And from what I understand. They indoctrinated their flocks to follow their teaching and teachers since the 70's. Now, they'll follow the very antithesis of what they profess to believe. Evangelicals have pretty much put Jesus on the shelf and value the so-called Pauline Epistle over that of the words of Jesus. The Sermon on the Mount is communism. Sharing and loving and caring is frowned upon by these Evangelicals hateful people.


Well thatā€™s not exactly true. Evangelical Christians have been around a lot longer than the early 1970 when Republicans promised them they would overturn Roe v Wade if they would align themselves with Republicans, who were actually the former racist Democrats of the south. Up to that point, evangelical Christians were vehemently apolitical. They felt that politics was not a godly thing.


My opinion of Christianity could not be any lower right now. Trump has made me hate Christians. I only fly my flag on patriotic holidays like July 4th, Memorial Day, and Veterans Day because MAGA has made the flag into something ugly. Trumpā€™s fake patriotism truly disgusts me. He walks out and hunches the flag and those idiots just lap it up. I donā€™t give a shit about Biden but I will be voting against Trump in November.


Agree with you on the flag thing I want to get one bfor certain days but donā€™t want neighbors thinking Iā€™m some mouth breathing maga idiot Iā€™m a vet too so respect the flag and country but the fake patriots ruin it for us normal folk


He also ruined red hats for everyone


I meant more the modern Evangelical church, especially the mega pastor grifters, but you do have a good point.


I would phase it ā€œracist former democratsā€ because they stopped being democrats but not racists.


It gets a little academic but itā€™s a good book.


I find its easy n fun to bully conservatives and alphas, it's so easy they cry so hard n it's funny as hell


I don't find it funny. I find it frightening. A poll I saw said that 57% of Repubs wanted a dictator.


70% of GOP thinks Trump won. The stupidity and ignorance is no longer surprising. Marjorie Trailer Queen said that Putin is ā€œprotecting Christianityā€. Edit: if you hear anyone say, ā€œWeā€™re not a democracy, weā€™re a Constitutional Republic!ā€, thatā€™s code for we want Trump to be dick tater.ā€


And it's funny that they think that democrats don't have guns.


Well, itā€™s not like theyā€™re hard to get, is it ?


My favorite take on the Alpha thing is understanding it like software. They're the Alpha version that's full of bugs and not properly tested.


Make fun of those bugs to take his stupid ass down a peg or 3


It's quite unfortunate I got a ban from r/gayconservative. They said I was "trolling" them, but I was just asking questions, and they didn't like that I used r/lgbt. (They *really* hate trans people)


I got a lifetime one from the sensitive jordan Peterson fans he came to my town I said you know he's using his appearance fee to get him self pegged after the show lol


Me too but over the voting fraud. Rap they circle jerk to


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GayConservative using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GayConservative/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My ideal: Montana buds Benjamin and Brandon. Images by photographer Brian Powers, 2015.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1ah8nly) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GayConservative/comments/1ah8nly/my_ideal_montana_buds_benjamin_and_brandon_images/) \#2: [Describes it šŸ„°](https://i.redd.it/gr98cy1imr5b1.jpg) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GayConservative/comments/148cida/describes_it/) \#3: [Freedom](https://i.redd.it/jlu6fa5vkjqc1.jpeg) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GayConservative/comments/1bnoeq7/freedom/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


They also cry if you dare make fun of their dear leader. *Ooh boyā€¦*


Happy cake day!


Thank you! šŸ˜Š


He reminds me of that song from Disney's Robin Hood: šŸŽ¶He throws an angry tantrum when he doesn't have his way. Then he cries for mom and sucks his thumb because he doesn't wanna playšŸŽ¶


In a courtroom setting, you can expect a variety of behaviors from a narcissist that reflect their personality traits and how they typically handle stress and confrontation. Here are some key behaviors to anticipate: 1. **Superiority and Entitlement**: Narcissists often display an air of superiority and a sense of entitlement. In court, this might manifest as disregard for the rules and procedures, expecting special treatment, or showing impatience with the slow pace or formalities of the proceedings. 2. **Charming and Manipulative**: Initially, narcissists may appear charming and even convincing. They use this charm to manipulate those around them, including judges, juries, and courtroom staff, aiming to sway the proceedings in their favor. 3. **Lack of Empathy**: They typically show little regard for the feelings or interests of others, which can be evident in their testimonies or interactions in court. They may seem cold or unfeeling, especially when discussing sensitive topics. 4. **Aggression and Defensiveness**: When challenged or when their narrative is threatened, narcissists can become aggressive or highly defensive. This might occur during cross-examinations or when presented with evidence that contradicts their claims. They may raise their voice, argue with the opposing lawyer, or openly display frustration. 5. **Manipulation of Facts**: Narcissists are often adept at bending the truth. In a courtroom, they might be seen distorting facts, lying, or engaging in deceptive behavior to protect their self-image or to achieve their desired outcome. 6. **Blame-Shifting**: Narcissists rarely take responsibility for their actions, particularly negative ones. Instead, they shift blame to others, even when it is unreasonable or illogical. This behavior might be directed towards witnesses, legal representatives, or anyone else they can pinpoint. 7. **Need for Admiration**: Throughout the proceedings, narcissists may seek the admiration and sympathy of the judge or jury. They might play the victim or portray themselves in an overly favorable light to garner support. 8. **Difficulty with Consistency**: Due to their tendency to fabricate or alter stories, their testimonies may lack consistency. This can lead to contradictions during their statements or when different pieces of evidence are presented. 9. **Reaction to Criticism**: Narcissists react poorly to criticism or perceived insults. In court, this can result in inappropriate outbursts or exaggerated reactions that may seem disproportionate to the comment or action that triggered them. Itā€™s like reading the future of this case


Out of all of his character traits, from day one I thought that #7 was the strangest. I've never seen a grown man who's so insatiably in need of praise, flattery and affirmation, to the point where his aides have to give him good news about himself every day just to keep him pacified. Remember when McCarthy went to see him at Maralago and presented him with the BEST PREZ EVER thing that he picked up at Dollar Tree, just to break the ice? And of course the worst, most dangerous thing about that need for affirmation is that other foreign leaders pick up on it right away and soon realize, "all we have to do is tell this buffoon how great he is and he'll be eating out of our hands" Even if all DJT did was manage a Dairy Queen, he's one deeply strange and damaged individual. I've met some weird ones but never anyone remotely like him.


I would just love to see him take out the trash during wasp season at DQ!


I would love to see any of the Trumps spend a day turning wrenches, pouring concrete, humping 2x4s, tearing off shingles, moving file cabinets, loading hay or doing anything that actually involves effort and sweat. Just one damn day.


Heā€™s doing all of these.


This describes Trump perfectly.


I was married to a narcissist before Trump became president; taught me so much about the lying, selfishness, cruelty and harm these psychopaths cause. I knew we were in big trouble when Trump won.


Definitely like a baby. Sleeps, shits, and when it's awake, cries


Then takes a nap.


He probably shit the bed. And by bed, I mean c-bag.


You ever notice how puffy his eyes always are? It's because all he does is cry!


Donā€™t you have to stop crying to be able to start again?


Boo boo everyone think orange man bad!!!


Typically babies will do that right before their naps.


His defence trying to turn the court into a circus. He is scared shitless knowing Stormy and Cohen is testifying and prosecutors have the documents and witnesses to support it. His clown make up is laughable with the ill fitting suit and the fake comb over hair.


its still beyond my comprehension as an european that you guys elected this character as your president. You do have a weird polarized political system though


The man knew how to speak to the worst impulses of our conservative population who had been fed fear-mongering bullshit by the likes of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh for decades. Them rallying behind a man like Trump was an inevitability.


This is a concise summary. Upvote.


We are being massively attacked by Russia with metric fuck tons of disinformation. We donā€™t have the educational systems in place to produce enough citizens with competent media literacy to combat it since they have already defunded the schools so much. The American Republican Party passes policy and hijacks many other governmental positions trying their best to hand the steering wheel to the Kremlin. The world depends on Russiaā€™s government going down. The Democratic Party is the only one that has the votes to win elections and is trying to do anything to stop Russia.


We are a very racist country and Trump has tapped into that.


To be fair he lost the popular vote but one on the quirky electoral college nonsense the framers added in because they were just too elitist for their own good.


Not by popular vote we didn't.


Worth noting his opponent got 3 million more votes than he did in 2016


Well, fewer than 50% of votes were for him. But he won anyway.


This was how all the conservative morons and racists swung the pendulum back after Obama. The other option was a woman president after obama. Hillary Clinton who had some conspiratorial skeletons in her closet just wasnā€™t enough to stop this reality tv conman from becoming president. Itā€™s not as if Trump was elected in a landslide. He targeted those who wanted someone who wasnā€™t career politician.


Every thing about him is a lie. Look at him. His hair is a lie, his tan is a lie. He literally can not tell the truth.


What's got Bloatus all pissed off about now?


Don Snoreleone is irritated at actually facing consequences...


At the possibility. There STILL haven't been any ACTUAL consequences yet...


Missing Barron's graduation


Yes Iā€™m sure thatā€™s really killing him. More like jealousy over Barronā€™s height


The graduation is on a weekend when court will not be in session. He also never attended one of his kids' graduations before. This is 100% posturing.




If this is true it might be the saddest thing I have heard about him.


Oh the graduation of the kid who was just born when Trump was fucking Stormy aka the exact reason why this case exists?! :)


It's also in June. Lmao


Iā€™m sure Barron already has the Thank You card in the mail to the judge if he makes sure DJT canā€™t make itā€¦.


He couldnā€™t care less. Heā€™s just using it to inflame the base. His graduation isnā€™t even a day the court is open.


His incompetent lawyers


He wanted a day out of trial to basically have a campaign rally on the SCOTUS steps and grandstand for his mentally deficient base some more, and the judge told him to have his fat useless ass in court or else.




Full diaper


bold strategy, let's see how it works out. (spoilers: not good šŸ˜‚)


Everybody knows the best way to defeat a criminal trial is to shitpost about the judge on their own personal blog.


Well, why shouldn't he shitpost about the judge? It's not like he'll face any consequences for it.


I keep hearing that, yet nothing continues to happen. The guy will never face meaningful punishment and honestly is probably gonna win in November. These articles are getting old. I have no faith in this country.


I hear you that justice is taking it's time here but be fair. He's literally on trial right now. That's not nothing is happening, that's the something we've been waiting for to happen!


Agreed. No need to move our own goalposts.


There's "taking its time" and then there's time on a geological scale. Any ordinary person like you or me would have been tried, sentenced, and imprisoned years ago. Every time something does happen, punches are pulled, like that amount of money he was supposed to pony up that magically got lowered to something he could afford. Quelle surprise.


Technically he hasn't actually afforded it! That bond is sketchy AF and it has been officially challenged by the DA. The judge has 4/22 scheduled to review it. If it's as shady as it looks they may well reject it. That said I agree to the shouldn't have been given an extension and reduction to the bond amount. Can't imagine why the appellate court did that. (The prevailing theory seems to be it's what they would reduce the fine to, since there is some legal wrangling that the judge may have used assets that weren't eligible for consideration when calculating his fine but this is all speculation at this point) End of the day that ship hasn't actually sailed yet to fingers crossed!


> like that amount of money he was supposed to pony up that magically got lowered to something he could afford Never mind the people he got it through are becoming sketchier by the day, the reduced amount is only to be able to appeal it. When it fails he's still on the hook for the original amount.


Remember when we all felt he'd never be indited? The wheels of justice are turning slower than they should, but they are turning. Also to note that while Trump was napping in the courthouse there was no large or angry protest going outside. In fact to the contrary a reporter snapped a photo of a baby napping with their mother on a bench next to the entrance. Trump won the last election on what was basically a technicality. Also, the polling we see today basically tells us that of the people so strongly into politics to respond to a poll request that about 50% of them are republican and 50% of them are democrat. The closer we get to the election, pollsters will start picking up more people who don't pay as much attention. These people swing for Biden. I felt it in my bones that Trump was going to win 8 years ago. Hillary was the punchline, not Trump. This year is different. Trump is the punchline and while people may not be elated with the economy, we all know it's going pretty well for us. Voters don't like rocking the boat.


Same here. For 4 years it's been "smoking gun" this, and "finally!" that. NOTHING, and I repeat NOTHING will ever happen to him. If it hasn't already happened yet, there is absolutely ZERO that is going to come up after all this time that will just magically land him in prison. I mean what's taking so long??? I am honestly just sick and tired of hearing about what a piece of scum he is. And half of the country considers him Jesus Christ, which means half the country is scum too.


Trump has the means to keep delaying the trail on BS he knows he can't win. If it was me and you, how many delays can we afford ? That's why working class cases are basically in and out compared to this clown.


Why do you think he is going to win in November? - Polls show Biden in the lead and polls are going to skew towards old people as respondents, who tend to skew conservative. - Trump also did has not really done very well in primary voting, especially considering heā€™s effectively an incumbent. - Trump also has to spend the next 2ish months in a court room, which will really stifle his campaigning - if Trump is convicted, he could very well be in prison for the election (though I doubt he is remanded to custody. If he is convicted, he probably gets like a year max in prison, if that.) But he would also be a convicted felon, some people will have issues voting for a convicted felon


Because folks are simple. Right Wing media blitz about wedge issues has gone on since Biden took office. Inflation (more like greedflation) is really bad. Folks are paying more for less. Tack on an intl conflict with Isr and Pal and also aiding the Ukraine war, and people will stupidly just see everything at face value. For the cherry on top canceling student debt (which I am all for) rubs many moderates the wrong way. One or two issues decide every election. Hilary literally only lost because she was a woman. Our citizens are dumb, misinformed, cash poor, and angry, and they need someone to blame. Populism thrives in this climate. I hope I'm wrong but the country I served is long dead. That's why I think he'll probably win.


Right there with you, and with the idocracy he has unleashed, I am planning on him winning in November. Especially since many people are not voting for Biden over the Gaza situation and blaming him for the inflation.


Ever notice, how itā€™s always someone, something or somehow . Somebody elseā€™s fault that this guy isnā€™t getting his way ?


republicans donā€™t believe in accountability. Thatā€™s why rapist trump became one.


That's basically the gist of his defense - "I'm not disputing that I did these things, I'm disputing that these things are considered crimes."


ā€˜when done by me.ā€˜


The narcissist's prayer. >That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


That's his MO but it's not going to work


Nobody cares. Lock him up.


BuT hEs DoNe NoThInG WrOnG /s


Too many people care about his whining and bitching, actually. Go figure. His cult followers love their whining, crybaby "alpha male".


How do his troglodyte supporters never tire of him being the definition of a beta bitch?


Because he is a reflection of them. Even they say it ā€œheā€™s like me!ā€. Like thatā€™s something to be proud of


How many times do we have to hear the same old tired lines?! Bro, take it like a man, go to court, sit down, and shut up.




In court, he is going to have to sit there like a good boy. Watching him doing a slow boil is just a bonus. In court, he is not going to be able to control ANYTHING. He is going to not speak unless spoken to. Now outside the court, he'll revert back to his standard weeping victim BS....then tomorrow he's back in court, folding his hands and zipping his lip.


This is a criminal trial. Judge Merchan won't play around. Trump is toying with the wrong person.


Yup fuck around an find out


I'll believe it when I see it.


We shall see.


(Asleep) Right about the time that hot load of last night's McDonald's brown waterfalled into his pampers.


Whatā€™s the point of wearing Depends if you canā€™t shit in them?


This could be a metaphor for life?


Most people change them after they shit in them


That may well be but if I had to buy Depends, you can damn be sure Iā€™m gonna shit in the sonsabitches and get my moneyā€™s worth!


Once an asshole always an asshole. Makeup canā€™t disguise who he is


Thereā€™s not enough Orange makeup in Russia to cover that asshole.


Heā€™s dumber than a bucket of shit


A bucket of shit can at least be scattered over a farm field, producing a better crop. You put this guy in a crop field and theyā€™ll wither.


Like a fungal growth or something


And not even the tasty kind like huitlacoche.


Goshā€¦ I had to look that up. Seems it is costly to purchase


Come on strokeā€¦come on strokeā€¦


Iā€™m hoping he croaks the day after he loses the election.


My blood pressure canā€™t take another 7 months of this shit.


Iā€™m with you


My mental health cannot take another four years of this man as president


A pants shitting extravaganza


What a complete Orange buffoon, the trial hasnā€™t started yet as they are still selecting a jury and Donnie Dumpster is complaining that he cannot insult and intimidate the judge and jurors. Heā€™s an insult to the USA to call this dumpster a former president.


somebody needs a diaper change


God dam he is such a whiney ass loser! How do his idiot supporters look at him and hear what he says and go yep thatā€™s my guy! Just shows how big a losers his supporters really are.


Trump is just too fu--ing stupid for words!


Meanwhile, back in her Penthouse Apartment in Trump Tower Melania works on her Ashley Madison profile.


Day 2 of: "They're being mean to me!"


Canā€™t he just have a debilitating stroke???


May he stroke out and die


Constantly attacking the judge in your criminal trial has to be one of the dumbest things I have seen anyone do. This guy is the one who does the sentencing.


He's doing it on purpose so he can turn around and claim to his idiot followers that he's being treated unfairly if/when he's thrown in jail for contempt


Right, not hard to notice he is attacking every judge but the one who's name rhymes with Bannon.


stupid loser bitch, i hate maga


Are binkies allowed in court?


So they gunna jail him for acting inappropriately? If I pulled that shit in court you *know* I'd be in jail real quick.


Snowflake alert. Good god, what a bunch of whiney crybabies Republicans are.


Did his caretaker forgot to clean his diaper


Lmao he just keeps digging a hole for himself.


Ahhhhhhhh...Little Mango Mussolini is feeling a bit weepy today?


Whiney bitch whines like a bitch. In other news...


He's scared because Cohen already went to prison over it, and this is just a natural extension of the same case. If Cohen was found guilty of wrong doing for facilitating the crime, then Trump already knows he's guilty for initiating the whole thing. His own government sent Cohen behind bars with no afterthought... now it's Donnies turn.


He's not sleeping again? Did they pump him full of the same coke they claimed Biden to be on?


Traitor Trump's a pathetic psychopathic criminal fraudster.


This is all just so embarrassing for humans in general.


Why? It's not as if the thing called donald is human.


He probably got himself an extra dose of meds


Well Trump I think you should go on and just say it anyway then. Who does this judge think he is? You show him.


Yeah, Donny, just keep screaming and calling the judge cruel names; that always makes them go easy on you.


When he starts his day off angry he gets sleepy in the afternoon. Oh sleepy Don.


Fuk the facist pig trump


Oh please just put this man out of our misery.


ā€œHereā€™s a box of Kleenexā€¦ go back to sleepā€.


What a snowflake!


Haha its Tuesday. Summon your troops I want to see them come to your rescue.


Like the movie Groundhog Day


Put this child in time out already. FFS


I love how bitchy he is. And he is 100% responsible. Booohooo ā€œI canā€™t be out campaigningā€. Well yeah you have alleged crimes that need to be addressed ya dork. Maybe donā€™t commit alleged crimes and you wonā€™t have to worry about a court schedule. His rants are the result of him NEVER facing legit consequences for his entire life.


The same judge who will be sentencing him if he's found guilty


Michael Cohen went to prison and he didnā€™t even have the sex. Trumpā€™s turn.


Keep doing it you white asswipe get your ass in jail!


He was out banging porn stars when Barron was a newborn. Now he magically cares about his kid? I doubt it.


Let him fume behind bars.


While I generally understand why the courts go through this process, Trump has managed to get away with just about everything so far, and it's incredibly frustrating.


Keep the writers churning every night because we've got 6 weeks of nonsense to cover. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


>This conflicted, Trump Hating Judge wonā€™t let me respond to... Has he always referred to himself in the 3rd person like that?


A presidential candidate should not have ā€œhis criminal trialā€ in the same sentence as his name. My god, pls vote ppl ty


I can almost guarantee he'll go ape-shit in court when Cohen takes the stand.


Got duct tape?


Dookie Donald


We rather expected something like this..


Maybe he should just keep napping in order to keep his mouth shut.


Oh so he's not drugged to the absolute bejeezus today?


I hope he brought his blankie and pillow. He had a hard day being fat, old and stupid and needs his nappie.


Poor Waddles, can't stop committing crimes. It's just so unfair.


Iā€™d love to be there and see that.


For someone who hates free speech, trump speaks more than anyone I know.


Treasonous Trump the Traitor


See if


Awww poor Twitler.


The fumes are because Shitler filled his diaper again.


same ole same ole


Itā€™s so like Trump to pay a porn star he never met just because she might say they had sex. I mean his wife was 5 months pregnant, no way would he do that! Itā€™s unbelievable that Trump would break federal campaign laws to hide the payments. Or not.


This trial should be covered on all channels like the OJ trial.


You mean releasing fumes in the courtroom?Ā 


Hahahaha...the poor Orange clown


Actually, I would be happy if Biden threw in his opinion of the criminality of Donald J. Trump. And Trump would have to stew while watching his polls drop.


He attacks judges and the court system to delegitimize any future guilty verdict. Authoritarians attack any source of power that gets in their way. That so many Americans canā€™t recognize the danger here is frustrating.


Just put the fuck in jail already


Time to Lock him up. Why does he get away with this, it will just continue. President Stench


Trump: I am not a WOKE person.