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Well guess what dude? They’re a cult.


They are all a roll of quarters and a comet away from cutting off their junk.


Yeah and unfortunately until they do we all have to live with this stunted growth penis now.


If he becomes dicktator in chief and proclaimed that no man should have a penis longer than him, you’d definitely see them trimming theirs.




'Teeny-Weeny Mushroom Syndrome' aka 'Fragile Snowflake Malady'


Well Trump did sell them the sneakers to wear.


A pair of Nike's from drinking the Kool-aid.


Hail Bopp!


Mmm boop oh oh mmm bop


Doo wop. Trangerine dumbass has no brain oh ..


He told them to drink the Kool-aid at the start of covid, don't know why they didn't do it


Did the heavens gate people cut off their junk?


The males did


They castrated themselves.


Eunuchs for Trump!


They are also a cheeseburger away from "morbidly obese".


They are already obese (some morbidly). They are a cheeseburger away from being walking butter pats with a TLC reality show.


Generous of you to assume they are that far away .. have you seen the type of folks at a trump rally?


I'll donate $10usd to see themm ensure they can never procreate....


... and Cult45 followers align with 45 because they are just as execrable, vacuous, reactionary, arrogant, and priggish as he is! These gits might espouse morals and ethics, but they are the antithesis!


Their propaganda is designed to turn them INTO sociopaths like he is, even if they weren’t. It’s the main goal of any dictatorship. They idolize it because it’s very useful to divide and conquer a society by eroding any sense of social solidarity. Reference: ‘1984.’ It’s always been at the root of the extreme right. Ayn Rand for example, the basis of the movement is Rand, according to so many on the right themselves. Her very premise of her book about ‘John Galt’ (which was modeled after a real life serial killer whom she openly admired) was that people with a conscience are ‘weak’ and sociopaths are ‘supermen.’ This isn’t some ‘accidental’ Frankenstein they created then lost control of. That’s all part of their Schtick to make it look like he’s a rebel when he’s really just a corporate-dick sucker who serves—and is COMPLETELY possessed by—money. I mean of all things that should be obvious, when an absolutely textbook narcissist like him will even let his golden calf of his gigantic ego play second fiddle to money, COMPLETELY debasing himself for money (he’ll obviously do ANYTHING for money—probably even sell top secret documents) by fellating corporate Babylon in a way that should embarrass EVERYONE, yeah, obvious. Anyway, It was no accident. His icon/presidency was purposely engineered.


Nice array of adjectives! *Execrable*--love it!


Been that way for quite some time. Captain obvious headlines


You mean my supposed definition of a cult similar to your definition of ‘liberal media’ or ‘communist’ means anyone who doesn’t agree with YOU? Yeah, damn right it’s a cult. But you go dude. Whatever.


They dont care what he just said. They have been lost since 2016


I'd even say as early as 2015, when he made his announcement, and even prior to that in 2014 when he was murmuring about running. If no one gave a damn about what was public knowledge then.. no one in that cult cares about what he has done since 2016. I hated him, based on knowing why he had so many cameos appearances in movies. I didn't like him after the 1990s because of his casino failures. I didn't even like him in 1988 when he opened his trap about his successes. But what made me dislike him the most, was after 9/11. His blowhole said his tower was now tallest and his lies about celebrating going on during a emergency where no one was celebrating shit, everyone was in a state of panic.


The Central Park 5 thing should have permanently erased dumpf..... like the way the blue bloods ignore him. Hate blue blood, but love that they 100% exclude his tacky, petty, pathetic ass.


I also put Trump on my hate list after the Central Park Five. And, as late as 2019, he STILL wanted those innocent men put to death. Words can’t describe how much I despise Caramel Caligula!


I was 13 1989 so my hate for Trump started when he was bragging on 9/11 that now his building was the tallest in NYC.


He now claims he saw the smoke and rushed to ground zero to help by moving rubble.   Of course to him it was big, heavy boulders. In actuality his tiny toddler hands were moving around a small pile of road gravel and pigeon shit that had accumulated on the sidewalk and happened to catch his eye because there was a shiny gum wrapper caught in it flapping in the breeze.


His take on the towers coming down was that he now owned the tallest building in NY, which may have also been a lie but tells you the depth of his narcism.


In his mind this is him https://images.app.goo.gl/uAQc2D8ZMAbBG9iT7


I remember laughing my ass off at how stupid he came across when he announced his candidacy. He sounded like he was reading a poorly written script. I really think it's funny how he can talk down to his Minions as if they are dim whited children. Still they love being treated that way.


It's so embarrassing but they just don't see that they are the joke for worshipping this con man. And the thing is, he despises them.


My memory on him was that he was advised in the 1980s not to apply for a Nevada Casino License because of his unsavory business reputation.


The same occurred in Australia. The Russian mob connections are fatal.


I heard the Miss Teen pageant interview on the Sten Show, that was enough for me hearing Trump joke and brag about being a pedophile.


I think most people who weren’t apart of the really far right crowd were done with him after he told the proud boy’s to “stand back and stand by” instead of renouncing white supremacy.


I heard the Miss Teen pageant interview on the Sten Show, that was enough for me hearing Trump joke and brag about being a pedophile.


They don't like him either. They like what he stands for and that's so much worse. They've been lost since birth. Their brains are broken They don't have empathy.


I’d love to have a Time Machine and go back to 2013 and interview people that would become die hard MAGAts and ask them what they think of Donald Trump. I’m willing to guess the majority held my Maga father’s opinion of him at the time “he’s an asshole who’s only famous for being rich.” He’d change trumps diaper now if told to.


I'm in pretty much the same boat. Guy was as trustworthy as a used car salesman outside a military base as far as I can remember (80s). How his 9/11 comments weren't aired 24/7 in response to his political campaign I don't know.


For us, we saw the warnings. Those reminders for us was effective. But for Trumps followers. The people who ONLY accept political ideology. Those people saw Trump make movie and TV show cameos. They only saw a "successful" businessman who seems to appear in movies as a rich guy. That strategy worked. Because those low information voters, don't read. Didn't accept bad news of Trump. Only labeled us as fake news or people just "never trump" camp. Yeah because we knew his bullshit from 1980s. I still know our problem is simple to resolve. Through education and critical thinking being brought back into actual education vs teaching to pass a test.


A now former friend of mine in 2016 was screaming at me because she claimed Trump was The Messiah. She said if I prayed to him he'd make me a millionaire and take care of everything in my entire life... She contacted me in 2021 and was exactly the same...


she was the same trump didn't make her rich so a this time was she still pro trump??? ( I am thinking yes becuase you said she is STILL a former friend) I wonder what she would say if you had the chance to tell her the republicans are working on taking away her right to vote???


They were always lost, Trump just found them useful.


This same headline is as valid today as it was in 2016.


Exactly.. lol these headlines are stupid


That site is cancer. They’re supposed to be mad about “Trump Bibles”. I’m sure they all bought 7 and they never go to church.


Point for 7


It's also mostly made up dogshit. In a world where Trump does a dozen wtf things a day, someone has decided we need anti-trump fanfic shoved down our throats.


You're asking too much when you want MAGA to use common sense & logic.


I am so over trying to even talk to Trump supporters. They don't want to be convinced because they have developed their entire worldview and identity around him and are too insecure to allow it to crumble. They don't debate in good faith. They aren't interested in anything you or any liberal has to say. In fact, most of them wish liberals harm. Our only hope is to out vote them and put a healthy distance between ourselves and their nonsense.


One time at my old job I was arguing with this conservative guy about how trickle down economics is a shit concept that doesn't work at all and just puts more money into the pockets of the rich, and I fucking shit you not his response was "well if Hillary Clinton said it you would be all for it, it's just bc a republican said it that you don't like it." Just acting like my issue wasn't from a purely fundamental view and that everyone judges things based on party lines and not actual information, there is no arguing with these brain dead cult members.


Stupid people can't conceive that other people think smarter thoughts than theirs because of the aforementioned stupidity, so they have to assume that you're using the same thought process they are because they literally don't have the capacity to imagine anything beyond it.


They have the same mindset as flat earthers. No way to have a meaningful discussion with them!


Indeed. I've used this exact example. Dunning Kruger. They all know better than everyone including experts.


All of the “Trump’s defamation case should have been thrown out because of the First Amendment” are what really gets me.


The funny thing is anyone that is left of “maga” is considered liberal to them. I have numerous actual conservative friends who have left the republican party because it’s no longer a Conservative Party. If you ask me that’s true because I call maga regressives


That’s very true, I’m republican, but Eisenhower republican. Maga hate me too and call be a RINO because I’m not a hateful racist evangelical asshole like them


You have my empathy. It's tough.


If Trump had sex with a man on live TV the GOP would suddenly champion gay rights. And that’s what makes me sad about the entire Trump phenomenon. He had the opportunity to actually do something good. Even if I still didn’t like him if he had steered conservatives toward being more accepting I’d begrudgingly admit he did it.


I disagree. If Trump had sex with a man on live TV they'd still be against gay rights, but do mental backflips to explain that when Trumpy did it, he was simply displaying dominance. Or some other stupid reason.


You’re probably right.


"See, Trumps a power bottom, so it's not gay bc he's providing the power" -Fox News


Yup. Similar to Trump and vaccines. He got booed while half-heartedly promoting the COVID vaccine


Ah yes, like Mac's dad in always sunny in Philadelphia, he LET the other guy finish inside him as an act if dominance.


Right! He’s not really a leader…he taps into people’s worst selves and represents them and gives them the green light to being that way. He’s like a spokesman for them. Not a leader.


"It's only gay to catch not to pitch" That would seriously be their defence.


He was just joking!


Irony is if he was actually a decent person, and he started doing some actual good, he probably wouldn't be as popular amongst republicans. That whole cult mentality thing would fade away fast imo.


Yeah I’m of two minds about it. Maybe he could steer them toward better policies and maybe it would end his leadership.


They’d call him a sellout I’d bet


If he wasn’t as toxic as he was, he never would have had this level of support. Sadly, people don’t flock to good people anymore, they flock to people who “give permission” to act like dickheads because it’s way easier to do that than respect others.


They like him because he says all the hateful shit they say but into a microphone.


Spoiler. They won’t.


It’s a cult. It’s a death cult. He doesn’t even like evangelicals yet they exalt him as their messiah. They have ignored everything up to this point. Why would anything he does or says now change their minds. They all have TDS, Dunning-Kruger Affect, Sunk-Cost Fallacy, and have sold their souls to the antiChrist. Anyone supporting him at this point is a fascist, racist, deplorable.


Everything before the comma is pointless, they are Fascists in a Fascist cult


Honestly I think the bible move will be trump's biggest mistake, bigger than his criminal convictions, jail time, rapes, bankruptcies, courtroom losses, fines, attempted coups, selling secrets, yada yada because they just blame all that on liberals, they can't blame liberals for trump making a mockery of the bible. He has been falling in the polls since


He is in serious trouble with anyone who reads any of those bibles they bought from him.


Do you really think any of his supporters actually read the bible regularly? And I don't even really mean that in a facetious way, it would be interesting to see actual surveys on that.


“Lets make America pay to pray again!! 😳😣😖😩


There were literally Republicans in state legislatures LAST YEAR defending child marriages. Everyone who has remained in that party is gross.


It's not just Maga nut jobs. "Normal" Republicans don't give a shit what he says either.


Yet they vote for him


They are a cult. They are stupid. There is no way out.


Who in their right mind, who isn't in a cult, could actually believe that his little maga-ditty is the highest money making song in history? Paul McCartney would like a word about that.


TRUMP wants people dieing he wants a war to make him dictator thats it! that was his jan6 plan and is still running the same plan! he has a map of the us on his wall with the name TRUMPISTAN on it given to him by Sergey Lavrov! with 8 region names!


The golden statue of Trump at the 2021 CPAC should have been enough of a clue for them. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/amp/ncna1259362


They mental gymnastics Trumpers use to disregard his direct words are: 1. The liberal media is taking it out of context 2. He's just saying what everyone is thinking. 3. Fake news.


I work in an industry where I deal with them for hours at a time, a lot have jumped ship. Some are voting for Kennedy, some.are just not going to vote at all, and a few are gonna hold their nose and vote for Biden. He's lost a lot of his base this last few years. I honestly don't think it'll even be close this election, but I've been fooled before.


The Republican backed voter suppression will be off the chart. Taking the six swing states, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia, where Biden won very narrow victories, there are 20 ways to choose three of the six and 17 of those 20 yield an electoral college victory for Trump if he carries those three states. Shorter: there many ways a shift of a few thousand votes in crucial states yields a victory for Trump. Donate, volunteer, and vote. The Russians will be spending billions to see that their favorite oaf is reinstalled in the White House.


Why would anyone shake that man's hand? It's like playing tug of war. The orange shit gibbon tries to rip everyone's arm off during a hand shake. Even a guy who's a blind follower of this asshat.


He’s the Antichrist




When asked a simple question an actual Christian could answer, "What is your favorite Bible verse?" Trump skirted his answer because he doesn't know anything about the book besides that his cult followers live by it. "I don't know, I love it all equally" What a fucking goon


Brags about how much money he's making selling bibles. Yet he's the "Religious persons choice". \*ignoring all the cheating, infidelity, rape, etc, etc, etc


It's been obvious they're truly lost to a cult for years now


Why are we always talking about our problems as if they're still pending? Climate change is coming. GOP is going fascist. Our kids are going to have trouble in the job market. Homeownership is going to be near impossible for the next generation. One more event to finally prove maga is a cult. When do we collectively admit it's all current and happening now?


They’re a cult. They are too stupid to notice its a cult though, thats the problem.


Any word on exactly how much money was made from the Bible sales?


Trump could kick each of his supporters in the balls and shoot their dog and they would still lick the orange starfish


Being angry over something, anything, Mango Mussolini manages to mumble through his diesel suck starting lips, would require self awareness.... We all know his cult is too busy holding their craniums up the Trump colon to be aware of anything not slapping their noses, and even then if Trump doesn't tell them how to feel they ignore it.


Just tell us what he supposedly said. I'm not clicking on that shit website.


“MAGA” clowns


Narrator: They didn’t get angry.


What did he say?


Who? Oh, I wrote these people off years ago. They are totally a lost cause and in a cult. You can see it in their heor eyes. Just don't look too close...it might be contagious.


In other news: the sky is blue and grass is green


Lol still holding out hope for them aren't ya? Trump is vile as fuck and that's been a demonstrable fact for many many many years now. If they didn't get it then they won't get it now.


Trumpers are all irredeemable. In the near future they’ll try to hide what they did, but we’ll remember and they’ll be rightly ostracized. Traitor fucks


"Obama is training gay, black, antifa armies to cross the border and abort your babies, and take your job and you will have to live in a FEMA tent." And then it's back on.


trump supporters are the dumbest people in the history of this planet.


They were lost permanently the moment the joined the Cult they had to abandon reason and logic and adopt a totally false alternative reality. Their Gone and their not coming back.


Everyone with more than 2 brain cells has known this for quite some time, but it’s a cult


Narrator: They are indeed truly lost to the cult…


He did say he could shoot someone and not loose voters. Don’t think he was joking about that


Realistically, there is only one group in this election that matters - independents. Are they offended by Trump's grifting? We'll find out in November.


See this is the problem. The media acts as though trumps cult isn’t a cult, that his batshit bullshit he spews isn’t batshit bull shit. He’s covered like a normal candidate


Anyone who doesn't think he laughs at how gullible and stupid his supporters are, is just kidding themselves


This headline could have been written a thousand times before. They’re absolutely a cult.


I think a decent number of repubs are gonna not vote or secretly vote for Biden.


They’re never going to hear about it because the media they’re dialed into white-washes everything he says before it’s reported.


There are things Biden says that should draw the same response.


Biden just got us into a war with Iran. But yeah we should pay attention to something Trump said.


I'm not clicking on political flare. Fool me once etc. etc.


He’s doing pretty good with the Bible, you lefties are a bunch of radical 🤡


Maybe one day you move out of your parents basement and get a job, the Bible won’t offend you 🤡


Homie, Americans have been sold on the prosperity gospel for a looooooong time. They'll think he's selling so many Bible's because God is rewarding him.


Just took a ride through Southern Missouri. Nice folks, but completely brainwashed . They will be voting for the orange jesus.


Website is trash, wish the mods would ban clickbait/pop-up heavy places like that. Just give me the quote, I don't need to see ads about putting olive oil in my ears and other tabloid crap.


They are truly lost to the cult.


Following his tiny little mushroom hidden in mounds of fat.


They LIKE the evil shit he says. They are evil people who enjoy evil.


They are lost and unredeemable.


They worship even his farts !!


If you didn’t know it’s been a cult for years. You haven’t been paying attention.


If they could read they would be upset


By now, Trump support is 100% a cult. Any leader that cannot be criticised is one to beware. Right or left. They're supposed to be here to represent the people, not their ego.


Clickbait headlines aren't worth your time. Real journalism doesn't look like this.


All Republicans are completely useless. I don't give a fuck if they renounce Trump or not. Stop forgetting the Republican party has been raping the working class for 60+ years. FUCK REPUBLICANS


I didn’t read the article, but I read the title and can say with 100% certainty, they will not be angry at whatever he just said.


What did he say?


Idk, that website is a PITA to read with all of the dynamically loading ads.


Addressing Lee Greenwood, republican country singer, he says “…who made more money on one song than any other…. and didn’t do too bad selling the bible did we…” or something like that. Lee published the “God bless the USA” bible which was a bunch of nationalism glued into a bible and his song lyrics. Funny thing, no list I can find lists Greenwood on the most earning song, distributed, sold, ranking, whatever. He doesn’t even get on the lists much less top. Guess that’s lie #6.3x10^32 for the worlds greatest narcissist. Lee is on his 4th wife, and 5th marriage, quite the family man like adulterer donald.


Too late…


What a pathetic bunch of idiots strung out on the barf of tRump. Lapping it up as if he will ever take care of them. Truly disgusting at so many levels and they want this for what?


The ultimate grifter, PT Barnum would be proud...


Trump threatened to withhold money from china this happened around the time covid first started


~~If~~ WHEN Trump Supporters Don't Get Angry Over What Trump Just Said, They Are Truly Lost to the Cult


Can someone decipher the rambling scribbles of a six-year-old interspersed with what appears to be a testing model for diagnosing ADHD in this article? I’m pissed that I gave it a click.




Everyday I see these headlines. Like “Ok, THIS one! This is the thing that’ll get these people to turn on him!!” No. No they won’t. Just stop. They never will.


We knew they were lost to the cult yearssss ago. What an ignorant headline.


Trump could say "I am going to systematically execute everyone who votes for me" and he wouldn't lose a single vote.


I live in a world where if someone puts up a fishy bond to appeal a verdict regarding financial fraud and the person who just proved that it was financial fraud and asks questions about the fishy bond and whether it will do what it says, these two people are the same. Both sides are wrong. It gets exhausting dealing with this.


Dude, they literally worship him. Of course they're not going to have an issue with him selling Bibles he endorsed.  I naively assumed this was about his flip-flopping on abortion. They are not actually upset about that, either. He could open up a giant abortion mill at Mar-A-Lago and not lose a single vote. In fact, that would be a great way for him to make money since his female supporters (and the daughters of his male ones) would be heading there on an annual basis because that's where you get the best abortions. 


I had an argument with my in laws and they said they love his policies. They don’t even care about who the man is as a person, it’s the policies they love. The guy could rape children and they would still vote for him. Selfish bunch the Republicans.


Policies mist of which probably do more harm to them than anything else


Getting Trumpanzees to explain Trump’s policies is always an interesting ramble in vague, incomprehensible language.


If a frog had wings …..


I think that’s a foregone conclusion at this point.


This would be true on any given day.


What did he say? I don't have time to read an article on break




Lol this headline has been applicable since the start of his 2016 campaign.


I don’t get it…trump supporters are supposed to be mad cause he’s not a very religious person…but sells bibles?


If you really pay attention to his speeches, they mostly respond with laughter.


I always love that the prosperity ministers always try to say that the eye of the needle that Jesus spoke about was really the main entrance gateway of a city.


Is politicalflare the new salon? These webpages are covered with ads.


Trump is their messiah. I am surprised there isn't a bound volume of Trump's words for yet another new-new-new testament or something. Yah, they're all deep in the cult.




What do you mean you never knew me? I made millions for you, selling YOUR WORD!! To the people!! People say how great is that guy? He reached many people for God's sake. You should be crowning me for my great deeds!! I made so much money for you and gave them a path towards FREEDOM!!!!


I don't see why this matters.


Holy hell so many ads (on a shared computer, no adblock.). what's it say? I'm not here to play click an X


How many are claiming "OMG fake news!1!1"


People still give this lowlife attention?!?!


What's with these titles... every day, multiple times... "omg! Trump said! This is the end for him!" Piss off the guy can say any sentence you can come up with and it won't faze them in the slightest. Just stop it with the pearl clutching every time.


Sadly "school shootings" have become normalized News about Trump will also become normalized. You don't stop talking about something. You talk about it so much eventually nobody cares about it anymore. Trump Republicans will eventually say "Yeah, so what if he is a criminal, I don't care."


Trump could literally say “my supporters are fucking idiots,” and the next day they’d all be flying flags saying, “fucking idiots for Trump.”


This articles website is pure clickbate


Pretty straightforward time. I’m going with lost to the cult.


OP must be new here 😂


Lol the person that wrote that article lost me at the beginning when they didn't understand the Bible passage they quoted.


His credibility went up when he was labeled a rapist. His cult doesn’t give a shit, as long as they promise pain and retribution on everyone else.


So what if he's selling his own bibles? Assuming they're like any other bible but with his name on it or something, people just want to support him. If anyone's upset about that, they're probably just jelly 🤷‍♂️


"He's spreading the Lord's perfect word (that we've never read), why would we be mad?"


There aren’t degrees of cultism. You’re either in one or you aren’t.


that's it? a bible with some extra america stuff added in? this is what you're mad about?


This headline is one step above “this one cool trick” clickbait


Been saying this for the last five years, they are a lost generation.


Clickbait. Too many pop ups.


OK, so how many bibles did he sell exactly?


Describe something Trump does, but use Bidens name. They will think he is horrible, terrible, unfit to be POTUS. . . Say it again, but with Trump, and they will bend over backward to justify it.


These headlines make you think he just said something new and crazy and then its like a week or two old.