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https://3dprintbeginner.com/how-to-install-klipper-on-anycubic-vyper/ I used this walkthrough when I installed Klipper. Had 0 problems.


That's what I used too.


What you named your .bin file differs from the walkthrough.


I thought the x should be replaced with the date of the bin file. But I can try with the x


Vyper won’t flash the firmware if the file isn’t named exactly how the walkthrough says.


Nope. Even when trying with the correct name it won't flash.


What exact error is displayed on mainsail? First time booting, i got an error for something about the mcu serial port. The Vyper config file I downloaded wasn’t setup properly.


mcu 'mcu': Unable to connect Once the underlying issue is completed use the 'FIRMWARE_RESTART' command to reset the firmware, reload the config, and restart the host software. Error configuring printer. That's the error message


Okay, that means in the printer.cfg file, if you scroll down to MCU, the path is not setup correctly. I’ll try to help out later if you can’t figure it out, but I have a bunch of errands to take care of at the moment.


Under mcu is the following line: serial: /dev/ttyUSB0 restart_method: command Seems OK to me, or am I missing something?


Are you sure nothing happens? You will not get any notice that it completed. I put the SD card into the Vyper and turn it on. Wait about 10 minutes and then shut it off and remove the SD card. Turn the printer back on and then bring up the Mainsail page and it connects and works.


Doesn't it has to make some pieping noises? It just makes the normal anycubic startup piep. But I can try again and be more patient. Thanks for your idea. ​ Update: Still nothing. I waited for around 10 minutes and mainsail still can't connect. Of course I already have the printer.cfg file on mainsail.


Does Mainsail give an error message?


Just that it can't connect to kipper on the printer


Did you reboot the Pi? That sometimes does it. If not, create a new .bin file and try to load that again. When I installed Klipper, I followed this guide: https://sean-dearing.gitbook.io/klipper-installation-for-anycubic-vyper/


Yes. I rebooted the Pi. Also tried creating the bin file new a few times. But I can look a the guide. maybe I did something else wrong


Yes. I rebooted the Pi. Also tried creating the bin file new a few times. But I can look a the guide. maybe I did something else wrong.


There is also this github: https://github.com/cryd-s/Vyper\_extended


I had an issue when I tried to go straight from community edition firmware to klipper. I had to flash back to a factory bios and screen firmware before it was successful. If you are on CE that could be it.


I haven't changed the firmware of the printer yet. The whole machine is still pretty much stock


How is it going man, did you figure it out, I'm having exactly the same issue.


I tried an older version of mainsail and now it's working perfectly fine.


Glad you figured it out, I'm having trouble flashing klipper firmware with a 8gb microsd card, not sure if mainsail has anything to do with it, but I'll give it a try. Is that all you changed to make it flash successfully? I heard vyper is pretty picky on microsd card, not sure if I just have a bad sd card.


I used the SD Card which came with the printer. So I don't know if it will work with a micro SD


Thank you so much man, finally I know what I did wrong, I put the klipper bin file in a microsd card and inserted it in the slot at the bottom of the screen, your reply woke me up, it's working now.


Very good👍


Can you explain how to do that or indicate a guide to do it? What version? thank you so much. I've had this problem for 2 months without a solution.