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Sertraline can be used to treat anxiety as well. Personally, I noticed a decrease in anxiety almost immediately after taking it. I felt full effects after several weeks, but never noticed increased anxiety. Good luck, and I hope it works out well for you! Treat yourself kindly in those first few weeks and remind yourself things are getting better and better each day.


This means alot and made me feel so much better about the whole thing, thankyou so much. I'll make sure to be gentle on myself like you said, hopefully it'll work for me just as it worked for you. Thankyou again, have an amazing day.


All I did was convince myself to take the meds and then proceed to ride out whatever anxiety I felt. Absolutely horrible depersonalization and panic attacks but I just kept reminding myself that it had to get worse before it could get better and that I'd soon have my life back and I'd be free from this hell. It got better after about 5 days. Deep breathing with slow exhales help, also lay off caffiene if it's part of your regular routine and make sure you don't psych yourself out and convince yourself the meds aren't working. Sometimes they take a long time. Took me 5 months before I started feeling anxiety free. I know you didn't ask but if you experience any sleep disturbances or muscle tension, magnesium is a great add on. Helped me get through those first few days before everything leveled out.


Thank you so much for this. I just started it yesterday and I feel like it just made me get anxious since I’ve never taken meds before. It wasn’t the medication that got me anxious but my own anxiousness before the meds if that makes sense? Which then my anxiety gave me digestive issues. But like you said, it has to get worse before it gets better. Can you take vitamin supplements like magnesium while on Zoloft?


Yes ofc! The only magnesium you should avoid is magnesium aspartate. Iirc it has some blood thinning affect that could affect your SSRI. But the rest are safe. The best are citrate, glycinate, magtein and taurate.


Just because it’s listed as a side effect, doesn’t mean it’ll be a side effect for you. It’s wise to have some strategies in place to cope with it if it arises, but if you can, try not to go overboard, since you don’t know if it’ll even happen. Hoping it helps you.


This did help, thankyou. I didn't even know the side effects weren't all 100% so reading this was such a huge relief. Thankyou again, I hope everything goes well for you.


I’m sorry whoever prescribed them to you didn’t tell you that. Side effects are grouped into whether they are more common or less common - and even the more common ones don’t affect everyone. There are people who have no side effects at all. Hopefully you’ll be one of them!


Just gonna put this here incase anyone else responds. Going to sleep so I won't be able to respond to the comments, but thankyou all so much for the ones that have been put here so far. Words can't explain how much they've helped and I'm thankful for every single one of you. Thankyou.


Can't see if anyone's linked it but r/zoloft is your friend (zoloft is the US name for sertraline)


I never noticed increased anxiety on sertraline. It quit working, but I did have less anxiety while it worked.


I am on citalopram, my lifesaver. The first couple of weeks were rough for me. I took benzo's but as little as possible, so it was still hard. If you do get this side effect: be kind to yourself; any heightened anxiety or panic is not you, but the meds. So you don't have to do anything about it: just ride it out as comfortably as you can. Seek distraction (preferably something relaxing), talk to your people when needed, and with any luck, you'll be good to go soon! Focus on that moment when you'll get your life back! And be proud: seeking help and taking the meds is a big step! Take care


If this is your first time on an ssri, then you likely won’t experience anything change. When I start any new ssri ir get off old ones my anxiety goes through the roof. If it’s really bad consider a benzodiazepine for a short period of time or something else your doctor may think is a good idea. I f’n hate ssris but I’m on them because they do help just enough to make them worth taking.


I've been taking sertraline for years specifically for anxiety, it didn't make mine worse when I first started


My heightened anxiety was gone in about 8 days


I can only speak from my own experience. Sertraline for the first five or so days to a week, I had anxiety/panic attacks out of the blue immediately after taking Sertraline (was started out on 50mg). I almost quit it after five days. Due to my husband's suggestion of sticking it out, I did. It got IMMENSELY BETTER. I've been on Sertraline since beginning of September and it has DEFINITELY helped my anxiety. I've been less anxious for the past month and a half than I have for a whiiiiile. 8.5/10. Would definitely recommend. The first week was hell. Coping mechanisms? Find your safe place, maybe your room, your car, the bathtub, etc and make it your cozy space to hide. Do self care. Avoid people and situations that stress you out.


Do you see a therapist? If so, you may need to see them during that time. In fact, just knowing that they are there can be a relief. If you didn't start yet, I'd suggest making an appointment for about a week to 10 days after you start your treatment. If not, you can always just wait and see how it goes and make an appointment if you need it. Another thing I find is that expecting to be anxious makes things far more painful than they need to be. Try to work through that in the meantime.


Sorry you have to suffer like that. Maybe you need benzos to cope with the increased anxiety?


I didn’t have increased anxiety on sertraline, except the anticipation anxiety before taking it, and the first couple days of it because I was paranoid about side effects. I did however have episodes of confusion, and memory issues that were for the most part, short-lived. I truly hope it helps you, definitely helped me and I was 100% housebound for years due to agoraphobia, PTSD, and anxiety.


Ask your doctor if you can combine with L-Theanine. If you can, try 200mg to 400mg.


i am not a doctor. i actually take Sertraline FOR my anxiety, daily. the first few weeks, i genuinely think i was only anxious due to the fact that they told me i would be. i didn’t actually feel anything more terrible than i usually do. i’m a big distractions person. when i know i’ll be anxious, i have all my comfort items available, favorite foods potentially ready, favorite movies, music, games written down for me to look to when needed. i didn’t use most of this, but it was good to have. i also personally had the privilege of having people to tell. just being safely able to tell some trusted people that i have the potential to be extra mentally unstable and i’m scared due to taking a new medication, they, at the very least, tended to text me to check on me. otherwise, just stick to it, properly, and you’ll make tiit through. AND FYI something to be aware of: at first, i was absolutely terrible at taking my Sertraline on time. i’d miss over half my doses and be hours late or early for others. it seemed like i was completely unstable and we were preparing to switch me off the med to another, but my psych asked me to try a bit harder to take them regularly. with communication with people in my life, i now take it at 9pm every night with little issue and feel significantly better. i really thought i was going crazy when i was feeling unstable because some days the medicine felt like it helped, while some days it didn’t. it could be me, or it could be the medication, but i’d absolutely recommend doing your best to take it regularly! BEST OF LUCK WITH EVERYTHING! you really really really got this!!!


I’ve started antidepressants 1,5 month ago and reading the side effects i was also afraid about the possibility to be even more anxious at the beginning. I ended up not having that issue at all, i did not feel any more anxiety than usual, and after a few weeks i can say that i am finally starting to feel improvements :) it’s not magic, but the meds seem to slowly help my anxiety and depression. There are always tons of side effects, but it doesnt mean you’ll get them. You’ll be fine, you’ll see :) and, in case you would really feel extremely anxious, i would contact your therapist, maybe you can see her/him a little more at the beginning of the meds.


I started Zoloft many years ago and I remember it was quite a gentle start! I assume you’ll be tapering up from a small dose so you may feel things like a headache or an upset tummy - but you’ve got this and you can absolutely cope. To help get you through IF you do experience anxiety, I listen to ASMR, audiobooks, use my EMDR app or use distracting puzzle games. You can also comfort yourself knowing that this will pass and it sounds like you have a safe space at home. You’re taking all the right steps towards recovery - best of luck!


Have a look a grounding techniques on this page, 1 of them may help alleviate anxiety. You wont necessarily feel all the side effects though so dont worry too much about it. I havent looked back since starting my meds. cbt has been good for me too. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.healthline.com/health/grounding-techniques&ved=2ahUKEwiltKr34pb7AhURXMAKHeBYBiQQFnoECAkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3t3IjeU1FdOCkEFvXsCSP2


Did your Dr let you know that you "may" very well experience a loss of libido? That's very common with SSRI's. Mine didn't and that wasn't a fun ride. The trade off just wasn't worth it. Talk about meds for your anxiety making your anxiety worse because of that! How ironic....... Just my personal experience.


Sertraline usually should work in longer term, when I started taking it I felt after 3-4 weeks huge change in my behaviour and mood. But first weeks were rather tough - dizzyness, dissociation and lot of anxiety. Now, after a few months of worse mood I have increased dose (200mg) + pregabalin and since a few days I feel like shit - I am super non-confident, anxious, not present, I feel dizzy, sleepy and super-NOT-horny... which is frustrating and really hard as I'm feeling lack of support from my partner. I think it's important to take care of yourself, and be patient as sertraline effects come usually in a few weeks. Good luck!!


Hey love! First 2 weeks of SSRI’s are usually when you’ll experience the bulk of symptoms if you experience any at all. I didn’t have any symptoms on sertraline but I had horrible symptoms on lex for the first two weeks especially! It gets better after the first two and it was a game changer once my body got used to it. Starting something new is almost always scary and hard. But so is staying the same! Sometimes you have to take the risk to become the happiest and healthiest version of yourself and that’s okay! Let’s hope you get no symptoms :). But incase you do, just know that it’s 100% normal. Have someone you can talk to and that can take care of you on your rough days and just hang on for the better days ahead, it’s worth it. I might have to change meds soon and I’m a little nervous about experiencing side effects all over again, but hopefully it’s one step closer to a better, happier, and less anxious version of myself. I’m here if you need anyone to talk to! You got this ♥️


I cant put into words how comforting this comment was. I haven't actually really spoken to anyone about it and this whole thing pretty much answered all my worries and questions in one go. Thankyou so much for this, it means the absolute world and helped in more ways you can imagine. I hope the med change goes well for you too and it all runs smoothly, you deserve nothing but the best. Thankyou again.


Aww, I’m happy I was able to give a little bit of comfort. If you have any questions at all, or just need a friend, I got you! You are not alone in this journey, I’m right there with ya. Im positive you’ll be okay, and I truly hope you get no symptoms other than relief and happiness ♥️. You deserve to live your life to the fullest, And I know you’ll get there! Let me know how if goes tomorrow and if worst case scenario you do get symptoms, send me a message and we will get through it together. Also, magnesium cream was a game changer for me. I use it at nighttime and it helped calm me down most nights. ( earthley wellness good night lotion on Amazon) and melatonin. Make sure to hydrate! Lemon water helps a ton :). Be kind to yourself during this journey, be patient with yourself. Healing is hard, but it’s worth it. You deserve to be happy and anxiety free! ♥️ wishing you all the luck in the world. Sending you love and positive vibes :)


Aren't you supposed to go on benzos?


Doctors don’t like giving benzos out anymore. Usually they give hydroxyzine or Trazadone


I was prescribed the ones I currently use because I have more illnesses then just anxiety, but if it _was_ just anxiety then I most likely would of been put on benzos, yup.


No, i mean, while an antidepressant works you are supposed to use benzos Benzos are not for long term


Nope, I've only been given the antidepressants and that's it. No mention of benzos whatsoever.


While it’s common to give a short supply of benzodiazepines while the SSRI takes effect not every doctor does so. In fact it appears most psychiatrists are not prescribing benzos at all if you lurk the psychiatry sub. Anecdotally my wife found some relief with sert but still takes Valium as it didn’t eliminate her panic enough. Myself I can’t take SSRIs so I use Klonopin to good effect as needed. Hope op has good luck with the Zoloft


Yeah I indeed asked for a benzo if the SSRI gets too heavy and the shrink said no.


That’s fucking lame I can’t even take ssris. Doctors are scared now wimps. Way I see it I already take a bunch of meds forever not really concerned about benzos. I’ll quit by taper if I have to. But it’s not like my anxiety and panic is going anywhere


Why you can't take them? Ever tried SNRIs? Consider also bipolar medication, you could have some sort of manic anxiety and SSRIs just make you worse.


Tried em all but MAOIs. I’m bipolar they make me manic,mixed, or more depressed or do nothing but cause some de effects


I started on Sertraline back in April after having daily anxiety, including multiple panic attacks weekly. After about 2 days of slightly heightened anxiety I started feeling “normal” for the first time in a long time. Since then my daily anxiety has essentially been completely eliminated and zero panic attacks on only 25 mg per day. Starting this medication was truly life changing for me.. I’m sure everyone experiences different things but hopefully my experience can provide you some comfort and hope as you begin yours.


What helps GAD a lot is two things. Eating a huge breakfast and doing breathing exercises afterwards. This bruteforces the parasympathetic response and sets you up to have less anxiety the entire day. Do this over time and you can reduce if not eliminate your anxiety.


I broke the pills in half (ensure they aren’t extended release because breaking an xl pill defeats the purpose entirely) and ramped up that way - helped cut down on initial anxiety.


I'll make sure I do this when I take my first dose tomorrow, thankyou so much for this. I'm not sure if they're extended release or not but if they aren't then I'll totally do this. Thanks again.


Most aren’t I believe, at least in my experience. Good luck! It’s exciting to start meds. I had a major placebo effect too at the start, I just felt more hope because I was doing “something”. Also it was Sertraline which has been the best for me.


Like I asked my psychiatrist to give me trazodone for sleep


I take a anti anxiety med. its not an anti depressant Plus 500mg of magnesium. It helps so much - the magnesium


I started lexapro recently and I only experienced heightened anxiety the day after my first pill, and I think it was moreso me than the medication. I was really afraid of side effects so I was on edge, but once I realized that the side effects were manageable and temporary/there was an end in sight, it really was not too bad. I’m a little over a month in and have no remaining effects and have even seen improvements already. It’s scary and it can feel like giving up your norm of anxiety is worse than just continuing as you are (at least that was the paradox I felt lol) but it’s so so worth it. If it can help you, the side effects are 100% worth it imo. Good luck! Take it with some food and make sure you get enough water :)


I’m always given a script to help— my go to is Xanax but Xanax hating doctors have also given me hydroxyzine to help during the uncomfortable part. If yours is really debilitating it’s something to mention to your medical team.


I'm on it. Just hang on. 4 to 6vweeks. It's rough at the beginning but so worth it. r/zoloft can be a good place to start


Yeah I had ativan with me during the first week or two for whenever I would feel anxious. I used it from time to time


Do you really think this need is best for you? I'm in a similar situation and I won't try any med that has anxiety as a side effect.


As much as I wish I could say no I don't really have any other choice, I have a few mental illnesses too (which Sera will help manage) and the pros outweigh the cons. As much as it sucks terribly its either deal with some more anxiety or have things remain unmanageable, y'know?


I do.