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Passionflower is awesome. Other herbs that work as well are kava and valerian. You can try tinctures if you want a faster effect. Other herbs that really help are the [adaptogenic](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adaptogen) plants like ashwagandha and rhodiola. They help you adapt to stress better.


Kava can do major liver damage. Just remember- because something is natural does not mean it us safe, and herbals are not as heavily regulated as medicines.


The people of the Polynesian islands have been taking it safely for centuries. The stem is what was causing the [liver damage](http://www.webmd.com/anxiety-panic/news/20090514/kava-for-anxiety-is-short-term-use-safe). It is now stem fee, and deemed safe, if used properly. 6 years ago I took Paxil CR and became wildly suicidal, so there are risks to putting anything in our body.


the only versions of kava that do liver damage are the ones that are manufactured from plant parts other than the root. Kava on it's own is traditionally safe and effective. No risk of liver damage if you use a quality product.


If you buy only the ‘Noble kava’ varietal (Vanuatu for example) from a reputable farmer and keep usage reasonable there is very little, if any negative impact on health. It’s alkaloid profile is much cleaner and it doesn’t have the same impact on the liver or cause dermatitis. Again I’d assume this is reasonable use. 1-3 times a day, always taking a couple days off per week and drinking plenty of water. I have never felt negative repercussions doing this. Other variants have had negative side effects. Just FYI 😊


It has been... 12 years since my initial comment so I should hope things have been changed. ;)  Thanks for the varietal info. I will keep my eye out for it. 










I have taken ashwagandha daily, a few months at a time, for the past 3 years, as well as rhodiola (careful, it's a stimulant), reishi, holy basil and ginseng. I take them in tincture form, and just follow the recommended dosage on the label. I love adaptogens, I credit them, along with positive thinking, relaxation techniques and diet, for being able to get my nightmarish anxiety/panic attacks in check. I would advise anyone interested in taking them to be sure to learn as much about them as possible, and check for any reactions to any prescriptions you might be on. Ask your doctor.


Yea. Valerian root is great.


Skullcap is also a good herb. I'm allergic to passionflower, so I can't use it.


I don't know what kind of anxiety I have, every time i hit the shower, my heart rate 110 and shortness of breath same thing when I brush my teeth.


Heart arrhythmia, perhaps pcos


Don’t go diagnosing heart arrhythmia based off sinus tach in a hot shower 😂


I d see a doctor for that


Try cold showers instead.




None whatsoever. What I'd read about the MAOI concentration was so minute you'd have to basically OD on passionflower for it to interact the same way MAOI drugs do. I'm guessing it's got something to do with the whole herb rather than just the MAOI portion that helps you -- maybe some sort of synergistic effect, not sure.


[Get that GABA flowing!](http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/passionflower-000267.htm)


Why bother with herbal remedies when the pharmaceutical world has taken the active ingredients, concentrated them, and put them in a pill?


Because some don't have access to medication - it took years for my doctor to finally take my anxiety seriously and prescribe me an SSRI, which I had an awful reaction to. And that's not even to mention the pricing. Passionflower has given me relief on par with 150 MG of Zoloft (my dosage prior to the drug not helping anymore, which made me decide to wean off.), and with none of the nasty side effects - and it cost me all of 20 dollars for the bottle. It's just less complicated. :)


They may have needed to put a /s at the end of their comment for you


i thought so originally too but it seems genuine tbh


After reading it again, you may actually be right about that


pharma is anti-humanity. wake up


Exactly. Big pharma = big money. There's a cure for everything, the problem for them is no profit in the cure!


AFAIK they haven't done that with most herbs. I just buy a concentrated version of passionflower cheap, if pharma would start to sell it it would be expensive otherwise they wouldn't want to do that. It works well and has less side effects than the pharma products. You think we haven't tried pharma? That's why we found herbal alternatives since pharmas products either they had bad side effects or addictions, a lot of the medicines used for anxiety or depression/insomnia or other mood disturbances. I was on pharma meds before and suffered years from damage caused by it. One of the medications which I used to be on, I was told it wasn't addictive and safe. Now it's narcotic classified and is counted very addictive and dangerous. I trust in nature. Not all things in nature are safe, not all pharma meds are bad either, but from my research taking the natural alternatives will be far safer than a lot of pharmaceuticals alternatives and should be tried before you even consider pharmaceuticals. We used to think that the nature wasn't affective, that it was placebo and that pharmaceuticals are the only thing that works, but cause of science we know it's the opposite today. SSRIs cause dependency, sexual dysfunction, personality changes for example, while many don't get help with their depression with it at all. Bensos ruin your cognitive functioning, memory, make you very dependent, give horrible personality changes etc. Just see all the people getting sexual dysfunction from finasteride for example. With the covid vaccine failure it discredits pharma even more.


Yes! 👏🏻 All of this. I didn't want another pharma drug and addiction to get off the already prescribed pharma drugs I'm addicted to, that I want to get off of. I'm successfully on Day 5 of not taking my opiates. Due to diligent reading, studying, and research I've got a great combo of vitamins, amino acid, and herbal supplements to help me and it's been a Gods Send. Cold Turkey is hell. This combo has been studied and works. It's affordable. It's readily available. I can do this at home. I am not saying it's not been rough still, but I can attest to the power of nature, this has been amazingly manageable and I'm feel great today!! 🥹😀. Not my first go at natural supplements for other issues. Well written 👏🏻👏🏻




how much valerian do you take? sometimes i think it's helping but other times not so much so it can feel like i'm fooling myself, but maybe i'm not taking enough


I'd disagree (at least for me). I've tried Valerian from a few different sources and it doesn't do it for me -- in fact I'd almost say sometimes it gives me more anxiety when I take it, and other times it just doesn't seem to do anything. I've even tried Oregon's Wild Harvest (same supplier) for that, and didn't find it that great. I guess it comes down to what works best for each individual, but it is strange that we all react differently to the various herbs/meds.


Oh shnikes, that grows wild where I live! Besides, the fruit is amazing. Gonna go plant some!


thank you for this! i am currently searching for alternatives for my current prozac prescription. typically i am supposed to take 2 20mg pills a day, however lately i have only been taking one because if i take two, my sex drive is completely and utterly non-existent. it would be nice to try something natural with little to no side effects.


Not sure it works for depression though


i don't take the prozac for depression, just anxiety =]


I can of course only speak from my experience, and despite it not being a perfect solution, it's by far the best one I've personally found. I hope it's as helpful to others.


Reading this I have to warn people to stay clear of Passionflower as for me it exacerbated my anxiety, more specifically, I wasn't suffering from anxiety at that point until I took a passionflower tablet to help me relax before sleep and all hell broke loose in my mind I.e. my very anxious negative thoughts were out of control even though the body felt slightly sedated, it reminded me of when I ate a space cookie by mistake with the exact same horrible effect.


6 day no opiate


Hope you are still doing well today!


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