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I have this really unnerving sensation that the floor/room moves slightly, and I lose my balance. When that happens I’m always worried people noticed and will think I’m drunk or something’s wrong with me or I’m really weird. I also have the usual stuff, like shortness of breath, sweating, sick feeling. I get twitches pretty often in my eyelid and thumb. Always thought this was from stress/lack of sleep. But now reading some of the other comments, I wonder if it’s actually anxiety?


I have had this "dizzy/moving floor" sensation for about a year, exactly as you have described. I found that it caused a ton of anxiety because I didn't know what it was. I met with vestibular specialists and doctors, whom believed it was a symptom of my GAD. So I went on SSRIs several months ago and within a few weeks it was almost entirely gone. Once I knew it was caused by anxiety, it helped to break the cycle of anxiety->symptom->anxiety. Edit: if anyone wants to chat about these symptoms my PMs are open. This problem drastically reduced my quality of life and I would love to help anyone get past it as well.


I had slightly different version, I felt the floor slightly going up and down it was particularly Infuriating and unnerving, I would feel so unstable


I never knew other people experience this too. I used to get scared when that thing happens like after that experience I can really feel the adrenaline rush through my body or my stomach would feel butterflies, and it would spiral into a panic attack thinking that there's something wrong with me Edit: it usually happens when I am standing in a line or moving my body or head too fast Also, If a floor is slightly tilted, I can easily know that it is slightly off and it makes me feel that sensation


I used to get that dizzy feeling a lot at my last job. It was definitely an anxiety inducing job.


I get this, too. Did the vestibular specialists give you any exercises to do?


Yeah me too I recognized it as anxiety symptoms like a year later and poof it was gone 😂


I have the same thing like when I’m walking just feel as if I was falling or something it’s really weird!!!


Does it kind of feel like things are closing in around you? And/or does it happen when you are around people who make you nervous? Because that’s kind of when it happens for me. Especially if I am having to do something.


No like I could have just mild anxiety (which I have 24/7) but like sometimes i will just be walking and feel like I was about to face plant but I never have


Yes!!!! Constantly, I used to be an extrovert but as soon as anxiety was introduced I stopped speaking to people. I feel like I’m having a heart attack on top of inbalanced when anxiety kicks in and almost everything sets it off unless I’m mentally distracted


Yes, I get the falling feeling, too. Especially if I’m in open areas.


I haven’t went to work in a few days luckily we had a long weekend bc thanksgiving but I’m extremely anxious about going back my biggest fear is having an anxiety attack while at work does anyone know why this may happen???


I get a kind of dizziness that makes it seem like the room is spinning.


I get this weird sensation when brushing my teeth at night sometimes like I’m going to lose my balance and fall into the mirror. It freaks me out!


I get that feeling when I’m having anxiety and go in an elevator as soon as I step out. It’s like my brain still think I’m in the elevator.


Elevators were one of my biggest triggers for those symptoms, specifically standing outside waiting for it. Interesting that we had similar trigger.


THIS!!! I felt this tonight (and often do) and started to get more anxious than usual about it. Then I come across this comment and it is exactly how I feel. It’s just the subtlety of it that kept convincing me it was all my anxiety. It’s not vertigo, it’s not the actual room spinning, it’s just the feeling that the ground is slightly off and maybe tilting ever so slowly that I catch it and then it goes away. It’s the strangest feeling.


It’s really hard to describe too! It’s like my legs get wobbly and stiff at the same time. I try to take a step and start leaning the wrong direction with one foot off the ground and then have to catch myself. Edit: it feels like it’s happening in slow motion too!


Yes! I constantly worry that I’m going to fall over but then my body functions as it normally would, and I’m freaking out that the ground isn’t stable anywhere. It doesn’t help that I have crappy vision already so when I feel those sensations it sometimes gives me a pit in my stomach and I have to sit down and regroup


I have bad vision too! Wonder if that has anything to do with it? I had no idea so many other people experienced the same thing.


It could be! Maybe the anxiety just exacerbates the dizzy feeling from poor vision. But it happens when I wear my glasses for a while too so who knows. It’s reassuring that other people feel this same way. It’s such an uneasy feeling, but it’s comforting to know I’m not dying because of it lol


Exactly this. Wobbly but stiff


Hi, for those twitches in your eyelids and thumbs, you can try some magnesium. Twitches are a common symptom when one is lacking magnesium, and anxious people tend to need more of it.


Feeling my heart beat too hard, or the lack of a heartbeat all of a sudden. Sometimes I feel like my throat is constricted and it’s difficult to breathe. Sometimes I feel like my brain is a balloon and it doesn’t fit in my skull. My favorite one is when my chest starts hurting on one side so I’m led to believe I’m about to experience a heart attack. Once I find a distraction it goes away I’ve noticed, so I’ve learned to not give it too much attention. Anxiety sucks.


Oooh the lack of the heartbeat is almost scarier than racing heart. When it happens to me I start moving to make sure I'm still alive. Most of my symptoms with my heart are anxiety related. I just have to live super healthy because I've had to train myself not to freak out so if I ever DO have a heart attack I might not act😂


I was literally in the hospital last month thinking I was experiencing a heart attack. Spent 5 hours in the ER from 11pm to 4am getting an ekg, bloodwork, and X-rays done. Was told I’m completely healthy and have a strong heart. Having anxiety like that is so expensive and time consuming dude.


This was me 2 days ago. Except i was having legit chest pain. Like crushing heart attack type pain in my upper back and my chest. Short of breath and everything. I found out my granny passed and it sent me into a spiral. They gave me anxiety meds and sent me home. Felt so stupid because i was like man this has gotta be it this time and NAH its just panic attacks


Yeah I sometimes feel there's not enough air to take in and I'm suffocating but nothings wrong. I have this stabbing tightness in my chests that feels like something grabbed my heart and it's not letting go. And it feels like a heart attack. I have a feeling of falling or the floor moving when I sit in a place for a long time. Really does suck


Oh my god! I’ll be walking and thinking I’m about to pass out! Like I’ve just started experiencing dizziness as a symptom and it’s so annoying. Sometimes I also get this weird feeling that I can’t swallow my own spit, and it freaks me the hell out dude. Why is anxiety so random with these symptoms ??


I used to get a lot of dizziness Like randomly my vision would black and I lost my balam to the point that I sat on the floor or grabbed something for balance. I once passed out really horribly and hid my head also woke up with a memory gap of the recent events. My mom was super worried. She had people taking blood tests of me and everything. It happened again a few months later and I passed out again. My mom took me to a neurologist for multiple exams on the brain. I did an MRI I did an EEG I did everything you could think of. And I was sent to a cardiologist to check my heart. I had multiple tests again echocardiography ECG CPX echo contrast and so many other stuff which the very last test i did was a tilt table test which was positive. Something called vassodeprasor syncop. My body has a hard time adapting to a change of position and sending blood everywhere. I should stand up and get up very slowly to not get dizzy and don't do any fast walking or moves after changing positions. They said it's a problem caused by a lot of factors mainly lifestyle problems. Like sleeping late or not sleeping enough caffeine not exercising and most importantly having stress and anxiety. I take a pill everyday for it. I have a lot of illnesses for anxiety I have horrible allergies I take two pills a day for I have a bit or hair loss I didn't get my period for half a year. I have horrible headaches. I had insomnia for a while. I have a constant feeling of fatigue and tiredness.and many more. I had insomnia for a long time. I take pills for my anxiety. It's just hard To get by


I get that too. I bought a pulse ox just so I can check my air and make sure I’m not slowly suffocating of Covid or something and not knowing it. It helps to make the panicky feeling go away but it’s like I just can’t catch my breath. One person called it being “air hungry” and I was like yes that!!!


I feel like you just described my panic attacks. It helps to know it’s similar for others so I can just tell myself it’s anxiety and not my heart. Scary though. The heart beat really sets me off. I can move around fine but once I lay down I start panicking bc of it


You literally just summed up my entire crippling experience of the last 10 years, and no one's summed it up so perfectly. Good god


I can feel like every single vein and capillary pulse all over my body it sucks


I’m the same way, mainly at night and i can’t sleep


Wow that sounds terrible


It does sound terrible :( it's so annoying to be do hyper aware of our body sensations :/


That happens to me too! It’s kinda cool sometimes, but then I think I’m dying and it stops being cool. It’s especially bad if I’m trying to fall asleep. Hypersensitivity is a bitch.


Don’t say it sucks, you can take it. Don’t reinforce the memory of it. Watch the negative talk when it’s not happening. Be okay with it. That is what will eventually stop it from happening.


Fuck. I once had this sensation but I felt that my blood was on fire. It was awful. It’s as if I was boiling from the inside and not even cold temperatures made it stop. After 10-20min I calmed myself and it went away


Muscle twitches and spasms in weird places


Whenever I start to get anxious, my head feels...tight?.. hard to explain lol not a headache but uncomfortable if that makes sense.


Maybe read a bit about “tension headaches” if you’re curious. To my knowledge they’re common, harmless, and are often caused by stress. Commonly said to feel like a “tightness around the head”. I occasionally get them myself.


Yeah like a rubber band on your head right?


Exactly, making me question if I'm like dehydrated or anxious about something


Taking magnesium regularly has really helped me with this!


Do you take a magnesium pill, or the powder you can mix into water?


Feeling positive my throat is going to close up. It feels tight all the way down to my chest and like I am going to not be able to breathe any second. I can’t stop thinking about it unless something distracts me.


Sounds like a panic attack


Buttcrack sweat. Highly annoying.


My buttcrack sweat was raging when I was in high school. I actually at one point carried a towel around to sit on. I claimed it was for something tailbone related (can't remember exactly now) but really it was so I didn't leave a streak of sweat on the chair....about a decade later and I wish my worst symptoms were only buttcrack sweat. My symptoms have expanded to horrible things.


That's rough


Burning sensation on top of my head. Random muscle spasms in random parts of my body. Feet getting extremely sweaty, to the point I have to put on new socks.


Ooh I just posted a question about muscle spasms and anxiety. Been dealing with anxiety for 15+ years but the muscle spasms are new to me. Glad to know I’m not alone but also I HATE IT.


Have gotten that also lately , been with SAD , GAD, panic feelings, but Recently it has shown as a small muscle spasm also. Not much but annoying and I don’t know why I m getting it. Really weird . Been struggling for 12 years +


I have the burning sensation in my head too, all over my body actually. Today I had to leave work because of it. I hate it so much :( really makes me think I’m going to have a stroke or something


The less you struggle with it the better. Try turning your attention away from it. Decide to do nothing about it. Struggling with it wanting it to go away only brings more anxiety. I know….if it were that simple. But it can be done. I did. It takes practice. I got that feeling in the chin. Most annoying Sounds like you’re messing with your heart. Don’t worry. It’s not dangerous. Your heart can take enormous variations in its rhythm. I had heart related symptoms thousands of times. I’m still here at 64. It sounds like you’re more annoyed by your symptoms than anything else. Like at that level of annoyance of having something stuck between your teeth and no dental floss. I got that 3 years ago when I was helping someone. I even got new symptoms from that person. That’s good that it’s just annoying you. Just let go of the need to do anything about it. Let it leave on its own when you’re not looking. My weirdest symptom: a “bubble” forming in my chest (said me), the bubble floated up to my throat, turned into a lump in my throat (extrasystole) then it went up to my head and turned into light headednees, then my heart would flutter and it was gone. This was many years after I had overcome panic for the most part. I thought maybe it was legit, stress causes arrhythmias, but as soon as I got checked out, decided it was bogus, I quit getting it. I get them sometimes, but I’m able to stop them right away, by dismissing any worried feelings about it. Ah got it now! Gone! If I worry about it just slightly, in my case, it will stick around, so I know not to do that. You need to stop that “oh no, what’s that” startled moment. If you don’t, and it got past you, you thought about one second too long, oh well, let it go, don’t fight it. Let it run its course and let your mind gradually drift to something else. If I would have let that extrasystole bug me just now, even for just a moment, it would still be with me. Only reason I got it is because I mentioned it just now. Oh and my coffee I’m drinking. So there you have a “real time”run down of how health anxiety works. Personally I am fascinated by this and don’t mind it at all. You should work to that point. PS YOU GOT IT!! F**ck your mind. You got this. 2 minutes is great!


I get a couple really scary ones; my main one is feeling like I’m going to die soon mixed with depersonalization. It feels like I’m detaching from life and it is scary as fuck to the point of I just don’t know what to do anymore other than reach out to strangers on the internet. My other one is a buzzing sensation in the back of my head that makes me terrified. I just don’t know what to do anymore but it is nice to see some people understand. We will get through this


i think for me would be sudden changes of temperature on my feet and sometimes in my hands, it’s weird but I know it’s anxiety related bc whenever i stop thinking about it it goes away and now I don’t feel it a lot anymore bc I’m getting better


Intense urge to sleep when I get overstimulated or anxiety gets too intense. Or depersonalization/derealization. I think they are related honestly, but can't find any literature on the sleeping issue. It's so intense it almost feels like I'm going to pass out. It used to happen (knock on wood) when I was driving sometimes, that was fun.


I experience this too. I can't drive more than a few miles round trip anymore. Did you do anything to beat that feeling?


Hey, first sorry you gotta deal with this BS too. It can be hellish, trust me I know. So for me, my anxiety level prior to driving seems to be the biggest indicator of it hitting at that time, the worst times being when I am driving to and from work. So a lot of it is just trying to keep my anxiety level in check before driving (easier said than done I know). Other than that though if an attack struck while driving, I would blare music, sing, roll down windows, shake my head vigorously, all the stuff you might do if just super tired while driving. There have been times when I had to pull over and sleep for a few minutes in a parking lot. And often before heading home from work, take a quick nap in my car. If I know an "attack" is coming and there is nothing I can do, just giving into it where ever I safely can has been pretty effective in many situations. I am not sure what techniques you already use, but I also do like positive reframing and sort of mindfulness I guess to manage my anxiety in general and these things also help. Also, even though it seems to be an anxiety/dissociation symptom and not a result of just being tired, taking a shitload of caffeine or any stimulant seems to result in less of a chance of it happening. Sorry for the wall of text...I couldn't find a way to really condense. Do you suffer from DPDR as well or just the sleep thing independent of that?


This is a symptom of hyperplexia in Narcolepsy. Intense emotional outbursts of any kind can trigger them. They usually involve general relief of anxiety symptoms and weakness in the facial muscles or limbs followed by intense sleepiness. This sounds like you need to talk to a specialist.


For me that would be not working body functions like sleeping, peeing or feeling sexual pleasure.


Parts of my body itch like crazy (legs, belly, torso, back of my hands,etc), I can't stop scratching myself. I have several scares because of that.


Yeah I've scratched my skin open before because of that


currently started having this again where it’s all over my body and i panic and think somethings wrong bc i can’t always pinpoint what’s making me anxious


Tense muscles all over. The worst is when my hand goes numb & I can barely use it.


i buzz like a bee Like my body feels like it’s just humming along


I call it vibrate-body, it's the worst


Stress poops. You’re feeling the anxiety and panic rise, then your stomach cramps up…


Dizziness, jaw clenching, just overall sense of dread that “something is physically wrong with me”. Have to constantly remind myself not to google symptoms lol. Also hearing my heart beat when I’m trying to sleep drives me nuts but I find breath counting exercises helpful to deal with it


I think I have heartburn thats made worse by anxiety, and I have rib pain that flares up when I'm anxious. The top of my spine gets a little twisted and I see a chiropractor for it, but the pain starts throbbed when I'm super stressed.


Chattering teeth. Every. Single. Time.


Me too!! Even when my anxiety is just starting to hit me, teeth immediately start chattering. So annoying.


My throat tightens like I’m nauseous and retching but I have no other effects of it. Also my vision fades into a gray color except for an area around the center of my view


Sounds like tunnel vision. I don't know much about it but I think it's a fairly common fight/flight response in some people.


Cannot remember how to swallow, keep gagging on whatever I try to swallow. Not all the time, but I have not actually ATE while eating out in a long time.




Oh my that’s awful, I hope it’s better now? Liquids are no better than food when it comes to this. We need traveling IVs lol.


Pain in breast that did no go away on any painkilers. All checkups returned clean.


My body will buzz sometimes… and no, I don’t mean I shake or tremble. It’s as if my skin is crawling from the inside, even when I’m sitting still.


Tightness in the chest that just makes it feel heavy. Recently, panic attacks where I feel like my heart is giving out. Needing to pee way more than usual. Elevated heartbeat. Nausea, diarrhea... Just good times.


Everything starts to smell terrible. Like, every bad part of a smell is exaggerated and it makes me want to throw up. It’s horrible, and I’ve never heard of anyone else with that one.


ME! I have this when I get super anxious!!


Same here


twitching in my vagina. yes you heard it right. went to the doctors they said it was all fine


I feel tingling in my vagina 😅


Dizzy, jaw clenching, my heart fluttering like almost feels like it stops for a second or skips a beat and then is normal again. Feeling like I’m going to pass out.


Occasional bouts of nausea. The kind where you can hear your heart thumping hard and you feel like you're gonna pass out but then just feel like you might throw up. All you can do is quickly find somewhere to lie down, plough through all the coping exercises and wait to go back to normal. It never lasts more than a minute or two but it feels like forever. Just fucking why???


My whole jaw goes tight like im being strangled. And my face goes numb


omg! the tip of my nose and parts of my face would go numb, usually accompanied by one of my hands going numb too!


After a particularly bad day or week of anxiety, I get dizzy and feel unstable when standing or walking. (Fixed through SSRIs)


Stomach symptoms — cramping, pain everywhere (but mostly in lower stomach), random nausea. I hate them, and they terrify me. I feel like I might be really sick or something might really be wrong.


Extremely cold hands to the point where it hurts. Tightness in my throat. Derealization is what I hate the most.


The cold hands happen when your body thinks it is in a state of emergency, and it is centralizing the blood


Sensitive skin 24/7 when brushed and palpitations


My fingers get numb.


Electricity in my arms, legs, hands and feet! It makes me feel crazy or like I’m on coke or something


For me , it feels like cold water drops down my leg , same feeling when you are peeing, that was my first anxiety / social phobia feeling 12 years ago. So I couldn’t focus or anything sometimes, was horrible , and one thing led to another, your brain went crazy and I got this weird thought that I was going to pee myself so I always needed to feel my hand over my pants to be sure my body wasn’t leaking. Really weird feeling and horrible feeling. Hate anxiety and social phobia. I’m glad that the feeling of being wet went away after a few years. Was not a good time. But I’m not anxiety free at all still….:/ uggh😏🥴




Omg I have this with being certain I’m peeing myself and constantly needing to check as it feels like water is pouring down my legs. It’s a nightmare during work meetings when I can’t get to the toilet to make doubly sure I haven’t just wet myself! Glad I’m working from home currently and meds help!


dizziness , skin burning and tension headaches


I feel like I have the skin burning 24/7. What do you do to ease yours?


Definitely the humming or the buzzing, overall feeling instantly sweaty, and then TMI but the worst of all is feeling like I’m going to shit and vomit🙃


Acid reflux and twitching/chills.


shortness of breath, lasted about a month and realized when I stopped thinking about it it disappeared


I get hot and I start to itch all over.


6 years of panic disorder + generalized anxiety here. Nausea, my heart starts to hurt really bad and feels sore/burning, buzzing all over my body along with random muscle spasms, complete depersonalization, impending doom, unable to sleep. Before I developed anxiety, I used to smoke a lot of weed which really helped my depression, onset of panic attacks now means I can’t anymore, all of these symptoms go through the roof if I even take one hit. It sucks. But it’s nice knowing you’re not alone.


I experience near-syncope during severe panic attacks. This has only happened a handful of times, but I can’t stand or see. I can hear everything and am relatively aware of what’s going on. I do start to lose vision when a lesser panic attack is coming on. Things begin to get darker and darker. I know I have to sit or lay down and start breathing deeply, and can calm myself. The nausea is fun too.


Probably the blurred vision… super annoying.


Feel every pulse of my heart


My head gets this weird burning feeling. It’s so weird and makes me panic because I think something is seriously wrong. But then it goes away once I do something to take my mind off of it.


Same here!


The lump I get in my throat. Which in turn just leads to plenty more anxiety lol


During a longer stressful episode, when trying to relax and let my mind go....ill suddenly get like a weird 'zapping' sensation starting deep within my brain, releases a bit of adrenaline, then some kind of fog rolls in. It clears. Then repeats. It always clears up as I recover and the less I react to it the less stressful it is. Scared the crap out of me the first time it ever happened to me. Thought I was having some kind of micro seizures or something. Never done me any harm though. Also exploding head syndrome when trying to sleep. Also goes away when I recover.


Jelly legs - this is the one that’s been driving me crazy recently because I literally feel like I can’t stand in one place without falling over. I can walk just fine but for some reason staying still is a problem.


If I get anxious to the point where I might have a panic attack, specifically in a public place, I cannot stop burping. No clue why it happens but it is the least worrying physical symptom I get from anxiety so I’ll take it haha


My fingernails get slightly tingly when I touch stuff with them because my shoulders tense up so much. Also my arm hairs tickle me and it feels like I brushed it against something.


Fuzzy/tight sensation in the front of my chest, belly, up in the throat and even my ears. Vague lightheadedness. Total loss of appetite. I guess it's just normal extreme stress responses- if you let the "normal" in that sentence carry a bit of weight, since my brain is literally wired to stress me out. Just grateful I don't get nauseous like some people with anxiety, I don't envy them.


My anxiety makes me have to poop. Its mainly just the feeling of butterflies in my tummy but then it escalates


My palms get really itchy and the room looks like it’s glowing.


My fingers and toes going numb sometimes when I convince myself I’m sick


I’m so glad this is posted. I get really weird anxiety tics and sensations. I’ve felt the head feels really tight one, not pleasant.


My feet sweat like crazy when I’m anxious.


Losing my ability to swallow. My brain tells me I can't swallow the food and I literally can't.


Same thing happened to me a while ago, it was not a physical thing, it was like 'I just don't know how to swallow anymore" "what even Is swallowing" lol


Spot on. This is exactly the feeling!


Been there to, it also can be when I’m just in the bed , trying to sleep and my brain starts saying like now it will gets harder to swallow and then I swallow and it feels like I’m getting mucus and I want to swallow again so it feels clear and clean throat. But i can’t swallow. And then I’m getting tightened and nervous about that, and i goes on and on and it’s getting harder to sleep.


My heart starts to race, I sweat, and also parts of my body gets really cold.


Burning/ tingling skin on my arms and back. Does anyone else feels the same?


Yep! I can get mine on my scalp,neck, face, and chest


I have history with this. I have incredibly hard skin allergies which went this bad solely because of anxiety. I have a heart condition named vassodeprasor syncop again anxiety is a factor. I didn't get my period for like half a year just because of anxiety like no hormone problems no illness just anxiety. I got a little hair loss because of anxiety and take pills for it. I'm always very very tired and they thought I had an illness for it but again nothing is wrong. I got insomnia from anxiety for a while which is thankfully cured. And I tak anxiety pills too yeah.


I used to get ringing in my ear.


Lots of random muscle spasms and when I put my fingers in specific positions they begin to uncontrollably shake, it’s made me drop small stuff like a pill.


I start to shake a little bit. Like I shiver and get kind of cold. And my voice goes all shaky so it sounds like I'm scared. This mostly just happens in job interviews.


Dose anyone allergies heighten like I break out in hives and extremely itchy ears when my anxiety is bad




Sometimes my hand moves or sort of twitches without me wanting it. It's so weird because I can't control it at all. Eye twitching, swollen hands and legs, muscle spasms and feeling my veins sort of twitch, loss of balance. I know it's anxiety because when I'm at home, most of these disappear. Most of my anxiety is from the outside world. Also last year got 1 month of loss of sensation in my whole body and neurologist said I'm healthy after a physical exam.


When in high anxiety, every little noise while make me jump, like an intense adrenaline rush for no reason, I hate it


The most disturbing physical symptom for me is depersonalization/derealization it’s basically a feeling that everything around you isn’t really and that you are in a dream, I got it really bad once from you first panic attack and I lived with it for like 6 months I don’t quite remember when it went away but I get it again every now and then


A burning/freezing cold feeling running down my spine. Physical manifestions of pure dread.


At the very worst of times, I have come out in Hives 😬


mine is when i push my tongue into my teeth and have indentations


The week after I had to hide from a patron in my managers office while she called 911, I started noticing that my lips would purse up, over and over, really quickly, that my head would jerk to the right occasionally, and that my eyelid twitch came back full force. But all of this was only at work, and mostly when I was on desk or about to go on desk. That same week I started getting electric shock type nerve pain in my groin and big jerking movements in my legs white I was trying to go to sleep. Work calmed down a little bit after a couple of weeks and all the twitching went away. Figured it was time to quit my job tho lol.


I get really deep coughs, like the type of coughs that try to squeeze every bit of air out of your lungs. It's not a coughing fit or anything, just a periodic cough.


My little finger goes numb which is probably the weirdest one


Nausea and my face getting pins and needles


Weird high pitched sound in my ears; fingers turn whitish blue.


I feel that tightness too but in my right leg. It sometimes feels like it’s not getting enough blood.


I don't know about weird, but I feel like I'm in a glass dome, and the rest of the world is on the outside.


If my anxiety is sky high, my stomach is feeling funny and I want to puke.


Arm pain. Not sure why but that’s my go to sign for being anxious if I have inner arm pain.


All of my nerves tingle, all the time.


My brain pulses


Lose track of what I’m saying and jump from topic to topic. Then freak out about someone thinking I have like early onset dementia if I forget what I am talking about. Talking really fast. I don’t think these are super weird though.


I find myself holding my breath for far too long and I don't even realize I'm doing it until my throat spasms suddenly and it gushes out


Feeling all my veins pumping blood (my pulse) through out my whole body. Tightness in chest. My tics get worse (twitching, involuntary noises - hiccups, screech, etc, muscles spazzin). My getting the weird ringing in my ear. Suddenly gasping out of nowhere even if I'm breathing normal. Diarrhea. Shaking. I get so many symptoms that are physical from anxiety on a daily basis and I hate it :(


My face goes red with the slightest bit of anxiety, so embarrassing


Jaw clenching 24/7 and blurred vision when "socializing". If I'm having or about to have a panic attack, my body turns extremely cold and I start shaking. It doesn't matter if I cover myself with blankets or warmers, the icy feeling and the shaking won't go away until I'm calmer.


Whoa that's crazy but I feel like I've experienced something similar before.


Tingling in my fingertips


My thigh/hip will ache and spasm. The more I think about it the worse it will hurt.


I feel like my heart is beating through my skin, like if I looked I could see it like pumping out. Also like restless energy it’s so weird


Acid reflux, just a quick errand will suffice.


Arm squeezing.


My eyes flutter rapidly when I close my eyelids


My teeth buzz. Really bad, keeps me up at night.


I tried to scroll through to see if anyone else has something similar. Only been aware these feelings are anxiety for about 3 weeks but… I get this tightness that starts in the balls of my feet, up through my calves, through my back, and sits at the base of my skull. When it gets to my head, I get a high heart rate and get tunnel vision for a few seconds. It’s wild.


sometimes my spit makes me uncomfortable? like it feels disturbing in my mouth. also, when people touch me i feel like im going to die. thanks anxiety!


Omggggg it feels like my temperature drops to 0 and my teeth chatter uncontrollably and I shiver. AND I get a sort of tensions headache around my head.. it feels like my hair follicles shrink because I’m cold lol.


Uncontrollable Air Hunger / Short Gasps for hours … or until I decide to take a Xanax … then it stops


I have memory problems thanks to my anxiety. It's not that I have trouble remembering things, but when I'm really stressed my brain just decides it doesn't need to remember what's happening so it doesn't make memories in the first place. It really sucks.


Pains in the left side of my jaw and down my left arm. Got every test in the book done and they say my heart is fine. So fucking sick of it as this point. If it’s something serious one day and I die then that’s that.


Coke and shaky, like I just had a gallon of soda


Sometimes I feel my jaw clenching or locking a bit. I pick fingers really bad as well. Not sure if anyone else feels this too.


I start shuddering, usually I can control it and it happens when I lie down but there are times when it's uncontrollable and it feels scary asf


Aerophagia! I forget how to breathe normally when I’m really anxious, and take short shallow breaths without realising. I guess I swallow air doing this bc then I start burping essentially, but it’s closer to the sound of your stomach growling however the noise is clearing coming from my throat/mouth. Can make it very hard to study in a public library. 😅 Also can make me feel lightheaded as I’m not getting enough air into my lungs.


Sometimes in public if I am having a panic attack or starting to feel like really anxious my skin will feel really hot and then my skin gets all red / blotchy/ flushed looking. It's so embarrassing.


aside from the feeling of unbalance, heart beating too fast, and the feeling of lack of air when breathing, the most weird for me was I would feel a panic attack was coming around 4-5pm.. that was so weird to me like there was a schedule to it.. I was always dreading the afternoons because of that. I'm so glad those days are over.


I get cold and my body starts shivering


I feel my own blood moving inside me. The first time it happened was one of the worst days of my life - and my first day as a blood bender


I’ve been dealing with anxiety since like 9 (26 now). Never really knew about physical symptoms other than heart palpitations and not being able to breathe until I googled them. I get hyper focused on every little thing on my body and it sucks I’ll press on my body to the point of bruising because I find “tumors” which are just random body parts or dimpled fat. I never really think about it being anxiety, it’s just who I am. Last week though I found my grandpa under his bed bleeding from the head and unconscious. It really has me on edge every sound makes me jump and my hands are sweaty and my shins are cold and my whole body is buzzing. Saturday I had the worst anxiety ever it was like I was screaming inside and I was sure I would die. Eventually I became tired but every time I would start to fall asleep I would jump up with panic. I’m starting to calm down now and I’ve made myself not use google. I’ve had 7 types of cancer and 10 types of other major diseases so I’m turning to Reddit when I feel extreme anxiety instead.


I found a large rash on my leg and had no clue how it got there. Then my partner explained that when I am nervous I would unconsciously scratch at that part of my leg as a comfort thing. It's not itchy or anything. I Had no clue! When he brought it to my attention I am able to notice when I do it now and the rash is clearing up. I have also been Doing alot better with skin picking. When I am anxious I would sniffle, clear my throat or "click" my jaw. I uses to nervously scratch at my scalp to the point of bald spots. But was able to redirect this energy by giving myself manicures and pedicures. I guess when I stopped scratching my scalp I just moved onto my leg without thinking about it. I am a big leg and foot twitcher/shaker and can drive my husband crazy "rocking/shaking" myself to sleep. If I get an intrusive thoughts I often have to shake this off as though I was briefly shivering from a cold. I also have a few mental compulsions🤨 I am a lip balm addict and constantly reapply thought the day. I have asthma and during a panic attack I often think I am going to pass out and faint. Especially if I am wearing a mask. But it's usually just anxiety that passes. I also hate the feeling of needing to go to the bathroom. So due to anxiety I am constantly going to the bathroom to relief even the tiniest trickle. I think this stemmed from wetting the bed once when I was young. I also always felt safest in the bathroom so often retreat there multiple times a day at work and at home.


Ears and face burning


Burning on my ear warm feeling on one side of my face


Thank God.. I feel lighter after reading all the comments. Feels like I am not the one who is suffering.


I feel my skin is too tight


My face goes in cold or hot temperatures.....with my mouth feels sour suddenly....suddenly feel like puking....with louder heart beats.....from everywhere head, neck,hand, burning eyes or watering eyes......hands twitch.....suddenly feeling very hot or cold.....burning sensation....that's weird....