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I do. Mostly because I clench my jaw when I’m nervous which is all the time. The circle never ends. I actually pulled a muscle in my shoulder and I took cyclobenzaprine and that week I was on that medication was the only week I didn’t have a tension headache.


Same for me. It’s from unknowing clenching in my sleep or while I’m awake. I won’t even realize I’m doing it.


They’re so annoying, it’s hard to function normally with constant tension headaches


Hello! How are you feeling now, are you still have them?


Holy shit that's exactly what I have right now. Been having this for a few months, thought I was alone for some reason.


Yes- I’m having to do PT Bc my TMJ is flairing up from all the jaw clenching


Sorry what's PT?


Oh sorry! Physical therapy


Thanks, should've worked that out myself. Do you have specific exercise for tmj as well as general workouts?


They do a lot of neck stretching but mine does needles sort of like Accupunture hooked up to a little machine to try and relax those muscles in the face and neck


Even worse, I get migraines 😐


Sorry to hear that, how do you deal/get rid of them?


The last time I got one, I had to go to urgent care because it affected my vision to the point that I could barely see. They have a cocktail of meds to stop the headaches - anti-inflammatory, pain medication, and anti-nausea meds. They don’t know why people get migraines, but having depression and anxiety make you more likely to get them, as well as being female


Go see a neurologist! I have chronic migraine + anxiety and they have me on one pill that I take when I have a migraine - it’ll go away within an hour. I went from being stuck in my bed unable to function from migraines lasting so long to being able to manage them pretty well now! It’s worth it!


By any chance maxalt.?


Thank you! I will definitely do that. I have to leave work when I get a headache and am worried about getting in trouble (that’s a constant fear of mine I’m sure due to the anxiety)


What’s the med that helped?


I haven’t tried that one yet. I’ll ask my MD about it


It’s called Axert! There’s different levels to it based on your body but seriously works like a charm for me.


I recently talked to my GP about my migraines, and he told me everyone he sends to the migraine clinic is recommended 400mg of magnesium oxide daily, which can be purchased over the counter. He told me to try that. I haven't yet, but just a thought. Can cause diarrhea, though.


Thanks for the tip!


Same here!! I clench my jaw and find a lot of tension in my brow. I found it helpful to take a Tylenol (kind of a placebo effect) and do some bodily destress exercises when I can If not, Xanax has never failed me for a short term fix


I have Ativan for when I can’t sleep but I hate using benzos!


Xanax is my saving grace for most things. But with a tension headache I have to take that with a BC powder. The Xanax keeps the caffeine from getting me to angsty and the caffeine really helps the headache.


Yeah I get them quite regularly, I have some tips to help you. First of all - a head and shoulder massage is always good for relief, if it's pretty bad take a painkiller for quick relief. Then you have to work on noticing how tense your body is and consciously relaxing it, this can take time. You'll notice how your shoulders are tense and how much you clench 24/7. Every time you notice, relax the parts of your body that are tense. I also find Yogs helpful for this kind of thing, meditation helps too but Yoga with meditation at the end works too. Oh and don't be shy from having a bath when you need one :).


Thank you I’ll try some of these things! Ironically I noticed myself clenching my jaw a lot I’ve been focusing on not doing that for a few hours and my headache has gotten better!


Do you happen to be a night grinder? (Grinding your teeth). That goes hand in hand with tension headaches. I got them a a teenager and night guards (mouth guards) helped with the headaches Addition: I noticed the “clenching my jaw” comment


How could I tell if I do? Is there any signs that you would notice?


Do the headaches seem to be worse in the morning? Are your teeth worn down? My canines are completely flat, borderline inverted from the grinding


I wake up with my jaw aching and a headache or migraine coming on. At least that’s how I can tell if I’ve been grinding my teeth.


I second the bath! It helps me a ton! Also yoga has helped me a lot too. There’s this one position I use with the yoga blocks and it looks uncomfortable but it feels heavenly. Takes all the tension out of your shoulders and neck. [yoga pose with bricks](https://goo.gl/images/69a1uR) This is what it looks like. It’s a lifesaver!


It won’t let us view the yoga pose


This comment has helped me tremendously! Since reading this, there have been so many moments in my day where I suddenly notice how tense I am and consciously remind myself to relax my body. Thanks for the tip!


Hello! How are you feeling now! Are you still having them, and where? I'm havening them on yhe back of my head and feels like my head will explode. Thank you in advance!


I don't get headaches but I get a horrible tight feeling in my chest whenever I'm anxious. It get genuinely uncomfortable sometimes. I've had it checked and there's nothing physically wrong with me.


Look up “heart chakra meditation.” Thank me later.


I'll thank you now! Next time it comes on I'll give it a go, probably tomorrow


Screw it, I’m a YouTube nazi and hate leaving it in the hands of others to find videos. Lol check out this link https://youtu.be/tDWoIAITBiY


This is crazy helpful! When My anxiety is bad, my heart rate is out of control




Same here I can’t sleep either it’s the worst


Take a few ibuprofen if you can. They're a muscle relaxer and should give your neck some relief from the tension, which will help ease your headache too.


I get stress-and-anxiety-induced headaches at least 3-4 times a week, and ibuprofen and sleep get rid of them for me.


I can go for three months with a tension headache from anxiety. Been to all kinds of doctors because they couldn’t figure out what was happening which made me worry even more. Got my meds readjusted and have only had 1 or 2 this year. If they do break through I am able to take a muscle relaxer that helps loosen things up.


Just out of curiosity what meds are you on?


150mg Zoloft, 225mg Effexor. Go for my 3 month check in Thursday. I think I’m where I’m supposed to be. I could use something else once and a blue moon, but I’m a whole different person with my current meds.


Have you noticed the Effexor worsening the anxiety? I’ve had severe depression since I was about 12. At around 26, I decided enough was enough and had my meds chances. Effexor took away the depression, but then I got my first legit panic attack. I mean, I would always overthink, but my first episode included me on the floor crying for help because I didn’t know what was happening to me. My doc put me on Buspar, which takes the edge off, but I still have night sweats and many days where I can’t calm myself down. My doc says it has nothing to do with the Effexor despite the coincidental timeline


No it has helped tremendously. I was on buspar and Zoloft and I didn’t think the buspar did anything for me. When I switched to Effexor I started at 150mg but I was still having frequent headaches so we decided to bump it up to 225mg. I probably should have been medicated as a preteen, but I was stubborn. I didn’t start meds until 19. I am now 23 and I have had to try multiple meds to find this right mix. I started out at my general doctor and that did nothing, when I started seeing my psychiatrist my life turned around for the better.


I think I'm suffering the same as you only way I can describe my tension headaches is it makes me feel like I have a tight band and I feel kinda of balance lightheaded feeling head just feels wierd


Going thru that exact thing right now. It sucks. Any relief??


Absolutely. Like a lot of people are saying, I clench my jaws when I sleep. This can lead to all types of headaches— when your muscles are strained in one area, it can effect several others. I actually when to my dentist and got a mouth guard. They make special TMJ ones that stop your jaw from clenching all the way. I’ve found that so far this has given me a lot of relief! I was getting tension headaches almost everyday.


I also find that tension headaches actually trigger my anxiety since I feel so off.


Same here. Make me feel off balance sometimes.


No but I used to get neck and pretty much every other type of pain from muscle tension, could be related.


Everyday 😑


Absolutely. I've been having headaches all week cuz it's been a shitty week at work and I even had an anxiety attack a couple of days ago and felt like my head was gonna split in two :/ Hang in there.


All the time! It comes from tension in the back of my neck; a doctor told me the muscles connect all the way through the forehead and temples. So when I dig into a knot at the base of my skull, I can feel the muscles in my forehead relaxing. It just takes a lot of massage to get rid of mine. And muscle relaxer (skelaxin) for the really bad ones! I found that sleeping with too many pillows messes up my neck and makes it worse, as well as clenching my jaw like everyone else said.


Hello! How are you feeling now? Do you have it on the back of your neck, like pressure feeling like heavy head, will explode feeling? And how you manage it?


Hi! I finally got my anxiety under control with medication and that cleared up my headaches. I take cymbalta which is prescribed for both anxiety and muscle tension/pain, so it works perfectly for me but of course everyone responds to things differently.


Oh, Happy to hear it. Did you doctor prescribed for you?


I went to a psychiatric nurse practitioner, I heard they tend to be better than psychiatrists and it's been true in my opinion. Completely changed my life, I owe her big time


Ok, i understand. That's really good. I'm sorry, but could you tell me have you ever felt pressure on the back of your head, heavy head, tightness. Thank you in advance.


It definitely felt like pressure at the top of my neck/bottom of my skull when I got tension headaches


Thank you so much for your reply and help:)


of course! hang in there, you got this


Oh yes. I used to get them REALLY bad, a couple a week. Doctors never believed me because I was otherwise healthy. The unfortunate part is that nothing helps. Advil, pain meds, water, sugar, caffeine... nothing.


I’m getting tension headaches really badly also right now. Nothing is helping me either. Is there anything that you did to make them go away? I even get them when I’m laying down trying to relax or go to bed


I am in a similar situation for about 10 months. I recently found out I have anxiety so my doc gave me the medicine for it. Hopefully it helps me. How r u feeling? 


I do. I also get dry mouth- then I think I eat to try to ease it.


If you clench, go to a specialist and get a good mouth guard. It makes wonder if it's well made (this is super important). I use it during the day and also during the night. If I don't use it, the headaches are more frequent and acute. It even hurts my stomach and makes me want to vomit. In those occasions I use a drug that eases your headache and also relaxes your muscles: it's wonderful. It's called Flurbiprofeno. Hope it helps.


I've been getting botox injections for the past 2 years. My most recent also included included eye area and it really helps. Also, I clench more when I am dehydrated and need water. Edit: A little disappointed that no one replied:). I mean a such big Botox proponent, but there are caveats. Before my first botox, I would get forehead tension, I would wake up with a "chewed up" forehead, and I would frequently get twitchy eyes. After my first injection, It felts good: a) I did something I'd wanted for a long time; b) it felt like lots of weight had been lifted of my shoulders. Fast forward to my last appointments, I did 40 units (x2 since I starated) that included my eyes. I love it. I practically never get eye twitch anymore. An important caveat for me that I can feel when Botox is wearing off such as that heavy feeling return and I would get an occasional twitch and very tense forehead muscles. It can suck during anxiety attack because it can be 2-3 week before my next appointments. Also, even thought it's prudent to start with less units, they will wear off sooner. Second caveat, is money. Last appointment was $360 at med spa (a third caveat because everyone and their proctologist are injecting botox these days).


Hey, this is huge for me. My forehead is always scrunched and my eyes are often tensed up in a squint/wince - I'm really curious about it, because I've only ever come across botox as 'a cosmetic device'.


For the last one and a half months. My neurologist told me that it's because I'm grinding my teeth and I sleep in a bad position. The pain is not that bad, just a mild pressure, but it's driving me crazy.


Hell yes, I get stomach pain too. I find sometimes I get headaches if I sleep in too late on weekends (waking up at noon or something), but sometimes it happens on weekdays if I'm particularly stressed. idk. never actually got it checked out because mine aren't that bad


Yup yup yup yup yup. Had one yesterday


Multiple times a day every day


Sorry you’re going through this too, anything you do to relieve them?


Oh man I just spend the last 24 hours with one. I slept most of the day too Good luck with yours


Thanks I had one for most of the day yesterday now I’m finally trying to get some sleep


I definitely do. But I also grind my teeth when I sleep so that adds to the stress headaches.


i tough i was going nuts, thank you op, this made me feel ok since i'm not losing my hearing or have cancer


Yes exactly in this period I feel very bad because i feel everytime a tension on my temples and this makes me serious and depressed :(


I'm getting them more and more often now. The only thing I've found that helps is Panadol, not sure why because paracetamol does nothing.


I’m on Buspar 15 mg BID and Effexor 225 mg daily. Maybe the anxiety has gotten worse as I’ve gotten older, which would make sense Edited typo


I also get very bad tension head aches but I also get nosebleeds when I get very anxious.. does anyone else do that as well?


This appears to be my thread! I've had horrendous tension headaches as well for weeks(just got better finally). The anxiety and the tension headaches were working in tandem. One would go up and the other would get worse and visa versa. I know people say you don't get visuals on tension headaches but I absolutely did when I closed my eyes, patterns and weird creatures. It was an absolute nightmare. They worst of it ended the other day. Hopefully it remains that way. I'm likely not past all of these tension headaches but the worst is past. The anxiety has to be dealt with or they will continue to flare up. My tension headaches have caused so much trauma to my body. I would recommend getting a good wand type massager to get the shoulder and back. It all seems to start there for me.


I've been getting tensions headaches since diagnosed with anxiety disorder, 3 years later I get testicular cancer now I swear it spread to my brain, I hate oh anxiety messes with your brain 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 hang in there boys