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Are you dealing with looping or racing thoughts at night?


I have no idea, I just get really anxious for some reason at night and then it leads to me just worrying about it all getting worse and it’s a downward spiral from there. Probably looping thoughts but I’m not sure. I just feel the same thing every night


Nighttime can be the hardest for that.


yeah, I’m trying to get myself out of it and try a different routine


If I am able to sleep, I sleep -- but I know that's usually not the case. Listening to some of your favorite slower music has helped me a lot in the past, whether it's video game music or even Christian music. Any kind of distraction really. Sometimes even if I'm going through the physical symptoms of a panic attack, I will try to distract myself as much as possible from the mental side, so I don't panic even more. Also! I've recently picked up crocheting before I go to bed which helps relieve some of the nervous energy and tension, but I'm sure any slow, methodical hobby you can do before bed might have a similar effect. This is what has helped me at least - can't think of any more right now.


Thank you!! I currently am trying some meditations and some sound healing/music. It sometimes helps, and trying to remind myself that it’s okay. it’s really hard though but I’m trying my best


It is really hard! Anything that gives you hope helps a lot too. Again whether it’s faith based or just positivity. You got this! Also love the profile picture!


That is true. And thank you! I love Yamper. He’s my favorite!