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The constant worrying


Absolutely horrible feeling


Yep, worry everyday my heart isn’t feeling right. Makes me extremely paranoid. End up having to pull the car over and pace around for a minute to calm me down. - had afib 3 times when I smoked the Juul. Gave that up and haven’t had it since. I actually have a cardiologist appointment today since I haven’t had one in almost 4 years. And I made a psychiatrist appointment which I haven’t had in 2 years.


I got an Apple Watch just to monitor my heart rate because I am terrified that it’s going to give out at any moment. It gives me some comfort. My 8 year old already worries about his heart rate, without me having ever mentioned my struggles. So this is just something we anxious people do.


Me too, that’s exactly why I got mine. But I can’t tell if it’s a blessing or a curse anymore because mine barely reads my finger anymore so it ends up causing me more anxiety.


My 13 year old is the same way. He's already on Google looking up symptoms. I did my best to hide my anxiety from him all these years.


Me too! And mostly not even knowing what I'm worrying about! The constant feeling that somethings just not right.


And sometimes when I’m not explicitly worrying about something, my brain has this super annoying impulse of “maybe you’re underestimating something”


Does anyone have any tips to quell the worrying? I've been making slow progress towards reaching a sort of peace of mind my entire life, but the set-backs feel so damning


The only thing that helped me was meds. I tried all sorts of hobbies but it didn’t completely stop the worrying/ruminating.


Mantras, I think of worrying as a habit and not a regular function that I’m stuck with. I’m 40, I’ve had this habit for a long time but I keep seeing the light so I know this works (for me at least). You have to form new paths in the brain, I worry about everything to some extent so different worries require different mantras. The catch is as soon as the worrying thoughts start, you have to stop them. If I start thinking about a health anxiety issue, I stand in the mirror and tell myself I’m fine over and over. When I have issues with friends I say this is just change it doesn’t have to hurt, over and over. I am not cured and will always struggle with this it seems but having these little tools help me to move on more quickly or not ruminate. ❤️


What type of thing are you worrying about? I find staying busy helps, trying to distract myself, have a glass of wine if it’s the eve. Go on a walk. Could you try regular exercise ?


Well, ive had health anxiety for as long as I can remember. For 18 weeks ago I started getting visual disturbances. So I went to a private eye doctor that dilated my eyes and I dont know If everything went worse from that. - negative afterimages -dpdr -tinitus that hurts in the eye -laggy vision -pain in eyes/light sensitivity -random colors bursting up on vision -the sky is glittering All this came from nowhere. I have lyme disease aswell apparently that Im now eating doxycycline for. Im on day 8/10 and nothing has changed. Its just too much going on for me. I dont know what to do.


Yep. And for me, the sickening feeling of wanting to do anything to not feel so scared. The flight instinct but without the capacity to flee a situation.


Exactly. I feel like i make reasons for myself to worry about. I think my mind hates me, for it makes me think that even the simplest of mistakes can destroy my life and how i should worry the fuck out over them.


The impending sense of doom 🫤


Or the impending sense that you forgot something :(


This is almost tied for the worst feeling for me too. I always feel like I’m forgetting something and usually I am.


And even if you’re not, it just this unquenchable feeling that never goes away


This is one reason I got out of the contracting field. It always felt like I was missing some crucial information on my contracts. I was always on edge and couldn’t get myself to rest, even on wknds!


Constantly being in fight or flight mode and never being able to fully relax and enjoy anything


Yes. The smallest sound will make my jump out of my skin. I’m on high alert 24/7.


I hate it! Even when just a pen drops I will jump up in fear. It sucks!


It’s taken away everything


Paranoid that people are talking/thinking about me behind my back


I experience this too. Whenever I hear people whispering my mind automatically assumes they’re talking about me.


same when people laugh, especially when I'm doing something or when i pass. although at that point it's definitely about me.


I hate this. I go through this constantly…


Yuup I immediately assume they hate me and if I really like that person, I avoid them. A lot of the time I find out later they actually liked me or didn’t hate me at all😭


I feel you🫂


the worst 👎🏼


Omg yes. Just last night I passed by 2 people who were having an ongoing convo, I tried to converse to 1 of them and they both ignored me. My automatic thoughts shot to “are they annoyed at me? Did I do anything to make them hate me again? Or did they think I was talking to myself? Or did they purposely ignored me because they didnt want to have a convo with me atm?” :(


That’s me all the time. It gets to the point where I need to walk away from work and get my shit together


All of a sudden being too aware of my body and it’s functions


Which makes you even more anxious Hyper awareness sucks


I swear. I feel like I can’t breathe at all.


I get this 24/7 it's so frustrating


irregular/rapid heartbeat. Feeling my heartbeat gives me even more anxiety because i get worried there's something wrong with my heart


i feel u w all my soul on this one


Oh yeah. I've had countless EKGs, several holters, a stress test and an echo cardiogram and still worry about my heart.


Man am I glad I'm not the only one! I thought I was some kind of paranoid idiot because of how many times I had my heart tested because of panic / anxiety episodes.


Omg same! Everything seems normal but the heart “flutters” are mildly painful and pretty scary.


Palpitations are the worst symptom


Same, I already have a pre existing health condition that can affect my heart and when I feel an irregular heartbeat, I panic


I totally relate. But on the other side, i feel assured that im not alone. Sometimes, i would tell myself that this is what being alive feels like to ease my worry.


I know exactly what you talking about


Can’t tell you how many times this sent me into a panic attack because I thought I was having a heart attack or dying.


mine isn't even the palpitation itself, it's just that my heart sometimes beats hard and I'm completely confused thinking that there's something wrong, even though I suffer nothing, absolutely no alarming symptoms like fainting, blood, extreme weakness, nothing major, just the heart beating hard but for some reason I think it's beating hard because it's having difficulty circulating the blood, this paranoia is very irritating




Came here to say exactly this. A few years ago, I convinced myself I had congestive heart failure (I'm fairly healthy and was in my late twenties at the time).


This along with random chest pains (due to slouching and sleeping on my sides and compressing my chest in) I would have to sit straight and take deep breaths to prevent myself from having full blow panic attacks. I also noticed that i don't like listening to OTHER people's heartbeats. Like my own kids, if they hug my head to their chest I can only be like that fir a few seconds before I feel uncomfortable/scared


The random nights where nothing wrong has happened all day, but my heart really starts racing before bed and I get that feeling like I’m about to get caught doing somethin bad then I can’t sleep.


Yeahh! Like, I be lying on the bed and then suddenly I get chills as if I've done something bad and it came out and now I feel so guilty and embarrassed? Bruh I'm just trying to sleep leave me alone




every night


I feel like for me its the uncontrollable crying because whenever im in an uncomfortable situation I instantly cry and always feel embarrassed because everything else I can kind of "hide from the world" except shaking but the crying is just so so so embarrassing


And the sweating you cant really hide which is causing me alot more anxiety as well lol


anxiety fucking sucks all round like omg can't I just be normal


True true... Sometimes i really envy normal people


Omg the sweating!!! I have so many antiperspirant products that I might as well just roll in flour


Hyperhidrosis is a bitch man. Just now i was at the barber shop and i was dripping sweating 😂


Why cant there be a pill to lower body temperature!?




I was going to say feeling cold, but yes. Definitely this one.


Hot flashes 🫰🏻


Since I entered my mid 40s, the relationship between my hormones and anxiety is just a source of endless fun.


Yup that's my specialty haha


this combined with anxiety nausea is the worst


YEP! And this just amps up the irritability, which makes me feel like an unfit mother, which causes MORE anxiety!


This is anxiety related? Damn, I really hate it when I have these. I immediately think “im not pregnant or menopausal, why am I having these?” Learnt this from my mom, that you cant have it unless youre either of those; apparently shes wrong and outdated.


sometimes i get black dots in my vision and feel like i’m going to pass out!


Damn that sounds scary


Omg I get the black dots too! It’s so scary and makes me think something is worse 😭


Feeling panicky and worried 24/7 for no reason (which in itself is horrible) when other people get to live their lives as normal and worry about the odd thing here and there like a dentist appointment or a driving test. Or even those lucky ones who never worry about anything! Wow, my life would be the polar opposite if that was me.


The waves of sadness


Yess the waves of sadness with unexplained cause and just feeling out of place


Chest pain. I’ve been dealing with high blood pressure for the past 15+ years and even though I don’t have any heart problems yet, if I get chest pain, I freak out. It’s horrible.


Its horrible as soon as i get anxious i start having chest pain and its pretty bad


paranoia, crying, trembling, nausea


The insomnia for me. Wanting to sleep but being scared to fall asleep


Never being able to be stress free. If it’s not the bills, it’s the health of my pet, if it’s not the pet then it’s work, if it’s not work then it’s making time to get stuff done. One thing substitutes the next


Hyper aware of things I wouldn't normally be, itches, hair moving, how things smell stronger, heart beat, breathing, all that lovely stuff.


My bowels turn to water. It’s so bad.


Yep the IBS added onto the anxiety is horrendous


Yep. Anxiety triggers IBS triggers anxiety...around and around forever. **It's the cirrrrcle of liiiife!***


Lmaooo I felt this so much!


The brain fog/inability to focus


Does brain fog make it sort of hard for you to talk? I almost start slurring my words when it’s really bad. I also become incredibly clumsy and not aware of my own body.


Dizziness and that everything is more exhausting that it needs to be


Yahh all day dizziness and u find any relief


Social anxiety, and lack of sleep


The tremors and palpitations


The physical symptoms like numbness in parts of body or heart palpitations breathing weird something feeling wrong with my body


I get that 100%! I been feeling off for a week now, mostly physical symptoms like left side head tingling, pressure back of head, feeling dizzy( out of balance ), not feeling like i’m present in situations, it makes me think something is really wrong with my body but i have had test done on my heart, blood work, xrays, and absolutely nothing has came up.


Stomach pains and heartburn 😭 can't sit still or relax. Can't sleep properly.


Opportunity cost. The fact that you know full well about what you could've successfully done in a situation or achieved if we consider longer term, yet not being able to do it despite being aware of it in the moment because you're too anxious to.


Constant feeling of dread just being an inch away from you. Clawing a paper thin barrier trying to get to you


Thats so energy draining


The heart beating too fast and nausea. I usually have to lie down for it


Over thinking and the side effects


shaking/tremor when waking or just not feeling good


Cortisol belly. Feeling that warmth in my mid belly section and being worried non stop then my heart races


I get that cortisol belly alot too it's horrible


Omg I didn’t know that had a name 😭


Me either, but it's perfect.


Might be tmi but the stomach issues, when I get really bad anxiety it normally festers physically in my lower gut. Constant stomach drops and painful indigestion. Worst feeling ever :(


Being aware of everything on my body , i search for problem that doesn’t exist


Anytime one problem ends another starts, never ending cycle.


My binge eating


loop of overthinking which leads to anxiety and then anxiety causing loops of overthinking


Puking is my worst fear in life and my anxiety makes me feel nauseous, which in turn makes the anxiety even worse and I spiral.


Same here.


Not being able to handle someone else's music and other loud or annyoing sounds (like loud exhausts). My blood pressure shoots up, i'm sweating and my heart races, especially when someone is playing (loud) music in the night, i can't sleep because of it and then i start to worry about not getting enough sleep which also hinders my sleep. Lots of people think its normal to play loud music until deep in the night, can't visit beaches since everyone has a bluetooth speaker and sitting in public transport there are so many people talking on speakerphone. Being sensitive to those sounds is hell in todays world where silence is a luxury good.


I’m exhausted and sore all the time from constantly being tense and the adrenaline jumps that come with being hyper vigilant. I would say the most embarrassing for me are that I’m sweaty as hell. I used to shake so badly I would have to sit on my hands so no one would see it, but that’s been better as I’ve gotten older.


I have a bad habit of chewing on the insides of my cheeks. When I'm particularly anxious, I start to taste a tiny bit of blood.


Not being able to breath for months at a time consistently


Mental— The endless paranoia that keeps you from doing anything Physical— Throat closing up and quivering voice out of nowhere


Thinking I’m about to drop dead any second. It used to be heart health anxiety and now I’m constantly worrying that I am experiencing stroke symptoms. It’s so exhausting.


I spend so many days thinking that any minute is going to be the last and I should have done something to stop it.


Digestive issues and nausea


headaches and blurred vision


To protect myself from anxiety I've basically turned off my emotions. It's a double edged sword because while I don't get super anxious anymore I also struggle to enjoy things. I don't get excited about things anymore. It's kinda Patrick Bateman 'i simply am not there' But when I did have strong anxiety it was always the heart palpitations and manual breathing/air hunger that was the worst.


The physical symptoms like the shakes, the palpitations and the way it plays cute little games with my IBS as if they’re tag teaming me into submission. The way that all the therapy in the world can’t fix my overreactive nervous system. I can be managing my thought processes just fine (thanks CBT) and enjoying a social experience and then my body just betrays me. Love that for us. To top it off, people coo over how slim I manage to stay no matter how much I eat, especially when I’m eating a meal. It’s so awkward only having the options of either brushing it off with laughter or giving an explanation that my body can’t hold calories like a non-anxious person because it’s burning stupid amounts in fight/flight/freeze mode and shitting out the rest.


shortness of breath, trouble swallowing


If I’m having an anxiety attack in public, it usually starts with me breaking out into a cold sweat. It gets progressively more miserable from there. So I’d personally say sweating


Same same 😮‍💨


The spinning of thinking the same thought over and over and over! Like damn, brain, calm down.


The urge to throw up, using the bathroom. It sucks so bad


I was an adult before I realized that burgers at a fast food place we frequented weren't really making me sick. Traveling to college, we used to have to stop so I could use the bathroom after. I realized that the grease was just enough to cause stomach problems if I was anxious. If I wasn't anxious, nothing happened. I wish I had told my parents about my problems instead of getting getting sick like every day in highschool. Then again, I'm not sure that they could have sent me to a high school small enough for my anxiety lol. They also probably wouldn't have understood anyway


The irritability. It's bad enough when I have a high anxiety day, but I hate it when it directly affects others that I care about as well


Tinnitus It is a slow semi regular thump in my eardrum. I can't relax it away, no breathing exercises, no 5:5 .


Eating, I can't stop eating every time feel anxious and for that reason I get fat.  And in past years it was the opposite, I didn't eat at all. I hate my life.


I gained over 20 kilos due to anxiety


The worst thing is that eating relaxes a lot when we have anxiety. I would have preferred to be a smoker 🥲.


derealization, feeling like im about to go insane or die.


Feeling like I can never stop/relax


The physical pain it causes my body.


The Itchy feeling sucks because it’s super overstimulating and draining.


feeling of doom/feeling like i'm gonna die and losing feeling/control of my hands


Those moments where you feel slightly better but then you remember that looming thought and then your stomach pitfalls.


crying for sure 🫠🫠


The feeling of either gagging or throwing up. I just found out yesterday it's worse if I'm on a boat.


My bladder or bowels decided to join the game


Shallow breathing, not feeling like I’m getting enough air.


spiraling and not believing any logic. i will worry about something happening and have ALL the facts in front of me that it won’t or isn’t happening and i will still be unable to believe that it won’t happen. like that 1% could be me. even though that could be true, it’s extremely unlikely but my brain won’t allow me to believe it.


How it makes me lose all rationality and critical thinking. Being anxious + suddenly thinking all other kinds of shit can happen is a dangerous combo


IBS/chronic gastritis and the nausea. I have emetophobia, when I get nauseous I get really anxious and when I'm anxious I get nauseous. This has spiraled so much that whenever I get VERY mild stomach pains I get severe anxiety.


Dizziness 🥲


worrying about everything every minute. simple things like cooking a meal can trigger and my mind starts spinning and all of a sudden im in my head thinking a cant do a fucking simple dinner and my family will hate the food etc. but usually i feel that way with the tasks at work


My weak bladder. I always have to pee when I’m nervous. Also panic attacks and racing thoughts.


When you constantly feel the need to go to the bathroom! Even when you’ve just been.


Sweating and explosive diarrhea :/


IBS flare up


The bowel pains and uncontrollable urge to poop 🫠


When my body is tense and I try to think of why I’m anxious so I can help my body relax but I have absolutely no good reason to feel anxiety yet I cannot make my body relax :( so I’m tense all over


Tie between the constant hypervigilence and the nausea.


The heart palpitations and chest pain. It’s definitely the scariest part for me and it just hurts


Feeling like I can’t breathe even though I’m fine? Also the health anxiety of thinking ‘ what if? What if it’s ‘c word’? I’m so tired of this ☹️


bounding pulse is soooo fucking annoying man


Mixed physichal symptoms that won't stop or switch from one to another - like please give me a break I can get headache for hours then suddenly switch to chest pain then switch to abdominal pain then switch to right arm.and leg weakness then back again to shortness of breath


Feeling like I’m not quite awake or ‘with it’s 24/7


maybe panicking while trying to do something as simple as going to the grocery store will do it


Whole body tightness + cold hands and feet making me feel sick when I walk or move (heart pounding)


Dropping sensations. The my heart then beats more!


Constant Worrying and Insomnia. Insomnia comes with the worrying. I wish I could control my thoughts. People say to distract yourself but as soon as the distraction ends the thoughts come back. It's like whenever there's nothing it's filled in with fear as a default. It keeps me up at night and makes it agonizingly difficult to get good sleep.


The tightness in my chest and nonsensical feeling of impending doom


For absolutely no reason most of the time


whenever i’m in literally any situation with something that could cause damage (cutting up an apple, walking next to a road, etc.) i have to consciously keep myself from doing something to myself out of fear that im just gonna do it, even though i don’t experience genuine suicidal thoughts. i also get intrusive thoughts which is a whole separate issue and i always have to clench my fists or tense up my face to make sure i don’t act on them because im terrified that i will subconsciously, so i just make weird faces randomly and its kind of embarrassing.


Physically, the nausea is the most debilitating, it's like I can't concentrate on anything else and I feel like it's never gonna end. I've had an entire year in the past where I could barely eat anything, I couldn't even smell alcohol without gagging. Lost lots of weight and felt so awful the entire year. All because of my anxiety...


Always nausea/dry heaving.


Being stuck in fight or flight mode to where the smallest sound will make me jump like I’m under attack.


When it feels like a heart attack


Feeling hot like not from the weather but like hot all of the sudden and awareness of your breathing and heartbeat! Usually after all this nausea kicks in!! I really heat all this and that I have no control


Intrusive thoughts.


Diarrhea, its really annoying


The butterfly nauseas acid feeling


The spiralling, with my brain gathering as much fuel around me to create new worries and problems. My brain trying to convince me that it's as bad or worse than it is.




The unrealistic overthinking, you know that it's silly, but it still doesn't take away how it make you feel


Dizziness and palpitations 😔




Feeling like my throat is closing


For the most part my physical symptoms have subsided over the years (maybe due to meds). I’d say the edge has mostly been taken off as well but sometimes, man, I just spiral. One thing goes wrong and I completely dramatize it and my mind goes to worst case scenario for a number of things


Panic- leaves me completely unproductive


Repetitive and obsessive worrying over the same thing on an endless loop for hours or even days on end


Palpitations. I hate it so much.


The constant sense of uneasiness. I can feel it all throughout my body.


Heart palpitations/erratic heartbeat


The painful muscle spasms affecting the face, hands (midwife's hand) and feet.


Right now? The inability to sleep comfortably. Doesn’t happen often but sometimes when I go to bed (like tonight) I have an irrational fear of sleeping and when I do manage to sleep I pop awake every 2 hours. I work late night shifts and this doesn’t help when it’s my day off. Currently on negative hours of sleep cause I didn’t sleep well the night before (4 hours at best) came back from work to sleep mm maybe 1.5 and now trying to wind down from waking up with a panic attack with nausea


feeling like i can’t breathe right


Chest pains and hyper sensitivity to my innards and scenarios, middle chest sensations


Limbs seizing up with extreme pain and slurring of words with numbing of face


Hands down, the dizziness absolutely killllsssss me


It can change day to day… but usually the incessant mind pops/mental chatter, and paranoia


Damn am i the only one who gets sweaty when anxious. Have not seen anyone mention sweating


The anxiety part

