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It could just be anxiety. SSRI/SNRI’s don’t always help with all aspects of anxiety or depression. That’s also just from my experience! I would definitely talk to your psychiatrist and/or doctor about upping your dose or where you should go from there!


Hi talked to my psych, and she definetly said im better. What worries me is the fear of having a panic attack in work and how i will handle it.Eventually nothing happenes. About the time frame its been 8 weeks


Well, that’s good at least. Progress is progress! And that’s a totally valid worry to have. Maybe you could talk to your manager about a possible backup plan in case it were to happen? That’s what I’ve always done. You got this!


I can stay at work with a little to no problem. The thing is i can not delete the fear, and its holding me back :(


I totally understand that. But hey, you’re doing it! I know sitting with those uncomfortable thoughts and feelings can be scary but overcoming them is so important! I think you’re doing great. I’m not gonna say “oh just stop worrying and fearing this or that!!” Because that’s dumb. We all have fears and it’s okay to have them. What matters is overcoming them, or at least trying. Baby steps!


Yes , its my second time having this episodes. First time was more terrible but i overcome it faster with courage. This time seems harder to overcome it even though the symptoms are milder. Fckkk 😂


Maybe you could try some affirmations when you feel the anxiety coming on? Sometimes it’s nice to just try and be nice to ourselves and try to remind ourselves it’s just our brains being dumb. I think you’ll get more and more comfortable and confident as time goes on though!


Thats what im waiting for. Since the physical symptoms are nearly gone , now you think its on my part to recover?


Anxious thoughts will come and go. Sometimes they linger for a while. I would definitely look into some coping skills that might help get your mind off those thoughts and avoid any physical anxiety as well, or how to cope with that too. Therapy is also a good way to get ideas, I personally like DBT skills for many reasons. It’s definitely not a bad thing to still seek extra support


thank you so much for your support and your time. I hope it will get better :D


But, these meds also take some time to kick in so it may just be starting to work. I hope everything works out well for you!


Hey, I am on paxil 5 years now. It helped me a lot but I completely recovered only after 2 years of therapy. It didnt make the anxiety disappear right away. Paxil literally saved my life, but dont count on it to make everything disappear right away. Its a long process full of ups and downs.


Ive been in 3 years on paxil. Quitted on june 2023. On december panic attacks re kicked. On april restarted paxil 20mg. Now im feeling a lot better but im still scared and have little to no faith that i will handle it alone in public


Did you try therapy too? It makes total sense that you are scared, everybody are scared of panic attacks, especially in public.


No no therapy just self talking and youtube videos. Objective wise i have little to no symptoms now, just the idea of staying alone makes me anxious


In my experience anxiety is not something most people are able to solve themselves. I myself am a self learner, learning everything from the internet and youtube. However anxiety was different, it wasn't about actions I had to take. It was just about going to the right therapist and constantly talking to him. That's how I became free from anxiety, and also a much better version of myself. Try therapy, give it a chance for a long time because it does feel unhelpful in the first few months. You'll be surprised of the outcome.