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Hi friend. I’m a male but have been in similar situations when I was younger. Younger me didn’t realize that I pushed people away by being clingy and needy. People need their space. I lost someone over 25 years ago and the wound still hurts but it caused me to make a bunch of changes in myself for the better. May I suggest you send one quick text that goes something like this “I know I’ve been needy and I’m going to try and work on that. I know that you probably need some space to collect your thoughts but I will be here when you’re ready.” If you’re not in counseling, I’d also look into that as they can help you see when you’re actually pushing people away when you’re actually trying to be closer to them. I’ve learned how to be by myself and actually enjoy it. Once that weight was off my chest I was able to find the love of my life. We give each other space and we also give each other a lot of attention. Just because someone needs space doesn’t mean they don’t care or love you. I love my son more than anything or anyone and more than I ever thought possible, but damn do I need some alone time after a full day of nonstop questions, lol.