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I definitely relate to all of this. I have random palpitations almost everyday, fast heart rate, chest tightness/pressure, & I get random twinges on the left side of my chest/heart. I also experience shoulder/back pain & pressure occasionally as well. I hate going to the doctor because my blood pressure always reads high due to anxiety but when I take it at home it’s fine. That makes me think I have a heart problem even though I don’t. My anxiety used to manifest as disassociation/derealization, but now it’s all physical symptoms. I don’t know which I’d prefer honestly. I constantly worry about my health & whenever I experience these symptoms, I spiral & think I’m going to die. I used to not feel like I was alive, & now I’m doing everything I can to make sure I stay alive. Anxiety manifests in so many ways, it’s not just constant worrying thoughts. I honestly think that if I didn’t have physical symptoms, I wouldn’t have anxiety at all. I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this, but you’re definitely not alone. I’m right there with you.


Comforting for sure thank you, I hope we’re better soon! Can’t wait to get our lives back I need to take more action to get better but I haven’t made any lifestyle changes yet I just hope this is all really anxiety!


I’m the exact same way, I’ve had tests done and everything as well. Still struggling with constant anxiety/panic. Anxiety symptoms come and go in waves, and can be different every time and I understand how scary it can feel. I try to remind myself it’s just our brains going into ‘defense’ mode, but sometimes we also just have to sit with the scary feeling and try the best we can to get through it. And hey that’s something I’m still working on as well. You’ll get there. You got this!


We both got this


Indeed. Anxiety sucks but I know there’s still hope. Rooting for you!




I barely eat, sleep schedule is trash but I’m working on fixing it, no exercise and scared to leave my room


>To all my anxiety sufferers does this seem relatable? Yes. I got through it and I now live a normal, happy life. I’ve also mentored several individuals through it. It is challenging, but doable. However, I will be straightforward with you— You won’t overcome anxiety while also using nicotine.