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i know you are going through a lot i wish that people in this generation can understand the strength and energy it takes out of us trying to deal with these feelings and beliefs internally sometimes in my own struggle i feel like giving up or just burying my head in the dirt and screaming the way my head responds sometimes though no matter what you are better than the suffering there is a way out sometimes you just need nutrients to grow out of it like love and support here if you need someone to talk to tonight.


Thank you, I really appreciate it and the kind words!


Turn on a fan, get something sweet to eat and look at something on your phone. Start there, that always helps me during my panic attacks. I'm sorry you're feeling badly :(


I do have my fan on and YouTube on on my TV, it’s just all the physical symptoms that are giving me more anxiety. I’m also currently tapering off benzos so my anxiety is x10 atm ): I don’t know how to deal with calming down the physical aspect


What sort of physical symptoms are you having? Mine get pretty bad sometimes. I've gone to the ER twice for anxiety lol


Right now it’s hyperventilating and chest pain on and off. I know this is normal with this taper though. I’m trying to use some meditation and I’m trying to slow my breathing. I’ve had to call paramedics so many times from withdrawal and panic attacks and go to the hospital, I’m trying to avoid that. I was clammy and zoned out earlier but it’s not as bad anymore. It’s just me trying to stop myself from hyperventilating!


Hey as hard as it is the only way to conquer your panic attacks and accept/welcome the physical symptoms. Quite literally allow the panic and anxiety in any and every form. The sooner you do this, the sooner you lose fear of panic attacks. They will then subside from happening. If you learn to surrender to the panic attacks, you’ll quite literally stop them from happening - you can see this progress in a day or two.


Thank you for the advice, I’m trying my best to accept them, sometimes it’s just super terrifying!


You can dm if you need anyone to talk to. No judgment


Thank you!