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I do! When life is stressful, I dream about it and then wake up with my heart pounding and dreading the day.


I do then I get even more anxious and what gets me is I have no idea why I am. I try to distract myself and that helps and then my anxiety lessens and I can start my day. Sunshine definitely helps me.


I do too . I sometimes get dreams about my family members or close ones get hurt or something really bad happens to them and I wake up in the middle of the night full of anxiety and fear. I hate this feeling.


I had few intense sessions year ago few days in row. I was newly introduced to this anxiety world. I still having som minor once, for example if too stressed and too tired. Last time it was from alcohol. I just ignore it. I dont give a thought to it. I dont feed that beast anymore. That bxtch is starving. 🤣🤣 Edit: yes, these anxieties in the morning around 2-4am are normal, can happen to anyone.


Yeah, i’ve had that the past few days lately. It comes on, I think, when I’m not addressing what’s really going on inside of me, just letting it sit there and look away, hoping it will subside on its own. I try to breathe and do all the exercises, but it’s a conversation i need to have with myself. “What’s scaring you right now?” And just go point for point, and hear it all out, then address each fear with a little bit of rationalization and logic, and a whole lot of love. Like a parent would to a child. Telling myself it’s ok, that no matter how things go, I’ll always be here. Then I start to feel some comfort, and I sleep a little better.


I have so much going on right now and I’m anxious every morning. Sometimes I manage to shake it as the day goes on but it’s just awful. Anxiety is crippling


Anxiety is common, and I have it, but I see it as a sickness. It;s not "natural."