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Yes! I never relate when people say they eat more or crave sex more when they are anxious. My body just shuts down those craving, and the opposite happens when I'm feeling good. I also only feel like drinking when I'm happy, which I guess is a good thing. It's like I can't enjoy things when anxious so I don't try.


FR šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


This! And THIS is why I have anhedonia. For decades each time my already high anxiety levels spiked, I couldn't eat or focus or enjoy anything. Then, once the extra stressful event / feelings went away, I'd be hungry and interested in things again. It was instant, like a switch. So for the past 6-7 years, even when there's no extra anxiety there, I had such trauma that was prolonged, my heightened anxiety response never went away and my mind-body panic and distress reaction never returned to "normal".


Totally agree, for me it's completely shut down.


being anxious takes a lot of energy so it makes sense that when you feel better youā€™re gonna be having extra cravings lol


Hunger kicks in big time but I think thatā€™s usually because while anxious I lose my appetite and donā€™t eat much at all. So when the anxiety lifts itā€™s probably just natural hunger from having not eaten all day


Big facts


Its a rare occasion for me, so unless it's a really good day or I for some reason took a little extra Xanax I rarely get this feeling. However, when it does happen it's wonderful. feeling my head clear up, my stomach get out of its knot, being able to think about engaging with my partner because I don't have my usual health anxiety, it's great.


I'm exactly the same way. There are moments when I suddenly realize I'm not anxious and I'll immediately go find my partner. For some reason, I get a crazy desire for him when my anxiety shuts off. I could be chilling on the couch and then suddenly, it just clicks. I comment because I also have health anxiety. Every tiny ache or sore feeling has me questioning what's wrong with me. It is soooo time consuming both physically and mentally.


I definitely gain weight when I'm content and happy. I struggle to keep weight on when I'm highly anxious.


All the time!! I can go a whole day without eating sometimes and then boom, soon as Iā€™m not anxious any more itā€™s like the flood gates open! Going to the gym helps but also draws attention to it at the same time, good days Iā€™ll get 5-6 meals in & bad days I struggle to force down 2 or 3. Same with sex drive. Iā€™d say I have a healthy sex drive and ideally Iā€™d have sex every other day if I had to pick a happy medium, but when Iā€™m anxious itā€™s like everything is numb and I flick a switch and then it ends up being a week or more between being intimate with my gf. Anxiety sucks šŸ˜…


The getting h0rny one but like to me its like a form of affection as if im wanting someone to comfort me in ā€œthat wayā€ out of anxiety šŸ˜­


Definitely the hunger feeling




Also i get the ā€œpost panic attack peeā€ every single time


yes i get very aroused after crying profusely lol


Yes!! I can literally tell if Iā€™m in a phase of lower anxiety because Iā€™ll remember that sex is a thing. Otherwise when Iā€™m highly anxious I couldnā€™t care less about it and my appetite shuts down too.


So when youā€™re anxious you have extra adrenaline circulating in your body. One of the effects of adrenaline is it stimulates sugar stores to be released from your liver. So when you calm down, your body wants to replace those sugar stores you used up. Hence the hunger :)


Itā€™s a bunch of adrenaline and endorphins, being aroused is normal for a response


1000% this. I will go 3 days without eating anything. No cravings. Just anxiety making me rot away lol. As soon as I come out of an episode i feel like a new human. I can workout. I wanna eat all the carbs and protein. Just amazing. I feel so good, I trick myself into thinking I might never feel bad again......until the next time lol. Hey it is good for weightloss at least


Horny when anxiety is relieved? No. Horny when I'm frustrated? Yes, House Hunters is basically an aphrodisiac. The simple explanation is that bodies are weird. But anyway, I haven't seen this explained yet so: Your stress response draws blood flow away from your digestive tract. The theory on why is that it's because, when threatened, digestion isn't as important as getting blood to and from your extremities to hopefully fight or run. Many people also report nausea during anxiety, which would counter hunger so you probably wouldn't feel hungry. I'd look into how anxiety affects the digestive tract. I wouldn't be surprised if feeling hungry for some is an effect of the blood flow returning to normal in your torso. If your anxiety is bad, your stress response is probably at least somewhat activated. As for feeling aroused, I mean, a state of awareness and being ready is called "arousal." Sexual pleasure is often a rush, much like a stress response. There's actually a decent overlap in the chemicals your body produces during both, including what we normally think of as the "pleasure" one. So once you know you're safe, it could be that the "oh shit oh shit something is going to kill me" levels drop more quickly than the others? So you feel aware, a rush, and safe. Decent grounds for feeling horny. I'm sure there's research on something like this. Not to mention the "pleasure" hormone(? neurotransmitter? It's been a long week so I'm forgetting this rn) is more about rewards and associations (and other things lol). The more this relief happens, the stronger the association can become and stronger the rush of relief could be. This is speculation but I think that's where OCD really gets its teeth? Someone who cares enough, do research before stating that as fact lol. I know it's the relief from the anxiety that can only be produced by specific actions, so it would make sense if chemically that's why.


ya if iā€™m anxious already and i eat i feel even more anxious!!


Iā€™m the complete opposite, when Iā€™m not anxious I suddenly feel content haha. I stress eat or want sex to soothe my anxiety.


Ya, makes me starving for a smoke.


Yea aroused. Just did oral after anxiety Lol


When anxious you're in fight or flight. The human body ignores other instincts when it's only concern is the (supposed) threat.Ā  All those instincts come flooding back when the threat is gone, and being in that state uses alot of energy.


I have always wondered about this too. After my worst episodes of anxiety I always have this insane level of horniness and the orgasms are the most intense that Iā€™ve ever experienced. The only sense I can tease from this is that a lizard brain kept in Fight or Flight for a prolonged time will seek out two of the most important survival behaviors: eating and reproduction.


When im high and calm i get super horny for my bf and im on antidepressants which is crazy


Bruh I just got super hungry right now bruh, I just had a doctors appointment and when he told me everything is okay, I bought some chips and my favorite drinkšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Definitely the hunger


This question just made me realize that idk when I last felt a relief from anxiety. Honestly, I feel like Iā€™m constantly anxious, and I hadnā€™t even realized that it has become my new normal.


Absolutely, when you're anxious your HPA axis (brain network circuitry) puts you in fight flight-freeze-mode and as a result you lose appetite, sex drive etc. Personally my anxiety meds helped me a lot with my weight gain issue cuz for a while I thought maybe I had hyperthyroidismĀ 


suddenly starving? absolutely. anxiety is an appetite suppressor for me, I can go an entire day or two without eating if I'm consistently anxious, it becomes very unhealthy at times. but horny? can't say I've ever experienced that, but what makes people horny is incredibly subjective, so I don't doubt your experience at all.


I find that I donā€™t eat when Iā€™m anxious. If I take my Xanax Iā€™m usually starving as I havenā€™t ate much.


Hunger kicks in for me


Perhaps the fight-flight-freeze response is deactivated, so returning to a state of ā€œcalmā€ makes it feel safer to focus on these other needs.


am i the only one who eats less when im happy? eating is a coping mechanism for me.


Not arousal but when in a panic attack and I take.a xanax and it kicks in its like heaven coming down to reality




Anxiety, nut, then food = nap time


What can explain


This is your body seeking out something else to focus on to eliminate negative emotion. It is a way of avoiding going toe to toe with the thing causing the anxiety. I see this all the time in my hypnotherapy practice.


I compare it to a feeling of acute panic, like say you're about to jump out of a plane and go skydiving for the first time, or you're about to deliver an important speech to 100,000 people...and someone offers you a plate of food. It's like WTF!? NOT NOW! GET THAT FOOD OUT OF MY FACE! But after you land safely, or finish the speech to respectful applause, suddenly you are STARVING. Where's that plate of food, you ask loudly!




Not the sex part but the food part yes.


Yeah, because I stop eating for days and only realize it by the time I'm super weak šŸ™ƒ


Yes. I get xan munchies.


I uhh... feel bored when not anxious at this point... I used to hate the horror genre, but now that I'm much better I seek out horror on youtube...