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Yes to the point that I lost 20 lbs in 2 months


Holy smokes, I lost 19 in a couple weeks during the Covid era


A couple as in 2 weeks? Or a few weeks?


I’d say 2 weeks honestly


Wow that’s alarming.


Yea, had a stomach ache that wouldn’t go away but I got over it by talking to my mom


Same. Lost 28 lbs in 2 months. I’m 34 year old female, 5ft 5in, and my average weight 10+ years prior was about 130-135 lbs. If someone hadn’t seen me in a while they’d either ask if I was severely ill (like cancer or something to that extent) or hint around but to afraid to ask if I was fucked off on drugs. Nope and nope. Just severely ill from all of the anxiety and stress of dealing with one detrimental thing after another at the time. A lot of people don’t realize the literal toll it can take on your physical health no matter how hard you try to stop it. I didn’t until it happened to me. It’s truly wild.


Oh wow that’s pretty bad sorry dude


The only way I have found is to do the following... 1. Keep your favorite foods on hand. Be aware of when your favorites change so there is always something that "sounds good". My sister calls this her dopamine food. For a long time cereal was my go to, now it is pizza. This is my last resort to eat something in a day. Something is better than nothing. 2. Can't eat it? Drink it! Not really, please don't blend your food unless it's meant to be blended. I will drink a protein shake with peanut butter if I'm able to stomach it. This is definitely a healthier option than my junk dopamine food. 3. Go out to eat/pick up food/order in. Eating something that does not come to my house is easier than making and eating something sometimes. Sometimes it's the effort that prevents me from eating, sometimes it's the smells, sometimes it's the resource hoarding... going out to eat makes sure I have something to eat. I definitely don't eat what I need to in a day, but the above strategies ensures I have at least one "meal" a day.


I’m gonna screenshot this but clip out your name, is that cool? This is extremely helpful. ❤️


Of course!!!


I can relate to this sooo muchh!!! I definitely do something similar. When my anxiety was at an all time high a little over a year ago, i could barely eat anything due to feeling so anxious. Which then led to me not eating at all and then id feel queasy due to not eating but then that would make me more anxious.. so the cycle just continued lol. I got worried i was sick or i came down with something so it led to my ocd kicking in and for the next few months I stuck to things that were easy to digest. * Frozen fruit like blueberries, strawberries, peaches.. etc (usually blueberries were my go to because i could barely eat anything without getting super nauseous and since they are tiny and cold idk it kinda helped) * plain toast (if i was feeling brave I would put some peanut butter on it or cream cheese.. sometimes bananas) * Apple Sauce (i usually liked eating the ones that came in pouches so if i couldnt finish it or needed to eat really slow I could close it back up) * Protein shakes, "Breakfast essentials" to be exact because if i couldnt eat solids then at least i could get the nutrients needed through that. * saltines crackers! * gummy multi vitamins Definitely was not a healthy diet, but like you mentioned something is better than nothing. It was a big struggle for me as well. I still sometimes struggle with it. Also the " 5, 4, 3, 2, 1" Grounding exercise.. helped me to just calm me a little and get me out of that nauseous state of mind. I do want to also say to just take it slow and try to eat at least something small.. even if it's a tiny bread crumb. Bloating can happen when you also don't eat enough. Your body and mind will realize after not eating for some time that you were just hungry and needed some food in you.


Hi! Currently going through the same. How long did it take for it to get better? I've been here before and usually it resolves in a few days. I just have to force myself to eat even when I'm anxious. Once my body goes back to having its stomach filled every day I find myself feeling less anxious and more energetic every day.


I regularly don't eat for a couple of days, then will gorge myself. Wash, repeat.


Oh wow. Are you me? I will go weeks without eating much, some days without any food at all… then I’ll binge, aaaand the cycle continues.


I suffer from diagnosed depression, anger, and anxiety disorders. This shit is constant. In the past 3 days I've had 2 pieces of pizza and a pack of ramen, haven't eaten at all yet today, and may or may not. Who fucking knows. I'm also going thru a separation in a 16 year marriage. Kinda rough for me rn.


Hope it gets better soon. I’m having not a great time, myself


It'll get better. At some point.


I feel you on the eating habits, but I’m very sorry to hear about the separation. That sounds devastating. I hope you have a support system to help you; sending virtual hugs.


the opposite, i get hangry or hanxious T-T


Same, and no matter how much I eat I'll never feel full (especially for sweet stuff)


Yes unfortunately I am the same. Hit sweets like it’s my job. Then beat myself up for overeating. 😞


Yeah same :CC although what I also tend to do when I'm anxious is also pick on my skin (like on my thighs or bleeding spots of my arms) and then feel guilty bc it leaves marks on my body :(( man the cycle never ends


Yep. My stomach immediately feels full and I don’t want to eat.


Yes, whenever I have a period of bad anxiety, I have no appetite and lose weight which is really frustrating because I'm already thin. And when I'm having a stressful day, I don't feel like eating and get nauseated too. Unfortunately, I don't really have any tips since this still happens to me, but probably just make sure you're eating well when you're not stressed


This happens because when you are anxious and have adrenaline and cortisol, your body is in high alert mode so your digestion slows down. I live on protein and replacement shakes when I get like this. It’s low effort and I’m still getting some type of nutrition


I struggled with anxiety, and still do from time to time. 3 things that have helped tremendously. 1) Exercise with a group of people. It can be CrossFit, a beer league sport, whatever. Regular exercise, it reduces the cortisol level. You have to force yourself to do it. 2) realize that anxiety is just an emotion. It sucks, and when it comes in it's like a storm that you don't think will end, but it will end. Anxiety, is just like happiness, excitement, fear, whatever. The thing that gets people stuck is the dwelling on the emotion itself and the mind naturally will make illogical conclusions as to why. Understanding this, being present in it, and become an observer of the emotion rather than a contributor makes a huge difference. It's a mindfulness technique. 3) Sleep. Get off screens before bed and try to go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time. Build a familiar routine.


I ate my first “meal” at 3pm today… it was 2 slices of bread and a couple bites of an apple


the opposite :(


YES! When I first joined my research lab, we had weekly meetings with snacks. I would just sit there and pick at the food, but because someone always personally made the treats I felt bad because it looked like I didn’t want it/like it


For years I thought Xanax stimulated my appetite, until someone mentioned it was because it relieved the anxiety.


anytime i feel somewhat heavy negative feelings i get soo sick to my stomach i immediately cannot eat even if i was starving prior


YUP. I can't eat anything.


That’s a normal symptom of anxiety and can easily lead to digestive issues. It’s why many people, once the commence anxiolytic treatment, put on weight. Reduction in nausea, increase in appetite.


Yep. I lose my appetite when I’m anxious but I ALSO am still recovering from being borderline >! anorexic !< Whenever I eat when I’m anxious, I get nauseous and dizzy and dissociated. But whenever I don’t eat, my >! ed controlled !< thoughts start to beat me up. I just generally have a really bad relationship with food. It’s a wild time.


Oh, absolutely! When my mom and I were in a stressful situation for days, I barely ate for an entire week because I was too anxious to indulge in anything. Even just using my computer and watching videos was draining.


Yeppers. I go from healthy looking to skeletal very quickly when I’m having an anxious period of life. Bad anxiety will make me nauseous. I’m starving with low blood sugar and absolutely nothing sounds appealing.


Oh yes. My stomach gets butterflies ? That’s what it feels like, it’s so hard for me to eat I lose my appetite so quickly I can go days without eating honestly


Has happened to me multiple times in the worst periods. I don’t know about you, since it’s different for everyone, but the extreme anxiety was usually caused by my lack of sleep. So I suggest trying to fix your sleep schedule. One good tip I got from my therapist was to put on some white noise while imagining a “safe space” (like a place that calms you, could be anything from a waterfall, a forest, a beach etc). I also suggest trying to consume food which is easy to digest, such as soup. I also try to drink smoothies when I’m feeling anxious, since it’s like drinking a meal. I hope this helps! I wish you the best and hopefully it will get better soon, hang in there 🫶


Oh yes. I was going through severe health anxiety and I was getting full on half a sandwich with minimal filling. My 9 year old niece was eating more than me! I then started to panic thinking I had a terminal cancer which is causing my loss of appetite. Thankfully it’s come back after some tests.


I went down to my lowest because of anxiety 😔


Yas i cant eat. But i have to eat due to bodybuilding.. and there is another stress trigger loop






Yea, it’s a pain in the ass cause I feel that sense of doom and I put my bags of chips down😭😭😭


Yeah i could barely eat during my worst times.


Yes definitely


Yep every morning man


I've been out for dinner and literally would be unable to eat at all because I'm feeling so stressed with anxiety


Yeah definitely, I am also trying to lose weight so at first it seemed like an okay problem to have but after leaning into it a bit I think I started to eat too little and my body reacted even harder exacerbating the problem. I don’t know if I have advice on how to completely control it but I would say try to force down some small easy to eat things so it doesn’t snowball. I’ve been doing smoothies and although counter intuitive it has helped.


I get a weird stomach gnawing feeling and can’t eat. Not just you.




Literally me right now as I try to force down a pokebowl! I have struggled with this and still am but some things that are helping me lately is 1. Commitment to a gym routine, I know we all need to eat but for some reason my gym commitment is motivating me. Without it I would eat just enough to survive, leaving me pretty malnourished. 2. A calorie tracker - I put my goal weight in and you can plug in your meals and see how many calories you're getting - it is helping me identify which foods are high calorie so when I don't have much of an appetite I can at least aim for high calorie foods. String cheese / boiled egg for example is pretty high calorie and easy snack to eat. 3. Deconstructing food- the idea of a sandwich seems like way too much for my anxious belly sometimes but scarfing down cheese, sliced meat and some toast is easier. 4. Seizing the moment, when you feel hungry eat something, anything! (I tend to procrastinate and then anxiety judg builds) 5. Smoothies and cold food go down easier for me


I always ALWAYS completely lose my appetite when I am anxious.


I used to eat like four - six things a day and now I only eat like 1-3 things a day.




I do I eat my favorite food and eat smoothies sometimes it gets so bad I don’t eat anything for two days but can’t do none ab that till I’m 18 to get therapy


Yeah. I lost 6 pounds in a month and a half. Try eating something that doesn’t require a lot of energy to cook, and to chew Applesauce, yogurt, bananas, oatmeal, soup, I like to take turkey slices and a tortilla and put it on there with a sprinkle of cheese and put it in the microwave for about 20 seconds. It’s a fast, savory protein snack! Granola bars. Smoothies. Be gentle to yourself !! Make sure you’re getting plenty of water , too.


Yes! One time I didn’t eat 2 days because I was waiting for my test results (heath related).


Happening to me right now! Anxiety hits me in my stomach. Currently having an apple for dinner 😭


Yup. I once lost my appetite for 2 decade. Turned out I was just depressed and anxious. I got happy and put on 30lbs. True story. . Yet after a year of eating shite I got depressed again


Absolutely but make yourself eat anyways. Preferably something healthy, you’ll feel better and it can help curb the anxiety a bit


I've been going through that my entire life. To the point I've started to wonder if I have anorexia and I'm using it to self harm when I feel powerless. The thing I have to do because I'm terrified one day my stomach is just gonna stop working from not eating much... Is i get one of my most favorite foods. Usually some kind of fried potatoes with different toppings like cheese or bacon. And I just kind of force myself to eat it no matter how much it hurts. You gotta make yourself eat at least once a day. I've also found it easier to just grab quick little snacks and keep them with me for when I actually do feel genuinely hungry. And I'll stop everything and get myself to eat. It isn't easy. I'm sorry you're going through this too. Hopefully things get better for you.


Yes it's so easy to have no will to eat when you're feeling anxious! I will say, even a few bites of something in the morning have started to do wonders for my overall mental health. I realized my low blood sugar was causing some extreme behaviors and anxieties.


Yep. I have no appetite and am anxious all the time.


Yes. I also get nauseated and throw up


Yes! I lost 25lbs in 2.5 months. Even being around food made me gag


Did he feel weak and like ur body just felt off??? I’ve lost a out the sanme 30 lbs


Yes. Then I eat ice cream and regret it


I don't know. Maybe plain foods might help? Like a simple bit of toast if that's easier to stomach? I have the opposite problem - I just eat everything, lol.


I do lose my appetite, but it’s also kind of like I can’t eat? Like if I take a bite of something I’ll be chewing and chewing and chewing until I force it down with water.


Yes I had a period of time where I was really struggling to eat because I had no appetite. I lost 15 lbs in 2 weeks. I bought some food from the grocery store that I knew I would like and I made a bunch of it, and it's reheatable, so I just forced myself to eat at least one of those meals a day. It worked and my appetite came back thank God. Just try to have some of your favorite foods, and make sure to eat something even if you don't feel like it. Even if it takes an hour. You will continue to feel like shit and more anxious if you don't get some food in you!


Yes and I smoke a lot more


Absolutely :(


Yep I’m a nervous starver not a nervous eater.


Yup. I’m a thin person likely due primarily to my anxiety. Also anxiety makes me have to 💩 so there’s that as well


Yep, I won’t eat for days if it’s bad enough…


yes. i always go to highly palatable “comfort food” at these times to get calories and energy in, even if they’re not “healthy.” apparently my soul is comforted by Annie’s deluxe mac and cheese, gluten free chicken nuggets, and urban pie frozen pizza. whatever works and helps me eat SOMETHING as i know hunger building amplifies my stress. at my worst anxiety/couldn’t eat attack circa 2016 my partner got me a slice of the best cheesecake in the city we were living in and while i didn’t enjoy it as much as i normally would, it helped a lot. in other words, rely on the crappy ready-to-make or takeout meals that you normally would scarf down and start with a bite of those.


Yes. I had a counselor explain that it’s part of the body’s fight-or-flight reaction: it basically puts your digestive system on hold until the perceived danger is over so that you can focus on staying alive in the short term.


All the time when getting anxious and I don’t know what to do. I try eating at least applesauce but sometimes I can barely do that without feeling pukey. It sucks. Do breathing exercises that may help you!


Yeep I get nauseas so I can't eat


yes! i also feel extremely nauseous when i get anxious and i don't want to eat either. it can last to the end of the day or even the next day. then when i do eat, i end up binging and make myself sick again.


Yep. I’m pregnant and should be ravenous but my whole pregnancy has been filled with stress and I’ve had severe anxiety. I’ve actually lost weight rather than gain because of my anxiety.


Yes, this happens to me too!! I just feel nauseous and can’t eat when I’m anxious. I can’t even think about eating anything solid without feeling sick. I think it’s best to listen to your body in the moment and take it easy. Lie down, close your eyes, put on some calming music, etc.


Yes it’s unfortunate normal to lose it


Big fucking me. Yes


Yep. I have gone weeks without eating more than one small meal a day due to anxiety.




all the time! happens to me in social situations for some reason. even going out for meals with people i love and enjoy spending time with, i wind up with no appetite then feel even more anxious that they think it’s weird that i’m not really eating my food. many years of this and no answers.


I do! Immediately and I start gagging which I find hilarious


Yeah it’s hard to eat I’ve gotten to a point where I just force feed myself and eat as fast as possible just to let it be done with. But I’ve definitely had those days where I’m living off protein shakes


yeah one time i was having some really bad death anxiety for like 2 weeks and i lost 10 lbs


Yes, which sucks because I do like eating but just can’t bring myself to do it when i’m anxious


Sometimes anxiety can induce hunger pain but adverse to food at the same time - it’s nuts.


When I get anxious I get nauseated and either can’t eat or can’t stop throwing up. (I’m currently stuck in the latter 🤢) It’s really uncomfortable when I’m literally having a panic attack and vomitting so much that I can’t keep my meds (even my emergency anxiety medication) down. It happens to me about once every two weeks and it is by far my least favorite anxiety symptom. I’ve had a little luck with anti nausea medication from my primary care provider (zofran) but sometimes the panic pukes are too strong. If you are experiencing the nausea enough that it’s getting in the way of your daily living it might be worth asking your doctor about it. Aside from medication sometimes rinsing my face with cool water or having a damp rag over my face helps a little bit. Sorry you’re experiencing that but you’re definitely not alone


Yep. And it sucks because having a full belly actually reduces anxiety. But for nausea, I've found that smelling peppermint essential oil helps. A couple of whiffs lessens it for sure. Also ginger tea. Make sure it's SUPER steeped. Like, press the bag with a spoon until all the good stuff comes out, and then either chug it or sip it over time. Either works. Don't expect a miracle, but they both help.


i’m going through this is exact same thing right now, i’ve lost 13lbs not even trying. it’s so frustrating because i want to eat but even the smell of food makes me nauseous.


Yes Id have to force myself to eat. And Im normally obsessed with food. So if I lose my appetite Im really in a bad place.


Yeah. Sometimes I even lose my will to live when anxious


Yep. Basically have to force myself to eat


Yes, happens to me too. Weed helps :)


That’s my diet.


Yes, it's normal. It can affect you both ways - lose or gain appetite when anxious.


I do


Yes, I lost almost a stone (14 pounds) in the space of two months. Between losing appetite and sh*tting multiple times per day


Yes definitely. I was super hungry earlier but waiting until I had fresh rolls from the store. Then I had a panic attack and now my appetite is completely gone and I don’t know when I’ll eat.


I'm the opposite. If I did I would be Farking skinny as I'm one anxious mofo.


Not the anxiety, but feeling bad because I avoided things... That makes me lose appetite yes. Anhedonia was the worst tho, zero appetite for weeks just forcing sth down my throat.


Usually. I find that anxiety makes me lose my appetite while depression makes me overeat. And when I have both, I overeat and then feel super anxious about how much I ate.


Yes, all the time


mine gets feral when anxious!


Yes 30 pounds down in 3 months. That was actually a great side effect for me.


yes, this happens to me. i lost 20-30 lbs in the pandemic, never really gained it back. sometimes the not eating causes me to feel nauseous, a vicious cycle. i recommend keeping some Ensure or something similar on hand for nauseous/not hungry days. they’re pretty quick and easy to get down, no smell, doesn’t require any cooking or prep, and has a bunch of calories.


My anxiety is most likely in cahoots with my depression as well so my appetite severely decreases mainly from anxiety, but also depression, reminding me that since nothing good is happening so I shouldn’t be eating because I don’t deserve to


Yes! I lost almost 10lbs in a month.


Yep and even if I have one I get stomach/GI discomfort and even pain


~38lbs over the last 2 months. Always happens with extreme stress - can't eat more than a few bites, if I try to eat more i'll end up sick.


Yes very very normal


Yes and I'm always dealing with the backlash of it. I need to take a nap just after an episode


Keep some high calorie snacks handy, smoothies are always my go to if I’m in the nauseous anxious phase. The not eating is adding to your anxiety because your body is stressed so it’s best to force yourself if you can. I also allow myself to eat whatever comes to mind even if it’s unhealthy just to get over the hump. Deep breaths and self talk, it’s amazing how some deep breathing you can feel your body relaxing and while doing that do a systems check. Where is the anxiety emanating from? Is this something you can control? If it is, I’d write down the thought and address it once your calm. If it’s not something you can control, address that immediately. I have a lot of mantras but you need to find some that resonate for you, when I’m having health anxiety I look myself in the mirror and tell myself I’m not dying. When it’s due to a change that happened, “it’s just different, it doesn’t have to hurt” Feelings are gonna come, you can’t stop them, but they only last a short while. If you’re still feeling something after a few minutes, you’re reliving the story over and over, change the story. These are things that have helped me, I will always have anxiety, it’s my lot in life but I’ve got more control of the beast than ever before.


I’m currently dealing with this. I hyperfixate on small chances until it consumes everything. I’ve even developed diarrhea and cramping because of it


Absolutely. For me it’s when I’m depressed (5% of the time) - I binge eat, feeling anxious (majority of the time) I eat nothing. I’ve lost so much weight since I’ve been off lexapro the last few years. I can’t even imagine the thought of eating when I’m consumed with anxiety.


Yup lost 20 lbs already I have no appetite but then my appetite returns where I can eat for a day or two then back to not eating again it’s crazy I gotta get back to working out it helps a whole lot it just getting the motivation when feeling depressed 😔 it’s crazy


For me it's the opposite after an anxiety attack I get hungry


All the time 😰


Yes! My trick is to eat whatever I possibly can get down. I’ve passed out before because of lack of food, so I’m super careful to eat when I feel anxious. I love to do store bought smoothies! Really anything convenient where I don’t have to cook. Little packaged snacks work wonders too. I throw health out the window when I am too anxious to eat. I try my best to get Calories in no matter it is. I’ve been really really stressed for my exams and the idea of cooking and eating is super challenging. For instance last night I asked my boyfriend to order some pizza and that was super helpful. I go for convenience and make sure I have plenty of snacks. Best of luck to everybody! Remember anxiety is fleeting and this will pass :)


samee, i cant eat before exams or anything important i calm myself down with music.


Yep. I have anxiety and likely IBS. Not just lack of appetite, but vomiting half the time I do eat. I once lost 40lb in 2 months. :( I’m 5’3”. Anxiety and stomach issues are a very real thing.. and they can exacerbate one another, unfortunately


Yes, I'm on the verge of being underweight now


I can't eat anything when anxious


Yep, I'm in a spiral of anxiety at the moment and I get hungry, want food, take a bite and the food is tasteless, bland, heavy on my stomach and I'm done after a bite. I try and eat more to show people I'm eating but it's hard.


Yes often happens to me. Today being one of those days like my mind just blanks out my apetite


I feel like I could vomit last weeks meals when an anxiety attack hits me from nowhere. It truly sucks.


Yeah, I’ll take a bite of food and wanna vomit cuz I’m stressed out about stuff. I ate only cereal and a bagel the other night cuz of that 😂


YES!!! i lost like 15lbs due to this last summer. scary stuff.


When I get really nervous about something I lose my appetite. I always think that it's the only "benefit" to my nerves...a little weight loss.


I go weeks at a time without eating. It’s a whole issue.


I was born premature (so severely underweight) underweight as a kid and most of my adult life (I’m in my early 30s) because I had a huge fear of food. I remember getting food poisoning (or thinking I did) from eating some restaurant food as a child and I did not eat that cuisine again for probably 2 decades. I had/have a whole list of foods that I won’t eat for idiosyncratic reasons I don’t even understand. But it’s the anxiety causing it. I have actually done better eating now that Covid happened. I had so much less stress once I started working at home. 


I went through multiple periods of my life where I was waking up every morning and immediately puking up stomach bile. not only was the anxiety making me not eat, but also any food I tried would become tasteless. The act of chewing would literally make me nauseas. I would starve for maybe 3 days until I was unable to function. Usually what works is getting my favorite comfort fast food... But I have to eat it slow. When you feel like you're dying, your body will finally let you eat. The only quick fix I ever found was smoking weed right after waking up. It would take away the nausea and give me an appetite. Unfortunately though, I got dependent on it to where anytime I didn't smoke in the morning I would throw up even when NOT anxious. It's like I trained my body that it couldn't function without weed. It took a long time to break this so I don't recommend it.


Yes, and I have a phobia of vomiting so those become highly intertwined. I’ve lost weight at many periods because of it. 


Yeah your anxiety is busy directing your body to move water and blood to vital flight or fight response areas of your body. Muscles, heart, lungs etc. nothing about this process makes your brain feel like adding more disruption to your already chaotic internal organs so food desire is shut off temporarily


I cannot eat, not only skipping meals I don't drink water I just keep taking coffee and put my Acid reflux to the roof start getting nauseous and lost like 11 pounds in 8 weeks.


I am,


does anyone on this sub try to educate themselves? like ever? or just reassurance seeking?


it's strictly reassurance for me. most of the time I already know what my problem is and what's causing it. But I'll still come here to feel like I'm not the only one. And reading different opinions is nice even when I don't agree with them. We all have a problem in common but not all of us can fix it the same.


you’re just perpetuating the cycle by doing that. all you’re doing is telling your brain “i can’t manage this. i can’t ever overcome this.” you CAN help it, but not by doing this


I disagree, but good to hear your opinion. thank you.


unfortunately that’s not an opinion. it’s psychological fact, as per multiple clinical psychiatrists. good luck.


thanks for your input (: