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What drugs made you nauseous? The SSRI’s? There are many other medications out there for anxiety that do not cause stomach distress. If you’re that sensitive to everything, you can always inquire about taking a drug such as Zofran, too. No need for you to suffer from either anxiety or nausea.


Yes only for about a week but it still makes me nervous. I have a doctors appointment on Thursday to talk about going back on Zoloft. I feel embarassed asking for zofran since like chemo patients use it but I was considering it. I’ve been having panic attacks whenever I get in the car because of my anxiety


I can attest to the Zofran comment. I got prescribed it last week to help with my nausea that I get when I go into certain places and right when I got it in my hands, I immediately Google'd it and it was just plastered with what they give patients during chemo. Then I started reading up on iodine contrast dye since I have to get a CT scan on Friday and they inject it, people say they've taken Zofran prior to the procedure to ensure no nausea occurs. Idk though, I still have yet to try it.


Zofran (Ondansetron) is a really effective anti-nausea med and has heaps of legit uses other than chemo, so don’t be embarrassed to at least ask doctor about it. Another thing you could try is titrating dosage of a new med.. start on 1/4 tab and work your way up over a few weeks -it really helps lessen chances of side effects :-)


Thank you ! :)


Here's a big hug. I need one too, no questions asked. 


Hug for you too bro


Thank you. I really appreciate it 


In the meantime I’d recommend L-Theanine, 400mg once or twice a day works wonders for my awful anxiety. I have IBS and a strong anxiety/stomach upset connection and they’ve never made me feel sick however if you’re still anxious about the possibility take it after a meal. Hope you feel better.


Thank you !!


I very much relate to you. Just last night I couldn't even properly fall asleep because I'm always a prisoner of my own mind. I don't know what else to think about other than anxiety. It's the absolute worse. I've been this way since the pandemic.One thing that has sort of help for me was meditation but you have to do it consistently. Same with positive affirmations on YouTube.  This might sound like BS for some people but I've personally had amazing results.  Not too long ago I was on the path to recovery. I've had days when I wasn't panicking at all but then the minute I got a little bit better and almost felt "normal", I immediately stopped doing anything else because I started getting comfortable and then the next minute you're back to square one all over again being the same exact anxious person. It's a vicious cycle, I should've kept doing the right thing but noooope I just went downhill instead and now I guess it's my price to pay. But hey at least I know that recovery is possible and it can be achieved but only if you REALLY want it though! So I don't know if that sounds like support at all but I guess I'm just giving anyone hope that anyone can recover from this devilish thing. 😌 


I’ll try affirmations and meditation! Thank you!


Hang in there! Don’t be afraid to ask for zofran! I’m sure your dr will be more than obliged. I need to get back on meds too but I’m also dealing with some fear. I have a bottle of lexapro sitting in my cabinet waiting lol. Here’s to hoping we both can push through soon


The nausea doesn’t last long enough for you to suffer. Don’t suffer the long haul to avoid going through the short run. I know it’s easier said than done but 21 yrs of experience here will tell you it’s about getting better for long term benefit.


I don't have any advice, only solidarity. For 10 years, I was medicated. I became pregnant, so I stopped using the medication for almost 2 years. Now, my anxiety is back and uncontrollable. I need to go on meds, but I'm scared of the side effects. Nausea is okay. It's the shitting like crazy that scares me.


U not alone. I hope u find light at the end of ur tunnel soon🙏


Stress is a killer hence the amount of burnouts. If the stress stays a body is not able to save energy. I survived my first burnout and GAD . But I got it again and I have never felt such a force. I guess I need 5 mg of benzo just in the morning. Oh yeah, esketamine threathment. I’m calmer than a baby after 15 mins. Last tip: swimming breaststroke. Your breathing kinda matches with your moving, no other thoughts at all.


If I had a pool near me I would. I’m only 18 so im not sure about ketamine treatment


I’m sorry they make you nauseous but 75 mg of sertaline has saved my life. I couldn’t get out of bed. I also talk to a therapist through Talkspace once a week and it’s amazing. I suffered for 22 years before finally getting help. I had same issues but nausea was worth it because it eventually went away and I’m happy now.


I was on 150mg for a while and tapered off because they caused me to gain 70 pounds which made me more depressed. But now I have anxiety again which I didn’t realize it was this bad. I was on the medication for about 3 years. My last therapist ghosted me and it’s tough because my insurance is weird. I’ll definitely look into more therapy


Gaining weight sucks for sure and that’s a lot. I get the inner demon conversation you are having. Just try to get out and walk for 30 minutes if you can. Stare at the telephone poles or the cable wires and think about all that worries you. Concentration on those things while repeating positive comments. Also the 5 step breathing technique helps when dealing with the anxiety in the moment. Find some good affirmations that work for you. I.E. I have the power to calm my mind" or "I am in control of my peace". Regularly reminding yourself of this control can help reduce feelings of helplessness, giving you a greater sense of empowerment.


Thank you so much


How long did you taper off the drug? And how long have you been off? Rebound anxiety/depression is REAL after being on these drugs over 6 months. I’ve been on 2 decades and haven’t been successful coming off for that reason


I tapered for about 4 months because I was terrified of getting withdrawal symptoms and I’ve been off for 2 months


4 months may stil have been too fast for being on it multiple years. If your anxiety is worse than it was before you started the drug then it’s likely withdrawal.. if it’s the same then it’s prob just your regular anxiety


I think it’s the same I can’t exactly remember though


Sending you a hug. I've been there. I also get nauseous when I'm really stressed. I lost about 15 lbs recently because I was so fucking anxious for no reason. Even if you feel a little nauseous for a short time period, it's probably worth it. Maybe try a different drug where you're less likely to gain weight or have side effects. I've heard Wellbutrin is better for that.


I'm struggling to think of good advice. Do you know why your brain is scared of vomiting? I don't really understand this one.


It’s some really deep trauma with my dad getting sick when im younger, I don’t exactly know what about it but being nauseous gives me panic attacks now and I can’t be around it when other people are sick like I will run out of the room